




时间: 40秒至45秒









TIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。







1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds

a positive/negative view towards the announcement.

The first reason she/he gives is that……

And the second one is based on the fact that……"

2、From the reading material,we know that (the college)is going to……Obviously,the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea,due to the following reasons.。

One reason is that…… Another is……

(万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主)

3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……


1.Firstly,the man/woman states that……

2.And then he/she states that……)


1.Firstly,the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that……

2.On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……)


(1)In the reading material,

(2)There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词)

(3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下)

(4)In the listening material,two students discuss about the***(填入关键词)


(1)The man/woman is against/supporting the***

(2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***

(3) He or She thinks the*** is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following


(4)The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……。


(1)First,he thinks/says**** ; Also,he points out that****

(2)Firstly,the man/woman states that……。; And then he/she states that……。


Firstly,the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……。


Bus Service Elimination Planned

Important Points(字数102)

The university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it. (一句话概括阅读材料的内容)The man disagrees with the university plan. (谈话人态度)He believes the reason few students take the bus is that the route goes to neighborhoods where students do not live. If the routes were changed,many more students would ride the bus. (两句话讲谈话人的第一个观点:校车路线。注意改路线的建议是采用虚拟语气来表述的)The man disagrees with the way the university plans to use the money it saves on the bus service. Building more parking lots on campus will encourage more students to drive on campus. This would increase noise and traffic on campus.(谈话人第二个观点:增加停车场。首先讲谈话人观点:disagree with the way…然后将后果1à后果2)范例:OG的范例回答,字数147

The man in the scene said he wanted to keep the bus service for the better being of students on campus,because there is some students who can not afford the car,therefore they use the free bus service even though it isn’t that much. The problem with bus service right now is going through wrong neighbour where it is too expensive for students to live,so what they should do is just change the course of bus. And that will take of the problem. Also,they should encourage more students to use the bus service instead of discourage them. Or ()if they us the money that they use for bus service to increase the space of the parking lot for the students,which will add to the noise of the campus and will be more congested for all the people who already parking over there.

自我测评标准: Self-Assessment Checklist:

1. I noted the main points of the reading passage.

2. I noted the main points of the listening passage.

3. I read the question carefully.

4. I used careful planning to outline my response.

5. I began with an overall topic statement.

6. I used strong supporting ideas.

7. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.




时间: (没有写,但是估计也是40到45s)




内容:与阅读相关联, (扩展事例,举反例或运用阅读概念)
















reading passage:主要记下抽象的词,和具体的定义;原理,和具体原理的内容等。带着一个“概念是什么,现象是什么”的问题用35秒看完短文,然后用10S的时间,用2句话总结出短文所介绍的概念或现象(尽量用短文中的词汇)

listening passage:听段子的时候,带着“老师用什么例子来进行说明”这个问题去听。要听结构(1+2),还要听例子中涉及到的3个基本要素(实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。其中,实验过程要详细。注意这些和抽象的定义和原理的挂钩。听力材料的前两句话,老师会给出所听内容的概括性介绍。再结合阅读给出的概念。再听举例说明。其方法通常是举出扩展事例,举反例或是短文中概念的实际应用。











1. TOPIC SENTENCE:The professor talks about the theory that……。

SUPPORTING DETAILS:He/she gives one/two examples to illustrate/explain such a point.(接下来陈述



The reading passage:definition

Listening passage:examples,study,research


The reading passagegives the definition of……(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的内容) In the listening passage,the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some researches / examples.

This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


The reading passage:the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some features

Listening passage:research,analysis.。.


the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process


features(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的内容)

In the listening passage,the professor goes on to demonstrates it by introducing some researches


This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


The reading passage:a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/the cause/the effect

Listening passage:specific aspects


The reading passage introduces a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/the



In the listeningpassage argues/indicates several specific aspects of

The first*** is

The second *** is


The reading passage:***

Listening passage:examples,study,research


The reading passage introduces the definition/ phenomenon/ problem/ process /some functions/some features/ principle/ application/ cause/ effect of……(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的


In the listening passage,the professor continues to demonstrate it by providing some researches/examples.

This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


From the reading material,we know that…(关键术语,定义)

To demonstrate it,the speaker provides two examples/reasons/researches. One example is that……

Another example is that……。.So the suggestion is that……



“In the lecture,the professor mainly talked about the theory that 。.. 。To reinforce the theory,the

professor gave two reasons in his speech. The first one is that …。The other one is that …。And

that’s t he two reasons the speaker presented to explain his idea.(The conclusion is optional)”


The Dead Sea

In this set of materials,the reading part describes the abody of water,and listening part provides

additional information about the body of water.

