


1. I’m Sarah. I’m ________ journalist. [单选题] *

A. an

B. a(正确答案)

C. the

D. /

2. Sorry, I ________ speak English. I speak a little Italian. [单选题] *

A. don’t(正确答案)

B. am not

C. doesn’t

D. do

3. These are my ________, Sam and Anna. [单选题] *

A. childs(正确答案)

B. children

C. childrens

D. child

4. I go ________ every morning. [单选题] *

A. swim

B. swimming(正确答案)

C. swimed

D. swimming

5. My mother ________ the piano very well. We loved to listen to her. [单选题] *

A. played(正确答案)

B. play

C. is playing

D. plays

6. A fridge is ________ than a freezer. [单选题] *

A. more important(正确答案)

B. importanter

C. most important

D. much important

7. ________ up, please. [单选题] *

A. Stand(正确答案)

B. Standing

C. To stand

D. To standing

8. Maria spends hours ________ the shopping center. [单选题] *

A. in(正确答案)

B. on

D. for

9. You may use my pen. I will use ________. [单选题] *

A. hers(正确答案)

B. her

C. she

D. herself

10. I drink ________ water every day. [单选题] *

A. a few

B. a lot of(正确答案)

C. few

D. a little of


Daniel Radcliffe 1________ born in 1990, the year when J.K. Rowling first thought of the now famous Harry Potter. He always wanted to be 2________ actor, but his parents didn’t like the idea. But when he had the opportunity to 3________Harry Potter his parents agreed and they were very proud 4________him when the first film came out.

The success of the films 5________ Daniel both rich and famous. But he still enjoys the simple pleasures of life. He 6________playing guitar and 7________ his favourite football team, Fulham. 8________present he is working on several stage and film projects. Daniel says that he 9________ to work as an actor for as long 10________he can.

1. [单选题] *

B. was(正确答案)

C. were

2. [单选题] *


B. a

C. the

3. [单选题] *

A. take

B. do

C. play(正确答案)

4. [单选题] *

A. of(正确答案)

B. in

C. for

5. [单选题] *

A. make

B. have made

C. has(正确答案)

6. [单选题] *

B. loves(正确答案)

C. is loving

7. [单选题] *

A. support

B. to support

C. supporting(正确答案)

8. [单选题] *

A. On

B. In

C. At(正确答案)

9. [单选题] *

A. is going to continue(正确答案)

B. continues

C. is continuing

10. [单选题] *

A. such

B. as(正确答案)

C. like


We had a great time last weekend. We decided to camp on Mount Olympus. You know, the mountain with flames that burn in the rock? It was really good!

We travelled from Antalya by bus and arrived in Çirali at 6. The bus stopped on the main road and we walked a couple of kilometres to the village. We had a cup of tea and then we started the walk up the mountain. We arrived at the flames just as the sun started to go down.

What a view! We watched the sky turn red and then the stars started to come out. It was really beautiful. The flames are incredible too. Some of them are really big. We cooked our food over one of them. We stayed awake all night. We passed the time playing cards and telling stories. One of my friends had a guitar and he played all our favourite songs. Next time you visit we can go there together. But for now — have a look at our fantastic photos!

Take care,


1. They went camping on Mount Olympus last weekend. [单选题]



2. They drove all the way to the village. [单选题]



3. They arrived at the flames at midnight. [单选题]



4. They didn’t sleep all that night. [单选题]



5. Orich didn’t go with them. [单选题]




I'm Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I'd like to tell you a little about the company and its organization. Hoogle Engineering was set up in 1960. It was divided into several departments at that time, such as the sales department, marketing department, and production department. Lots of managers were employed to manage it all.

Fortunately things are different now. Sixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the business. The market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwide, not just locally.

But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spoke to each other. We had a tall structure. Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor, manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given. Then you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every day. Then you moved up to the middle management, who were doing the tasks of getting new business, and then you had the senior management team, and then you had the board, who decided the business strategy. So there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually.

The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a product. Each team has members that can manufacture different products. The actual teams now are self-managing, so we don't even have team leaders. You've got

the teams, and then you’ve got two people, only two people, who are what you think of as management. This is generally called flat structure.

