


环境科学概论 实验报告 中国水环境变化趋势分析报告 学院:_资源与环境工程学院_ 专业:资源勘查工程 班级:_ 09-1___ 学号:_ 0908100302 __ 学生姓名:__姜伟___ 指导老师:__刘鸿雁__ 20011年12 月8 日

中国水环境变化趋势分析报告 1:前言:水是自然界的基本要素,是有生命的物质得以生存、繁衍的基本物质条件之一。随着我国经济的迅速发展,人们生活水平的提高,环境污染也随之变的更加严重。在我国的水环境方面,也面临着巨大的问题。我国是世界上缺乏淡水的国家,随着我国人口不断增加、我国工业的快速发展、我国的经济的快速增长,淡水的缺乏又限制着这一势头的发展,与之产生了矛盾。可利用淡水质的污染加剧,严重影响到人们的饮用水的质量,广阔浩渺的海洋水被污染,严重影响到水中的生态平衡,有间接影响到人们的生活。 为了我们人类的生存健康,为了给我们的后代创造一个美好的环境,为了我们后代有干净的饮用水,我们有责任去解决这一问题。通过比较近几年来我国的环境公报,来分析我国近几年来在水体环境治理方面取得的成就以及在接下来的我们应该做什么、怎么去做。 关键词水水环境水体污染影响责任 2:水体是地表水圈的重要组成部分,指的是以相对稳定的陆地为边界的天然水域,包括有一定流速的沟渠、江河和相对静止的塘堰、水库、湖泊、沼泽,以及受潮汐影响的三角洲和海洋。水体分为海洋水体和陆地水体。 水体污染(water body pollution)是指排入水体的污染物

在数量上超过了该物质在水体中的本底含量和自净能力即水体的环境容量,破坏了水中固有的生态系统,破坏了水体的功能及其在人类生活和生产中的作用。降低了水体的使用价值和功能的现象。水体污染的最主要的原因是工业废水的大量排放。 2.12001—2010年我国经济又取得了很大的成就。下图为我国2001—2010年的GDP的柱状图。 图1 从图1可以看出在2001—2010年间我国GDP呈逐渐增长趋势。2001年我国GDP为11964亿美元,居世界第七位;2010年我国GDP为58500亿美元,居世界第二。每年经济增长率为10%左右。在经济和社会快速发展的同时也给我国的环境造成很大的影响。在水体方面产生的影响也是对环境影响的一个重要部分。如工厂排出的工业废水。


Advances in Environmental Protection 环境保护前沿, 2017, 7(4), 297-308 Published Online August 2017 in Hans. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/journal/aep https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/10.12677/aep.2017.74042 The Seasonal Variations of the Water Quality of Erhai during 2015-2016 Mengshu Zhu, Hucai Zhang*, Fengqin Chang, Huayong Li, Lizeng Duan, Hongwei Meng, Rongxin Bi, Zhiming Lu Key Laboratory of Plateau Lake Ecology & Global Change, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographical Process and Environmental Change on the Plateau, College of Tourism and Geography Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan Received: Jul. 12th, 2017; accepted: Jul. 29th, 2017; published: Aug. 1st, 2017 Abstract Along with the regional economic development and urban expansion in the Erhai drainage area, the water quality of Lake Erhai has been impacted strongly. To understand the water quality sta-tus and its change processes, we have monitored the lake water recently. The analyses results of the monitoring data show that the mixedness of lake water, which is affected by the strong wind and waves in the Lake Erhai, is the highest in the south of lake where with a shallow water depth, and is the lowest in central part of lake, while it shows a moderate situation in the north of the lake. As one of the typical plateau-type shallow lakes, there is no temperature stratification ob-served in Lake Erhai, but a weak mixing phenomenon between thermocline and epilimnion exist in the central and north part of the lake in July. The seasonal water temperature changes affect the distribution and content of chlorophyll-a, which is also affected by human activity induced nu-trient inputs, especially in the shallow area in south of the Lake Erhai, where is more sensitive to natural factors, such as wind velocity, direction