第1章 遗传因子的发现 单元测试5 (人教版必修2)

第1章 遗传因子的发现 单元测试5 (人教版必修2)
第1章 遗传因子的发现 单元测试5 (人教版必修2)





则下一个孩子只有一种病和有两种病的几率分别是 ( )





2.下列叙述正确的是( )

A.纯合子测交后代都是纯合子 B.纯合子自交后代是纯合子 C.杂合子自交后代都是杂合子 D.杂合子测交后代都是杂合子











5.某种鼠中,黄鼠基因A对灰鼠基因a为显性,短尾基因B对长尾基因b为显性,且基因A或b在纯合时使胚胎致死,这两对基因是独立遗传的。现有两只双杂合的黄色短尾鼠交配,理论上所生的子代表现型的比例为()A.2:1 B.9:3:3:1 C.4:2:2:1 D.1:1:1:1 6.用纯种高茎豌豆(DD)与纯种矮茎豌豆(dd)杂交得到的F1,全为高茎豌豆(Dd),种下F1让其自交得到F2,种下F2豌豆种子,发现F2豌豆植株有高茎和矮茎两种植株,且高茎:矮茎为3:1。实现F2中高:矮为3:1的条件是()





A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②③ D.①②④




...正常所必需的。现有基因型为AaBb ...正常所必需的,基因B是视神经


A.3/16B.4/16 C.7/16D.9/16

9.人的体细胞中有46条染色体,经减数分裂产生的配子中,全部来自母方染色体的配子所占的比例为 ( )






A.以高茎作母本,矮茎作父本 B.以矮茎作母本,高茎作父本

C.对母本去雄,授以父本花粉 D.对父本去雄,授以母本花粉

11.用豌豆做实验材料是孟德尔成功的关键,豌豆的下列特点不是其原因的是 A.严格的自花传粉植物 B.相对性状易于区分

C.亲本都是纯种 D.等位基因的数量少








B. YyRr YyRr

C. YYRR yyrr

D. YyRr Yyrr




A.①②④ B.②④⑤ C.①③⑤ D.②③⑤






16.番茄的红果(A)对黄果(a)是显性,圆果(B)对长果 (b)是显性,且自由组合,现用红色长果与黄色圆果 (番茄)杂交,从理论上分析,其后代的基因型不可出现的比例是( )










18.在某动物的卵细胞核中,DNA的质量为A g,那么在有丝分裂前期时,其体细胞细胞核中DNA质量为

A.4A g B.8A g C.A g D.2A g



A .1/4

B .3/4

C .3/8

D .1

20.下列各项,除哪项外都是孟德尔获得成功的原因( )















22.右图为某单基因遗传病的系谱图,致病基因 I

为A或a,请回答下列问题: 1 2

19、该病的致病基因在___________染色体上,是 II



(3)II-2的基因型可能是_____________。 III

(4)III-2的基因型可能是_______________。 1 2



23.具有两对相对性状的纯种个体杂交,在F 2出现的性状中:







a)________ ___________________b)_______________________________________


①如何分辨配子A和配子B? .

②异常配子A、B产生的原因有可能是____________________________ __________。






























21.(1)青 (2)性状分离 3∶1 (3)1/2 测交F1相关的基因组成 (4)金定 (5)统计学基因分离




22.(1)常隐(2)1(100%)(3)Aa (4)AA或Aa (5)1/12

23.(1)9/16 (2)1/4 (3)7/16 (4)3/8或5/8



期同源染色体没有分开,进入同一个细胞中③21三体综合征(或先天性愚型)或含有三条同源染色体④XXX XXY XO YO (3)测交

人教版英语必修5 Unit 1 单元测试

Unit1Great scientists SectionⅠWarming Up,Pre-reading,Reading& Comprehending 课后篇巩固提升 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.—We have drawn a (conclude). —What’s it? —It is Tom rather than David who made a serious mistake. 2.I was so (absorb) in the book that I didn’t hear you come in. 3.—Mary,don’t always keep yourself (expose) to the sun.It’s bad for your skin. — Thank you. 4.Do you know how to prove a new idea in (science) research? 5.She found her new job very (challenge) when she came to the new company. 6.It is (announce) that the river has been polluted seriously. 7.Neither the passengers nor the driver (be) to blame. 1

