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Topic 1 Why all the smili ng faces?

Section A

任务一:I 1听录音补全下面的答句。

1. How does Kan gka ng look?

He looks ___________ .

2. Why does Kan gka ng look excited?

Because his pare nts want to _______ Jane's pare nts ___________________ t o the movies.

3. Is Jane fond of the movie The Sound of Music?

Yes, it is _______________ her favorite movies.

4. What are Jane and Kan gka ng going to do on Saturday eve ning?

They will _________ the evening at Kangkang ' ____________ .

5. What will Kangkang ' mom do?

She will __________ some delicious food ___________ them.


1. How are you doing? ”的意思是________________ ,这是一个问候语,与之类似的还有

How are you?/ How is it going? /How are you getting along? ,回答此类问候,常用:fine/ very well, + tha nk you/tha nks.

2. Invite your parents to go to the movies "意思是_________________ ,我们可以总结"邀请

某人做某事”,句型为__________________________ .例:Sally昨天邀请我参加她的生日聚

3. spend the evening at my house.” 意思是__________________ 。 Spend 当花费讲,句型为

_______________________ 或_____________________________ 。

4. prepare some delicious food for us ” 意思是 ____________________ 。我们可以总结 "为…准备…”,句型为:_________________ 。“为…做准备”是_________________ 。和我们之

前学过的句型____________________ 意思相同。例:他们正在为考试做准备。_____________ __________________ 或______________________________ 。

5. “ say thanks to your mom. ”意思是__________________ 。我们可以总结“向某人道谢”

句型为______________________ 。扩展一下:向某人道歉、道别、打招呼分别为say ___________ / ______________________ t o sb.

6. You look excited. ” 意思是______________________ 。句中的excited 是____________ (形容词/副词)修饰句中的 ____________ (you/ look )。这一句也可以改写成You are excited. ”意思与原句基本相同。那么我们发现原句中的look和be动词起到的作用一样,都是用

来说明主语的。are excited这种用来说明主语的结构,叫做“系表结构”,那么同样look excited也是系表结构,其中look做句中的______________ 语。与之类似的表达如:

①The music sounds won derful.

②The sweater feels soft.

③Kan gka ng looks tired..

④The food tastes delicious.

⑤The milk smalls sour.

通过观察我们发现,以上例句中的动词都与人的感官有关,我们把这些动词叫做感官动词。我们可以得出结论:感官动词在句中可以做 ________________ 语,后面常加 ___________ (形容词/副词)做表语。表达看起来、听起来、摸起来、闻起来、尝起来……的意思。例:①你的注意听起来很棒!_______________________



④Alice 看起来很伤心,因为她的宠物狗死了。 _________________________________________


III 2,根据图片,选择正确的形容词,用系表结构描述图片。

任务二:I 3.听录音,补全下面的句子。

1. Micheal and his friends _______________ very happy this morning.

2. Their pare nts are goi ng to the __________________________ , And they are goi ng to __

________ the evening at Kangkang ' _____________ .

3. Their parents are ____________ . Because there was _______________ left when Mr. Lee went to buy a ticket. Mr. lee _____________ disappo in ted.


1. Why all the smiling faces? ”意思是______________________ 。这是一个省略句,全局应为:

Why do all of you have the smili ng faces?,也可以改写为同义句:Why _________ everyo ne ________ ?

2. but there was none left. ” 意思是________________________ 。

None的意思是____________ 。与all相对,是指三.个以及三个以上人一或事物中没有一--一个。如果是两个人或事物中没有一个则用neither, neither与both相对。例:

咖啡、水、果汁,你最喜欢哪一个?Which do you like best, coffee, water or juice?

哪一个也不喜欢,我只喜欢茶。_______________ . _________________

None还常与介词of连用,表示…中没有一个。例:None of us is afraid of difficulties.

我们班学生中没有一个会唱英语歌。 __________________________________________ 。

句中left意思是____________ ,常用语名词或不定代词的后面。例:There's no ticket left. 他还剩有大把的钱。_______________________



