


was written by William Shakespeare.

Macbeth was a marshal of King Dunken of Scotland,

one day,he met 3 witches ,they told him some crazy words,

and his wife Mrs Macbeth roused him againsted King Dunken,and became a king himeself.Macbeth obey,and did it.

Then ,son of Dunken wanted to revenge,he lead the army from England and destroied his enemy's country,and put Macbeth's head chop off .

And the most beautiful Mrs Macbeth killed herself to stop the shame.


Summary to Treasure Island

The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.

An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to s quare the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location

of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.

"Money Island"

story host Jim, is ten year-old big young boys, Jim's parents manages a hotel nearby the Montenegro bay named “this General Bao”. One day's, the hotel came on a face to bring the scar of knife wound, the stature big solid, the very noticeable visitor, originally he was Bill Captain.

Jim likes listening to Bill Captain to tell the story, these sound the very scary experience, is likely the criminal is executed by hanging, pirate both hands to tie up and to play blindman's buff the springboard, the marine big storm, the Chinese wolfberry human bone's Spanish pirate lair suddenly and so on, each time lets Jim like fearing, also let the tranquil small town increase many new stimulation topics.not how long, Bill Captain, because drinks wine excessive to add on receives frightens dies in the hotel, Jim has no

intention between to discover on the Bill body is bringing a Tibet valuable chart, that is pirate Pu Linter Captain under the carry-over, therefore Jim and a group of person's


第一版《鲁滨孙漂流记》的首页《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)旧译《鲁宾逊漂流记》,一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。这部小说一问世就风靡英国,情节真实具体、亲切自然,让人不忍释卷。小说从出版至今,已出了几百版,几乎译成了世界上所有的文字。据说,除了《圣经》之外,《鲁滨孙漂流记》是出版次数最多的一本书。该书被誉为英国文学史上的第一部长篇小说,成了世界文学宝库中一部不朽的名著。故事中的情节引人入胜,叙事的语言通俗易懂,是一部雅俗共赏的好作品。

Novel version 1 "story of Robinson Crusoe wind-driven current " home page "story of Robinson Crusoe wind-driven current " (Robinson Crusoe) old translating "Lubinxun wind-driven current story " , a volume of widely known actualism book of reminiscences style are taken the risk of. This novel once comes out with regard to fashionable United Kingdom, concrete , kind true circumstance natural world, let person cannot bear to let a book go. The novel has produced several hundreds printing plate so far , already from coming out , has almost has translated into all language of in the

world. It is said that "story of Robinson Crusoe wind-driven current " is to publish the most a book of number of times except "Bible. Have been a book's turn to be praised for the first novels on History of English Literature , have become world literature treasure-house middle volume of immortal masterpiece. Circumstance in story is alluring , the language narrating is popular and easy to understand, good work being that a volume admired by scholars and laymen alike.

主人公鲁滨逊生于比较富裕的家庭,但他毅然抛弃安逸舒适的家庭生活,甘愿与海浪为伍,去实现自己的航海梦想。他航行到过伦敦,到过非洲,还到过巴西,途中曾被海盗劫持做过奴隶,但最后终于化险为夷。在一次去往非洲的航行中,不幸遇上大风暴,全船覆没,只有鲁滨逊幸免于难,飘流到一个荒无人烟的小岛上,从此开始他长达二十八年的孤岛生活。在苍凉寂寞的荒岛,鲁滨逊以其勇于冒险,敢于创造的开拓精神,独自一人与困难作斗争,终于重获自由。在物质严重缺乏的荒岛,鲁滨逊用自己的双手建立了房屋,蓠芭,做衣服、器具等生活必须品。他把野生的动物圈养起来,种植了许多农作物。终于,他把原本荒凉的小岛建造得美丽而富饶,自己非但没有被困境压倒,反而过上了自得其乐的生活。Protagonist Robinson was born in an affluent family, but he decided to abandon the cozy comfort of family life, willing to associate with the waves, to realize their dream

of sailing. He navigation has been to London, we visited Africa, also visited Brazil, where they had been hijacked by pirates made slaves, But finally saved. In a quick access to the navigation Africa, there was great turmoil, the boat capsized, only Robinson survived, Fugue to a deserted island, thus beginning his 28 years of island life. Desolation in the lonely wasteland, with the courage to take risks Robinson, the courage to create a pioneering spirit alone with a difficult fight, finally regain freedom. Serious lack of substance in the wasteland, Robinson used his hands to build housing, Gracilaria ballet, clothes, utensils and other living necessities. He captive wild animals, many planted crops. Finally, he was originally a deserted island in the construction of the beautiful and fertile, and their plight has not been overwhelming. Instead of letting off on the living

Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe. It was first published in 1719 and sometimes regarded as the first novel in English. The book is a fictional autobiography of the title character, an English castaway who spends 28 years on a remote tropical island near Venezuela, encountering Native Americans, captives, and mutineers before being rescued. This device, presenting an account of supposedly factual events, is known as a "false document" and gives a realistic frame story.