and lake current. The dissolved oxygen (DO) con-tent is not only influenced by the algae in lake water, but also the discharge of rivers into the lake. Our monitoring data reveal a seasonal variation of the DO contents, and show a highest value in January high and a lowest value in July. At the same time, the pH value shows a distinguishable seasonal variation with a lowest value in January. As pH is very sensitive to the photosynthesis and respiration of aquatic animals and plants in the lake water, it varies from one area to another ab-ruptly in July. It has been noticed that a strong correlation exist between the chlorophyll-a content, DO and pH values in October. The seasonal change of turbidity is sensitive to water depth and zooplankton and phytoplankton amounts. The total contents of both Nitrogen (TN) and Phos-phorous (TP) reveal that Lake Erhai is approaching to the middle to middle-high eutrophication situation, and strong measurements to prevent the lake from further eutrophication is necessary. Keywords Erhai, Water Quality Parameters, Temperature, Wind-Wave Disturbance, Spatial Heterogeneity *通讯作者。


Journal of Water Resources Research 水资源研究, 2018, 7(1), 74-83 Published Online February 2018 in Hans. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/journal/jwrr https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/10.12677/jwrr.2018.71009 Characteristics and Changes of Water Quality Parameters of Qinghai Lake in 2015 Rongxin Bi1, Hucai Zhang1*, Huayong Li1, Fengqin Chang1, Lizeng Duan1, Yubang He2, Hu Zhang1, Xinyu Wen1, Yu Zhou1 1Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographical Process and Environmental Change on the Plateau, Key Laboratory of Plateau Lake Ecology & Global Change, College of Tourism and Geography Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan 2Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve Bureau, Xining Qinghai Received: Nov. 21st, 2017; accepted: Dec. 1st, 2017; published: Dec. 8th, 2017 Abstract The water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll-a concentration and turbidity vertical profile monitoring were carried out at Qinghai Lake during September 22-24, 2015. At the same time, physical and chemical status of Qinghai Lake and lake nutrition status were analyzed by the experimental deter-mination of total phosphorus and total nitrogen content,and nutrient salt determination through collect-ing water samples, compared with the data from Qinghai Lake Management Bureau. The results showed that there were some differences in physical and chemical parameters and nutritional degree of each point, and due to wind and lake disturbance, there is a weak stratification phenomenon at the center of the lake; the dissolved oxygen concentration at the center of lake is lower, and the dissolved oxygen stra-tification is affected by the