

The New York Times wrote in 1926 of Hemingway's first novel, "No amount of analysis can convey the quality of The Sun Also Rises. It is a truly gripping story, told in a lean, hard, athletic narrative prose that puts more literary English to shame."[157]The Sun Also Rises is written in the spare, tight prose that made Hemingway famous, and, according to James Nagel, "changed the nature of American writing."[158]In 1954, when Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, it was for "his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style."[159] Paul Smith writes that Hemingway's first stories, collected as In Our Time, showed he was still experimenting with his writing style.[160] He avoided complicated syntax. About 70 percent of the sentences are simple sentences—a childlike syntax without subordination.[161]

Henry Louis Gates believes Hemingway's style was fundamentally shaped "in reaction to [his] experience of world war". After World War I, he and other modernists "lost faith in the central institutions of Western civilization" by reacting against the elaborate style of 19th century writers and by creating a style "in which meaning is established through dialogue, through action, and silences—a fiction in which nothing crucial—or at least very little—is stated explicitly."[18]

Developing this connection between Hemingway and other modernist writers, Irene Gammel believes his style was carefully cultivated and honed with an eye toward the avant-garde of the era. Hungry for "vanguard experimentation" and rebelling against Ford Madox Ford's "staid modernism", Hemingway published the work of Gertrude Stein and Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven in The Transatlantic Review. As Gammel notes, Hemingway was "introduced to the Baroness's experimental style during a time when he was actively trimming the verbal 'fat' off his own style, as well as flexing his writer's muscles in assaulting conventional taste."[163]

Because he began as a writer of short stories, Baker believes Hemingway learned to "get the most from the least, how to prune language, how to

multiply intensities and how to tell nothing but the truth in a way that allowed for telling more than the truth."[164] Hemingway called his style the iceberg theory: the facts float above water; the supporting structure and symbolism operate out of sight.[164]The concept of the iceberg theory is sometimes referred to as the "theory of omission". Hemingway believed the writer could describe one thing (such as Nick Adams fishing in "The Big Two-Hearted River") though an entirely different thing occurs below the surface (Nick Adams concentrating on fishing to the extent that he does not have to think about anything else).[165]

Jackson Benson believes Hemingway used autobiographical details as framing devices about life in general—not only about his life. For example, Benson postulates that Hemingway used his experiences and drew them out with "what if" scenarios: "what if I were wounded in such a way that I could not sleep at night? What if I were wounded and made crazy, what would happen if I were sent back to the front?"[166] Writing in "The Art of the Short Story", Hemingway explains: "A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit."[167]

The simplicity of the prose is deceptive. Zoe Trodd believes Hemingway crafted skeletal sentences in response to Henry James's observation that World War I had "used up words". Hemingway offers a "multi-focal" photographic reality. His iceberg theory of omission is the foundation on which he builds. The syntax, which lacks subordinating conjunctions, creates static sentences. The photographic "snapshot" style creates a collage of images. Many types of internal punctuation (colons, semicolons, dashes, parentheses) are omitted in favor of short declarative sentences. The sentences build on each other, as events build to create a sense of

the whole. Multiple strands exist in one story; an "embedded text" bridges to a different angle. He also uses other cinematic techniques of "cutting" quickly from one scene to the next; or of "splicing" a scene into another. Intentional omissions allow the reader to fill the gap, as though responding to instructions from the author, and create three-dimensional prose.[169]

In his literature, and in his personal writing, Hemingway habitually used the word "and" in place of commas. This use of polysyndeton may serve to convey immediacy. Hemingway's polysyndetonic sentence—or in later works his use of subordinate clauses—uses conjunctions to juxtapose startling visions and images; Jackson Benson compares them to haikus.[170][171] Many of Hemingway's followers misinterpreted his lead and frowned upon all expression of emotion; Saul Bellow satirized this style as "Do you have emotions? Strangle them."[172] However, Hemingway's intent was not to eliminate emotion, but to portray it more scientifically. Hemingway thought it would be easy, and pointless, to describe emotions; he sculpted collages of images in order to grasp "the real thing, the sequence of motion and fact which made the emotion and which would be as valid in a year or in ten years or, with luck and if you stated it purely enough, always".[173] This use of an image as an objective correlative is characteristic of Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Proust.[174] Hemingway's letters refer to Proust's Remembrance of Things Past several times over the years, and indicate he read the book at least twice.


