




班级_______ 姓名________

Ⅰ.Read and write.读一读,根据例句及所给信息仿写句子,注意标点符号及字母大小写的运用。

What are you going to do this summer holiday?

I’m going to travel around China.

read some Chinese storybook travel to Harbin

take Chinese painting classes

Ⅱ.Look and write.看图,写单词。

Ⅲ. Read and choose.读一读,选出正确的一项。

( )1.—What are you going to do this summer holiday?

—I go to a summer camp in Britain.




( )2.Peter will go back to Canada his parents.




( )3.You’d better your umbrella. It often rains in summer.




( )4.We’ll visit Hyde Park and .

A.the London eye

B.the British Museum


( )5.The summer holiday is coming. Everyone is ready for middle school life.




Ⅳ. Read and fill in the blanks.读一读,选词填空。

teachers learn term middle exciting new make

I will go to school next .I will have subjects,so

I can more.I will new friends.I will have new .

It’s really to have a new school.

Ⅵ.Read and judge.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下面句子的对错,正确的写“T”,不正确的写“F”。

The summer holiday is coming. The Jim family have plans for the summer. They are going to travel around Beijing, China. Jim’s mother likes singing. She is going to learn Beijing Opera in Beijing. Jim’s father likes Chinese kung fu. So he wants to learn taijiquan from his Chinese friend. Jim likes drawing. He’s going to take Chinese painting class. They are going to visit some famous places. They think the Great Wall and the Summer Palace are great. The whole family will learn a lot from the trip.

( ) 1. The Jim family are going to Beijing for the summer holiday.

( ) 2. Jim’s mother likes dancing, so sh e’s going to learn Beijing Opera. ( ) 3. Jim’s father is going to learn taijiquan from Jim.

( ) 4. Jim is going to take Chinese painting class in Beijing.

( ) 5. The Jim family are going to visit the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.


Module 1 Season 本模块重点学习了谈论季节的功能句型,现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下语音知识 er/a/: father, mother, sister or-/a/: doctor, visitor, actor a-/a/: China, about, woman e-,a,: listen, often, garden o/a/: season, person, reason e//t basket toilet, begin i/1/: rabbit, animal, rapid o-/ou/ kilo, zero, also 词汇分类 名词: winter冬天autumn秋天China中国Australia澳大利亚classmate同班同学动词: ski滑雪plant种植camp野营answer回答 prefer选择;宁愿要 其他: colorful多彩的either也if如果middle中间的;中等的 习惯搭配/短语/ look at.,,看 make a snowman堆雪人fly a kite放风等 go skiing去滑雪 plant flowers种花play outdoors在户外玩耍 go camping去野营 be from来自… go swimming去泳 in the trees在树上 from…to…从……到 summer holidays暑假 every day每天 too…too..太…以致不… in Australia在澳大利亚 惯用表达式 Hi, everyone!大家好! I see now.我现在明白了Got it.知道了: oh no.哦,不。 I'm so sorry.真对不起, 公式化句型 询问对方最喜欢什么季节的句型及其答语 What’s your favorite season? Spring/Summer/My favorite season is autumn/winter. 描述某季节是做某活动最好的时候的句型 Spring/summer/autumn/winter is the best time for planting flowers/going swimming/playing outdoors/playing with snow. 表达自己喜欢做某事但是不喜欢某个季节的句型 I like going swimming but I don’t like summer.


五年级英语下册重要考点 Unit 1. What’s your favourite season? 1. in the tree(外来物在树上) on the tree (长在树上) 2. the best time to + V原 the best time for +V-ing/名词 3. I don’t like summer, and I don’t like winter , either. too (用于肯定句) 放句末 “也”either (用于否定句) also -------------------- 放句中 4. go skiing (去滑雪) go skating (去溜冰) 5. prefer 更喜欢(用于两者之间做选择) 6. --What’s your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么? 答:My favourite season is +季节. Season(季节):spring(春), summer(夏), autumn(秋), winter(冬) Month(月份): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Unit 2. It’s the middle of winter 1. in the middle of…在…的中间/中期 eg: The park is in the middle of the city. 这座公园在城市的中间。 2. say to sb. 对某人说 3. He is visiting me for the summer holidays. for表示原因,由于在放假,所以来看我。 4. How do you have a summer holiday? (how表示怎么、怎样) 5. I am from Astralia. ( be from = come from 来自) eg: I am from China. = I come from China. 6. too…to …(+V原) 太…以致不能… eg: It’ s too cold to swim now.