temperature stratification; Qinghai Lake’s high salinity and high hydronium concentration control its pH and have a greater impact on the dissolved oxygen concentration and turbid-ity. The release of sediment caused by temperature and lake water circulation makes phytoplankton con-centrate in the middle and low water, so that submerged plants have better growth conditions. The nu-trient level of Qinghai Lake is not high, but the concentration of total phosphorus has a tendency to in-crease. Exogenous input is the main reason that affects the degree of lake nutrition. The intensification of human activities makes the Qinghai Lake have the danger of deterioration of water quality. Keywords Qinghai Lake, Water Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Chlorophyll a, Nutritional Degree, Human Activities 青海湖2015年水质参数特征及其变化 毕荣鑫1,张虎才1*,李华勇1,常凤琴1,段立曾1,何玉邦2,张虎1,文新宇1,周瑜1 作者简介:毕荣鑫(1992-),男,在读硕士研究生,主要从事湖泊沉积与环境变化研究。 *通讯作者。


滇池水质时间序列变化分析 1 引言 湖泊富营养化是当前我国水环境领域面临的重要问题之一,其中,滇池作为高原重污染湖泊的典型代表,自1980s以来受到人们的广泛关注,研究人员也对此开展了大量的监测、模拟、规划和控制研究.在长期的研究中,如何评估滇池的水质变化趋势、识别主要水质指标的演替特征与规律,一直是人们广为关注的热点问题之一(万能等,2007;邹锐等,2011).在国务院发布的《滇池流域水污染防治“十二五”规划》中,提出了全面推进及突出重点、兼顾全面的原则.为更好地推进“十二五”期间滇池富营养化控制和水质改善,需基于长时间序列的水质数据分析,识别滇池水质指标的变化趋势和长期水平,进而区分不同水质指标在滇池污染防治中的优先程度,从而可以更具针对性地进行滇池污染防治. 水质变化趋势的识别并非简单的时间变化分析,而要考虑到水质变化过程中固有的周期性和随机性特征,排除干扰误差.在水质趋势的时间序列分析中,统计模型是常用的方法.目前已有的研究多采用线性回归或者基于次序统计量的非参数方法,但因其主要基于线性或者单调性假设,不能反映局部变化.而水质由于受到人为活动干扰及其他自然因素影响,并不满足线性、单调假设.为解决这一问题,在前期的研究基础上,STL(Seasonal-Trend Decomposition using LOESS)方法被应用于水质评价中,它采用局部加权回归法(LOESS)进行拟合,是一种可以处理非线性、局部趋势的非参数统计方法.STL方法最早由Clevel and 等 (1990)提出并应用于对大气CO2浓度和美国失业人口数变化趋势分析上.在水质变化分析中,Qian等(2000)最先采用STL方法对美国加州纽斯河口的氮(N)、磷(P)数据进行了趋势识别.此后,STL方法在环境领域得到广泛应用,例如,Sellinger等(2008)应用 STL方法分析了密歇根-休伦湖水位的变化趋势;Conrad等(2004)应用 STL方法结合动态线性模型(DLM)分析了美国亚德金河悬沙浓度和水流量的变化趋势及关系.作为探索性数据分析的有效手段,STL方法亦有广泛的应用(Lu et al., 2003; Carslaw et al., 2005; Jong et al., 2012).对于滇池而言,由于人为干扰的强度增大,水质指标变化具有很强的非线性和随机性特征.因此,本文拟采用STL方法对水质数据进行时间序列分析,剔除干扰因素,从而可以更为准确地反映各个水质指标的变化趋势.但STL方法的缺陷在于无法有效判定趋势变化的显著性,为此,本文采用稳态转换指数(Regime Shift Index,RSI)对趋势的变化进行显著性检验,从统计学意义上确定趋势变化的显著性,以期为进一步的滇池水质改善提供决策参考. 2 研究对象与方法 2.1 研究对象 本文的分析对象为滇池外海,选取昆明市环境监测中心在外海的8个常规监测点位(灰湾中、罗家营、观音山西、观音山中、观音山东、白鱼口、滇池南、海口西)为研究对象(图 1).根据数据的可得性,选取水温(T)、pH、透明度(SD)、溶解氧(DO)、BOD5、CODMn、氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、叶绿素a(Chl a)10个水质指标进行分析,时间尺度为1998—2010年,时间分辨率为月.因此,每个监测点位的每个水质指标的数据样本为156个(Chl a时间尺度为1999—2009年,每个监测点位132个数据).数据缺失值比例为2.8%,采用中位数平滑方法进行插值;Q-Q 图(Q-Qplot)显示插值后数据与原始数据具有相同的分布,说明插值效果良好.本文对水质数据的分析均基于R 3.0.1版本(https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/).