1. Hoogle Engineering was set up in ________. [单选题] *

A. the nineteenth century

B. the twentieth century(正确答案)

C. the twenty first century

2. There are many different ________ of management in a tall structure. [单选题] *

A. kinds(正确答案)

B. levels

C. functions

3. People in a flat structure usually work in ________. [单选题] *

A. departments

B. families(正确答案)

C. teams

4. All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that

________. [单选题] *

A. communication in the company is becoming more and more important

B. the author thinks the two structures have the same functions

C. there are more individual responsibilities in the flat structure(正确答案)

5. The best title for the passage is ________. [单选题] *

A. Organization Structure in Hoogle Engineering

B. History of Hoogle Engineering

C. Success in Hoogle engineering(正确答案)


1. 经验是最好的老师。 [单选题] *

A. Experience is the best teacher.(正确答案)

B. Experience is the most good teacher.

2. 晚上七点半爸爸在火车站接我们。 [单选题] *

A. My father met us at the railway station at about 7:30.(正确答案)

B.My father received us at the railway station at about 7:30.

3.你家乡有电影院吗? [单选题] *

A. Does your hometown got a cinema?

B. Is there any cinema in your hometown?(正确答案)

4. 客厅里有一个沙发和一把扶手椅 [单选题] *

A. There is a sofa and an armchair in the living room.(正确答案)

B. There are a sofa and an armchair in the living room.

5. 当遇到生词时,我经常查英语词典。 [单选题] *

A. When I come across a new word, I often consult an English dictionary.(正确答案)

B. When I come across a new word, I often check an English dictionary.


湖州师范学院2011届学位英语考试试卷一 Part II. Choose the best answer. (10%) 1. He soon received promotion for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable____A_____. A. ability B. future C. possibility D. opportunity 2. What a lovely party. It is worth ___A___ all my life. A. remembering B. to remember C. to be remembered D. being remembered 3. We left the meeting there obviously__B__ no point in staying. A. were B. being C. to be D. having 4. Many people like white color as it is a __A__ of purity. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. symptom 5. This research has attracted wide __C__ coverage and has featured on BBC television’s Tomorrow World. A. message B. information C. media D. data 6. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner ____C__ at the very moment of the crash. A. should have died B. must be dying C. must have died D. ought to die 7. The __D___ of blood always makes him feel sick. A. form B. view C. look D. sight 8. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, __C____ something occurred--- which attracted my attention. A. unless B. until C. when D. while 9. Y oung adults____A_ older people are more likely to prefer pop songs. A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than 10. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she __A___ too long. A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read 11. The hopes, goals, fears and desires ____D__ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. A. alter B. shift C. transfer D. vary 12. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _A___ on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated 13. Although Anne is happy with her success, she wonders __B____ will happen to her private life. A. that B. what C. it D. this 14. It is reported that __C___ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are. A. the most B. most of C. most D. the most of 15. Don’t let the child play with scissors __A__ he cuts himself. A. in case B. so that C. now that D. only if 16. __C___ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything. A. As far as B. As long as C. As well as D. As soon as 17. Whenever a big company __C___ a small one, the product almost always gets worse. A. gets on with B. cuts down C. takes over D. puts up with


湖州师范学院2022期末考试试题英语 第一部分:单项选择题 1. I’m Sarah. I’m ________ journalist. [单选题] * A. an B. a(正确答案) C. the D. / 2. Sorry, I ________ speak English. I speak a little Italian. [单选题] * A. don’t(正确答案) B. am not C. doesn’t D. do 3. These are my ________, Sam and Anna. [单选题] * A. childs(正确答案) B. children C. childrens D. child 4. I go ________ every morning. [单选题] * A. swim

B. swimming(正确答案) C. swimed D. swimming 5. My mother ________ the piano very well. We loved to listen to her. [单选题] * A. played(正确答案) B. play C. is playing D. plays 6. A fridge is ________ than a freezer. [单选题] * A. more important(正确答案) B. importanter C. most important D. much important 7. ________ up, please. [单选题] * A. Stand(正确答案) B. Standing C. To stand D. To standing 8. Maria spends hours ________ the shopping center. [单选题] * A. in(正确答案) B. on