The story was likely influenced by the real life Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway who lived four years on the Pacific island called Más a Tierra (in 1966 its name was changed to Robinson Crusoe Island), Chile. However, the details of Crusoe's island were probably based on the Caribbean island of Tobago, since that island lies a short distance north of the Venezuelan coast near the mouth of the Orinoco river, and in sight of the island of Trinidad.[1] It is also likely that Defoe was inspired by the Latin or English translations of Ibn Tufail's Hayy ibn Yaqdhan, an earlier novel also set on a desert island.[2][3][4][5] Another source for Defoe's novel may have been Robert Knox's account of his abduction by the King of Ceylon in 1659 in "An Historical Account of the Island Ceylon," Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons (Publishers to the University), 1911

Wuthering Heights Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of

English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding(令人郁闷), and many people find it extremely unpleasant.And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon

itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. It is a stunning novel, frightening, inexorable(无情的), unsettling, filled with unbridled passion that makes one cringe(因恐惧而畏缩). Even if you do not like it, you should read it at least once--and those who do like it will return to it again and again.


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简析《麦克白》中人物的悲剧性 【摘要】:《麦克白》是莎士比亚四大悲剧中的最后一部,剧中的麦克白是一个谋权篡位的人,他的堕落是人性弱点促成他的悲剧;他的毁灭死亡给人们以深思。而对麦克白夫人的描写更加深了麦克白的悲剧性结局。莎士比亚塑造的这一悲剧性人物是对刻画人物、探索人类灵魂黑暗面而获得的一大成功。 【关键词】:莎士比亚、麦克白、人物悲剧性 【《麦克白》作者简介】:莎士比亚(1564—1616),是欧洲文艺复兴时期主要代表作家,“英国戏剧之父”。出生于商人家庭,少年时就读于当地文法学校,爱好戏剧、诗歌。后因家道中落而辍学,20岁赴伦敦谋生。在剧院打过杂差、当过马夫。1590年,他成为雇用演员,开始舞台和戏剧创作生涯。后成为剧团股东,巡回演出。其间结识了一些青年贵族和大学生,受到古代文化、意大利文艺复兴时期文化和人文主义思想的影响。1590-1612年间,莎士比亚创作成就辉煌,共作戏剧37部,叙事长诗两部、十四行诗一卷(154首)。1608年左右,获世袭绅士身份,荣归故里,直至终年。莎士比亚全部作品的基本思想是人文主义或称人道主义。其最高成就在于戏剧,按内容可分为历史剧、悲剧、喜剧三大类。 《麦克白》中野心家麦克白将军从战场上立功凯旋,由于野心的驱使和妻子的怂恿,利用国王邓肯到自己家中做客的机会,弑君而自立,最后,这个血腥的篡位者被邓肯的儿子和贵族麦克德夫所战败而死去。他的妻子也因精神分裂而死。莎士比亚通过对曾经屡建奇勋的英雄麦克白变成一个残忍暴君的过程的描述,批判了野心对良知的侵蚀作用。由于女巫的蛊惑和夫人的影响,不乏善良本性的麦克白想干一番大事业的雄心蜕变成野心,而野心实现又导致了一连串新的犯罪,结果是倒行逆施,必然死亡。在迷信、罪恶、恐怖的氛围里,作者不时让他笔下的罪人深思、反省、剖析内心,麦克白夫妇弑君前后的心理变化显得层次分明,这就更加增大了悲剧的深度。 一、人物自身的悲剧性 (一)麦克白 主人公麦克白是一位英勇的苏格兰军中大将,他性格中最令人生畏的是他强烈的权利欲、野心和为达到目的不择手段残害他人之后难以控制的罪恶感。这两方面构成了麦克白采取行动的心理基础,也决定了他最终悲剧的结局。 麦克白像浮士德博士那样恶魔般的追求自己渴望的事物,为达到目的而不择手段。但麦克白又不能像爱德蒙和伊阿古那样的恶人可以坦然接受自己犯下的种种罪行。第一幕第二场通过军曹和洛斯爵士对麦克白在战场上奋勇杀敌的场面的描述,首先在读者面前展现了一位平定叛乱、抵御外侵、杀死叛徒的勇敢的将军形象。然而麦克白有一个致命的弱点,那就是他的野心。 从第一幕第三场开始,伴随着三位女巫的预言,“万福,麦克白!祝福你,葛莱密斯爵士!/万福,麦克白!祝福你,考特爵士!/万福,麦克白,未来的君王!”麦克白的野心开始萌芽,并随着女巫前两个预言的实现而迅速膨胀。当邓肯王宣布立长子马尔康为储君,册封为肯勃兰亲王时,麦克白的内心反映是:“肯