Geographical Science Research 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(3), 168-178 Published Online August 2017 in Hans. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/journal/gser https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/10.12677/gser.2017.63019 Seasonal Changes of Water Quality Parameters in Lake Yilong Pei Liu, Fengqin Chang*, Hucai Zhang, Huyong Li, Rongxin Bi, Lizeng Duan, Lei Fu, Yu Zhou Key Laboratory of Plateau Lake Ecology & Global Change, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographical Process and Environmental Change on the Plateau, College of Tourism and Geography Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan Received: Jul. 15th, 2017; accepted: Aug. 7th, 2017; published: Aug. 10th, 2017 Abstract Based on the analysis of water quality parameters, including temperature, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH of the Lake Yilong during September 2016 to May 2017, the water quality and its spatial-temporal variations were discussed. The results showed that the best water quality of the lake appears in northwest of the lake, attributing to the purification of aquatic plants in the area. There is no notable difference between the water quality in the Dam and center of the lake. The appearances of a DO plunge in the northwest of the lake in September and October re-sulted in a hypoxia condition in the lake water, and it was found that the depth and amplitude of this DO reduction varies from one place to another, with the seasonal difference. The Chl-a con-centration in Lake Yilong showed seasonal and spatial changes too. In the center and the Dam area of the lake, the maximum value occurs in January. However, in the northwest of the lake, the maximum value appears in September and October. The variations of pH of the lake water indi-cated a strong linkage with algae concentrations. Based on the analysis of water quality parameter in different sites of the lake, it was concluded that the main reason for water quality deterioration of Lake Yilong is unreasonable anthropogenic activities in the area. Therefore, it has been sug-gested that more attentions should be addressed on effective water quality protection and ecolog-ical restoration in the future. Most importantly, all the measurements concerning on the lake wa-ter utilization and so-called lake environmental protection should be based on the detailed scien-tific monitoring, administration and application. This is the only way to keep a sustainable devel-opment, with improvement of the eco-environmental in the drainage area. Keywords Lake Yilong, Water Quality Parameters, Human Activity, Dry Season and Soil Damp Season 异龙湖水质参数的季节性变化 刘培,常凤琴*,张虎才,李华勇,毕荣鑫,段立曾,付磊,周瑜 *通讯作者。


