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Fundamentally, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline that is innovative, cost-conscious and mindful of human factors. It is concerned with the creation of new entities, devices or methods of solution: a new process, a new material, an improved power source, a more efficient arrangement of tasks to accomplish a desired goal or a new structure. Engineering is also more often than not concerned with obtaining economical solutions. And, finally, human safety is always a key consideration.


Engineering is concerned with the use of abstract scientific ways of thinking and of defining real world problems. The use of idealizations and development of procedures for establishing bounds within which behavior can be ascertained are part of the process.


Many problems, by their very nature, can’t be fully described—even after the fact, much less at the outset. Yet acceptable engineering solutions to these problems must be found which satisfy the defined needs. Engineering, then, frequently concerns the determination of possible solutions within a context of limited data. Intuition or judgment is a key factor in establishing possible alternative strategies, processes, or solutions. And this, too, is all a part of engineering.


Civil engineering is one of the most diverse branches of engineering. The civil engineer plans, designs, constructs, and maintains a large variety of structures and facilities for public, commercial and industrial use. These structures include residential, office, and factory buildings; highways, railways, airports, tunnels, bridges, harbors, channels, and pipelines. They also include many other facilities that are a part of the transportation systems of most countries, as well as sewage and waste disposal systems that add to our convenience and safeguard our health.


The term “civil engineer” did not come into use until about 1750, when John

Smeaton, the builder of famous Eddystone lighthouse near Plymouth, England, is said to have begun calling himself a “civil engineer” to distinguish himself from the military engineers of his time. However, the profession is as old as civilization.


In ancient Egypt the simplest mechanical principles and devices were used to construct many temples and pyramids that are still standing, including the great pyramid at Giza and the temple of Amon-Ra at Karnak. The great pyramid, 481 feet(146.6 meters)high, is made of 2.25 million stone blocks having an average weight of more than 1.5tons (1.4 metric tons). Great numbers of men were used in the construction of such monuments. The Egyptians also made obelisks by cutting huge blocks of stone, some weighing as much as 1000 tons (900 metric tons). Cutting tools of hard bronze were used.

古埃及人用最简单的机械原理和装置建造了许多至今仍矗立的庙宇和金字塔,包括吉萨大金字塔和在卡纳克的Amon-Ra的寺庙。这个大金字塔,481英尺(146.6 米)高,由2250000个石块组成,石块的平均重量超过1.5吨(1.4 吨)。建造如此的纪念性建筑使用了大量的人力。埃及人也作了一些重达1000吨(900吨)的石头的大块切割的方尖塔。硬青铜的切削刀具在其中使用到了。

The Egyptians built causeways and roads for transporting stone from the quarries to the Nile. The large blocks of stone that were erected by the Egyptians were moved by using levers, inclined planes, rollers, and sledges.


The Egyptians were primarily interested in the know-how of construction; They had very little interest in why-for of use .In contrast, the Greeks made great strides in introducing theory into engineering problems during the 6th to 3rd centuries B.C. They developed an abstract knowledge of lines, angles, surfaces, and solids rather than referring to specific objects. The geometric base for Greek building construction included figures such as the square, rectangle, and triangle.


The Greek architekton was usually the designer, as well as the builder, of architectural and engineering masterpieces. He was an architect and engineer. Craftsmen, masons, and sculptors worked under his supervision. In the classical period of Greece all important buildings were built of limestone or marble; the Parthenon, for example, was built of marble.