Hemingway does not give way to lengthy geographical and psychological description. His style has been said to lack substance because he avoids direct statements and descriptions of emotion. Basically his style is simple, direct and somewhat plain. He developed a forceful prose style characterized by simple sentences and few adverbs or adjectives. He wrote concise, vivid dialogue and exact description of places and things. Critic Harry Levin pointed out the weakness of syntax and diction in Hemingway's writing, but was quick to praise his ability to convey action(Rovit 47). Hemingway believed that "a writer's style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous. Behind the conception of this idea of the hero lies the disillusionment of the American public, the disillusionment that was brought about by the First World War. The impressionable man came to realize that the old ideas and beliefs rooted in religion and ethics had not helped to save man the catastrophe of World War I. As a result, after the war came to an end, Hemingway and other writers began to look for a new system of values, a system of values that would replace the old attitudes which they thought proved to be useless. The writers who adopted these new beliefs came to be known as the "lost generation." The "lost generation," was a name instituted by Gertrude Stein and it signified the postwar generation and the literary movement produced by the young writers of the time (Unger 654). Their writing reflected their belief that "the only reality was that life is harsh" (Bryfonski 1874). After The First World War ,The writers and works had a pessimistic and disconsolate feeling in America society. People of this time were named “The Lost Generation ”. Hemi ngway is distinguished from many of them and his writing style is unique. The language is simple and natural on the surface, but actually it is deliberate and artificial. People defined this style as ice-berg style. The theory is this: The meaning of a piece is not immediately evident, because the crux of the story lies below the surface, just as most of the mass of a real iceberg similarly lies beneath the surface. For example, The Old Man and the Sea is a meditation upon youth and age, even though the protagonist spends little or no time thinking on those terms. The iceberg theory of hemingway is not only a craft of simpification and abstraction, but also, courage to omit the expression of personal passion and the revelation of theme. Character 英语百科| 中国最大的英语学习资料在线图书馆! >> 英文阅读>> 英语文化 The Character of Hemingway ' Code Hero 发表评论(0)编辑词条 A typical Hemingway code hero loves good times, stimulating surroundings and strict moral rules, including honesty. The code hero always exhibits come form of a physical wound that serves as his tragic flaw and weakness of his character. Hemingway defined the code hero as a man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful and always painful. The code hero measure himself by how well they handle the difficult situations that life throws at him. in the end, the code hero well lose because we are all mortal, but the true measure is how a person faces death. The code hero believes in "NADA”, a Spanish word means nothing. Along with this, there is no afterlife. The code hero is typically an individualist and free-willed. A code hero never shows emotions.


论海明威小说创作的艺术特色 李世强 提 要 几乎所有的作家在创作中都离不开从自身的生活经历中挖掘题材,而这一点在当代美国小说家厄内斯特?海明威的作品中尤显突出。本文对此作了重点论述。同时,简析了海明威作品的艺术特点及其独具一格的文体风格。 关键词 海明威 生活经历 作品题材 艺术特点 文体风格 厄内斯特?海明威是美国著名作家,一生写过六部长篇小说、五十多篇短篇小说。中篇小说《老人与海》荣获诺贝尔文学奖。理由是:海明威是我们时代的伟大作家之一,他忠实地、不屈地再现了这个严酷时代的真实面貌,在这个充满暴力和死亡的世界中,看到了勇气和同情。同时,他精通现代叙事艺术,在当代风格中发挥了巨大的影响。这就从内容和形式两方面对海明威的作品作出了权威性的评价。 海明威无论写什么都以自己的经验为基础。他说:“只有你占有过的东西你才了解它。”因此,海明威的素材都来自他的亲身经历。他的成名之作《太阳照样升起》,写一群在第一次世界大战结束后旅居巴黎的美国海外游子。这些人参加过大战,目睹战争中大规模的屠杀和破坏,只求在眼前的吃喝玩乐中寻求解脱,表面上虽然欢乐,内心却十分悲痛。其实,这正是海明威本人的经历。我们知道,海明威在1918年高中毕业之后,抱着为祖国的神圣和尊严而战,为拯救世界民主而战的崇高理想,参加了第一次世界大战。他为救护队开车,在意大利前线受了重伤,两条腿几乎都要截去,幸亏精湛的外科手术和良好的护理救了他,使他得以保住双腿。在六个月的住院治疗当中,他与一美国女护士恋爱了(这女护士就是《永别了,武器》中的女主角凯萨琳的原型)。痊愈之后,他以记者身份被派驻巴黎,开始了写作生涯,并成了“迷惘的一代”的代表。《太阳照样升起》,诚如其家人所说,是海明威从欧洲负伤回来以后“什么事情都不想做”,“成了一个没有目标的人”的生活的写照。书中主人公巴纳斯因受伤而丧失了性机能,在爱情上受到挫折而心灰意懒的同时,没有丧失勇气,而是光明磊落地对待一切。这正是他在巴黎开始写作生涯的经历在书中主人公身上的曲折反映。他的代表作《老人与海》,写的也是他从小就十分熟悉的捕鱼生活。《永别了,武器》和《丧钟为谁而鸣》是描写战争的。前者贯穿着反战的主题,男女主角被战争所摧毁的幸福在一定程度上就是作者自己的经历;后者则与作者亲自参加西班牙反法西斯战争有关。他众多的短篇小说,题材更加丰富,人物多种多样,有士兵、拳击师、杀手、作家、记者、餐馆侍者、暴徒、流氓等等,都是他当记者所接触到的。总之,海明威的生活经历就给他的作品提供了丰富的题材和广阔的背景,对其创作艺术有重要的影响。 文学是通过塑造人物形象来反映社会生活的,人物塑造的好坏决定着作品的成败。海明威非常重视人物塑造,他说:“写一部小说的时候,作者应该创造活生生的人”,活生生的人,必须 云南师范大学学报Jou rnal of Yunnan N o r m al U n iversity V o l .30N o.2A p r .1998