第一单元单元备课 单元教材分析 功能:问好和道别;简单的自我介绍 教学重点:能听懂、会说“Hello”“I am...”“How are you”“Nice to meet you”“Good moring/afternoon”“Good byd” 教学难点:单词中/ai/的发 单元教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说本单元的主要问候语和道别语“ Hello” “Hi”“How are you”“Nice to meet you”“Good morning/afternoon”“Good bye” 2、能听懂、会说句型“I am...”并能实际运用该句型作 自我介绍。 3、初步认识教材中出现的主要人物Liming Jenny Danny等 4、能够用所学能够用所学英语互致问候,养成文明礼貌的 习惯,逐步形成学习兴趣。 Lesson1《Hello》1课时

Lesson2《How are you?》1课时Lesson3《Nice to meet you》1课时Lesson4《Again please》1课时 测试并讲题两课时

第二单元单元备课 单元教材分析: 功能:互相问候;介绍他人;询问对方姓名。 教学重点:能听懂、会说“This is...”“She/He is my riend”“What is your name”“My name is...” 教学难点:学会介绍他人;He和She的用法;单词this中th 的发音。 单元教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说本单元关于介绍朋友的句型“This is...He/She is my friend” 2、能听懂、会说句型“What is your name?”和”My name is...”并能在实际中运用。 3、能够用所学知识介绍他人,养成人际交往方面文明 礼貌的好习惯。 Lesson1《This is Wang Hong》1课时 Lesson2《What is your name》1课时


教学内容:五年级语法归纳;另付题目 教学目标:掌握五年级语法 重点和难点:把所有语法贯穿起来 教学过程 一、词类 1、名词 这里强调两点:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is 名词复数如何加后缀 2、人称代词和物主代词 3. 指示代词

4.冠词 有a、an、the。a和an的区别:an用于元音音素(一般就是元音字母a、e、i、o、u)前,a用于辅音音素前。 二、否定句 be动词(am、is、are)+not、 情态动词can+ not、 助动词(do、does)+ not 将肯定的陈述句改为否定句: 1. 看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not 2. 看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not 3. 如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词+ not 四个步骤: 1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前 2)确定助动词用do、does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does 3)在助动词后加not 4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。强调一点,有some的要考虑是否要用any 三、一般疑问句 将肯定的陈述句改为一般疑问句: 1. 看句中有无be动词,如有,把be动词提到句首即可; 2. 看句中有无情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句首即可。 3. 如上述二者都没有,就应把助动提到句首。分四个步骤: 1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前 2)确定助动词用do还是does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does 3)把助动词后提到句首 4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。强调一点,有some的要考虑是否要用any 四、特殊疑问句 表示疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。 常用疑问词:

鲁科版三年级英语上册教学计划 -

三年级英语上册教学计划 一、教材分析: 1、教材编排体系: 本套教材为山东科学技术出版社版的三年级起点的英语,它的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在比较、分析和研究多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时吸收了当今国内外把英语作为外语教学的理论和成功的经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国小学英语教学的实际有机结合起来,形成了适合我国英语教学基本状况的模式和方法。总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构逐步引导学生运用英语完成实际目的的语言任务。即:话题—功能—结构—任务。 2、教材的主要特点: 1)、强调语言运用 本套教材吸收了交际教学思想,注重学生语言运用功能的培养。教材在整体构思,内容安排,活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现了语言的交际功能,贯彻语言应用的基本原则,把知识和技能目标融合在完成任务的过程当中,从而体现了新教材提出的把话题-功能-结构-任务结合起来的总思路。本教材根据学生的年龄特点,在起始阶段采用全部动作反应法(Total Physical Response),让学生在有节奏的说唱中体验语言,在有韵律的歌唱中感受语言,在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在表演中学,从而为培养他们用英语进行顺利的交流打下坚实的基础。 2 )、注重能力培养 从学习者的角度讲,基础教育最重要的任务是学会学习。开发自主学习能力,发展学习策略,培养创新能力,是实施素质教育的重要组成部分。本套教材在内容安排、活动设计和学习评价上都贯穿“学会学习”的主题。学生用书的设计十分注意培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做活动的能力。力求用简单生动、通俗易懂的方式渗透学习策略,鼓励他们能动思考,主动做事,自动调整学习方式。发掘他们积极求知,努力进取的潜能。本教材还特别设计了学习评价栏目,引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习,有效增进他们的自我评价意识,以利于学生的终生学习和发展。 3)、突出兴趣激发 从内容、形式、方法、插图及装祯设计等方面都以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机


