



Proposed Title for Dissertation:(Times New Roman 四号加粗)

On Domestication and Foreignization

from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication

(Times New Roman加粗小三号, 居中)

I. Background(Times New Roman加粗四号)

文本部分全部使用Times New Roman 小四号字体;1.5倍行距;缩进使用tab键本部分些个人选择所领域的原因和背景。英文例子只是为了让学生能对字号和行距要求有一个直观的理解。

Over the last ten years, the implications of research into language acquisition (Crook & Gass, 1993) and the results of Prabhu?s task-based teaching experiment in India (Willis, 1990) have led to an increasing interest in the potential of task-based teaching of languages. However, this approach seems not easy to apply in Mainland China and Hong Kong due to the large class EFL teaching in those areas and a

general lack of the environment in practicing the target language (Tsang, XX).

Recent years have shown an explosion of interest in using computers for language teaching and learning. With the advent of multimedia computing and the Internet, ?the role of computers in language instruction has now become an important issue confronting large numbers of language teachers throughout the world? (Warschauer & Healey,1998). In the growing field of foreign language teaching to university students in large EFL class, then, the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) approach may appear to be an almost obvious choice. Nevertheless, the research into an integrative use of the task-based language (TBL) approach and CALL has be(本文来自:小草范文网:开题报告英文模板)en rather sparse in China.

II. Research Questions and Its Significance

This dissertation aims at finding an answer to the question of what is the most appropriate way of teaching Chinese university students in large EFL class. The research begins with the hypothetical premise that