Abstract And Reviews of Macbeth Abstract: Macbeth begins as the heroic warrior who, together with Banquo, fights loyally in support of his king against rebels. Upon returning from his victory, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches, who prophesy that Macbeth shall be thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter, and that Banquo’s children will succeed him on the throne. As Macbeth knows nothing of Cawdor’s part in the rebellion, the prophecies are incredible to him. However, with the first prophesy immediately confirmed be emissaries from Duncan, king of Scotland, Macbeth’s blood-thirsty ambition has been greatly stirred up by the witches’ miraculous prophesy. And when Duncan is on a visit to his castle, Macbeth, who is spurred on by Lady Macbeth, takes the chance to have the King murdered. But Macbeth soon finds that one crime is not enough to keep the crown for him. To keep his crown, he abandons reason to mindless savagery and plunges from covert to open slaughter. He murders Banquo and kills Macduff’s wife and children and others. Thus, Macbeth has degenerated into a tyrant and mass murderer. While Macbeth flails about him, killing suspected as well as herself, in her sleep, hag-ridden by horror and remorse. Finally she commit herself suicide. Macbeth also experiences a kind of mental disturbance, haunted by the involved all the people of Scotland who are groaning under his yoke and longing for liberation. When the opposing forces march forward, the people eagerly join them in fighting against the tyranny. In the closing scene, Macbeth’s isolation becomes complete. As his castle is surrounded, Macbeth is reduced to a trapped animal and meets his final doom. Malcolm wins the kingship. Reviews: After learning this drama during this semester, I learn a lot. And here I have some points to talk about. The first one is that I am very impressed by the wittiness of Duncan’s two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When their father is murdered, the situation is a chaos. They don’t know who the murderer is and what their intentions are. They realize that they may be also in danger, as Donalbain says to Malcolm: “What should be spoken here, where our fate, hid in an auger-hole, may rush, and seize us? Let’s away; our tears are not yet brew’d.”So when Macbeth suggests all meet in the hall together, Malcolm says that”let’s not consort with them”and he goes to England and Donalbain to Ireland. As we can see, if they don’t flee, they may become the next persons to die, especially Malcolm, who is named by the king the Prince of Cumberland and will inherit the kingship after his father. As the old saying goes, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold (君子报仇,十年不晚). The fact also proves that they make the right decision. Several years later, Malcolm comes back, fights with Macbeth and gains the kingship. What I want to say is not that we should revenge our enemies, but that we should keep in reason, keep calm. Think twice before you jump, especially in emergencies and disorders. Another point I’d like to talk about is the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. At the very beginning, we can see that they have a very good


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例 2 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo 3 情景教学法在初中英语词汇教学中的应用 4 从“狗”和“龙”的谚语看中西方文化差异 5 肯德基在中国成功的本土化营销策略 6 简论颜色词的文化内涵和翻译 7 Study of the Translation of Flower Image in Chinese Classical Poetry 8 从目的论看电影《音乐之声》中对白的汉译 9 浅析美国慈善捐赠的文化动因(开题报告+论) 10 A Naturalistic Approach to Jude’s Tragedy in Jude the Obscure 11 高校学生英语口语课堂焦虑感控制的研究 12 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 13 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 805 990 74 9 14 从功能对等理论谈汉语成语的英译 15 小学生英语学习中情感态度的调查研究 16 卡克斯顿印刷业对英语传播的贡献 17 Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter Viewed from the Humanistic Perspective 18 爱米莉狄金森诗歌中的植物隐喻 19 论凯特肖班《觉醒》中的超验思想 20 三星公司营销策略研究 21 A Preliminary Survey of Translating San in Chinese Idioms 22 论《好人难寻》中的哥特特征 23 从Hofstede的文化维度角度解析中美家庭教育的差异 24 英语语言中性别歧视的社会语言学视角 25 The Background Information and the Symbols Which Reflect the Emotional Keynote of Wuthering Heights 26 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company 27 考琳?麦卡洛《荆棘鸟》中麦琪悲剧命运的成因 28 《红字》中的象征手法的运用 29 剖析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的复杂个性 30 狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想 31 《蝴蝶君》中两位主角的心理冲突 32 中西方礼仪文化差异比较 33 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象 34 从以目的为导向的翻译原则看委婉语的翻译 35 从文化角度看中美家庭教育的差异 36 澳大利亚传记文学中的土著文化:以《我的位置》为例 37 运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 38 英汉委婉语及其相关文化心理解读 39 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 40 基于精细加工理论的英语词汇学习研究

麦克白 句段中英对照

Macbeth And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence. 魔鬼为了要陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们 说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后在重要的关头我们便会堕入他的圈套。 There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust. 世上还没有一种方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心;他是我所曾 经绝对信任的一个人。 that is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires: The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. 这是一块横在我的前途的阶石,我必须跳过这块 阶石,否则就要颠仆在它的上面。星星啊,收起你们的火焰!不要让光亮照见我的黑暗幽深的欲望。眼睛啊,别望这双手吧;可是我仍要下手,不管干下的事会吓得眼睛不敢看。 It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it: what thou wouldst highly, That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win: thou'ldst have, great Glamis, That which cries 'Thus thou must do, if thou have it; And that which rather thou dost fear to do Than wishest should be undone.' Hie thee hither,


