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Rules and regulation规则

1.Are there any rules at your home?/ Do you have some rules at home? Yes, there any rules in your home. For example, in my family, I must do my homework first. If I finish my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. Second I must get up at six o’clock, because I have an English class on the morning. Third, everyone knows, no pain no gain. If I want get some pocket money, I must do something to exchange. Such as sweep the floor and wash the dishes, I think it is good for my health.

2.Which rule do you have to obey first at home?

3.What do you think of the rules in your home? / Tell me something about

your family rules.

There are some rules in my family, such as Respect the elders; wash hands before each meal; take shower before bed; Take off shoes before entering the bedrooms.

4.Are you allowed to watch TV for a long time every day?

5.If you don’t listen to your parents, what will happen?

If I don’t listen to my mum, most of time she will persuade me to accept her suggestion. But sometimes she may be angry at me. I don’t think that will work. Parents can suggest children to do something but not order them. I have heard of that American parents never order their children in order to help them to be independent.

6.Are there any rules in your school?/ Do you know any school rules? Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.

7.How can traffic accidents be prevented?

I think the most important thing is we should obey the traffic rules, all of them are necessary. For example, when we cross the road, we should wait for the traffic light, but I see many people could hardly wait to rush into road. That’s very dangerous. Some people drive after drinking alcohol. It’s also very dangerous for both driver and the people on the road.

8.Which rules are unfair in your school?


The rule ‘we can’t run in the hallways anytime’ is unfair. I always follow this rule. But I can see many children, even some teachers always run in the hallway. No one criticizes them. If it’s an unreasonable rule, it should be revoked. But before this, in order to be serious to the school rules, all the people who break rules should be punished.


We must stay at classroom in break, but some low grade student can play on the playground, I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. We can’t play basket ball, can’t play foot ball, can’t play hide and seek. We just can talking about friend and play some small games. If you are in my class and you will know it is very boring. We ask the teacher but the teacher told us that is good for our study and safety. So I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. 9.What kind of rules do we need to obey in our life?/ How much do you know

about rules?


There are many rules we should obey. For example, in school we shouldn’t be late for class, don’t eat snacks in the class, don’t leave classroom freely if we are in class time…and so on. In public, don’t smoke in public area, don’t spit everywhere, don’t break public property … and so on. I think if we all obey these rules strictly, the world will become better and better.


Rules are something people should obey so as to make the world a better place to live in. For example, the school rules are made to guarantee student’s health physically and mentally.

10.What public rules do you have to obey?你必须遵守哪些公共规则?

11.If you see someone smoking in public, what would you do?

I’ll smile at him and say: Hi Sir, may I possibly ask you not to smoke? The government has banned smoking in all public places. You know, when you smoke, the people around you will have the passive smoking. Furthermore, smoking really does harm to yourself.

12.Have you ever broken any public rules?

Yes. Sometimes I eat food will have some noise; it will broken the public rule.

I think it is not very polite. If I have some noise, people will feel very terrible. And then they won’t want to eat food. They will think I am an impolite boy. They will not want eat meal with me. I think we must obey the public rule. Otherwise you will be very disgusting.