The reading part describes the body of water named the Dead Sea. This body of water is said to be

“dead” because its high salt level prevents life in it. It‘s so salty for the reason that it’s landlocked with

no outlet,and it‘s in an area with a high temperaturem this causes rapid evaporation.

The listening part makes an additional point about the Dead Sea. The new point says that the Dead

Sea isn’t actually a sea. A sea is a body of water that‘s part of the ocean or opens into the ocean,

while a lake is a body that;s entirely enclosed. The Dead Sea has no outlet and is therefore a lake.


Self-Assessment Checklist:

1. I noted the main points of the reading passage.

2. I noted the main points of the listening passage.

3. I read the question carefully.

4. I used careful planning to outline my response.

5. I began with an overall topic statement.

6. I used strong supporting ideas.

7. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.














准备时间: 20s

答题时间: 60s






Solutions针对Problem不同层面提出,注意提炼中心句。关切性的话可以略去。答题时在复述问题和解决方法后,一定要给出自己的建议,想不出来就选择一个S提出的方案或把S提出的各种办法按照轻重缓急排序,形式上不可缺少!一定要说“the man/woman offers her/him TWO(or THREE) solutions.”This is to ensure that you get all the solutions even if you can’t finish you answer in t ime,so the examiner will still give you a good score.

4、时间分配:The OPTIMAL time allotment is:10 seconds for the problem,17 seconds for each solution,and 10 seconds for your choice and why,and about 6 seconds pausing throughout your answer.

5、问题不用听!每次都一样!省下10-15秒整理笔记。问题:“briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer,and finally to explain why you prefer that solution”。












1、In the conversation,the man/women has a problem with his/herschedue/report/essay /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)

He or she couldn’t get/check out/afford ***(问题具体化)

He/she needs to***

The woman/man/professor/officer gives him/her twosolutions/options

(基本上是2个solution)The firstsolution/option is(概括,不用具体化)

Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)

And I think the second choice is preferable for the following reasons:

(自己的建议)First,the woman may confront the same problem in the future,itis better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiencesAlso,I have once faced thesame situation as the woman does,and I***

2、(1)The man/woman has a problem/situation,which is that….+but/however(如果有冲突的话)

(2) The man/ woman gives two suggestion. Suggestion one is……… suggestion two is……。

(3) If I were the man/woman,I would follow the first/second suggestion.或者是In my opinion/as far as I’m concerned,the best thing for the man/woman to do is…。

(4) Because I think……每一个省略为2句话。

3、In this conversation,the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the

problem that …。And the woman/man offers him/ her two possible solutions. One is…… The other is …。And if it were my choice,I would choose the former/latter one,because……”

4、In the conversation,the man/woman has a problem with his/her

schedule/report/essay /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)

He or she couldn’t get/check out/afford ***(问题具体化)

He/she needs to***So,the woman/man/professor/officer offers him/her two solutions/options

The first solution/option is(概括,不用具体化)

Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)

And from my point of view/As for me,the second choice is preferable for the following reasons/the best way to solve this problem is :

(自己的建议)First,the woman may confront the same problem in the future,it’s better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiences. Also,I have once faced the same situation as the woman does,and I ***(这么干的),it works well pretty well for me.

5、The woman/man is facing the problem that…… So the man/woman offers him/her two solutions. One is…….Another is…。Well,to me,I prefer the first/second one. because (理由,常直接来自听力)……,(如果有时间),I was once faced with the similar trouble; I chose to(说支持的具体选择) and everything turned out to be all right.(记主要观点,要求发表自己观点)

口语第六道题目的出题模式是listening –speaking


通常情况下,教授会给出一个概念的定义,例如, the coin , natural selection 等,或者一个事件的梗概,或者介绍一种现象来开始,之后会就自己前面提出的概念,故事或者现象展

开论述。在后面这个部分中,一些例子会被引进来证实和说明前面所提到的定义。说的部分会要求考生概括听力部分的主要内容并听力部分的观点和事例进行详细论证,典型问法为:Using points and examples from the talk, explain XX (某种现象或定义)presented by the professor。


Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.

Narrator: The professor describes the children’s psychology between eight years old and a half to ten years old, including the analysis of the differences between motherly love and fatherly love. Summarize the main points in the professor’s lecture.


Today I’d like to talk about the love between child and parents.(这个开篇句子点名整个文章的主题:love between child and parents.)