不同于莎士比亚时代的视角看 ——莎翁创作《麦克白》 总听到不同的人说,中国的作品中没有真正的悲剧,中国人的思想中“大团圆”三个字影响深远,中国式悲剧如《窦娥冤》,当窦娥受冤死去后,最后的结局并不是戛然而止,而是延续到窦娥的父亲衣锦回来为自己的女儿平反。当我看到莎翁的四大悲剧时,我觉得悲剧不是那种浅显的受冤或者生离死别,悲剧是那种让人看后从心里都为其感到悲哀、无奈。《麦克白》就是这样一部经典悲剧。 《麦克白》这部经典著作与莎翁其他的悲剧有所不同,当你读完后不会为了它悲伤,尤其是作品主角麦克白,甚至很多都觉得麦克白是罪有应得。但当你慢慢的静下心来细想,这种罪有应得展现出来的就是一种命运、人性以及这个国家的悲哀。 莎翁作品仔细读起来会被他塑造的人物巧妙所赞叹,他所塑造的人物没有一丝一毫的浪费,是作品中不可或缺的一部分,影响或是促成着情节的发展。《麦克白》中最引我注意的是两个女性角色,或许我自己是女生的缘故吧,我总是很在意作家在作品中对女性角色的塑造。下面,我就分析分析我眼中莎翁创作的《麦克白》两大女性角色——麦克白夫人和三个女巫。 罂粟开的比玫瑰更艳 单纯从《麦克白》中说麦克白夫人,我觉得对麦克白夫人是不太公平的,所以我把麦克白夫人与莎翁创作的另一大悲剧《奥赛罗》中的苔丝狄蒙娜对比来说。麦克白夫人和苔丝狄蒙娜同是莎翁笔下有代表性的女性角色,但不同的是,她们一个是恶的代表,一个是善的代表。麦克白夫人在人们的眼里是一个野心勃勃的女人,她在听说自己丈夫在路上的奇遇后,便怂恿自己的丈夫去杀了国王,谋夺皇位。所以对于麦克白夫人的死去,大多数人都认为是罪有应得的。相反,苔丝狄蒙娜是人们同情可怜的对象,她是那么善良、那么美,她勇于追求爱情,对爱情忠贞不渝。这样一个女子最后却死在丈夫的怀疑和嫉妒中,这是多么的让人可惜啊!所以,多年来苔丝狄蒙娜被许多女性当做爱与美的代表追捧。 可是,我们将这两位女性带到现代来看,事实并不是全是这样。 苔丝狄蒙娜是很善良,很美,但是在具有古典少女美德的同时,她的身上也体现出了传统女性依附于男性生存的软弱性,这一点,在我们国家鲁迅先生的《伤逝》中也有体现,涓生和子君的爱情悲剧与苔丝狄蒙娜和奥赛罗的情况有异曲同工之妙。麦克白夫人身上是可以看见很多人性堕落阴暗的一面,但是,若带着现代人的欣赏眼光来看待麦克白夫人,我们会发现,在她身上更能体现现代新女性的意识,可以把她作为一个斗争女性的代表,甚至是“巾帼不让须眉”的恶的化身。说起“巾帼不让须眉”,我们不得不提麦克白夫人在麦克白登上皇位的不可缺少的“功劳”。每当麦克白由于软弱而举步不前时,麦克白夫人总能鞭策他,激起他的决心。在做国王这件阴谋中,麦克白夫人始终比他的丈夫更加坚定。因此,这让我们不得不联想到一句话:一个成功的男人,背后总是有一个能干的女人。麦克白夫人的确是一个能干的女人,只是她的能干把她的丈夫推上了王位,也同时把他推进了无底的深渊。 我们以现代的眼光重新审视一下这两个人物,可以从她们身上看到两种女性