五年级下册知识点 一、短语 1. go skiing 去滑雪 2. go camping 去露营 3. play outside在户外玩 4. fly a kite 放风筝 5. make a snowman 堆雪人 6. see/watch a film 看电影 7. go shopping 去购物8. watch a football match 看足球比赛9. visit the museum 参观博物馆10. go mountain climbing 去爬山11. have a good time 玩得开心12. turn left/right 左转/右转13. go straight ahead 直走14. too…to 太。。。以至于 15. would you like…? 你愿意。。。吗?16. I’d like to… 我想要。。。 17. get hurt 受伤害18. watch out 注意 二、句型 【M1】 1. 问最喜欢的季节: - What’s your favourite season? - My favourite season is … . 2. 问一年有多少季节: - How many seasons are there in a year? - There are four. 3. 问在相应的季节做什么事: - What can you do in +季节?

- I can do sth. in +season. ( e.g: I can make a snowman in winter.) 4. 选择疑问句: - Do you like summer or winter? - I like summer/winter. - I don’t like summer, and I don’t like winter, either. 【M2】 1. 问计划或将要做什么: - What are you going to do tomorrow/this weekend…? - I am going to do sth. (+动词原形.) 2. 问日期:(重点复习序数词和月份的表达) - What’s the date today? - It’s 月份+序数词. ( e.g: It’s June 1st.) 3. 问星期几: - What day is it today? - It’s +星期几. ( e.g: It’s Monday.) 【M3】 1. 邀请: - Would you like to do sth.? (e.g: Would you like to go shopping?) - Yes, I’d like to. / That sounds great. 2. 问约定时间:


三年级英语下册教学计划 一、班级基本情况: 英语对于小学三年级所有学生来说,都是从同一水平开始学习。教师应从激发学生学习英语的兴趣入手,培养学生学习英语的积极性,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,初步了解中西文文化的差导。 二、指导思想: 贯彻“保持共产党员先进性教育”的精神,以“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,坚持以德育为首、教学为中心的原则,紧紧围绕提高学校的效益和质量这一主题,狠抓常规教学,推进课程改革,加强教育科研,全面推进素质教育,坚持教学育人、服务育人、管理育人,与时俱进,进一步提高教育质量,积极推进我校教育教学工作健康发展,为教育做出应有的贡献。 三、教材分析: 课本的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在比较、分析和研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,形成了适合我国小学英语教育基本状况的外语教学模式和教学方法。本套教材总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务,即:话题—功能—结构—任务。 本套教材具有以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性; 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础; 3、注重中外文化的双向式交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力; 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度地激发学生学习的动机; 5、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得基他学科的知识;


三年级英语上册笔试部分: 一、单项填空:()1.This is Guo Yang . _____ is my friend . A. She B. He ( )2. _____ your name ? A. What’s B.. What C. what’s ( )3.—Nice to meet you . —______________. A. Me , too B. I’m fine . ( )4.He _______ my friend . A. is B .are C. am ( )5.Look _____ me . I’m grandpa . A . a B .at ( )6.This is _______ mother . A. I B . my ( )7.This is my sister . _______ a doctor . A .He’s B . She’s ( )8.I have _______ eyes . A. two B .too ( )9. ______ ! I have a mouth . A .Look B . Look at ( )10.—___________ —It’s nice . A . What’s that ? B. I have a new pen . ( )11.It’s red _________ green . A . an B .and ( )12.—What is green ? —________ . A. The mouth is blue . B . The body is green . ( )13.Six , seven , ________ , nine , ten . A . three B. eight ( )14.—How many black pens ? —_________________ . A. One . B. Fine. ( )15.—_______ is your pencil ? —It’s red . A . What B . What colour ( )16.—How ________ chairs ? —Seven . A . old B . many ( )17.—What’s that ? —_______ . A. That is a desk . B . It’s a desk . 二、根据要求选择正确的句子:()1.Denny想向别人介绍自己,该怎样说? A. Hello ,I’m Denny. B. Goodbye , I’m Denny . ( )2.课本中Denny 是如何介绍自己的朋友的? A. Look !This is my friend . B. I’m Denny ( )3.当你想告诉别人他是你的哥哥时,该怎样说? A. He is my brother . B. She is my brother . ( )4.当你向他人介绍自己有一个新教室时,你说: A. I have a new classroom . B. This is a (或my) new classroom . ( )5.当你询问手中的物品是什么时,你应该说: A. What’s this ? B. What’s that ? ( )6.当你介绍你的英语老师时,你说: A . This is my English teacher . B. This is my school . ( )7.上体育课报数时,你是第五名同学,你应该说: A . Five . B. Four .


