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3.可省可不省的: help sb. (to)do sth. I often help my mother (to). do housework.
➢否定形式: (1)动词不定式的否定式是直接在to之前加not.
例:Tell them not to play football in the street. (2)省to的动词不定式的否定式是直接在动词前
• 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其 结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to不是介词, 而是动词不定式的符号,称为小品词,动 词不定式没有人称和数的变化。动词不定 式和其后面的名词等构成不定式短语,在 句子中可以用作主语、表语、宾语、补足 语、定语、状语等。
To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time. 一. 作主语: • To be a doctor is hard.
1.不可以省to的不定式作宾语补足语: tell /ask / want / would like / wish / like / invite /encourage
/teach sb. to do sth. 例:
• The teacher told us to come earlier tomorrow. • I want you to go now. • Her parents wish her to be a teacher.
➢ 如果表示动词不定式的动作执行者,可以在不定式前 面加一个由介词for引导的短语,称为不定式的复合结构。 例:
• It’s good for us to read English aloud in the morning. • It is important for students to. use English every day.
The teacher advised him to try another way.
四. 作宾语补足语。例如:
• The teacher asked源自文库us to read English for half an hour in the morning.
• The teacher often tells Jim not to spend too much time playing computer games.
• To learn English well is not easy.
➢ 动词不定式短语作主语时,为了避免句子的头重脚 轻,可以用“it”作形式主语,而把真正的主语-动词不定 式短语放在句子的后部。例如上面的句子可以表示为:
It is hard to be a doctor.
It is not easy to learn English well. 再如: It’s important to plant trees in spring.
• Please let me help you. ➢ 动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示宾语所做的动作,可
以用动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:tell, ask, want, like, invite, encourage, help等。但在let, make, see, watch, hear, feel, notice, have等感官听觉动词或使役动词后面 作宾语补足语的动词不定式一般要省略动词不定式符号 “to”,可以归纳为以下三种句式:
My ambition is to work for firm that develops computer software when I grow up.
二. 作表语: 动词不定式(短语)作表语常用于系词be的后
面。例: His work is to drive a car. My job is to feed animals. Her ambition is to be a doctor.
注意: (1)如果and连接两个动词不定式,第二个动词 不定式一般省“to”例:
He wants to go and have a swim with us. (2)若作宾语的动词不定式(短语)很长,可用it
作形式宾语。 I find it interesting to learn English with you. He found it hard to catch up w. ith others.
• I want to tell you a story.
• They begin to work at eight every morning.
• Don’t forget to lock the door.
• Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow?
2.省“to”的不定式作宾语补足语: ➢ Let / make / have sb. do sth. • Let the boy go out now. • The boy made the baby cry. ➢ see / watch / hear / notice / feel sb. do sth. • I saw the students play basketball on the playground yesterday • I often hear the girl sing in the next room.
面加not. 例: Let the boy not go.
➢被动语态: 如果将主动语态变为被动语态时,作宾语补足
语的动词不定式变为主语补足语,动词不定式则 不省“to”,即原来省的再加上,例:
He hopes to become a teacher.
三. 作宾语 动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,
能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin, start, want, forget remember, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例: