人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 1单元知识点总结

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人教版高中英语必修四Unit 1单元知识点总结

Unit 1 Women of achievement

Warming up

1. in pairs 成对

2. quite an achievement 了不起的成就;a sense of achievement成就感

achieve one's purpose达到目的;achieve one's goal达到目标

3. have a lot/much in common (with)…) (与……)有很多共同之处

have not much / a little in common (with)…) (与……)没有很多共同之处have something / nothing in common (with)…) (与……)有/没有共同之处in common with…与…..一样

4.. give reasons for 给…理由

5. fight for…为……而战斗/奋斗; fight against…为反对……而斗争

fight one’s way out打出一条路fight on继续战斗fight out解决6.put sb to death处死某人,判处某人死刑sentence sb, to death 判处某人死刑

frighten /scare sb. To death把某人吓得要命

7. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件

8. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖

9. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一

10. concern oneself with 让自己关注be concerned about/for…对…担心/关心

show/feel concerned about/for…担心/关心/挂念……with concern 关切地;

have no concern for…毫不关心……have no concert with…. 与……无关as far as I am concerned 在我看来

11.. welfare projects福利项目

12.. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会

13. a specialist in women's illnesses妇科疾病的专家

14. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给…致力于…

devote sth /oneself to +n./pron./doing 或be devoted to


15. encourage sb 鼓励某人;encourage sb to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

16. show the connection between A and B显示出A和B之间的联系

the connection of A with B A与B的关系/联系

in connection with…与……相关联;关于……

be connected with…与……有关系;与……有亲戚关系


be related to ; be linked with; be involved in ; be in relation to ; be in connection with

17. a campaign for…争取得到……的运动 a campaign against…反对……的运动

a campaign to do…为了做……而进行的运动

campaign for…参加争取……的运动campaign against…参加反对……的运动

18. as…as possible (= as…as one can) 尽可能……

“尽力做某事”的表达法有:try to do sth. try/do one’s best to do sth.

do all/ everything (that) one can to do sth.; do what one can to do sth.;

make every effort to do sth; make efforts to do sth.; spare no effort to do sth.;

go all out to do sth.; do everything in one’s power.

19.. rather than而不是

Pre-reading, reading and comprehending

20. behave like humans像人类的举止behave oneself举止得体;守规矩

behave like…表现得像……behave towards…对待……

behave well/with good manners表现好/有礼貌behave badly表现不好

21. the night before前一天晚上

22. in the shade of…在……的阴影下in the shade 在阴凉处

23. move off离开;启程;出发(=start (out)= set out= set off)

Move away搬走;move out迁出;搬出去move on继续前进;进行搬迁

24.warn sb. of /about sth.警告/提醒某人某事

warn sb. against doing sth; 或者warn sb not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事

25. make it all worthwhile觉得这一切都是值得的

It is worthwhile to do sth or It is worthwhile doing sth.做某事是值得的be worth one’s while doing / to do sth. 值得做某事

注意这些句型的差异:worth; worthy; worthwhile

1)be worth + n.=be worthy of + n.

The matter is worth consideration =The matter is worthy of consideration.这件事值得考虑。

2).be worth doing =be worthy to be done = be worthy of being done This book is worth reading 这本书值得一读

= This book is worthy to be read. = This book is worthy of being read.

3). It is worth (one’s) while doing /to do sth. = Sth is worth doing

= Sth is worthy to be done. = Sth is worthy of being done.

这本书值得一读It is worthwhile reading /to read the book.

e into one's arms回到…的怀抱

27. fully understand完全理解

28. observe and record their daily activities观察记录他们的日常活动observe sb do sth 观察某人做某事observe sb doing sth 观察正在做某事

29.in one’s childhood在某人的童年时代

30.work with…与……共事/一起工作