环工10-2班詹雪 101324221 关于太湖近年来水质变化的分析 太湖地处长江三角洲中心, 是我国第三大淡水湖泊,亦是整个太湖流域水调节与水生态系统的中心。随着经济的发展、人口的增加, 流域需水量将持续增长, 流域水污染日益严重、水生态恶化, 流域人口、资源、环境与经济社会协调发展的矛盾相当突出。十一五规划以来, 提出了很多治理太湖水质污染的理论与方法( 包括引江济太工程、细菌改善局部水域水质技术等) , 太湖水质整体得到了一些改善。 2011年太湖湖体水质总体为Ⅳ类。主要污染指标为总磷和化学需氧量。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。其中,西部沿岸区为Ⅴ类水质,五里湖、梅梁湖、东部沿岸区和湖心区均为Ⅳ类水质。湖体总体为轻度富营养状态。与上年相比,营养状态无明显变化。其中,五里湖、梅梁湖、湖心区和东部沿岸区为轻度富营养状态,西部沿岸区为中度富营养状态。环湖河流总体为轻度污染。主要污染指标为氨氮、化学需氧量和五日生化需氧量。87个国控断面中,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类、Ⅳ~Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质断面比例分别为35.6%、56.3%和8.1%。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。 2010年太湖水质总体为劣Ⅴ类。主要污染指标为总氮和总磷。湖体处于轻度富营养状态。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。太湖环湖河流总体为轻度污染。88个国控监测断面中,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质的断面比例分别为43.0%、33.0%、12.0%和12.0%。主要污染指标为氨氮和石油类。与上年相比,水质有所好转。 2009年太湖水质总体为劣Ⅴ类。主要污染指标为总氮和总磷。湖体处于轻度富营养状态。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。太湖环湖河流总体为轻度污染。88个国控监测断面中,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质的断面比例分别为36.3%、33.0%、11.4%和19.3%。主要污染指标为氨氮、五日生化需氧量和石油类。与上年相比,水质有所好转。 2008年太湖水质总体为劣Ⅴ类。湖体21个国控监测点位中,Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质的点位比例分别为14.3%、23.8%和61.9%。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。湖体处于中度富营养状态。主要污染指标为总氮和总磷。太湖环湖河流水质总体为中度污染。主要污染指标为氨氮、五日生化需氧量和石油类。与上年相比,水质明显好转。 2007年太湖总体为劣Ⅴ类。21个国控监测点位中,Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质的点位比例分别为23.8%、19.0%和57.2%。与上年相比,水质有所好转,劣Ⅴ类水质比例较上年下降28个百分点。湖体处于中度富营养状态。主要污染指标为总氮。太湖环湖河流水质总体为中度污染。与上年相比,水质无明显变化。主要污染指标为氨氮、五日生化需氧量和石油类。 表1 2007-2011年太湖各类水所占点位 年份Ⅰ~Ⅲ类Ⅳ类Ⅴ类劣Ⅴ 2007 0.0% 23.8% 19.0% 57.2% 2008 0.0% 14.3% 23.8% 61.9% 2009 36.3% 33.0% 11.4% 19.3% 2010 43.0% 33.0% 12.0% 12.0% 2011 35.6% 56.3% 8.1% 0.0%


14章 4.反应器原理用于水处理有何作用和特点 答:作用:推动了水处理工艺发展; 特点:在化工生产中,反应器都只作为化学反应设备来独立研究,但在水处理中,含义较广泛,许多水处理设备与池子都可作为反应器来进行分析研究,包括化学反应、生物化学反应以至纯物理过程等。例:沉淀池。 5.试举出3种质量传递机理的实例。 答:质量传递包括主流传递、分子扩散传递、紊流扩散传递。 1、主流传递:在平流池中,物质将随水流作水平迁移。物质在水平方向的浓度变化, 是由主流迁移和化学引起的。 2、分子扩散传递:在静止或作层流运动的液体中,存在浓度梯度的话,高浓度区内的 组分总是向低浓度区迁移,最终趋于平均分布状态,浓度梯度消失。如平流池等。 3、紊流扩散传递:在绝大多数情况下,水流往往处于紊流状态。水处理构筑物中绝大 部分都是紊流扩散。 6.(1)完全混合间歇式反应器(CMB)不存在由物质迁移而导致的物质输入和输出,且假 定是在恒温下操作 (2)完全混合连续式反应器(CSTR)反应物投入反应器后,经搅拌立即与反应器内的料液达到完全均匀混合,输出的产物其浓度和成分与反应器内的物料相同 (3)推流型反应器(PF)反应器内的物料仅以相同流速平行流动,而无扩散作用,这种流型唯一的质量传递就是平行流动的主流传递 答:在水处理方面引入反应器理论推动了水处理工艺发展。在化工生产过程中,反应器只作为化学反应设备来独立研究,但在水处理中,含义较广泛。许多水处理设备与池子都可作为反应器来进行分析研究,包括化学反应、生物化学反应以至物理过程等。例如,氯化消毒池,除铁、除锰滤池、生物滤池、絮凝池、沉淀池等等,甚至一段河流自净过程都可应用反应器原理和方法进行分析、研究。介绍反应器概念,目的就是提供一种分析研究水处理工艺设备的方法和思路。 7.为什么串联的CSTR型反应器比同容积的单个CSTR型反应器效果好 答:因为使用多个体积相等的CSTR型反应器串联,则第二只反应器的输入物料浓度即为第一只反应器的输出物料浓度,串联的反应器数愈多,所需反应时间愈短,理论上,当串联的反应器数N趋近无穷时,所需反应时间将趋近于CMB型和PF型的反应时间。 8.混合与返混在概念上有什么区别返混是如何造成的 答:区别是:返混又称逆向混合。广义地说,泛指不同时间进入系统的物料之间的混合,包括物料逆流动方向的流动。 造成返混的原因主要是环流,对流,短流,流速不均匀,设备中存在死角以及物质扩散等。例如:环流和由湍流和分子扩散所造成的轴向混合,及由不均匀的速度分布所造成的短路、停滞区或“死区”、沟流等使物料在系统中的停留时间有差异的所有因素。 型和CMB型反应器为什么效果相同两者优缺点比较。 答:在推流型反应器的起端(或开始阶段),物料是在C0的高浓度下进行的,反应速度很快。沿着液流方向,随着流程增加(或反应时间的延续),物料浓度逐渐降低,反应速度也随之逐渐减小。这跟间歇式反应器的反应过程是一样的。推流型反应器优于间歇式反应器的在于:间歇式反应器除了反应时间以外,还需考虑投料和卸料时间,而推流型反应器为连续操作。