2022年湖州师范学院生物科学专业《微生物学》期末试卷A(有答案) 一、填空题 1、革兰氏染色是______染色,染后不被乙醇脱色则决定于______的性质。G-细菌染色总 是______的,而G+细菌染色______。 2、最先发现噬菌体的是______,他在培养______时在菌苔上发现了透明斑点。 3、从葡萄糖开始的肽聚糖生物合成过程中,最重要的4种中间代谢物是______、______、 ______和______。 4、一般情况下,培养微生物的器具,在使用前必须先进行______,使容器中不含______。 5、蕈菌从其______、______、______、______和______等方面来考察,证明它是典型的微生物,其大型子实体相当于其他真菌的______。 6、微生物包括的主要类群有______、______和______。 7、评价化学杀菌剂或治疗剂的药效和毒性的关系时,最重要的三个指标是______、______ 和______。 8、微生物间和微生物与它种生物间的主要关系有五种,即______、______、______、 ______、______。 9、当细菌处于一种氨基酸全面匮乏的“氨基酸饥饿”状态时,细菌会采取一种应急反应 以求生存,实施这一应急反应的信号,大量合成两种物质,它们是:______和______。 10、细菌性病原体会通过产生______、______和______等物质危害宿主;病毒会通过______、______和______等方式危害宿主;而真菌则会通过______、______、______和______等方式危 害其宿主。 二、判断题 11、从总体上讲,放线菌是一类对人类有益的微生物。()


湖州师范学院英语期末考试试题 1、Mr. Brown ______ the football match next week.()[单选题] * A. is seeing B. sees C. saw D. is going to see(正确答案) 2、77.You can watch TV when you finish________ your homework. [单选题] * A.to do B.do C.to doing D.doing(正确答案) 3、The Titanic is a nice film. I _______ it twice. [单选题] * A. saw B. see C. have seen(正确答案) D. have saw

4、?I am good at schoolwork. I often help my classmates _______ English. [单选题] * A. at B. to C. in D. with(正确答案) 5、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] * A. succeeded(正确答案) B. succeed C. success D. successful 6、94.—Let’s go out for a picnic on Sunday.—________. [单选题] * A.Nice to meet you B.Here you are C.The same to you D.Good idea(正确答案) 7、____ of my parents has been to my school, so they know _____ of my classmates. [单选题] * A. Neither, none(正确答案)


2022年湖州师范学院汉语国际教育专业《现代汉语》期末试卷A(有 答案) 一、填空题 1、一个音位中的不同的音可以称为这个音位的______,它包括______ 和______两种类型。 2、汉语音节不能没有______,不能没有______,但可以没有______、韵头和______。 3、熟语有很多种类型,比如“倒打一耙”属于______,“瞎子点灯”属于______,“胸 有成竹”属于______。 4、从合成词的构成方式看,“语言、思想、生产”属于______式合成词,“晴天、网购、开水”属于______式合成词。 5、现代汉语的方言通常分为______大方言区,以上海话为代表的方言称为______。 6、《中华人民共和国宪法》第十九条规定:“______。”我国历史上第一部关于语言文 字的专门法是2000年10月制定的《______》。 7、汉字部件的组合方式主要左右结构、上下结构和______三种 8、“蝴”的偏旁是______,部件是______。“乃”的部件是______,部首是______。“闻”的形旁是______,声旁是______。 9、从句子特性看,“老张让我去见局长”是______句,“他推开门走了出去”是______句。 10、“他不是不想学,而是没有时间学”是表示______关系的复句。 二、判断题 11、词典一般只能收录词,不收大于词的单位。() 12、2“猩猩”是单纯词,“哥哥”是合成词。() 13、简化汉字与繁体汉字都是一一对应的,如“车”和“車”。( ) 14、大多数汉字是指事字。()

15、动词可以修饰名词。() 16、动词加动词可以构成述宾短语。() 17、“这种文章让人实在没有胃口再看下去”运用了比喻修辞格。( ) 18、世界上所有语言都具备语音、文字、词汇、语法四大要素() 19、“一……十”这十个数字中,古入声字有五个,分别是“一六七八十”。() 20、某些儿化韵母发音时主要元音带有鼻化色彩。() 三、选择题 21、“不”在()读35。 A.句末 B.去声前 C.去声后 D.非去声前 22、能充当普通话韵头的是()。 A.高元音 B.低元音 C.前元音 D.央元音 23、“学校安排你们去做社会调查”是()。 A.主谓谓语句 B.连谓句 C.双宾句 D.兼语句