浅谈邓肯在麦克白悲剧中的作用 摘要:莎士比亚剧作《麦克白》中主人公麦克白的人生起伏及最终的悲剧结局向为学界重视,经过一个学期的学习,本文试从一个侧面―――邓肯这个人物身上,探究造成麦克白悲剧的外在因素。 关键词:邓肯,麦克白,野心和良心 《麦克白》是莎士比亚四大悲剧中篇幅最短的一部作品,同时其版本考究和部分内容真实作者的研究一直是悬而未决的学术难题。然而这并不妨碍这部名著以血腥残忍的麦克白的起伏和最终灭亡,为我们塑造出了经典的莎氏悲剧。在恐惧的气氛中,我们看到了麦克白的结局,获得了道义上的满足和疏泄。而且,作者通过对剧中人物的精心刻画,使我们触摸到的是一个个有血有肉的鲜活人物。这进一步增加了我们对于人性复杂性的理解,使得我们能够深入到主人公麦克白的内心深处,同他一起感受野心与道义的碰撞所带来的激烈的内心斗争。 麦克白的最终堕落,根本原因毫无疑问是其自身的野心膨胀无法得到满足而造成的。但是我们不能忽视也有方方面面的外在的和客观的因素,最终导致这种野心不受束缚地爆发。麦克白夫人,女巫,班柯等人的作用学术界多有论及,本文则将对于邓肯这个人物进行粗浅的讨论。目的是从另一个侧面说明,邓肯这个首先成为麦克白野心牺牲品的人物,同时也是造成麦克白悲剧的外部原因之一。正是邓肯自身的特色决定了,他不但是麦克白悲剧的催化剂,而且也间接导致了其自己的厄运。 一、仁慈的君王? 长期以来,莎士比亚戏剧的研究者大多数都认为《麦克白》中的国王邓肯是一个仁慈的君王。麦克白的堕落乃由刺杀邓肯并嫁祸于卫兵起始,并最终走向丧心病狂地暗害班柯和麦克达夫的家人。但是,通观整个剧本,对于邓肯直接描述不甚详尽而且其中并未体现出他具有这种特点。几处对于邓肯的评价都出自于别人之口。由于下面我们即将讨论的原因,单凭这些就断定邓肯具有仁慈的特点似乎不够完备。另外,由于年代久远和历史变迁的原因,今天我们很难准确再现作者当时当日创作的目的和具体细节,作品的社会背景和时代背景也仅仅是有助于我们做出粗略的概括或者是假想式的论断。任何断言现在看来,证据都不够十分充分。这里,笔者也仅是试图通过现有的线索和资料,提出一些个人的或许过于武断的想法。 根据《麦克白》的版本考据,这个剧本的最初来源是贺林西德的编年史。而编年史中所描述的历史上真实的国王邓肯却并不是一个仁爱贤德的国君。以此为论据评价剧中的邓肯也是同样的昏聩当然失之偏颇,因为艺术的人物当然不能够同真实生活中的人物等同。但仅仅通过《麦克白》剧中几处假别人之口描述的所谓邓肯的“仁慈”来断定作者在剧中塑造了一个圣明的国王是否也同样不足以令人信服呢?众所周知,非常重要的一个背景是此剧曾经作为供詹姆斯一世观赏的剧目,在宫廷进行过演出。而无论是历史上还是作品中反映出来的人文主义者莎士比亚却对于当时的时弊多有针砭;而我们今日对于詹姆斯一世的历史评价也无用赘言了。当一个以民生为关注对象的伟大作家不得不面对一个以君主专制和独裁著称的君王时,对于邓肯这个象征君权和王权的人物进行一番美化无可厚非,但是很难想象在内心深处莎士比亚会对于这个人物完全的颂赞和褒扬。表现在剧中,我们可以看到,邓肯并不是是


《麦克白》读书报告 《麦克白》为西方的一部经典戏剧,其与《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》被公认为是威廉·莎士比亚的“四大悲剧。本书主要讲述了英雄麦克白将军从人民心目中的英雄,在妻子的怂恿下一堕成为杀兄窃国的反面人物,向人们展示了个人欲望的无限膨胀和畸形发展必然导致罪恶、导致毁灭。 在本书中用了大量的环境描写来对人物的行为,或对将来所要发生的事件进行预示,描写生动,细腻,富有情感,自然中的景象仿佛也都是有生命的,他们也有自己的喜怒哀乐,凭自己的喜好做事。它们是对人物方面的补充,有了它们,人物的性格才得以更加鲜明,形象的突出与丰富。 忠诚的人格绝对不会因为小人之心的测度而发生变化,虽然小人都貌似忠良,可是忠良的一定仍然不失他的本色。拿麦克德夫与马尔康的对话来说:麦克德夫在对马尔康表示心志的时候,马尔康由于怕遭受伤害,对他进行种种试探,但是麦克德夫依旧是对国家和先王的那种无尽的忠诚。反比麦克白来说,他勇武异常,功绩斐然,为苏格兰王国的安定付出了巨大的努力,可是归来只是稍微听到了三个女巫对自己一些预示,便马上有了这个想法且旧挥不去,当自己的表兄邓肯国王要大商群臣,侧立储君的时候,麦克白便有了想法去剪出马尔康且自己一经妻子的怂恿便露出了自己野心。 从本文的话语来看,人物的语言基本都是我语表吾心,快人快语

没有那种含蓄内隐,行为都是他们的真心表达,一点也没有中国文学的那种中庸,有了什么想法也不轻易表达,而是要读者们费劲心力去解读,文中也夹杂了大量的吟唱,这些吟唱通俗易懂,都根植于生活,虽然文辞不够华美,却对文本进行了良好的补充,由于西方信仰的问题,语言中夹杂了许多超自然的事情,如对地狱的描写,其他灵异时间的发生,一切都那么的合情合理。 从中西方荣誉观来说,中方一般都忠君爱国,他们的荣誉主要是对国家所做的贡献,对君主的付出,这种偏向于集体的价值观念,而西方的荣誉更倾向于自己所创造的价值,把自己的荣誉看的比任何事物都崇高,士可杀,不可辱在西方的观念里面更是明显。 文章合为时而著,莎土比亚在早期创作中曾宣扬人文主义精神,肯定个性解放。但随着资本主义的发展,社会矛盾日益尖锐,野心家、冒险家、暴发户使社会风气腐败,拜物主义和极端个人主义已成为社会的毒瘤。对此,作为人文主义者的莎士比亚不可能不给予关注。在他后期的创作中,我们可看到他对极端个人主义的鞭苔因此,莎士比亚写《麦克白》的用心不可谓不针砭时弊。 在本文中主人公麦克白命运悲剧与性格悲剧的双重审美特质。在命运方面,主人公以前是国王邓肯的好兄弟,可谓是一人之下万人之上,深受国王的倚重,众人敬爱。在经过妻子怂恿,杀害国王之后,在国内施行暴政,惹得天怒人怨,众叛亲离,妻子也因良心问题最终不幸死去,与马尔康还未决战,兵士要不逃脱,要不倒戈。在性格方面,前期麦克白勇敢,正直,没有心机一戴上王冠,便性情大变:喜