2 8.Seeing the doctor,the little boy said he didn ’t want to (examine). 二、写出画线部分的汉语意思 There was an explosion in a big storehouse.No one had foreseen 1. it and the neighbourhoods 2. near it were affected seriously.Many of the victims 3. were sent to the nearest hospital.And the physicians 4. did all they could to save the injured.However,the accident ’s consequence was severe 5. and some firemen died.We should learn from the explosion and avoid such accidents. 预料,预计 2.居民区 3.受害者 4.医生 5.严重的 三、单句填空 1.I wanted the children to keep (expose) to the language and culture. 2.This medicine will cure him his cough. 3.To our surprise,the man,who was looked down upon by others in the past,is now control of the whole project. 4. conclude,I ’d like to say how much I ’ve enjoyed staying here. 5.His expression suggested that he (be) angry. 6.Nobody is to blame it.


单元综合测评一 Unit 1Friendship (时间:100分钟满分:120分) 温馨提示:1.第Ⅰ卷答案写在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷书写在试卷上;交卷前请核对班级、姓名、考号。2.本场考试时间为100分钟,注意把握好答题时间。3.认真审题,仔细作答,永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1.________ all the figures to see how much they ________. A.Add; add up to B.Add up; add up to C.Add up; add up D.Add; add to 解析:考查固定搭配。add up把……加起来;add up to加起来总共是。 答案:B 2.—What's the matter with Rod? —I think he's still ________ that we forgot his birthday. A.unfair B.stubborn C.reliable D.upset 解析:答句句意:我想他还在因为我们忘记了他的生日而不高兴。upset难过的,符合题意。 答案:D 3.—So you didn't say “hello” to him last night? —Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C.denied D.missed 解析:考查动词辨析。ignore不理会;refuse拒绝;deny否定;miss错过,想念。 答案:A 4.Don't be nervous! Keep ________ even when you are in the face of danger. A.still B.calm C.silent D.quiet


高一化学必修二第二章单元测试题(含答案及解析) 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 一、选择题(每小题3分,共48分) 1.在众多的环境污染中,废旧电池的污染可谓让人触目惊心,废电池中对环境形成污染的主要物质是( ) A .镉 B .锌 C .石墨 D .二氧化锰 【答案】A 【解析】镉是致癌物质,是对环境形成污染的主要物质。 2.有如下两个反应: ①2HCl=====高温H 2↑+Cl 2↑ ②2HCl=====电解 H 2↑+Cl 2↑ 关于这两个反应的叙述错误的是( ) A .①②两反应都是氧化还原反应 B .①②两反应中的能量转换方式都是热能转变为化学能 C .①反应是热能转变为化学能 D .②反应是电能转变为化学能 【答案】B 【解析】有单质生成的分解反应一定是氧化还原反应,A 项正确;反应②是电能转变为化学能;B 项错误,D 项正确;反应①是吸热反应,是热能转变为化学能,C 项正确。 3.面粉厂必须严禁烟火的主要原因是( ) A .防止火灾发生 B .防止污染面粉 C .吸烟有害健康 D .防止面粉爆炸 【答案】D 【解析】面粉颗粒极小,当其扩散在空气中与空气充分接触,导致氧气与面粉的接触面面积增大一旦引发反应,极易发生剧烈的氧化还原反应——爆炸。 4.化学电池可以直接将化学能转化为电能,化学电池的本质是( ) A .化合价的升降 B .电子的转移 C .氧化还原反应 D .电能的储存 【答案】B 【解析】化合价的升降是氧化还原反应的表现形式,而电子转移则是氧化还原反应的实