For most children before the age from eight and a half to ten, the problem is almost exclusively that of being loved-of being loved for what one is. The child up to this age does not yet love: he responds gratefully and joyfully to being loved. At this po int of the child’s development a new factor enters into the picture: that of producing love by one’s own activity. For the first time,. The child thinks of giving something to the maturing of love. Eventually the child may now be an adolescent and has overcome his egocentricity; the other person is not any more primarily a means to the satisfaction of his own needs. The needs of the other person are as important as his own –in fact, they have become more important. To give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive. To love has become more important even than being loved.

In order to understand this shift from mother to father, we must consider the essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love. We have already spoken about motherly love. Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the new-born infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.

The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is the home we come from. She is nature, soil, the ocean; But while father does not represent the natural world, he represents

the other pole of pole of human existence. He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Closely related to this function is one which is connected with socioeconomic development. When private property came into existence, and when private property could be inherited by one of the sons, father began to look for that son to whom he could leave his property. Naturally , that was the one whom father thought best fitted to become his successor, the son who was most like him and consequently whom he likes the most .




第二段:主要记录句子为:Essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love,Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional。其他的信息点可以记录也可以用心记。

第三段:主要记录的句子为:Father does not represent any such natural home, he has little connection with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this period can not be compared with that of mother. He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure. 当然考试的时候考生不可能记录的这么完美。考生只要能把主要意思记录,例如, “natural home, thought, law和order, discipline, travel and adventure”等写下来就好了。


When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten, for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving. As he grows into an adolescent eventually, he has overcome his egocentricity. For him now, to give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive, to love has become more important even than being loved. There are essential differences in quality between motherly love and fatherly love. Motherly love is by nature unconditional. Mother loves a child not because the child has met any specific condition, or has lived up to any specific expectation. But the relationship to father is quite different .Father doesn’t represent the natural world. He represents the world of thought, law and order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure.

解析:先概括文章大意:When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten, for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving. 之后用细节来支持自




托福口语task1模板汇总 为了帮助大家顺利的通过托福口语模板考试,今天文都国际小编为同学们分享托福口语task1模板汇总,建议大家在备考的时候不妨练习一下哦。 托福口语task1模板:人 In my family, my mother has influenced me greatly because she has so many good qualities. She Is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Her thinking is very modern. She is able to understand people from different generations. In addition, she is a good listener. This makes her tolerant of other people’s opinions. Her personal values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. And she helps me to keep a balance in my subjects and in my marks. She also tells me how to see the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seemed so abstract. This is why I think my mother has influenced me the most in my life。 托福口语task1模板:事件 My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day. During our graduation we were each called up one at a time to the stage. We each received our diploma and


托福口语万能模板 为了让同学们在短期内可以快速有效地提高托福口语水平,天道小编特为大家搜集整理了一些比较常用、比较简单的托福口语模板,希望对大家复习托福口语备考有所帮助。 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that…


2011新托福口语满分模板 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think … is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that… In the reading material, there is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about … The university/college is going to… In the listening material, two students discuss about the… The man/woman is against/supporting th e… He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about… thinks the… is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons: Firstly, he thinks/says… Also, he points out that… In addition, in his opinion, … Q4 In the lecture, the professor mainly talked ab out the theory that… To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two reasons/examples in his speech. The first one is that… The other one is that…


Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly…So, that’s why I choose…for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer…for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for…for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for…I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that…due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that… In the reading material, there is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about …The university/college is going to… In the listening material, two students discuss about the… The man/woman is against/supporting the… He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about… thinks the…is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons: Firstly, he thinks/says… Also, he points out that… In addition, in his opinion, … Q4 In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that… To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two reasons/examples in his speech. The first one is that… The other one is that… And that’s the two reasons/ examples the speaker presented to explain his idea. TYPE 1: The reading passage: definition Listening passage: examples, study, research


新托福口语考试Task 1模版 Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________. And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________. 新托福口语考试Task 2模版 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above. 新托福口语考试Task 3模版 The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________. And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion. 新托福口语考试Task 4模版 In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________.


