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高考英语情景交际及习惯表达知识点知识点训练及答案(6) 一、选择题

1.—We are going to have a picnic this afternoon. Are you excited?


A.You know B.You bet C.You name it D.You mean it 2.—It’s too complex, I think.

—________. So we’d better make it easier for students to get invo lved.

A.That’s ridiculous B.That’s the point

C.That’s settled D.That’s all right

3.--Do you think it’s possible for the team to hit their target for fourth quarter?

--_____! The majority of them are not that enterprising.

A.No doubt B.No problem C.Not a little D.Not a chance 4.—Tim has difficulty in making decisions.

—_________. He's still hesitating about whether to take the job.

A.That’s it.B.Give it a try.

C.It's settled.D.You're kidding me.

5.—Sid is never happy when he has nothing to do.

―I know. ______.

A.He has good taste B.He has done very well

C.It really bothers him D.It's none of his business

6.—The price of pork is set to go down soon.

—________. More efforts have been made to ensure pork supply.

A.You deserve it B.You made it C.You name it D.You said it 7.—Stop criticizing everyone! You should ______ and admit that you aren’t perfect either!—Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know what makes you think so.

A.kill the fatted calf B.have eggs on your face

C.get down off your high horse D.wash your hands off

8.—Why didn’t you pay the accommodation rent?

—The rent? That isn’t ________ till Sunday.

A.sure B.okay

C.due D.late

9.—If we work on the project together, we should be able to complete it ahead of schedule.— ! Many hands make light work.

A.You bet B.Have fun C.Good job D.Forget it 10.—Could you please turn down your music?

-—Oh,____________,I didn't mean to disturb you.

A.never mind B.you said it C.far from it D.pardon me 11.—I’d like to take a holiday in August, Mr. Yang.

—We'll be busy then. You'll have to make it another time.

A.It's up to you.

B.It's out of the question.

C.It doesn't matter.

D.By all means.

12.Having failed in the driving test again, she’s feeling a bit ______ and needs cheering up. A.once in a blue moon B.down in the dumps C.as cool as a cucumber D.on top of the world

13.—Sorry, I’m having a headache today and...

—_____________. I know you just don’t want to accompany me to the party.

A.Don’t give me that B.Don’t mention it

C.Don’t get me wrong D.Don’t take it for granted

14.--- You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

--- _________ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.

A.That’s reasonable advice

B.Isn’t it a good idea?

C.Do you think so?

D.I can’t agree more

15.— Have you heard that Jay Chou is singing his latest song in the concert?

—_________ Aren’t you joking with me?

A.That sounds great!B.Yes, I suppose it must be.

C.Really?D.That’s a good idea.

16.—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.—Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A.You have my words B.I don’t buy it C.You’ve sold it to me D.I just can’t help it 17._______she was late for such an important meeting?I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.

A.What if B.So what C.What about D.How come 18.—I feel terrible. I didn't do well in the physics test.

—____________. You have already made progress and will surely learn it well.

A.That' s right.B.It is impossible.C.That sounds crazy.D.Don' t take it too hard.

19.—It’s very kind of you to give me a lift back home.

—____________. I'm just driving your way.

A.With pleasure B.It doesn't matter.C.That's right.D.Think nothing of it. 20.—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight?

—______. I’ll drive her there.

A.Have a try B.Don’t mention it C.Don’t bother D.Go ahead 21.—In my view, more efforts should be done to improve air quality in Beijing.

—_________. I We still have a long way to go through before we enjoy a blue day.

A.I beg to differ B.That’s all right C.I’m with you on that D.It’s a pity 22.—Don’t be nervous when you have a CT picture taken, OK?


A.Well, I won’ t B.That’s true C.Yes, I’d love to D.OK, I will 23.—Sorry, I forgot to lock the door.