2022年湖州师范学院计算机科学与技术专业《数据结构与算法》科目 期末试卷A(有答案) 一、选择题 1、用有向无环图描述表达式(A+B)*((A+B)//A),至少需要顶点的数目为()。 A.5 B.6 C.8 D.9 2、用数组r存储静态链表,结点的next域指向后继,工作指针j指向链中结点,使j沿 链移动的操作为()。 A.j=r[j].next B.j=j+l C.j=j->next D.j=r[j]->next 3、某线性表中最常用的操作是在最后一个元素之后插入一个元素和删除第一个元素,则 采用()存储方式最节省运算时间。 A.单链表 B.仅有头指针的单循环链表 C.双链表 D.仅有尾指针的单循环链表 4、向一个栈顶指针为h的带头结点的链栈中插入指针s所指的结点时,应执行()。 A.h->next=s B.s->next=h C.s->next=h;h->next=s D.s->next=h-next;h->next=s 5、已知串S='aaab',其next数组值为()。 A.0123 B.1123 C.1231 D.1211 6、排序过程中,对尚未确定最终位置的所有元素进行一遍处理称为一趟排序。下列排序 方法中,每一趟排序结束时都至少能够确定一个元素最终位置的方法是()。 Ⅰ.简单选择排序Ⅱ.希尔排序Ⅲ.快速排序Ⅳ.堆排Ⅴ.二路归并排序 A.仅Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ B.仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ C.仅Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ D.仅Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ 7、循环队列放在一维数组A中,end1指向队头元素,end2指向队尾元素的后一个位置。假设队列两端均可进行入队和出队操作,队列中最多能容纳M-1个元素。初始时为空, 下列判断队空和队满的条件中,正确的是()。 A.队空:end1==end2;队满:end1==(end2+1)mod M


湖州师范学院2011届学位英语考试试卷八 Part I Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage One Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to, and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made, washing can go to the laundry, food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved, bread is baked and delivered by the baker, milk arrives on the doorstep, meals can be had at the restaurant, the work‘s canteen (自助食堂), and the school dining-room. It is unusual now for father to pursue his trade or other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father‘s profession, and in many towns they have a fairly w ide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence. In textile (纺织) areas it has long been a rule for mothers to go out to work, and this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child‘s home life, and the number of married women in employment has more than doubled in the last twenty-five years. With mother earning and his older children drawing decent(相当好的) wages, father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother‘s employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from sch ool. 1. What does the first paragraph tell us? A. People did much more work for others than today. B. There are more school dining-rooms now than in the past. C. Home used to be more like a workshop than today. D. There are more ready made clothes available in the market. 2. What is the main reason that children DO NOT do the same job as their father does? A. Because they have a lot of jobs to choose from. B. Because they do not know much about their father's job. C. Because their father‘s job is not exciting enough. D. Because their father does not like them to pursue his trade. 3. What does the writer like to see about a working mother? A. She earns more money than her husband. B. She goes back home earlier than her children do. C. She plays a more important role in the family. D. She works near home to take care of her children. 4. What does the word ―dominant‖ (Para.2) most probably mean? A. powerful B. responsible C. unimportant D. hardworking 5. What relationship is the passage mainly concerned with? A. That between husband and wife. B. That between mother and children. C. That between father and children. D. That between parents and children.


湖州师范学院大学英语3期末试卷 1、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]* A. banana; yogurt B. banana; yogurts C. bananas; yogurt(正确答案) D. bananas; yogurts 2、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] * A. used he B. did he C. didnt he (正确答案) D. should he 3、When you have trouble, you can _______ the police. They will help you. [单选题] * A. turn off B. turn to(正确答案) C. turn on D. turn over

4、4.—Let's fly a kite when you are ________ at the weekend.—Good idea. [单选题] * A.warm B.kind C.small D.free(正确答案) 5、_____from far away, the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky. [单选题] * A. See B. Seeing C. To see D. Seen(正确答案) 6、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] * A. by the time B. in time(正确答案) C. once upon a time D. out of time 7、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] * A. buy


