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Topic 27
买卖 (Sales)
sale, for sale, on sale, purchase, buy, sell, order, place an order for, _b_a_r_g_ai_n__ ['bɑːgIn]8, exchange, _c_o_n_s_u_m_e_ [kən'sjuːm]18, list, ____d_es_i_g_n______ [dI'zaIn]180, give away, pick out, pick up, sell out,assistant, customer, consumer, special offer, brand, goods, catalogue, shop manager, __p_r_o_m__o_ti_o_n_ [prə'məʊʃn]3, shopkeeper, price tag, item, tip
(1)vi. ____(_与__某__人__)就__某__事__讨__价__还__价__;__商__讨__条__件______to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with sb. in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable
支付 (Payment) change, cheque, _e_x_p_e_n_s_e_ [Ik'spens]16, pence, pound, price, cost, pay, spend, charge, offer, afford, pay in cash, cashier, fee, tax, __d_is_c_o_u_n_t ['dIskaʊnt]22, credit card, fare, penny, receipt, reduction, exchange rate, on credit
(2)n. ____减__价__品__;__便__宜__货_____ a thing bought for less than the usual price (3)n. ___协__议__;__交__易____ an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do sth. for each other
①She bargained with the shop owner till he sold her the fruit cheaply. _讨__价__还__价__;__讲__条__件____ ②I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real bargain. _便__宜__货______________ ③We've made a bargain that he will do the shopping and I'll cook. _交__易__;__契__约__________
bargain ①My sister bought this T-shirt at such a low price. She was really good at bargaining. ②The lady walked around the shops, keeping an eye out for bargains. ③Her father said that she must marry, so Atalanta made a bargain with him.
promote ①(2019·北京高考)All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities. ②The company is promoting its new products on television. ③He worked hard and was soon promoted.
网购 (Online Shopping) __d_e_l_iv_e_r_ [dI'lIvə(r)]41, select, refund, express, package, e-commerce, e-shopping, parcel, online/home shopping, aim, _g_u_a_r_a_nt_e_e_ [ˌgærən'tiː]26, save, be of poor/good/high quality, be of value
(2)单句语法填空 ①They were bargaining with each other ___a_b_o_u_t _ the price of coffee. ②He made ____a____ bargain with his partner to help each other. ③After _b_a_r_g_a_in_i_n_g___ (bargain) with the saleswoman, I got the beautiful dress at the price of 50 yuan at last.
(3)单句写作 一般来说,和大商场里的售货员讨价还价是没有用的。 _G__en_e_r_a_ll_y__sp_e_a_k_i_n_g_, _it_'s_n_o__u_s_e_m__a_k_in_g__a_b_a_r_g_ai_n__w_i_th__sa_l_e_s_m_e_n_i_n__b_ig__sh_o_p_s_.__
场所 (Places) place, location, site, venue, shop, shopping mall, supermarket, __co_u_n_t_e_r_ ['kaʊntə(r)]11, checkout counter, shelf, cash desk, department store, duty-free shop, shopping center, stall