论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格 Abstract Being distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world. Key Words:Dialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory 摘要 在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。他改变了传统文学作品冗长、沉闷的风格,创造了一种简洁的电报式文体。而他的短篇小说《白象似的群山》完全体现了他的这种独特而经典的写作风格。小说虽看似简单,却极富艺术性。他抓住了人们日常对话结构的精髓,给读者创造了一种身临其境的感觉。而其简洁的文字后面也蕴藏了丰富的情感。小说中关于白象的完美象征以及海明威式的经典结尾,突出了海明威在语言方面的能力。尤其是他的著名的冰山原则,在此小说中发挥到了极致。海明威创造了一种独特的写作风格,而他的这种风格对美国,以至于欧洲,乃至整个世界文坛都产生了重要影响。 关键词:对话;简洁;象征;写作风格;冰山原则 Introduction Hemingway, who is very famous for his creation of a new and unique writing style, is one of the most influential writers in American literary history during the 20th century, so he is undoubtedly to be the focus of the researchers all over the world. But from all the researches on him, it is easy to find that authors are always focusing on his several long-novels and his The Old Man and the Sea to show his unique writing style. As a matter of fact, his unique writing style is fully and exactly reflected by his short stories, which are drawing more people’s attentions. So this essay takes Hemingway’s short story---Hills Like White Elephants as the focus to give a brief introduction on his unique writing style. Hills Like White Elephants is one of the most classic short stories of Hemingway. Among all the comments on it, the one by Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is surely attractive and profound. He specifically makes an analysis about the hidden elements of the story, the different characters of the two and so on, especially the real dialogue structure which is simple, clear and beautiful in his minds, contrasting with the drama dialogue structure. And in Researches on Hemingway, edited by Dong Hengxun, the English critic H. O. Bates in his works mainly refers to Hemingway’s concise writing style. But to sum up, most of the researches on Hemingway’s unique writing style are systematic and theoretical.


