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A joblessman wantedvery much to be an “officeboy” at Micros oft.The manager interviewed himandthen watched him cleaning

the flooras atest.“You have passedthetest.” he said. “Give me your e-mailaddressand I'll send you theform(表格) tofill in and the date whe nyou may start.” The man replied.“But I don'thave a computer, nei ther an e-mail.” “I'm sorry,” said themanager. “If you don't have an e-mail, that means youarenotliving.And anyonewhoisn't living cannot havethe job.”ﻫThe manleft withnohopeat all. He didn't know what todo with only$10in hispocket.Hethought and thought. The nhe went tothe supermarket and bought10 kilos of tomatoes.He sold thetomatoes fromdoor to door. Inless than two hours, hehad20 dollars.Hedid this again and again for three times, and startedto go earlyevery day, and returnedhomelate.At last,he had his own flee tof deliveryvehicles(运货车队).Five yearslater,the man was one of

the biggest food retailers (零售商)in theUS.ﻫOneday, one ofhis friends asked him for hise-mail. He said, “I haven't got one.” His friendcouldn'tbelievehis ears. “Can youimagine whatyou could have been ifyou had an e-mail?”The manthought fora while andreplied,“Yes, I'dbe an office boyatMicrosoft!”

1. What did the mando for the test?

A.He sent e-mails. B.He didthe cleaning

C.Hesold computers. D.He filled in forms.

2.The man didn'tget the jobbecause he .

A.disliked such a job

B.didn't pass thetest

C.didn'thave ane-mail

D.knewnothing aboutcomputers3.The man after he leftMicrosoft.

A.went home directly

B.asked for food fromdoor to door C.thought upan idea to makemoney D.bought a computer and got an e-mail

4.What does the story wantto tellus?

A.Computers are veryimportant in our daily life.

B.Everyonecanmake a lotof money with only $10.

C.The manager didn't likethe man.


Most peoplemay not think that there are anyproblems withwate rmelons (西瓜),but some Japanese sellersdo. There isoftenwa sted spacewhen theystore(贮存) watermelons, because roundwatermelons donot sit nicely on shelves. So someclever farmershave solved the

watermelonproblem.Theymaketheirwatermelonsgrowin squareglass boxesso thewatermelons become square. The only problem nowisthe price.The squarewatermelons costabout 80dollars each.

Many people know the saying"Rosesarered,violets are blue,su gar issweet and so areyou".Well, today the poemneedstochangeto"Roses are red, roses are blue"!Australian scientists havejust recently discoveredthat when they put a chemical from a blueflower intoa rose,they can create anearly100% blue rose. Some of science'sinventions are beautiful,not just useful!

Since the mid-1990s, manyChinese farmers havehad amazingrice harvests.For manyyears Chinesescientists havebeen workingondevelopingnewkinds of stronger rice and nowthey haveproduced a new kind,called superrice.Super ricenot only can protect itself against insects (昆虫)anddiseases, butit also produces morethanany other kind of rice.Today farmers can grow almost one and ahalftimes more rice than they could grow inthe past.

Doctorsmight be able to use vegetablesto fightcancer now.US sc ientistshavediscovered a way to put a chemical intotomato plants whilethey are growing. When cancerpatientseat thetomatoes, the tomatoes willfight thecancer in their bodies.These cancer-fighting vegeta blesare not yet for sale, becausescientists have not finished testing

them.Ifstudy findsno problems with thetomatoes,thenpatients can begin touse this easy anddelicious new treatment.

5 Thesquare watermelons look like ____________.

A.B. C. D.