麦克白读后感 导读:读后感麦克白读后感 【篇一:麦克白读后感】 在《莎士比亚悲剧集》中有一篇文章叫《麦克白》,麦克白是一位为国打了胜仗的英雄,在得胜归来的途中,他与班柯两位苏格兰将军遇见了三个奇怪的女人。第一个女人向麦克白致敬,称他作“葛莱密斯爵士”。第二个人称麦克白为“考特爵士”。第三个对麦克白说“万岁,未来的王。”然后,她们转过身用谜语般的话对班柯宣布说,他将比麦克白低微,可是又比麦克白伟大!没有麦克白那样幸运,可是又比麦克白有福气得多,并且预言说:他虽做不成国王,可是他的子子孙孙要成为苏格兰的国王。说完这话,她们不顾麦克白一连声的追问,化作一溜烟消失了。这时,两位将军才意识到她们就是女巫。麦克白是一个贪婪的人,他的心底始终有着一股蠢蠢欲动的欲望,这种欲望被女巫的预言一触即发。但他的本性十分胆小懦弱,所以不成气候。他的妻子是一个野心勃勃的女人,她想与自己的丈夫日日夜夜永远掌握君临万民的无上权威。于是,她怂恿丈夫利用国王到麦克白家里拜访的这个机会把国王杀掉。 当国王与陪同的爵士及随从们走进来的时候,麦克白夫人假惺惺地对国王说着甜言蜜语:“我们的犬马微劳,即使加倍报效,比起陛

下赐给我们的深恩广泽来,也还是不足挂齿的;我们只有燃起一瓣心香,为陛下祷祝上苍,报答陛下过去和新近加于我们的荣宠。”这一番话说得国王心花怒放。 为了麻痹国王,麦克白夫人故意装出一副极其热情、贤惠的样子,安排了丰盛的美酒佳肴来款待国王及随行的人们。 这时,做贼心虚的麦克白从大厅里溜出来,躲在一边,心里翻江倒海般进行着激烈的思想斗争,他的良心开始占上风了,他不想背叛国王的信任,而且国王秉性仁慈,处理国政,从来没有过失,从来没有欺负过老百姓,对贵族,尤其是对他自己,又是那样爱惜……于是,他对麦克白夫人提出要罢手,但麦克白夫人是一个定下好计就不肯轻易罢手的女人,她不断地劝说着麦克白。麦克白终于下定了决心,去干这件惊人的事。 夜深人静时分,麦克白夫人悄悄来布置谋害国王的事了。她怀疑丈夫的同情心和犹豫不决会妨碍事情,她就拿了一把尖刀,走到国王床前,国王寝室里的两个侍从早已被她用酒灌得烂醉,但她仔细望了望国王,觉得他睡在那里,脸长得有些像她自己的父亲,这样一来,她动手的勇气就没有了。 这是,麦克白拿着尖刀,溜进了国王睡觉的房间。最终一刀把国


麦克白人物形象 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

简析麦克白人物形象 麦克白作为剧中的一个主要人物,是一个十分矛盾的形象,他贪婪却又忧虑、“我想要”却又“我不敢”,最初犹豫不决、彷徨到最终杀伐果决、暴力冷血,所有展现的都是一个内心充满矛盾、性格充满矛盾的麦克白。 麦克白作为苏格兰国王的表弟、苏格兰军中的大将,在听到三个女巫称呼自己“考特爵士”、“未来的君王”的时候,他“为什么这么吃惊,好像害怕这种听上去很好的消息似的”,麦克白要成为国王,必须要杀死国王邓肯,但是不管是以表弟的身份还是臣子的身份都是为世所不容的,是受到谴责的,所以他对于女巫们好消息似的预言感到害怕。但是在三个女巫走后,他“倒希望她们再多留一会儿”,麦克白对三个女巫的话还是充满了一点兴趣的,所以希望多指导一些事情,这里又显示出了麦克白对于王位的憧憬。麦克白对于王位既“我不敢”,同时又“我想要”,内心充满了矛盾。 麦克白在权势的诱惑下想做国王,但是麦克白夫人知道麦克白的弱点,“可是我却为你的天性忧虑:他充满了太多的人情的乳臭,是你不敢采取最近的捷径;你希望做一个伟大的人物,你不是没有野心,可是你缺少和那种野心相联属的奸恶。”麦克白充满了野心,希望去做一个伟人,但是他却没有成就一份伟业的奸恶,他是一个人,身上也有这人性的光辉,知道是非对错,知道善与恶,在成就一番伟业与善对立时他也犹豫不决,徘徊不定,内心充满了矛盾。