收稿日期:2003-11-05 抚仙湖水质变化趋势分析 荆春燕,张秀敏,赵祥华 (云南省环境科学研究所,云南昆明650034) 摘 要:介绍了抚仙湖的主要环境问题,分析了抚仙湖污染成因和湖泊主要污染指标的历史变迁,预测了湖泊环境污染趋势。 关键词:水质变化;污染;抚仙湖 中图分类号:X524 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-947X (2004)增-0110-02 抚仙湖是我国第二深高原淡水湖,湖水储水量占云南省淡水储量的60%以上,水质清澈、风光秀丽、景色宜人、被誉为“高原明珠”。近年来抚仙湖水质呈缓慢下降趋势,2002年水质综合评为Ⅱ类,影响水质的主要指标是总氮。作为云南省今后最大的饮用水源地,对抚仙湖加大保护和治理力度,将保护目标由Ⅱ类水质提高到Ⅰ类水质是十分重要和必要的。1 主要环境问题 ①湖泊有机污染加重,富营养化进程加快,局部水域受到污染。 抚仙湖作为澄江县和沿湖地区的最终纳污水体,年入湖污水量(含地表径流)468万m 3,每年星云湖出口隔河入流Ⅳ类水4000万m 3。由于大量污染物及营养物输入,在排污口及旅游景点附近水域水质污染趋势加重。该湖水域功能为Ⅰ类,但2002年水质综合评价为Ⅱ类,影响水质的主要指 标是总氮。 ②流域内农业、农村面源污染问题十分突出。汇水区农村每年生活污水排放量为406万t ,人畜粪便排放量60万t ,其污染负荷TP207712t 、T N295818t 。这些污染物通过地表径流和地层渗漏 有相当部分进入湖泊水体。流域内有耕地0161万hm 2,每年化肥施用总量24038t ,农药总施用量14317t 。这些农药、化肥随地表水、地下水渗透流 入湖内,每年入湖氮肥2478t ,磷肥1000t ,给湖区生态环境建设造成了严重威胁。 ③围垦、养殖侵占湖滩现象严重。 抚仙湖湖区内法定最高水位(《云南省抚仙湖管理条例》规定,抚仙湖最高运行水位黄海高程172210m ,简称“法定最高水位” )以下,有102185hm 2湖滩被侵占,围湖造田、围湖养殖现象 十分突出。大量使用化肥、农药及高密度的养殖,导致近岸水体污染严重,对湖泊构成了最直接的威胁。 ④湖区旅游开发利用缺乏总体计划,湖周环境遭受破坏。 抚仙湖近年旅游事业发展迅速,缺乏总体计划,环境保护工作滞后。建筑侵占湖滨甚至湖面现象严重,沿湖农村建房也是如此。致使湖泊生态环境受到破坏,湖泊水质受到人为污染,湖泊自然景观受到影响。 ⑤径流区森林植被覆盖率低,水土流失严重。抚仙湖径流区由于盲目垦荒现象严重,森林覆盖率仅为2711%。区内坡度大于25°的坡耕地有1415hm 2(未含星云湖)。荒山荒地和坡耕地面积占 陆地面积的50%以上。由于森林覆盖率低,加上山高坡陡,土质疏松,雨季易造成水土流失。平均每年流入抚仙湖中的泥沙约3416万t 。 ⑥水资源贫乏,水资源供需平衡脆弱。抚仙湖最大储水量为189亿m 3,而陆地入湖量仅为1184亿m 3,海口河平均出流为019572亿m 3,以径流深计,分别为33518mm 和20617mm ;以 人均占有量计约为133mm 和849mm ,这些指标都低于全国、全省和玉溪地区的平均水平。现流域水资源供需得以平衡,主要是靠湖泊调蓄利用回归得以维持。水资源系统的这种供需平衡非常脆弱,很容易被水质污染打破,加剧水资源利用的紧张。 — 011—云南环境科学 第23卷 增刊 2004年4月


2000年6月 第15卷 第2期 山东师大学报(自然科学版) Journal of Shandong Normal U niversit y(N atural Science) Jun.2000 Vol.15No.2 卧虎山水库水质变化趋势与周围环境的关系 刘明翠 王 青 李 敏 刘德珍 (济南市自来水公司水质处,250012,济南;第一作者31岁,女,工程师) 据有关资料记载,我国已被列入世界12个水资源最贫乏的国家之一,淡水资源人均占有量仅为2760m3,是世界平均水平的四分之一,居世界第88位.水情已成为我国国情的重要组成部分,提高水患意识,努力保护我们的水资源,已成为刻不容缓的事情. 卧虎山水库位于山东省济南市市区南大约25km处.水库为黄河水系,流域总面积为557km2,总库容为1 164亿m3,平均蓄水量约2500万m3,多年平均径流量约为0 735亿m3,其地下又多为基岩裂隙含水层,有着丰富的水资源.自1988年以来,由于地下水位的不断下降,造成历史名泉 趵突泉的断喷,济南市人民政府和济南市自来水公司为了节水保泉,决定调用卧虎山水库的水,用以市民的日常生活,日供水能力可达5万t,可满足济南市南部地区30万人的生活用水.目前该水库已成为济南市南部地区生活饮用水重要的水源基地.但是,自1995年以来,由于卧虎山水库周围环境的变化,造成其水质有恶化趋势,这一变化已引起有关部门的注意,我们实验室与其它单位实验室一起于1996年初开始了对卧虎山水库水质变化的研究工作,并希望该研究资料能为改善该水库水质提供可靠的科学依据. 早在1875年,欧洲人就开始了水质监测工作,对水质演变的研究工作开始也比较早.世界卫生组织和联合国环境规划署,从1977年组织全球水质监测计划(GEM S/WATER),Meybeck已根据GEMS/WATER计划第一阶段(1979~1990)资料,对全球河流水质演化的趋势和特点进行了分析. 我国对水体水质演化的研究工作起步较晚.目前,做为水源地的地表源水水体的检测项目已达30多项.本实验室通过对卧虎山水库中变化比较明显的6项污染指标进行较长时间的监测分析,进一步了解了其水质变化的根源. 1 研究方法 本实验室从1996~1998年根据地面水环境质量标准(GB3838 88)的选配分析方法和国家环境保护局 水和废水监测分析方法指南 中提供的方法,对卧虎山水库的主要污染指标:氨氮(NH3-N)、硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-N)、耗氧量(COD),化学需氧量(COD)和总磷等进行化学监测分析,分析频率为12次/年或更多,其分析结果用奔腾586计算机进行统计学处理,其处理结果见图1~6. 2 结果分析 1) 在同一年当中由于各个时期的储水量不同,所测的结果也有所不同,大致是每年的4~ 7月份的监测数值较高,而1~3月份和8~12月份相对较低,其中最明显的是氨氮、收稿日期:1999-11-03


