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English Name Marks


1.Listen and choose the word you hear.听录音,选择所听到的单词。(10分)

()⒈A. number B. nest C. west D. list

()⒉A. bright B. wide C. ride D. dive

()⒊A. boat B. born C. bowl D. bow ()⒋A. move B. mouth C. month D. mount ()⒌A. listen B. pick C. afraid D. sad

()⒍A. try B. worry C. father D. believe ()⒎A. because B. before C. become D. between ()⒏A. letter B. never C. better D. bitter ()⒐A. photo B. bottle C. potato D. picture ()⒑A. than B. then C. that D. this 2.Listen and choose the sentence you hear.听录音,选择所听到的句子。(10分)

()⒈A. Lily’s picture is the best of all.

B. Lucy’s book is the best of all.

C. Lily’s bike is the nicest of all.

()⒉A. Who is the tallest?

B. Who is the happiest?

C. Whose the best?

()⒊A. There’s market between the school and the factory?

B. The market is between the hospital and the school.

C. The market is behind the hospital.

()⒋A. The bridge is thirteen meters long.

B. The bridge is twenty meters wide.

C. The bridge is thirty meters long.

()⒌A. Cross the bridge, and then turn to the left.

B. Cross the street, and then turn to the right.

C. Cross the bridge, and then turn to the right.

3. Listen and choose the right picture.听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图画。(10分)

()⒈A. B.

()⒉A. B.()⒊A. B.()⒋A. B.

()⒌A. C.

Ⅱ.笔试部分(70分)1. Choose the right answer.选择填空。(20分)()⒈—______ is the teacher’s office?

—It’s on the third floor.

A. What

B. Where

C. How

()⒉—Dick lives _______ the ground floor.

A. on

B. in

C. at

()⒊—_______is the date today?

—It’s June 1st.

A. When

B. What

C. Where

()⒋—_______the weather like tomorrow?

—It will be cold.

A. What

B. How

C. What’s

()⒌I think it ______ windy tomorrow.

A. is

B. will

C. will be

()⒍—Will you stay at home tomorrow?


A. I will

B. I do

C. I am

()⒎—I will______ with my parents tomorrow.

A. go to boating

B. go boating

C. boating ()⒏—We like______ football.

A. playing

B. playing the

C. play

()⒐—Is Meg thin or______?

—She is thin.

A. fat

B. tall

C. nice

()⒑—Is her hair short or ______?

—Her hair is short.

A. tall

B. long

C. thin

()⒒—______ you stay at home tomorrow morning?

—Yes, I ______.

A. Will, do

B. Do, do

C. Will, will

()⒓Which is ______, the deer or the giraffe?

A. tall

B. taller

C. the taller

()⒔Oh,______ a beautiful tree!

A. very

B. how

C. what

()⒕The bear is ______ heavier than the monkey.

A. very

B. much

C. many

()⒖Is her hair long ______ short?

A. and

B. or C but

()⒗—Who is ______ in the class?

—Eve is.

A. old

B. older

C. the oldest

()⒘The market is ______ the hospital and school.

A. between

B. in

C. at

()⒙Be careful! Don’t fall ______ the river.

A. into

B. to

C. down

()⒚—Which is bigger,_____ or ______?

—I don’t know.

A. the earth, the moon

B. an earth, a moon

C. earth, moon ()⒛—Did you ______ yesterday?

—Yes, I had a good time.

A. went boating

B. go boating

C. going to school