质,而只有氧化还原反应才能设计为原电池。 5.某同学做完铜、锌原电池的实验后得到了下列结论,你认为不正确的是( ) A .构成原电池正极和负极的材料必须是两种金属 B .由铜、锌电极与硫酸铜溶液组成的原电池铜是正极 C .电子沿导线由锌流向铜,在铜极上氢离子得到电子而放出氢气 D .铜锌原电池工作时,锌溶解,所以才产生电子 【答案】A 【解析】一般构成原电池负极的是金属,而且是活泼性的金属,而正极可以是导电的非金属,如石墨碳棒;但负极也不一定是金属 6.锌电池可代替铅蓄电池,它的构成材料是锌、空气、某种电解质溶液,发生的总反应是2Zn +O 2===2ZnO 。下列有关它的说法不正确的是( ) A .锌为电池负极,发生氧化反应 B .电池工作时,氧气与锌直接化合,生成氧化锌 C .正极发生的反应是:12O 2+2e -+2H + ===H 2O D .负极发生的反应是:Zn -2e - +H 2O===ZnO +2H + 【答案】B 【解析】负极发生的反应是:Zn -2e -+H 2O===ZnO +2H + 7.“西气东输”工程中,需要地下埋入铸铁管道。在下列情况下,铸铁管道被腐蚀速率最慢的是( ) A .在含铁元素较多的酸性土壤中 B .在潮湿疏松的碱性土壤中 C .在干燥致密的不透气的土壤中 D .在含碳粒较多,潮湿透气的中性土壤中 【答案】C 【解析】在酸性较强的环境中钢铁发生析氢腐蚀,而在中性或者微碱性土壤中则发生吸氧腐蚀,在含有碳粒的土壤中会形成原电池,造成腐蚀。 8.“嫦娥一号”发射所用的长征三号运载火箭中装的液氢和四氧化二氮,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .火箭中装入的液氢和四氧化二氮都是燃料 B .火箭中装入的液氢和四氧化二氮形成原电池,即化学能转化为电能,使火箭上天 C .液氢燃烧,化学能转化为热能及机械能使火箭上天

必修五Unit 5单元测试

高中英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid 单元测试题 第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。 1. Visitors _____ not to touch the exhibits (A). will request (B). request (C). are requesting (D). are requested 2. You should have come to the meeting. What ___ the reason for your absence. (A). is (B). will be (C). was (D). would be 3. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ______ advertisements showing happy families. (A). will often see (B). often see (C). are often seeing (D). have often seen 4. A this time tomorrow ____ over the Atlantic. (A). we’re going to fly (B). we’ll be flying (C). we’ll fly (D). we’re to fly 5. It has been decided that all the students ____ stay in he classrooms even on Saturday evening in case they go to the Internet bars. (A). must (B). can (C). need (D). shall 6. He’s going to ____, ____ to take his own measure. (A)tailor’s, not Smith’s (B)the tailor’s, not the Smiths’ (C)the tailors’, not the Smiths’(D)tailors’, not Smiths’ 7. “What about the weather here in winter?” “It’s ____ warmer than in the north of this country.” (A)fairly (B)rather (C)quite (D)very 8. _______________ the school when the bell rang. (A) Hardly did I reach (B) I hardly reached (C) Hardly had I reached (D) I hardly had 9. If you _________ here a minute, the manager will be here in a moment. (A) will wait (B) wait (C) are going to wait (D) are waiting 10. Does it matter ______ it rains tomorrow? (A) if (B) that (C) whether (D) as 11. _________ and __________, they ran out of the room. (A) Excited, happily (B) Exciting, happy (C) Excitedly, happily (D) Exciting. happily 12. During the days ________, he worked as a servant. (A) following (B) followed (C) that followed (D) to follow 13. Tony is going camping with ______ boys. (A) little two other (B) two little other