广州新版五年级英语下册Unit 11 Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? 一、单词回顾: 方向_____ 方法_______ 迷路________ 医院______ 笔直地______ 向前_____ 右边的______ 左边的______ 错过,想念______ 银行_____ 饭店_______ 邮局______ 劳驾,请原谅____________ 二、重点短语: over there 在那边 the way to 去…..的路 turn right 向右转 on the left 在左边 of course 当然 at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口 be lost 迷路 let me see 让我想想 next to the school 在学校隔壁 go straight ahead 向前直走 the third building on the right 右手边的第三栋建筑 三、重点句型: 1. ---Can you tell me the way the hospital, please? ---Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. 2. ---Is the hospital on the left or on the right? ---It is on the right. 3. ---Thank you so much. --- You’re welcome. 四、重点分析: 1. 问路用语: We are lost. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…, please? Can you tell me how to go to…, please? Is it on the left or on the right? 2. 指路用语:


山科版小学三年级英语下册教学计划 一、班级基本情况:英语对于小学三年级所有学生来说,都是从同一水平开始学习。教师应从激发学生学习英语的兴趣入手,培养学生学习英语的积极性,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,初步了解中西文文化的差导。 二、指导思想:贯彻“保持共产党员先进性教育”的精神,以“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,坚持以德育为首、教学为中心的原则,紧紧围绕提高学校的效益和质量这一主题,狠抓常规教学,推进课程改革,加强教育科研,全面推进素质教育,坚持教学育人、服务育人、管理育人,与时俱进,进一步提高教育质量,积极推进我校教育教学工作健康发展,为教育做出应有的贡献。 三、教材分析:课本的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在比较、分析和研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,形成了适合我国小学英语教育基本状况的外语教学模式和教学方法。本套教材总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务,即:话题结构—任务。本套教材具有以下几个特点:

1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性; 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础; 3、注重中外文化的双向式交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力; 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度地激发学生学习的动机; 5、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得基他学科的知识; 6、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求; 7、注重资料的配套,为学生提供良好的的英语学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间; 8、注重中小学各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的整体质量。 四、教学重点与难点分析: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。


Unit 5 school 单元备课 一、本单元教学要求; 知识目标: 1. 能正确认读和书写字母U-Z。 2. 能听懂、会说、认读家中房间的名称及相关单词: kitchen, home,beautiful, read, where, bed, door方位词:on, in, under, behind并能结合句型灵活运用。 3. 能听懂、会说、认读与本单元话题相关的句型:“We have a big living room.”“I read in my bedroom.”“Where’s Danny? ”“He’s behind the door.”能力目标:能运用所学容介绍家中各个房间,询问及回答人或物所处的位置。情感目标:帮助学生了解一些中外住宅的布局特点,同时培养学生对家的感情。 二、本单元教材分析: 本单元共4课:Lesson 1We have a big living room. Lesson2 I read in my bedroom. Lesson 3 Where’s Danny?Lesson 4 Again, Please!11个认读单词(家居室、方位介词、动词)。6个听说单词(包括so)。一首歌谣。6个字母的书写。 三、教学重难点: 教学重点:能听懂、会说并认读句子:“We have a big living room.”“I read in my bedroom.”“Where’s Danny?”“He’s behind the door.”并能运用所学句型谈论家中的布局、描述房间。 教学难点:“We watch TV in the living room.”的意思及运用。 四、教学时间: Lesson 1 We have a big living room. 1课时 Lesson 2 I read in my bedroom. 1课时 Lesson 3 Where’s Danny? 1课时 Lesson 4 Again, Please! 1课时

最新教科版小学英语五年级下册We will go by train公开课教学设计

Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train 教案 教学内容: 教育科学出版社英语(三起)五年级下册Unit 7 We will go by train部分内容。 教学目标(Objectives): 1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。 2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express)。 3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。 4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interested in English learning)。 教学重点(Key Points): 1.词汇 by train,by taxi,by bus,go up,go down,on foot,by ship 2.课文结构以及对于我们的意义。 在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 -- Do you have any plans for the holiday? -- Yes, I will… -- How will you go to …? -- We will go… -- How are you going to…? -- How will you spend your summer holiday?