论海明威的文学作品中人物语言风格 论海明威的文学作品中人物语言风格 《丧钟为谁而鸣》是美国小说家海明威流传最广的长篇小说之一,凭借其深沉的人道主义力量感动了一代又一代人,1943年被改编成电影。 一、《丧钟为谁而鸣》中相关概述 (一)人物语言风格概述 《丧钟为谁而鸣》描绘了典型的海明威式人物。如同在他的其他许多作品中一样,在这部小说中,海明威也广泛地运用了所谓的海明威准则。各种各样的人和他的个人生活事件对他的写作也产生了影响。 许多人持这样的观点:没有一个美国作家能和海明威相媲美。作为一战后“迷惘的一代”的成员,海明威在很多方面是他自己作品中最好的人物,并成为他自己一生的传奇。虽然他的生活剧和浪漫史有时似乎掩盖了他的作品质量,但是,海明威首先是一个文学家、作家和读者,在谈到所有关于他狩猎、探险、斗牛、捕鱼和战争的时候,这通常会被忽略。海明威很享受成为公众关注的焦点后的感觉。然而,海明威认为自己是一个艺术家,他并不想因为所有不当的原因而出名。 (二)评论家心中的语言风格 几乎是从他的写作生涯的开始,海明威独特的写作风格就引起了许多评论家的关注并发表评论。海明威不肯让步于冗长的地理和心理的描述。有人说他的风格缺乏实质内容,因为他避免情感的直接陈述和描写。从基本上说,他的风格简单、直接,有点朴素。他形成了一种有力的散文风格,特点是句子简单,很少有副词或形容词。他写的对话简洁、生动,对地点和事物的描述准确。评论家哈里·李文指出了海明威写作中语法和用词的弱点,但很快就赞美他传达动作的能力。 二、海明威与《丧钟为谁而鸣》?语言风格形成分析 (一)海明威的《丧钟为谁而鸣》背景概述 海明威在他职业生涯的早期做过记者。1937年,他为北美报业联盟到西班牙去采访西班牙内战。在西班牙数个月后,海明威宣布,他计划写一本以西班牙内战为背景的书,这就是《丧钟为谁而鸣》。 他大部分的早期小说都以第一人称叙述,并以单一的观点结束,但是,当海明威写《丧钟为谁而鸣》时,他使用了几种不同的叙事技巧。他使用了内心独白、客观描述、迅速变化的观点和总体上比他以前的作品松散的结构。海明威认为,“一个作家的风格应该是直接的和个人的,他的意象丰富而朴实,他的话语简单而有力。”


Abstract Being distinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is noted for his writing style. Among all his works, The Old Man and the Sea is a typical one to his unique writing style and technique. The language is simple and natural on the surface, but actually deliberate and artificial. Sometimes the simple style is made a little different. The dialogue is combined with the realistic and the artificial. The simplicity is highly suggestive, and often reflects the strong undercurrent of emotion. Occasionally, the author uses some figures of speech. Hemingway’s style is related to his experience as a journalist, his learning from many famous writers, and most importantly, his conscientious effort in looking for a style of his own. The influence of his style is great all over the world. The Old Man and the Sea is full of facts, most of which comes from Hemingway’s own experience. So the way to use facts is a very important writing technique in this novel. The facts in the novel are selected and used as a device to make the fictional world accepted. In the forepart of the novel, they are used to show the quality of Santiago’s life, and are narrated simply and naturally; while in the latter part of the novel, they are used from inside Santiago’s ow n consciousness and form part of a whole scheme of the novel. Keywords: Facts; Simplicity; Artificial; Iceberg Theory 中文摘要 在众伟大的美国作家中,海明威以独特的写作风格而著称。在他所有的作品中,《老人与海》最能体现他独特的写作风格和手法。这部小说语言看似简洁自然,其实包含了作者的精心揣摩和润色加工。有时为了突出某一部分,作者会采用长句代替短句。文中的对话内容真实、贴近生活,而表达形式则经过了艺术加工。小说简洁自然的语言背后隐藏了深刻的意义和感情。文中还运用了比喻、拟人等修辞手法.还名位的这种独特风格与他当过新闻记者的经历有关,同时他兼菜各家之长,自成一体,形成了自己独特的创作方法和艺术风格。这种风格对整个世界文坛产生了重要的影响。 《老人与海》这部小说中运用了大量的事实,他们大多来自于作者亲身经历。海明威对这些事实精心选择,从而吸引读者的兴趣并使读者有一种身临其境的感觉。小说一开始用大量事实描写了主人公生活的环境,叙述风格简洁自然,未加任何感情色彩。随着情节的发展,大量的事实主要被运用于主人公的心理活动之中,而不是主要由作者来叙述。同时,这些事实构成了整个小说体系中不可缺少的一部分。 关键词:


论海明威的文学创作风格 目录 引言 (1) 一、海明威文学创作的思想来源及社会背景 (1) (一)西方现实主义哲学思想.................................... 2(二)自身经历...................................................3(三)生活的环境和时代.........................................4二、海明威文学创作风格分析....................................5 (一)电报式语言..................................................5 (二)硬汉特征..................................................8三、海明威的创作风格对世界文学创作的影响 (10) 结论 (13) 主要参考文献.....................................................14

摘要 海明威的艺术作品可以说都非常的经典,本文透过海明威的作品从三方面来分析:首先从海明威文学创作的思想来源及社会背景来分析,分析他的家庭背景、生活环境以及生活经历等。其次从海明威文学创作风格分析:一、电报式语言二、硬汉特征。最后分析了海明威的创作风格对世界文学创作的影响。 关键词:思想来源创作背景创作风格影响

