精编冀教版英语八年级下册 Unit 7

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八年级英语·下新课标【冀教】Unit 7 Know Our World

1.掌握一些与地理和语言有关的单词:population,Japan,Japanese,island,Pacific, planet,surface,Indian,British,bathroom,pronunciation,grammar,American,Australia n,pride,square,increase,spell,translate,pronounce,kiss,nod,prepare,abroad, total,European,polite

2.掌握并使用本单元的短语:be abroad,ring up,be covered with,go up,shake

hands,at the end of,point to,have been


around the world,be born,one third,in total,in the future,two thirds,in recent years,be busy doing,one day,be known for





教学突破:创设情境,重视听说读写各种能力的培养,反复训练(1)There are quite a few differences

between your English and my English.(2)That ’s true.Sometimes we describe the same thing in different ways or use different words.(3)That is a large population,but smaller than that of China.(4)Canada is the biggest of the three countries in

area,but it has the smallest population.(5)Have you ever been abroad,Danny?(6)There are seven continents.(7)I speak a little Chinese.(8)By 2025,the world may have about 8 billion people.等句型及对话。在练习中正确使用英语现在完成时态和被动语态的用法。


理和语言的句型,养成良好的学习英语的习惯。通过本单元的语言学习,使知识的记忆形象化、系统化。采用Pair work和Group work相结合的方式,练习询问表示地理和语言及人口的表达方式等方面能力的英文句型,同时了解更多关于世界人文的话题知识。

第一课时:Lesson 37

第二课时:Lesson 38

第三课时:Lesson 39

第四课时:Lesson 40

第五课时:Lesson 41

第六课时:Lesson 42

Customers in England

If you went to Britain,you’d find a lot of things surprising.But different things surprise different people.

In Britain,people drive on the left.Dimitri Poulos,from Greece,thought this was very strange.“I’ve been in Britain for nearly a month now,but I never remember to look right instead of left before I cross the road.If I stayed for a year,I still wouldn’t remember!”

Hiroshi Hasegawa,from Japan,couldn’t understand why British people kept their shoes on at home.“ If a visitor kept his shoes on at home in Japan,we’d think he was very rude or very dirty.I also can’t understand why British people don’t wash before getting into the bath.They wash themselves in the bath,in their own dirty water! I wouldn’t feel clean if I had a bath that way.”

Roberto Grazzi,from Italy,couldn’t understand why British people queued so much.“At a bus stop or in a post office,they always stand in a line—even if there’s only one other person! If I did that in Italy,people would think I was crazy!”

第一课时Lesson 37:Let’s Learn Geography!