新闻报道策划试题 湖州师范学院2021-2021学年第2学期《新闻报道策划》期末考试试卷(a卷)(开卷) 适用等级060422测试时间90分钟 学院班级学号姓名成绩 问题编号得分1234567890总分1。单选题:(每个子题1分,总共15分)每个子题中只列出四个选项中的一个 得分选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.新闻报道策划首要考虑的基本前提是() a、艺术价值 b、目标价值 c、服务价值 d、导向价值 2.新闻报道策划的基本前提是() a、有的放矢 b、创意巧妙 c、实事求是 d、a和c3、新闻报道策划中创造性思维的核心是() a、逆向思维B、深度思维C、发散思维D、横向思维4。创造性新闻报道策划的目标前提是() a、满足受众心理需求 b、创造性思维 c、提高经济效益 d、提升自身的影响力5、实事求是是新闻报道策划的事实前提,其中,下面属于新闻报道策划“有效的事实 “前提”的定义是() a、新鲜新奇 b、真实可信 c、新奇角度 d、准备充分6、马克思曾说:“动物只生产动物,而人却再生产整个自然界;动物只按照它所属的那个物种的标准和需要去制造,而人却知道按照每个物种的标准来生产,而且知道怎样把本身固有的(内在的)标准运用到对象上来制造。”这句话反映到人类的新闻报道策划活动上来,下列哪项最准确的体现了新闻报道策划的这一原则?()a、整体性原则b、超越性原则c、可行性原则d、审美性原则 7.为了满足受众的心理需求,提高报道效果,在策划新闻报道时应掌握策划的基本原则。新闻策划人员选择有利于传播效果的手段,充分发挥各种媒体(报纸、电视、广播、互联网等)的优势,体现了“满足受众需求”的基本原则是什么?() a、引起注意 b、传播美感 c、采用两面宣传 d、突出个性8、突发事件自身的特殊性决定了其报道策划也有着许多不同于常规事件策划的特性和要求,下面不属于突发事件报道策划的特性的是()


2022年湖州师范学院临床医学专业《药理学》科目期末试卷A(有答 案) 一、名词解释 1、安慰剂(placebo) 2、生物利用度 3、噻嗪类利尿药 4、5-HT-DA受体阻断剂 5、强心苷

6、糖皮质激素抵抗 7、二重感染 8、多重耐药 9、药理性预适应 二、填空题

10、药理学是研究药物_______与包括_______相互作用及_______的学科。 11、乙酰胆碱可使内脏平滑肌_______,血管平滑肌_______,瞳孔_______。 12、溴隐亭服用大剂量时,对_________受体有较强的激动作用,故可用于治疗_________ 13、硝普钠可通过释放______扩张血管,用于治疗______和______。 14、 _______和_______联合用药是目前治疗鼠疫的最有效手段。 15、奥美拉唑与壁细胞________酶的a亚单位结合,使其失去活性,抑制胃酸的分泌,另外对________菌有抑制作用,用于消化性溃疡的治疗。 三、选择题 16、遗传药理学是研究() A.药物如何影响人的遗传过程 B.遗传性疾病的药物治疗 C.基因治疗药物 D.遗传因素对药物反应的影响 E.药物对生殖的影响过程 17、治疗外周血管痉挛性疾病宜选用的药物是() A.M受体激动药 B.N受体激动药 C.a受体阻断药 D.β受体阻断药 E.β受体激动药 18、有关右旋糖酐的叙述,错误的是() A.改善微循环 B.抑制红细胞和血小板聚集 C.具有渗透性利尿作用 D.增加血液黏稠度 E.提高血浆胶体渗透压 19、麦角胺治疗偏头痛的作用机制是() A.阻断血管平滑肌a受体 B.抑制前列腺素合成 C.增加脑血流量 D.收缩脑血管 E.镇痛作用 20、放线菌素D对处于哪期的肿瘤细胞作用较强() A.G0期 B.G1期 C.S期 D.G2期 E.M期