Advances in Geosciences地球科学前沿, 2017, 7(4), 487-499 Published Online August 2017 in Hans. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/journal/ag https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f3737347.html,/10.12677/ag.2017.74051 Seasonal Variations of Water Quality Parameters in Lake Qilu Yu Zhou, Hucai Zhang*, Fengqin Chang, Lizeng Duan, Huayong Li, Xinyu Wen, Rongxin Bi, Han Wu, Mengshu Zhu Key Laboratory of Plateau Lake Ecology & Global Change, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographical Process and Environmental Change on the Plateau, College of Tourism and Geography Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan Received: Jul. 20th, 2017; accepted: Aug. 6th, 2017; published: Aug. 11th, 2017 Abstract To understand the characteristics of water quality, their seasonal variations and vertical thermal dynamics, the water temperature (Temp), dissolve oxygen (DO), Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), pH and Turbidity+ (Turbid+) of Lake Qilu, one of the typical plateau shallow lakes in Yunnan Plateau, were measured in October of 2015 and January, May, June, October of 2016. The data analysis results show a complex seasonal change picture of the water quality parameters. The water temperature did not change significantly in the vertical profile and following the air temperature. Affected by the Lake Qilu Basin and the altitude of weather station, the measured water temperature is slightly higher than the air temperature during the monitoring period. As the precipitation in Lake Qilu Basin concentrated in the rainy season, which lasted from June to October, short term local temperature was affected by the evaporation and raining processes. Certainly, the existence of Lake Qilu possesses a strong effect on the climate-environments of the drainage area, especially during the winter. The monitored data revealed large seasonal variations and spatial differences of the contents of chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen in the lake water, which are closely related with the human activities in the region. The pH values of Lake Qilu fluctuated between 7.6 - 8.8 that related to the photosynthesis of algae and the aerobic decomposition of organics at the bottom of the lake. The turbidity was higher in June, which might be related to the outbreak of algae, the polluted river water discharges into the lake and pollutant release from the lake sediment caused by lake water disturbance. The contents of both nitrogen and phosphorus in Lake Qilu are at a high level. It was concluded that the external pollutant input is one of the main sources of lake, and further the main factors inducing eutrophication of the lake water. During the monitoring period, the lake water quality as a whole is deteriorating, the lake nutrition is increasing, and the algae concentration is rising. It is the time to take serious measurements to protect the Lake Qilu from the further deterioration, even it is already too late to keep the lake function properly and effectively. Keywords Lake Qilu, Seasonal Variation, Water Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll-a, pH, Turbidity+ *通讯作者。