必修一Unit1-2 单元检测 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共计20分) 1. How much does that ? A.add B. add up C. add to D. add up to 2. get a good seat, he set out early after supper. A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that 3. Internet is becoming more and more popular. You to a library if you want to look up some information. A.don’t need go B. needn’t to go C. don’t nee d to go D. need go 4. This novel was concerned the Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned _______ the hero’s love story. A.with ; for B. with ; with C. for ; about D. about ;with 5. He came here to discuss it with you. A.on purpose B. by chance C. for purpose D. on design 6. I won’t allow you to make the trip alone, even if you do it. A.dare B. dared C. daring D. dares to 7. The policeman asked with the old women. A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what matter was D. what was the wrong 8. During the war, he much pain. A.is suffered B. suffered C. was suffered D. was suffered from 9. She couldn’t her words by the students. A.get…understanding B. get…understood B.get… to understand D. make…understand 10. As the project at the meeting, it drew our attention. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3412394425.html,es up B. was came up C. came up D. had been come up 11. it rains tomorrow, we’ll start out. A.If B. As if C. Even if D. Even 12. The project was so tough that workers didn’t complete it on time even the famous engineer’s direction. A.in B. under C. to D. with 13. The examination was very easy. , our monitor didn’t pass it. A.In other word s B. What’s more C. Believe it or not D. all the same 14. I wanted to send my present to my teacher, so I called on her. A.especial ; especially B. special; especially C. special; specially D. especially; specially 15. Last night Li Ping watched the football match at my home, so he in his office. A.needn’t have worked B. mustn’t haven’t worked C. shouldn’t have worked D. couldn’t have worked 16. Can you make sure _________ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 17. Will you fetch me a ________ of today’s evening paper in a minute? A. series B. set C. couple D. copy 18. It was ________ late to catch a bus after the party; therefore er called a taxi. A. too very B. much too C. too much D. far 19. I was so excited as to ________ for the whole night. A. hold awake B. stay awake C. hold wake D. stay wake 20. We were going out for a walk ________ it began to rain. A. while B. before C. as D. when 二、完型填空(每小题1分,共计20分) People have always communicated with __21___ . In the past when they couldn’t write ,they used simple symbols ( 记号) to send their message . Some groups of North America Indians were experts __22__ messages . For example , a small stone on top of a large one meant “ This is the way .” If there was another small stone on the right , i t meant “ Turn right .” Some grass with a knot ( 结)meant “ Danger ”__23__ . Maybe you know that in the forests of Africa , it _24___ to travel from village . But drum ( 鼓) __25__ from many kilometers away . So , some groups of Africans made their drums __26____ like people . The Incas ( 印加人)of South America used to send messages by typing knots in a rope. Messages have been found , but __27___ can understand __28___ they mean . And the Egyptians used pictures as a kind of ___29__ but only _30____ people __31___ to understand them . Today , we also use __32___ . When we are in a car and we see a red light , we stop the car . When


人教版化学必修二第二单元测试题(附答案) 一、选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题4分,共60分) 1.下列属于二次能源的是( ) A.氢气 B.煤 C.石油 D.天然气 2.直接提供电能的反应一般是放热反应,下列反应中能提供电能的是( ) A.Ba(OH)2·8H2O与NH4Cl反应 B.酸碱中和反应 C.灼热的炭与CO2反应 D.H2与Cl2燃烧反应 3.(2012·温州高一检测)下列说法中正确的是( ) A.锌锰干电池是二次电池 B.铜片、锌片、导线和高橙组成的水果电池,负极是铜片 C.铅蓄电池的放电过程,从能量转换形式看是化学能转化为电能 D.原电池工作时溶液中的阳离子移向负极 4.在不同条件下进行合成氨的反应(N2+3H22NH3),根据下列在相同时间内测定的正反应速率判断,生成NH3的速率最快的是( ) A.v(H2)=0.3 mol·L-1·min-1 B.v(N2)=0.2 mol·L-1·min-1 C.v(NH3)=0.3 mol·L-1·min-1 D.v(H2)=0.005 mol·L-1·s-1 5.已知2SO2+O22SO3为放热反应,对该反应的下列说法正确的是( ) A.O2的能量一定高于SO2的能量 B.SO2和O2的总能量一定高于SO3的总能量 C.SO2的能量一定高于SO3的能量 D.因该反应为放热反应,故不必加热就可发生 6.(2012·南阳高一检测)为了说明影响化学反应快慢的因素,甲、乙、丙、丁4位同学分别设计了如下4个实验,你认为结论不正确的是( ) A.将形状、大小均相同的镁条和铝条与相同浓度的盐酸反应时,两者反应速率一样大 B.在相同条件下,等质量的大理石块和大理石粉末与相同浓度的盐酸反应,大理石粉末反应快 C.将浓硝酸分别放在冷暗处和强光照射下,会发现光照可以加快浓硝酸的分解 D.两支试管中分别加入相同质量的氯酸钾,其中一支试管中再加入少量二氧化锰,同时加热,产生氧气的快慢不同 7.有关零排放车载燃料电池叙述正确的是( ) A.正极通入H2,发生还原反应 B.负极通入H2,发生还原反应 C.导电离子为质子,且在电池内部由正极定向移向负极 D.总反应式为:2H2+O2====2H2O 8.(2012·温州高一检测)已知可逆反应:N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g) ΔH=-92 kJ·mol-1,下列关于此反应的说法中错误的是( ) A.加压可使该反应的反应速率加快