口语第三题,这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础。具体介绍如下: 形式:阅读+听力+应答 阅读: 时间: 40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words) (大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)听力: 时间:60s至80s 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种 作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点!考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系 时间:准备时间:30s; 陈述时间:60s TIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。 备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。

备考模版: 注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason she/he gives is that…… And the second one is based on the fact that……" 2、From the reading material,we know that (the college)is going to……Obviously,the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea,due to the following reasons.。 One reason is that…… Another is…… (万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…… (选择方案型:听选择的原因。 1.Firstly,the man/woman states that…… 2.And then he/she states that……) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。 1.Firstly,the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of t his issue. He/she states that…… 2.On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1)In the readingmaterial, (2)There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词) (3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下) (4)In the listeningmaterial,two students discussabout the***(填入关键词) 听力中人物表达观点的模版: (1)The man/woman is against/supporting the*** (2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***

托福口语 个人模板

What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. I enjoy listening to country music most .First reson is My favorite singer is TS.She is a counrty music singer. I love Hers beatuiful voice and melodies When i hear her songs i feel relax and happy. Second listening country music, especially for non-native English speakers, is that the words are easier to understand. I dont need extra time to search the explain.besides I like country music mostly because most songs right now talk about sex, or money and drugs or both. It's quite disgusting. I dislike it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of replacing paper books or magazines?Include reasons and examples to support your response. I prefer to read e-books for two reasons. Firstly, reading e-books is much cheaper. Instead of spending a great amount of money buying paper books in the bookstore, downloading the e-books costs me almost nothing. Since I am still a student now, I do not have much extra money to be spent on buying books, so reading e-books can save me a lot of money. Secondly, reading e-books is environmentally friendly. As the production of paper consumes huge amount of water and tree resources, choosing electronic books over paper books will help preserve valuable natural resources and help protect our fragile environment. Describe your favorite subject at school. Explain why this subject is your favorite. My favorite academic subject is math because I enjoy solving problems in a logical way and I can apply my math skills to other areas of my life. For instance, I remember sitting in front of my desk for three hours when I was nine years old because I was trying to solve a math problem. It was in fact a fun exercise for me rather than an academic responsibility. After successfully finding the solution, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Besides, I can use my math skills whenever I go grocery shopping, such as applying the discounts and calculating the change or even when I?m managing my personal finances. Therefore, I have always found learning math so useful and interesting. . Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation. I don?t agree with this opinion. I think it is more difficult to teach children in


托福口语常考话题模板集锦 1.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。 Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons. Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society. Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it's a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day's work. What's more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 【托福口语】2020年托福口语常考话题模板集锦


托福口试自我介绍模板 托福口试自我介绍模板 智课网ToEFL备考资料 托福口试自我介绍模板 您当前的位置?智课教育官网?托福?托福口语?文章正文 出国英语考试有哪些雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别 今天智课教育托福频道小编为大家整理了托福口试自我介绍模板,供大家参考,以下是详细内容: 托福口语模板:自我介绍 Helloeveryone,mynameisLee.Thisisreallyagreathonortohavethisopportuni ty,andibelieveicanmakegoodperformancetoday.nowiwillintroducemyselfb riefly.iam20yearsold,borninGuangdongprovince,southofchina,andiamaseniorstudentatGuangdo ng**University.mymajorisEnglish.andiwillreceivemybachelordegreeafter mygraduationinJune.inthepastfouryears,ispentmostofmytimeonstudy.ipass edcET4andcET6withaeaseandacquiredbasictheoreticalandpracticalknowle dgeofLanguage.Besides,ihaveattendedseveralSpeechcompetitionheldinBe ijing,whichreallyshowedourprofessionaladvantages.ihavetakenatourtosom ebigfactoriesand


口语第三题.这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础。具体介绍如下: 形式:阅读+听力+应答 阅读: 时间:40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words) (大学的政策.规定或者办事程序.大学的计划.校园设施或校园内生活质量) 听力: 时间:60s至80s 内容:话题同阅读.说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点.观点分支持反对两种 作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由.考生不需要说明自己的观点! 考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关.必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系 时间:准备时间:30s; 陈述时间:60s TIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点agree or disagree.然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。 备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点.以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚.要用计时软件.多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。

备考模版: 注:模版只是参考.请同学们自己总结 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason she/he gives is that…… And the second one is based on the fact that……" 2、From the reading material. we know that (the college)is going to……Obviously. the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea. due to the following reasons.。 One reason is that…… Another is…… (万一有时间)So that‘s all th e reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记.听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…… (选择方案型:听选择的原因。 1.Firstly. the man/woman states that…… 2.And then he/she states that……) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。 1.Firstly. the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…… 2.On the other hand. the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1)In the reading material. (2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词) (3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下) (4)In the listening material.two students discuss about the***(填入关键词)听力中人物表达观点的模版:



Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I wanna say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think … is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that… In the reading material, there is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about … The university/college is going to… In the listening material, two students discuss about the… The man/woman is against/supporting the… He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about…