2022年湖州师范学院数据科学与大数据技术专业《操作系统》科目期 末试卷B(有答案) 一、选择题 1、下面叙述中,错误的是() A.操作系统既能进行多任务处理,又能进行多重处理 B.多重处理是多任务处理的子集, C.多任务是指同一时间内在同一系统中同时运行多个进程 D.一个CPU的计算机上也可以进行多重处理 2、下列选项中,会导致用户进程从用户态切换到内核态的操作是() I.整数除以零 II.sin函数调用 III.read系统调用 A.仅I、II B.仅I、III C.仅II、III D. I、II和II 3、既考虑作业等待时间,又考虑作业执行时间的调度算法是() A.高响应比优先调度算法 B.短作业优先调度算法 C.优先级调度算法 D.先来先服务调度算法 4、下列选项中,降低进程优先权级的合理时机是()。 A.进程的时间片用完 B.进程刚完成I/O,进入就绪队列 C.进程长期处于就绪队列

D.进程从就绪状态转为执行状态 5、下列关于管程的叙述中,错误的是()。 A.管程只能用于实现进程的互斥 B.管程是由编程语言支持的进程同步机制 C.任何时候只能有一个进程在管程中执行 D.管程中定义的变量只能被管程内的过程访问 6、采用SPOOLing技术后,使得系统资源利用率()。 A.提高了 B.有时提高,有时降低 C.降低了 D.提高了,但出错的可能性增人了 7、下列有关设备独立性的说法中,正确的是()。 A.设备独立性是指I/O设备具有独立执行I/O功能的种特性 B.设备独立性是指用户程序独立于具体物理设备的·种特性, C.设备独立性是指能够实现设备共享的一种特性 D.设备独立性是指设备驱动程序独立于具体物理设备的·种特性, 8、()结构的文件最适合于随机存取的应用场合。 A.流式 B.索引 C.链接 D.顺序 9、操作系统为了管理文件,设计了文件控制块(FCB),文件控制块的建立是(). A.在调用create()时


湖州师范学院2013届学位英语考试复习题二 (仅供2013届抵学位考试参考用) Part I. Reading Comprehension. (40%) Section A: Fast Reading Directions: In this part, you will be asked to go over the passage quickly and then choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each question. What to Expect from College Life Congratulations! You've been accepted into college. You're excited and maybe a little bit nervous. What can you expect? Read on for our advice. Prepare yourself for a new life at college Entering college is like starting a new phase of life where you have to learn to support yourself. You will have to adjust to your new surroundings, try to do everything by yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet. As you negotiate the ups and downs of student life, you will learn how to manage the situations that arise. Learn to enjoy the hardships We all know college life is wildly different from middle school. It's the place where teenagers become adults and academia meets society. Ideally, your time at college will help you mature physically and mentally, equip you with knowledge and prepare you for your professional career. It's a challenging process, so it's not realistic to expect everything to always work in your favor. You won't win every prize and you won't be popular with all your classmates all the time. The set-backs and challenges – like failure, betrayal and unjust treatment – are just as important for your growth as the good times. Only once you have experienced these things will you know what society and life is like. Communicate with others College is just like a small society, so you have to communicate with your peers to make the most of your time. Social communication is easier to learn than technology. Smile at your classmates, show your concern and speak with them. Then they will be happy to help you in return. Take on your own responsibilities You are becoming a fully-functioning adult in society. Don't count on others to make decisions or plans for you. You are your own master. As an active student, you should plan your life and manage your study right from the start of your college life. Face up to your troubles bravely and don't run away. College is a very important time of your life and you should make the most of it. You will learn as much from the real world as you will from textbooks, as much from practice as theory. If you pay attention, you will acquire precious knowledge, goods sense, social experience and determination. 1. How would you prepare for a new life at college? A. Learn to support yourself. B. Adjust to new environment. C. Try to be independent.


2022年湖州师范学院公共课《大学计算机基础》期末试卷A(有答案) 一、单项选择题 1、二进制数101110转换成十六进制数是() A.2C B.2D C.2E D.2F 2、二进制数11111110B等值的十进制数是() A.254 B.252 C.154 D.244 3、十进制数27转换成二进制数是() A.1011 B.1101 C.10111 D.11011 4、下面关于二进制的运算中,错误的是() A.10+01=11 B.11+01=111 C.11-01=10 D.10-01=01 5、以下4项中,不属于计算机病毒特征的是() A.潜伏性 B.传染性 C.激发性 D.免疫性 6、标准的ASCII码共有() A256个 B 255个 C127个 D 128个 7、在微型计算机中,连接同一台计算机各不见的总线称为系统总线,下列不属于系统总线的 是() A.扩展总线 B.数据总线 C.地址总线 D.控制总线 8、下列可以完成多个应用程序切换的是() A.资源管理器 B.控制菜单 C.“开始"菜单

