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•In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy and there are

also other sectors.


有这一个部门。表达两个分句逻辑关系的词应是"but"而不是"and":•In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy, but there are

also other sectors.

Efforts will be made to introduce pensions, medical insurance, and housing systems,

and the best way to get laid-off workers out of poverty is to help them find jobs, Li



事是帮助他们找到工作。两个分句之间的关系应用"but"来表达:•Efforts will be made to introduce pensions, medical insurance, and housing systems,

but the best way to get laid-off workers out of poverty is to help them find jobs, Li


有时译者会犯相反的错误,将应该用"and"的地方,用了转折连接词:•In most of these new areas last autumn's public grain, which constitutes the greater

part of national revenue, was collected only in January and February of this year.

However, in many localities it has not yet been collected; tax collection in newly

liberated areas has not been organized very quickly.




•In most of these new areas last autumn's public grain, which constitutes the greater

part of national revenue, was collected only in January and February of this year, and

in many places it has still not been collected. It has taken time to organize tax collection in newly liberated areas.


•Yunnan Province will also build and upgrade the highways leading from Kunming to

such areas as Sichuan Province, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and

Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam.

同一条公路不能同时又新修,又升级,作者想表达的应该是:•Yunnan Province will also build or upgrade the highways leading from Kunming to

such areas as Sichuan Province, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and

Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam.