托福口语task3-6的独家模板Task 3(有两种模式的答题模板) Reading部分 1) 学校通知(School Announcement): In the reading material, the university has decided to… because of two reasons. First,…… Second, …… 2) 学生提议(Student Proposal): In the reading material, the student/professor suggests that the university should(not) do …because of two reasons. First, …… Second, …… Listening部分 In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with the announcement/ letter for the following two reasons. First,…… Second,…… (其他方案) He/She feels unhappy/less satisfied about…. because… He/She thinks the... is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following 2 reasons... 陈述理由(reasons) For one thing, he points out that His first reason is that Also, he suggests that


在听力完成后会有5秒倒计时,结束后开始计时10分钟的休息,休息完后让监考输入密码进入口语部分,按完第一个NEXT后别按第二个NEXT,这样中间就有无限的时间听别人答完所有的题。第1,2题也要做笔记,虽然短而且简单,但这样可以防止到时万一因为某个词而卡住。 2.答题时宁过勿缺,但如果最后差几秒又实在想不出,则可说:That’s about it (连 读) ORThat’severything I can say about this topic 。 3.有时可用and将两个同义词连接,这样既可强调要表达的意思,又可延长一倍的时间。 4.多用习语,口语词,gonna,wanna,thatal= that will,有的词读的短而快,有些则长而慢,注意语音语调的变换。 5.一开始不要说出绝对数字,而说a few points,这样可以防止说不完。 6.多用被动和升调。 7.因为第1,2题要求说45’所以用一些opening会使这两道题比较稳妥。 8.在有阅读的题目中快速默读,但有不熟的单词要朗读。 9.3、4题中如果多说阅读中的内容会被减分,不要有什么in the reading passage之类的话。 10.不要喷麦,不要用一些不确定的词如something,someone,(主要是1,2题,并注意specific),有一些小的语法错误没有关系,发音不好没有关系。 11.阅读和听力可能出现2选1的加试。阅读题是可以来回改的,而听力只可以改最后一个,所以做阅读时应根据篇数来判断听力的篇数,并合理安排时间。 12.阅读和听力要早答,因为如果慢了则会受到别人口语的干扰。而中间休息的时间则应尽可能的延长,因为如果快了则会在写作时受到别人口语部分的影响。故TOEFLiBT总体应该遵循先快后慢的原则。 以上就是托福(课程)口语考试中运用的12条超级考场技巧,大家学会了吗?要在不断地实践中不断地总结,不断地积累经验,这样才会再之前的基础上更上一层楼,我们要突破的是以前的成绩,我们要超越的是以前的自己,考生们加油吧! 口语资料和模板。 一下几个经典段子和模板就可秒杀TOEFL口语。 Test 1 我想大家看了这些口语段子,就知道怎么对付T1和T2了。无敌改改改。 Famous person The person influence me greatly is my mother because she is a person with so many good qualities. First of all, she is a kind-hearted lady. As a doctor, she not only cures the illness of her patients but also helps them to solve mental and financial problems. In addition, my mother is diligent and responsible


https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a16770528.html, 各种类型托福口语高频真题模板Task2整理 天道留学

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a16770528.html, 新托福口语真题中有很多的题目是重复出现的,这些题目就成了真正的高频真题。如果对这些高频真题详加分析,就会发现在Task2中文化类话题是非常常见的,为大家整理了相关的材料供大家参考。 文化类 1. Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why. (05. 1 2.17; 07. 9.29; 08.2.16考题) Sample answer: In my point of view, government should provide fund to build museums and theaters because they serve as exhibition centers for people to know about the history and culture of the country. The range of museums is fantastic—there are museums of ancient history and archaeology(考古学), of natural history and even museums for such things as transport and crime! And because the museums are constantly holding new exhibitions, there is always something different to see. Theaters offer people a big place to enjoy a variety of operas and plays of different regions. Even the world's best group come occasionally. Meanwhile, the building of the museums and theaters will enhance the cultural exchange between countries. They are also one of the contributing factors that promote the national economy. That's why I think it's a good idea for government to help with the building of museums and theaters. …… 2. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? (07. 1.14考题) Sample answer: I think old buildings should be protected and maintained for the following reasons. First, old buildings carry a place's history, tradition, local custom and even some unique character. They were designed to be preserved as they were in early times. They serve as a mirror to remind modern people of their past that they should be proud of. Second, most old buildings are tourist attractions which interest visitors from all over the world. If they are damaged, they might go back with regret. In addition, tourism