D.任务栏 9、在Windows 7 中,下列字符不能出现在文件名中的是() A: B.$ C.空格 D. + 10、Windows 7把所有的系统环境设置功能都统一到了() A.“我的电脑” B.“附件” C.“控制面板” D.“资源管理器” 11、使用“控制面板”中的”添加/删除程序”不能() A.安装应用程序 B.确定安装了哪些应用程序 C.修复被删除应用程序的快捷方式 D.删除应用程序及其在系统文件中的设置 12、在Windows 7中,"资源管理器”窗口已经选定多个文件,如果要取消其中几个文件的选定,应进行的操作是() A.按住"Shift”键,再单击各个要取消选定的文件 B.按住“Ctrl”键,再单击各个要取消选定的文件 C.直接单击各个要取消选定的文件 D.用鼠标右键单击各个要取消选定的文件 13、下列有关Windows7快捷方式的叙述中,错误的是() A.快捷方式可以在安装应用程序时自动产生 B.快捷方式可以由用户自主创建 C.快捷方式图标的左下角有一个回


湖州师范学院2021年英语期末考试试卷第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is a global stage where the world’s next-generation inventions are introduced towards the marketplace, and lots of companies are participating. Here are several of the amazing inventions that were introduced at the showin 2020. August Wi-Fi Smart Lock It's an intelligent door lock to protect your home, and it works on Wi-Fi. The lock doesn’t require any additional hardware to attach to it and can be used with the existing door lock. The owner can remotely access the door from anywhere to lock or unlock and can provide guest keys to family or friends. It keeps statistics and records of your door’s “lock”, “unlock”, and who have visited. Motion Pillow It’s a pillow developed for anyone who has a snoring (打鼾) problem. The solution box detects, records, and analyses


2022年湖州师范学院计算机科学与技术专业《计算机系统结构》科目 期末试卷A(有答案) 一、选择题 1、"一次重叠"中消除"指令相关"最好的方法是( )。 A.不准修改指令 B.设相关专用通路 C.推后分析下条指令 D.推后执行下条指令 2、以下说法中,不正确的是()。软硬件功能是等效的,提高硬件功能的比例会 A.提高解题速度 B.提高硬件利用率 C.提高硬件成本 D.减少所需存储器用量 3、汇编语言程序经()的()成机器语言程序。 A.编译程序,翻译 B.汇编程序,翻译 C.汇编程序,解释 D.编译程序,解释 4、在操作系统机器级,一般用()程序()作业控制语句。 A.汇编程序,翻译

B.汇编程序,解释 C.机器语言,解释 D.机器语言,翻译 5、传统机器语言机器级,是用()来()机器指令。 A.硬件,翻译 B.编译程序,翻译 C.微指令程序,解释 D.微指令程序,翻译 6、在系统结构设计中,提高软件功能实现的比例会( )。 A.提高解题速度 B.减少需要的存贮容量 C.提高系统的灵活性 D.提高系统的性能价格比 7、微指令由()直接执行。 A.微指令程序 B.硬件 C.汇编程序 D.编译程序 8、设16个处理器编号分别为0,1,2,...,15用Cube,互联函数时,第10号处理机与第()号处理机相联。 A.11 B.8 C.14 D.2

9、浮点数尾数下溢处理时,最大误差最大,但下溢处理不需要时间,平均误差又趋于0的方法是( )。 A.截断法 B.舍入法 C.ROM查表法 D.恒置"1"法 10、静态流水线是指( ) A.只有一种功能的流水线 B.功能不能改变的流水线 C.同时只能完成一种功能的多功能流水线 D.可同时执行多种功能的流水线 11、在计算机系统设计中,比较好的方法是()。 A.从上向下设计 B.从下向上设计 C.从两头向中间设计 D.从中间开始向上、向下设计 12、浮点数尾数基值rm=8,尾数数值部分长6位,可表示的规格化最小正尾数为( ) A.0.5 B.0.25 C.0.125 D.1/64