麦克白在杀国王之前就知道“在这种事情上,我们往往逃不过现世的裁判;我们树立下血的榜样,教会别人杀人,结果反而自己被人所杀;把毒药投入酒杯里的人,结果也会自己饮酖而死,这就是一丝不爽的报应”,也认识到了“我是他的亲戚,又是他的臣子,按照名分绝对不能敢这样的事;我是他的主人应当保障他的安全”但是矛盾总有一方是会占到上风的,在认识到这一切的前提下,麦克白还是去做了满足自己欲望的事情,亲手杀死了国王。这也是对于麦克白矛盾性格、内心矛盾挣扎的一个结束,最终他的欲望战胜了理智,“我不敢”不再跟随在“我想要”的后面,走出这一步的麦克白已经不存在“我不敢”了,他的心里只剩下了“我想要”。 在成为国王之前,麦克白的内心性格还是矛盾的,还有一丝理智尚存,成为了国王之后,在欲望的驱使下,为了巩固自己的权势,麦克白接二连三地杀害周围的人,冷血,杀伐果断。以前杀国王一个人还要经过内心激烈的思想斗争,还知道报应不爽,那么现在的他“让活人、私人都去受罪吧”,麦克白已经不在乎别人了,关注的只是他自己的权势,而且“以不义开始的事必须用罪恶使它巩固,”“流血是免不了的,他们说,流血必然引起流血”。如果说之前的不义之事和流血是内心矛盾性格的产物的话,那么现在的流血和罪恶则是麦克白矛盾之后性格的产物,现在的他的行径与成为国王之前的行径是矛盾的,是前后性格的矛盾导致的行为的矛盾。 麦克白是一个矛盾的组合体,他的内心充满了矛盾,他的前后的性格也充满了矛盾,他自身有正面品格,有光辉的一面,但是在自身欲望的


麦克白 Macbeth 导读苏格兰国王邓肯的表弟麦克白将军,为国王平叛和抵御入侵立功归来, 路上遇到三个女巫。女巫对他说了一些预言和隐语,说他将进爵为王,但他并无子嗣能继承王位,反而是同僚班柯将军的后代要做王。麦克白是有野心的英雄,他在夫人的怂恿下谋杀邓肯,做了国王。为掩人耳目和防止他人夺位,他一步步害死了邓肯的侍卫,害死了班柯,害死了贵族麦克德夫的妻子和小孩。恐惧和猜疑使麦克白心里越来越有鬼,也越来越冷酷。麦克白夫人神经失常而自杀,对他也是一大刺激。在众叛亲离的情况下,麦克白面对邓肯之子和他请来的英格兰援军的围攻,落得削首的下场。 Words volume /?v?lju?m/ n. 量;体积;卷;音量;大量;册adj. 大量的 vi. 成团卷起 Trifle /?tra?f?l/ n. 琐事;蛋糕;少量vi. 开玩笑;闲混;嘲弄 predominance n. 优势;卓越 entomb vt. 埋葬;成为…的坟墓 beauteous ['bju?t??s] adj. 美丽的;美妙的 stall /st??l/ n. 货摊;畜栏;托辞vi. 停止,停转;拖延 sovereignty /?s?vr?nt?/ n. 主权;主权国家;君主;独立国 obedience [?'bi?d??ns] n. 顺从;服从;遵守 benison ['ben?z(?)n; -s-] n. 祝福 dreadful ['dredf?l; -f(?)l] adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的 Words and Expressions

Old Man: Threescore and ten I can remember well:within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange;but this sore night hath trifled former knowings. ROSS :Ah,good father,thou seest,the heavens,as troubled with man's act,threaten his bloody stage:by the clock,'t is day,and yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp:Is't night's predominance,or the day's shame,that darkness does the face of earth entomb,when living light should kiss it ? Old Man :'Tis unnatural,even like the deed that's done.On Tuesday last,A falcon,towering in her pride of place,was by a mousing owl hawk'd at and kill'd. ROSS :And Duncan's horses-a thing most strange and certain─beauteous and swift,the minions of their race,turn'd wild in nature,broke their stallsf,flung out,contending 'gainst obedience,as they would make,war with mankind. Old Man:'Tis said they eat each other. ROSS:They did so,to the amazement of mine eyes,that look'd upon't.here comes the good Macduff. [Enter MACDUFF]


麦克白英文简介 was written by William Shakespeare. Macbeth was a marshal of King Dunken of Scotland, one day,he met 3 witches ,they told him some crazy words, and his wife Mrs Macbeth roused him againsted King Dunken,and became a king himeself.Macbeth obey,and did it. Then ,son of Dunken wanted to revenge,he lead the army from England and destroied his enemy's country,and put Macbeth's head chop off . And the most beautiful Mrs Macbeth killed herself to stop the shame. 金银岛英文简介 Summary to Treasure Island The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish. An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to s quare the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location


