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姓名: 学号:


专业: 电气工程

题目: 基于Matlab的高斯和高斯—赛德尔法的潮流计算指导老师:




高斯-赛德尔迭代法开始于上世纪50年代,是一种直接迭代求解方程的算法,既可以解线性方程组,可以解非线性方程组。高斯法求解节点电压的特点是: 在计算节点 i第k+1次的迭代电压时,前后所用的电压都是第k次迭代的结果,整个一轮潮流迭代完成后,把所有计算出的电压新值用于下一轮电压新值的计算过程中。该计算方法简单,占用计算机内存小,能直接利用迭代求解节点电压方程,对电压初值的选取要求不是很严格。但它的收敛性能较差,系统规模增大时,迭代次数急剧上升。




Power flow calculation is the one of the most basic and the most important calculation in the steady state analysis of power system .It is the foundation of other analytical calculation of power system, a method of analysis and planning, operation of power network.So it plays a decisive role in the power system. The classical algorithm is the Gauss method, Gauss - Seidel iterative method and Newton's method, in recent years.Scholars began to applicate nonlinear programming method and intelligent algorithm optimization method for solving power flow problem, enhances the reliability of convergence.

Gauss - Seidel iterative method began in the 50's of last century, is a direct iteration equation algorithm, which can solve the linear equation and nonlinear equations. Characteristics of Gauss's method to calculate the node voltage is: in the iterative calculation of node i’s K + 1-times voltage, the voltage is used the results of K-times iterative.After completing the whole round of power flow iteration, all voltage value is used to calculate the next round of new voltage value of . The method is simple and captures small memory.It also can directly use the iterative solution of the node voltage equation .the selection of initial values are not very strict. But it has poor convergence performance. The system scale increases,when the number of iterations rise.

This paper gives an overview of the Gauss Seidel algorithm at the first.Then it show the calculation process of this algorithm through the MATLAB software.

Keywords: Gauss Gauss - Seidel iterative method the method of power flow calculation


1 高斯迭代法和高斯—赛德尔迭代法概述 (5)

2 节点导纳矩阵 (6)

2.1不定导纳矩阵 (6)

2.2导纳矩阵 (6)

3 高斯迭代法 (7)

4 高斯-赛德尔迭代法 (8)

4.1高斯-赛德尔法的原理 (8)

4.2 关于高斯法和高斯-赛德尔法的讨论 (8)

5实例验证 (9)

5.1 案例描述 (9)

5.2 模型的建立 (10)

5.3 案例程序流程图 (11)

5.4 案例程序 (13)

5.5 程序运行步骤和结果 (17)

6结果分析 (20)

7总结 (21)

7参考文献 (22)