论海明威的文学创作风格 引言 最初接触他的作品是中篇小说《老人与海》,小说中老人的话深深的吸引了我。“一个人并不是生来就要被打败的”,“人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。” 当时的我正因为英语考试没有及格而苦恼,看到这句话我心里豁然开朗,从此我迷恋上海明威的作品,在《太阳照样升起》这部书中,海明威引用了《旧约》中的一段话:一代过去,一代又来,地却永远长存,江河在海里流,海却不满,江河从何处流,仍归向何处。看到这段话我深刻感受到跟大地的长存和江河的不断运行比起来,人是多么的渺小,人生是多么的短暂,那么我要抓住这有效的时间去做些什么呢?看到书中描述的一战后生活在巴黎的一群年轻人的生活,我震撼了,他们表面上丰富多彩,内心却极度精神空虚,他们搞三角恋爱,酗酒,乱交,在骨子里却显得无奈,他们找不到生活的目标和方向,即使有也是虚伪和自私的。那么我们现在的年轻人又是怎样的呢?我们是否也迷惘过? 有多少年轻人崇尚金钱至上、崇尚及时行乐和感官刺激,在面对道德的抉择中,我们的取向是什么?带着这样的心情,我开始去研究、去探索、去学习、去深入的思考研究海明威先生的作品以及创作风格。看从中是否可以找到我们自身的影子。 第一章海明威文学创作的思想来源及社会背景 海明威的小说是西方现实主义思想的体现。海明威现实主义思想的形成

hemingway 海明威的写作手法及风格

Writing style: iceberg theory — It means that writing should be like the iceberg in the sea--only one eight exposes above the sea, and seven eighth should be hidden under the water. The iceberg theory—characterized by economy and understatement, had an enormous influence on 20th-century fiction; Use of short sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative. The Hemingway code hero 海明威笔下的硬汉形象 Grace under pressure He is the perfect form that Hemingway always pursuits: courage, perseverance, wisdom and clement. He is beneficent, being full of love and having the endless mental power; Even he was failed on the abattoir of life, he was still an overmatch in mentality, a tough guy not a pilgarlic protected by others. "But man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed (physically) but not defeated (spiritually)." First, he has the mental traits that ordinary tough guys have: brave, powerful, restive, dauntless In conclusion, the image of Santiago is not a pure image of a tough guy any more. What concealed under the surface is the eternal theme of human race: Confidence, Self-respect, Self-improvement. He no longer stands for himself. The image of Santiago symbolize the eternal human spirit. He inspired people to challenge the difficulty and death recklessly and fearlessly.


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e17459555.html, 论海明威《老人与海》的创作特点及文体风格 作者:宛佳栎 来源:《智富时代》2018年第12期 【摘要】“老人与海”的创作风格对汉语阅读具有重要的认识和借鉴意义。有人指出,海明威的创作艺术具有“冰山”风格,源于生活,简洁而微妙。 【关键词】《老人与海》;海明威;“冰山”风格;简约含蓄 在中学和高中语言阅读中,“老人与海”是最受欢迎的小说之一。海明威在这部小说中使用了什么样的创作风格,吸引人们阅读和欣赏?本文将以“老人与海”为研究案例,探讨海明威的创作风格,增强读者对小说的理解,提高高中生汉语的阅读水平。 一、海明威与《老人与海》 (一)对海明威的简介 海明威出生于伊利诺伊州的一个医生家庭。这些经历对海明威后来的创作产生了重要影响。但对海明威创作最深刻的影响是参与战争的经历。海明威参加了第一次世界大战,但由于海明威的个人健康问题,他不得不退休。海明威随后前往堪萨斯城担任记者。后来,海明威转移到欧洲,作为服务于红十字会的救护车司机,在意大利,海明威的尸体再次受到重创。幸运的是,很快,在第一次世界大战结束之前,身体已经痊愈,海明威生活在欧洲,但第一次世界大战的经历对他的身心产生了不可挽回的影响。海明威的许多着作都涵盖了战争创伤的阴影。 (二)《老人与海》的故事主题 “老人与海”是海明威的重要作品之一,也是他的主要代表作之一。从而树立了其在文学领域的重要地位。“老人与海”的主要内容讲述了一位古巴老人在圣地亚哥海域与马林鱼和鲨鱼搏斗的故事。 这位老人在84天内没有捕到鱼,但老人并没有感到绝望。经过许多艰辛,他终于抓住了一条大马林鱼。鲨鱼把老人抓住的马林鱼变成鱼骨。老人躺在床上休息,微笑着,回到了在沙滩上玩耍的狮子群。 二、海明威创作风格的分析 (一)冰山风格的定义


