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授课题目(教学章节或主题):Unit one: on being a student 授课学时


授课类型Theory 教学方法Teaching; discussion; instruction

教学手段Writing on the blackboard; internet

内容纲要:This text discusses how to be a good student and the qualities of being a good student, such as the 4As: attitude, academic skills, awareness, accomplishment, and some other factors like self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind.

教学目的与要求:training and promoting the students reading skills, widening the students knowledge, and enlarging the students vocabulary, in short, make students learn and reading the materials fluently and smoothly.


New words; reading skills and methods; learning the new words and phrases from the context and familiar with the structure of long sentences; and the reading materials’theme argument, subject.


Teaching procedure and time:1. preview: 20minutes; 2. teaching: 30minutes 3: exercising: 20minutes; 4: discussion 30minutes

思考题.讨论题.作业等:Self-teaching: getting the best value for time

Group discussion: 1. What is the goal of university education? 2. How do you define “student”? What are the good qualities of a good student?

参考资料(含参考书.文献等):1.Reading course(1) Reference book:wang-shouren,Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2005,8. 2. college English reading course(1) and reference book: Dong-xin, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002,9.



Introduction to Reading Course

1. Teachers’ role in your learning

What role do you think teachers should play in your learning? Do you expect teachers to tell you everything you need? –impossible. We know it is absurd, but there are always some students who expect their teachers are omniscients. So the first thing you should know is that you should learn how to learn on your own. Teachers should be assistants in your learning.

2. What to learn in this course?

What are the teaching goals of this course? What should you expect and get from this course? Why should we learn this course as we have had Integrated Course? ----to get some information, to learn how to get information, to learn how to think, how to persuade others to accept your opinion, --- to learn how to

Teaching Plan: UNIT ONE University Student Life

Part one: Introduction

Text one discusses the definition of “student”, and how to be an excellent student .and points out the qualities that a good student should have, such as the 4As; attitude, academic skills, awareness, accomplishment, and some other factors, like self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind, objectivity, humility.

The literary style of text one is argumentation.

记叙文narration, narrative composition议论文argumentation, argumentative essay说明文exposition

Part two: Language points in Text One

1. On being a student 关于如何定义“学生”的问题

2. A student means more than merely being a pupil. “学生”不仅仅意味着一种身份。

3. Suggest 1)to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about 建议;提议~ sth (to sb)

May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? VN

I suggest (that) we go out to eat. V (that) I suggested going in my car. V -ing

2)to tell sb about a suitable person, thing, method, etc. for a particular job or purpose 推荐;举荐~ sb/sth (for sth) ~ sb/sth (as sth)

She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.

Can you suggest how I might contact him? V wh-

3)to put an idea into sb's mind; to make sb think that sth is true 使想到;使认为;表明~ sth (to sb)

All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. 所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。V (that)

The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack. 症状显示这是轻微心脏病发作。VN

What do these results suggest to you? 照你看,这些结果说明什么呢?

·to state sth indirectly, indicate 暗示;言下之意是说His pale face suggests bad health.。

4. What makes the student stand out (much better or much more important) from the rest of the class? outstanding

5. Accomplishment: the action of accomplishing something 同义词:achievement;

an ability that has been acquired by training 同义词:skill, acquirement, acquisition, attainment The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment.

阿波罗计划与其说是一项科学成果, 不如说是一项技术成就。

accomplishment test成绩测验accomplishment evaluation学业成绩评定

6. The four As certainly are a large part of it, and a student who has them will be very likely to earn As. straight-As

7. Intellectual 名词intellectual:

a person who uses the mind creatively 同义词:intellect

形容词of or relating to the intellect; of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind 同义词:rational, noetic appealing to or using the intellect; involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct 同义词:cerebral

He's a kind of intellectual superman. 他是智力超常的人.

He likes to set himself up as an intellectual. 他喜欢自命为知识分子.

We admired his intellectual providence to acquire vast stores of dry information. 我们钦佩他收集大量原始资料的远见卓识。

The argument was too intellectual for me; I couldn't follow a word of it. 这场争论对我来说太深奥了, 我一点都搞不明白。Intelligent: having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree

possessing sound knowledge 同义词:well-informed

exercising or showing good judgment 同义词:healthy, levelheaded, level-headed, sound

endowed with the capacity to reason 同义词:reasoning, thinking

Man can be incredibly intelligent at the point of danger.

8. When a professor’s style isn’t to your liking :If something is to your liking, it suits your interests, tastes, or wishes.

9. Academic skills