人教版高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientists单元检测

英语人教版必修5 Unit 1Great scientists单元检测 Ⅰ.单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.(2011江苏高考)—Are you still mad at her? —Not really,but I can't ______ that her remarks hurt me. A.deny B.refuse C.reject D.decline 2.(2011辽宁高考)The exam results will be ______ on Friday afternoon. A.put down B.put off C.put up D.put away 3.—In this day and age,women can have children and jobs as well. —I can't agree more.It's great to have the two ______. A.linked B.related C.connected D.combined 4.Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children? A.manage B.serve C.adapt D.construct 5.No matter how much money you have,it cannot ______ a healthy body. A.compare B.fit C.defeat D.match 6.(2012重庆高考)We're having a meeting in half an hour.The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of our company. A.to be made B.being made C.made D.having been made 7.(2012福建高考)Pressed from his parents,and ______ that he has wasted too much time,the boy is determined to stop playing video games. A.realizing B.realized C.to realize D.being realized 8.He always brings me a pretty gift ______ he comes to visit me. A.by the time B.sometimes C.every time D.at times 9.The doctor suggested that the girl ______ in order to lose weight. A.must not eat less B.ought not to eat less C.had better not eat less D.not eat less 10.(2012福建毕业班质检,28)The world is full of wonders,______ we open our eyes to see them. A.if only B.as if C.even if D.only if 11.(2012河北普通高考模拟)—How did she lose so much weight as expected? —______ eating less,she jogged for several miles every day. A.In spite of B.In addition to C.Instead of D.Thanks to 12.(2012山东潍坊一模)This restaurant,______ by an old couple,has an inviting,homelike atmosphere that many restaurants lack. A.owning B.having owned C.owned D.to own 13.What do you think of the suggestion ______ by the expert? A.put forward B.put up with C.put off D.put out


高一英语必修一Unit 1单元测试题 (满分100分) 姓名___________ 得分_____________ Ⅰ. 词语翻译:(40分,每小题2分) 1. 爱上____________________ 2. 经历,遭受____________________ 3. 与…相处,进展____________________ 4. 在黄昏时刻_____________________ 5. 故意_______________________ 6. 为了________________________ 7. 痊愈;恢复____________________ 8. 在户外________________________ 9. 对……厌烦_____________________ 10. 定居_________________________ 11. 不理睬______________________ 12. 提示,小费____________________ 13. 十几岁的青少年________________ 14. 感激的____________________ 15. a series of ___________________ 16. add up _______________________ 17. pack ( sth) up___________________ 18. no longer _______________________ 19. hide away ____________________ 20. calm down________________II.单词拼写, 用本单元中出现的词语填空:(15分,每小题1.5分) 1.The r_______ why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. 2.He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language. 3.The boy felt u________ because he didn’t do well in the exam. 4.N_________ is everything in the world and you can’t go against it. 5.You shouldn’t have hurt her f_______. 6.If you work hard, you can get good p________ in the exam. 7.I ________________(碰巧) to be reading upstairs when he came in. 8.To get as much information as possible, we should learn to _________(交流). 9.It’s ________ ( 正好,确切) twelve o’clock.. 10.Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _________ (牵挂) about him.


Unit 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA”John Snow was a famous doctor in London — so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people (who were) exposed to cholera. This was the deadly disease of its

day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. (expose:1暴露be exposed to all kinds of weather.经受

风吹雨打。Expose sb to danger 使某人面临危险。 A student who has been exposed to English for some 6 years.接触英语达 六年左右的学生。 2.揭露。Expose a politician’s lies. He has been exposed as a liar.他说谎的行为被揭穿。) He became interested in two theories(that possibly explained how cholera killed people). The first

【单元测试卷】新人教版 高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 单元测试(基础

新人教版 高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元测试 (基础卷) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. She now helps in a local school as a __________(志愿者) three days a week. 2. There has been a lot of ________(辩论)among scholars about this. 3. The new government's first ________ (挑战)is the economy. 4. I ________(较喜欢) to think of peace not war. 5. Do you have some ideas about this ________(标题)? 6. I just spent a holiday there and would ________(推荐)it to anyone. 7. You may be charged 10% ________ (额外的)for this service. 8. I think my dad should ________ (戒掉)smoking. 9. Life should be an __________ (冒险). 10. They arrived in New York two days ahead of __________(日程安排). 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. I could feel __________(move ) in the dark all around me. 2. The course is suitable for beginners and __________ (advance )students. 3. It is our _________(responsible )to take care of the old. 4. We invited readers who completed the puzzle to send in their __________(solve ). 5. I have no excuse for my ___________(behave ). 6. But how do you know when you or someone you love is ________(addict ) to the Internet? 7. They __________(obvious )love you very much. 8. He was nice looking, but I wasn't deeply __________(attract )to him. 9. In my _________(young ),my dream was to be an inventor. 10. Do you consider her __________(suit ) for the job? 三、选择合适的短语, 并用其正确形式, 完成句子 1. Can I ___________ this course in advance ? 2. More people_______________ cycling when the weather is fine.