海明威写作特点与艺术风格 海明威是一位具有高度艺术才华的大作家,艺术个性异常鲜明。他不拘 泥于传统的现实主义和浪漫主义,也不属于任何现代主义流派,而是兼采各家之长,自 成一体,由此形成了自己独特的创作方法和艺术风格。他的创作对于我们来说无疑具有 重要的艺术借鉴的价值。本文从海明威表现手法中的含蓄与明晰、大于题材内涵的潜在 主题、含有“潜台词”的人物对话与内心独白、充满象征与饱含寓意四个方面,对其创 作方法和艺术风格作了解析与探讨。 一位艺术家的伟大,在于他独特的创造和天才的发现,使自己的作品无论在创作方 法和艺术风格方面都完全不同于“这个”或“那个”。美国现代大作家海明威(Ernest

HemingWay,1899—1961)正是这样一位伟大而卓越的艺术家,他根据著名的 “冰山原则”所创造出来的一系列作品,彻底地摒弃了旧的传统小说之模式,对题材、 人物、文体风格和结构形式,毫无宽容地排斥仿造。那自成一体的简约、洗炼、耐人寻 味的艺术风格,在大西洋两岸曾经拥有大批追随者和模仿者,在欧美文坛上的影响至今 不衰。那些以大无畏的精神直面人生悲剧的故事,为一代又一代人反复阅读。创作实践 告诉我们,艺术家一旦因某种刺激模式的诱发,点燃生活积累的“柴草”,萌发出不可 遏止的创作冲动。就会造成心理上的驱力和张力,推动他们进入构思过程。任何人都不 会否认,海明威的小说读来有一种自然感人的力量,只要细加分析就会发现,那散乱而 又貌似粗硬枯燥的文风外壳下,自始至终贯穿着一条情绪主线,正是这一主线将生活的

断面串联起来并形成了一组组生活流,倾诉着作者关于人生的话。 一 海明威曾把文学创作比喻成漂浮在大洋上的冰山,看得见的只是露在水面上的八分 之一,而隐藏在水下的则是八分之七。这象征着作家在创作实践上对形式美的追求,也 体现了一种强烈的创作个性。他在浩瀚的生活海洋中选取、提炼最富有特征的事件和细 节,将自身主观的态度和感情隐蔽起来,以简洁凝炼的笔法,客观而精确地勾勒出一幅 幅富有实感的生活画面。这些用文学直接表现出来的生活画面,是作品看得见的“八分 之一”,犹如裸露在水面上的轮廓清晰、晶莹透明的冰山一样,鲜明突出,生动逼真。 给读者造成一种意境,唤起他的想象力去开发隐藏在水下的“八分之七”,使他在强烈


The New York Times wrote in 1926 of Hemingway's first novel, "No amount of analysis can convey the quality of The Sun Also Rises. It is a truly gripping story, told in a lean, hard, athletic narrative prose that puts more literary English to shame."[157]The Sun Also Rises is written in the spare, tight prose that made Hemingway famous, and, according to James Nagel, "changed the nature of American writing."[158]In 1954, when Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, it was for "his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style."[159] Paul Smith writes that Hemingway's first stories, collected as In Our Time, showed he was still experimenting with his writing style.[160] He avoided complicated syntax. About 70 percent of the sentences are simple sentences—a childlike syntax without subordination.[161] Henry Louis Gates believes Hemingway's style was fundamentally shaped "in reaction to [his] experience of world war". After World War I, he and other modernists "lost faith in the central institutions of Western civilization" by reacting against the elaborate style of 19th century writers and by creating a style "in which meaning is established through dialogue, through action, and silences—a fiction in which nothing crucial—or at least very little—is stated explicitly."[18] Developing this connection between Hemingway and other modernist writers, Irene Gammel believes his style was carefully cultivated and honed with an eye toward the avant-garde of the era. Hungry for "vanguard experimentation" and rebelling against Ford Madox Ford's "staid modernism", Hemingway published the work of Gertrude Stein and Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven in The Transatlantic Review. As Gammel notes, Hemingway was "introduced to the Baroness's experimental style during a time when he was actively trimming the verbal 'fat' off his own style, as well as flexing his writer's muscles in assaulting conventional taste."[163] Because he began as a writer of short stories, Baker believes Hemingway learned to "get the most from the least, how to prune language, how to