简析麦克白人物形象 麦克白作为剧中的一个主要人物,是一个十分矛盾的形象,他贪婪却又忧虑、“我想要”却又“我不敢”,最初犹豫不决、彷徨到最终杀伐果决、暴力冷血,所有展现的都是一个内心充满矛盾、性格充满矛盾的麦克白。 麦克白作为苏格兰国王的表弟、苏格兰军中的大将,在听到三个女巫称呼自己“考特爵士”、“未来的君王”的时候,他“为什么这么吃惊,好像害怕这种听上去很好的消息似的”,麦克白要成为国王,必须要杀死国王邓肯,但是不管是以表弟的身份还是臣子的身份都是为世所不容的,是受到谴责的,所以他对于女巫们好消息似的预言感到害怕。但是在三个女巫走后,他“倒希望她们再多留一会儿”,麦克白对三个女巫的话还是充满了一点兴趣的,所以希望多指导一些事情,这里又显示出了麦克白对于王位的憧憬。麦克白对于王位既“我不敢”,同时又“我想要”,内心充满了矛盾。 麦克白在权势的诱惑下想做国王,但是麦克白夫人知道麦克白的弱点,“可是我却为你的天性忧虑:他充满了太多的人情的乳臭,是你不敢采取最近的捷径;你希望做一个伟大的人物,你不是没有野心,可是你缺少和那种野心相联属的奸恶。”麦克白充满了野心,希望去做一个伟人,但是他却没有成就一份伟业的奸恶,他是一个人,身上也有这人性的光辉,知道是非对错,知道善与恶,在成就一番伟业与善对立时他也犹豫不决,徘徊不定,内心充满了矛盾。 麦克白在杀国王之前就知道“在这种事情上,我们往往逃不过现世的裁判;我们树立下血的榜样,教会别人杀人,结果反而自己被人所杀;把毒药投入酒杯里的人,结果也会自己饮酖而死,这就是一丝不爽的报应”,也认识到了“我是他的亲戚,又是他的臣子,按照名分绝对不能敢这样的事;我是他的主人应当保障他的安全”但是矛盾总有一方是会占到上风的,在认识到这一切的前提下,麦克白还是去做了满足自己欲望的事情,亲手杀死了国王。这也是对于麦克白矛盾性格、内心矛盾挣扎的一个结束,最终他的欲望战胜了理智,“我不敢”不再跟随在“我想要”的后面,走出这一步的麦克白已经不存在“我不敢”了,他的心里只剩下了“我想要”。 在成为国王之前,麦克白的内心性格还是矛盾的,还有一丝理智尚存,成为了国王之后,在欲望的驱使下,为了巩固自己的权势,麦克白接二连三地杀害周围的人,冷血,杀伐果断。以前杀国王一个人还要经过内心激烈的思想斗争,还知道报应不爽,那么现在的他“让活人、私人都去受罪吧”,麦克白已经不在乎别人了,关注的只是他自己的权势,而且“以不义开始的事必须用罪恶使它巩固,”“流血是免不了的,他们说,流血必然引起流血”。如果说之前的不义之事和流血是内心矛盾性格的产物的话,那么现在的流血和罪恶则是麦克白矛盾之后性格的产物,现在的他的行径与成为国王之前的行径是矛盾的,是前后性格的矛盾导致的行为的矛盾。 麦克白是一个矛盾的组合体,他的内心充满了矛盾,他的前后的性格也充满了矛盾,他自身有正面品格,有光辉的一面,但是在自身欲望的诱惑下,这些正面品质与欲望冲突,矛盾的冲突最终导致了他走向了一条不归路,他的自身就是一个悲剧,是一个性格的悲剧、也是时代的悲剧。


经典莎士比亚名言,中英文对照 文艺复兴时期欧洲文学最出色的代表莎士比亚,一生创作无数有意义的文学作品,本·琼生称他为“时代的灵魂”。他的作品涉及到我们的思想,文化以致于渗透到我们的生活中,所以作品中的每一句话都是至理名言,下面是一些关于莎士比亚的名言,其内容涉及到我们生活的方方面面,一定值得我们参考借鉴! The course of true love never did run smooth。 (AMidsummer Night’s Dream 1。1) 真爱无坦途。——《仲夏夜之梦》 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind。 (AMidsummer Night’s Dream 1。1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛分辨,而是用 心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》 Lord, what fools these mortals be! (AMidsummer Night’s Dream 3。2) 上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!——《仲夏夜之梦》

The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact。 (AMidsummer Night’s Dream 5。1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 Since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show。 (As You Like It, 1。2) 自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。——《皆大 欢喜》 世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时 候。一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色。——《大快人心》 Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold。 (As You Like It, 1。3) 美貌比金银更容易引起歹心。——《大快人心》 Sweet are the uses of adversity。 (As You Like It, 2。 1) 逆境和厄运自有妙处。——《大快人心》 Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak。(As You Like It, 3。2) 你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。——《大快人