人教版高中化学必修二单元测试题附答案全套 第一章物质结构元素周期律 一、选择题(本大题共7小题,) 1.下列说法正确的是( ) A. 电子层结构相同的微粒,其化学性质一定相似 B. 第三周期非金属元素含氧酸的酸性从左到右依次增强 C. 金属元素与非金属元素组成的化合物一定是离子化合物 D. 元素周期律是元素原子核外电子排布周期性变化的结果 D 【分析】 本题考查了微粒结构与性质的关系、元素周期律等知识点,难度不大,解题时注意仔细审题。 【解答】 A.电子层结构相同的微粒,如和的电子层结构相同,而其化学性质不同,故A错误; B.根据元素周期律,第三周期非金属元素最高价含氧酸的酸性从左到右依次增强,故B错误; C.金属元素与非金属元素组成的化合物不一定是离子化合物,例如,是共价化合物,故C错误; D.由结构决定性质,则元素周期律是元素原子核外电子排布周期性变化的结果,故D正确。 故选D。 2.下列关于原子结构、元素性质的说法正确的是 A. 原子结构随着元素原子序数的递增而呈周期性变化,这个规律叫元素周期律 B. 第三周期元素的简单离子半径随原子序数的递增依次增大 C. ⅦA族元素的简单阴离子还原性越强,其气态氢化物的稳定性越弱 D. 与互为同位素,它们的性质基本相同 C 解:元素周期律是指元素性质随原子序数的递增呈周期性变化,故A错误; B.第三周期元素的简单阳离子半径随原子序数的递增而减小,简单阴离子随原子序数的递增而减小,但阳离子半径小于阴离子半径,故B错误; C.简单阴离子还原性越强,元素的非金属性越弱,非金属性越弱,气态氢化物的稳定性越弱,故C正确; D.同位素研究对象是原子,与为同一物质,都是氧气,故D错误; 故选C. A.元素周期律是指元素性质随原子序数的递增呈周期性变化; B.电子层结构相同,核电荷数越大离子半径越小,最外层电子数相同电子层越多离子半径越大; C.非金属性越强,气态氢化物越稳定,简单阴离子还原性越强,元素的非金属性越弱,据此判断; D.同位素研究对象是原子,质子数相同中子数不同的原子互为同位素. 本题考查元素周期律、同位素、离子半径比较等,难度不大,注意D选项中与为同一物质,不是同素异形体. 3.下列说法正确的是 A. 电子层结构相同的微粒,其化学性质一定相似 B. 第三周期非金属元素含氧酸的酸性从左到右依次增强 C. 非金属元素的原子两两结合形成的化合物不一定是共价化合物 D. 元素周期律是元素原子核外电子排布周期性变化的结果


单元检测卷Unit 1 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study, people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all. Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers (慢跑者)and non-joggers for 12 years. The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die. The best speed to jog at is found to be about 5 miles per hour. The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non-joggers. The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉). Over time, this can cause serious injuries. Peter Schnohr, a researcher in Copenhagen, said, “If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy(寿命), jogging a few times a week at a moderate (适度的)pace is a good strategy. Anything more is not just unnecessary, and it may be harmful.” The implications (暗示)of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi, yoga and brisk (轻快的)walking may be better for us than “iron man”events, triathlons and long-distance running and cycling. According to Jacob Louis Marott, another researcher involved in the study, “You don’t actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health. And perhaps you shouldn’t actually do too much”. 1. The underlined word “strenuous”in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “_____________”. A. hard B. regular C. practical D. flexible 2. The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to __________. A. suggest giving up jogging B. show risks of doing sports C. provide supportive evidence D. introduce the research process 3. According to the scientists, why is too much exercise harmful? A. It may injure the heart and arteries B. It can make the body tired out