小学英语教案山科版 Lesson 1 We have a big living room 一、教材分析: 本课为第四单元第一课,以“家”为话题,学习介绍每个房间的名称。 二、学情分析: 三年级的小学生,刚刚学完第一册英语,内容简单,学起来比较轻松,此时对英语还保持着强烈的好奇心和学习热情,加之本单元介绍的是学生熟悉的家,学生将会很有乐趣的学习本课。 三、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词home, bedroom,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能听、说单词living room, dining room. 3.能用下列语言简单介绍自己的家:This is my home. 4. 能够书写字母Uu,Vv,Ww. 能力目标: 能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home….” 情感目标: 初步培养学生对家的热爱。

四、教学重点分析: 教学重点: 听说认读单词home, bedroom,能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home. …” 教学难点: 正确掌握单词bedroom的发音。 五、教学准备: 1.教师制作多媒体课件。 2.学生每人准备一张自己家的平面图。 3.教师准备bedroom, living room和dining room 的单词卡片。 六、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing an English song: Old Macdonald Has A Zoo. Let’s all go to the zoo tomorrow.歌曲课件 3. Revision.动物图片课件 What’s this? It’s a…. Is this a …? What are these? They are…. Where are they? They are in the zoo. 改:I hav e a book. I have…. 师生共同说。


五年级期中英语测试 一.听句子三次,选出所听到的信息,并把字母编号写在相应的括号内。(10 分) ()1. A next Saturday B. Next Sunday C . Monday morning ( ) 2 . A Much larger B . Many schools C. More than ( ) 3 .A Listen to B. Love to C. Like to ( ) 4 . A Two thousand and fifty B two hundred and fifteen C . Two thousand and forty ( ) 5 A Africa B Australia C America ( )6. A Russian B German C British ( ) 7. A our B ours C us ( ) 8.A Play football B play cards C play tennis ( )9 A a good job B a harder job C a hand ( )10 A leaves his office B gets to his office C leaves for 二.听句子三次,选择适当的答语。(10分) ( ) 11 A I usually go to the library . B I like eating apples C He often climbs the hills ( )12 A He is thirty B Yes, he 's very tall . C He is our Chinese teacher . ( ) 13 . A Yes, he does B No , he isn't C He is a rnuuer ( ) 14 . A He is 73 years old B She is 69 years old C Yes , they are ( ) 15 A I go to school everyday B At 8 o'clock C Every Friday ( ) 16 . A 42 B At C 20 yuan ( ) 17 A He is 48 B By car C He is a manager ( ) 18 A It's a computer B I can swim C You should have a good rest ( )19 A Yes .I'd love to B I like watching TV C No she can't ( )20 A Yes , it is B I don't like music C Art 三.听对话三次,回答问题。(5分) ()21 What language does Tim speak at school ? A Chinese B English C French ( ) 22 Is the old classroom larger ? A No it isn't B Yes , it is C It's brighter


Unit1 hello [ h?’l?u ] 喂;你好 I [ai] 我 I'm (I am)我是 hi [ hai ] 喂,你好 good [ɡ?d] 好的 morning ['m??(r)n??] 早晨;上午how [ha?] 怎样;如何 are [ɑ?(r)] .是 you [ju?] 你,你们 fine [fain] 好的 thank [θ??k] 谢谢 and [?nd] 和 goodbye [,g?d’ba?] 再见 bye 再见 afternoon [.ɑ?ft?(r)'nu?n] 下午Miss 小姐老师 nice [na?s] adj.好的;令人愉快的meet [mi?t] 遇见 too [tu:] 也 Unit2 Mr ['m?st?] 先生 this [e?s] 这,这个 is [?z] 是 what [w?t] 什么 what's=what is [w?ts] 是什么your [j??(r) ;j?r] 你的你们的name [ne?m] 名字 my [ma?] 我的 he [hi?] 他 he's=he is [hiz] 他是 friend [frend] 朋友 she [?i?] 她 she’s=she is [?i:z] 她是 let's= let us [lets] 让我们 play [ple?] 玩 OK [?u'kei] 行,好 wow [wa?] 哇,呀 Unit3 look [ l?k]看 family ['f?m?l?]家,家庭mother ['m?e?]母亲 father ['fɑ?e?] 父亲 sister ['s?st?]姐妹brother ['br?e?]兄弟 grandpa [?gr?npɑ:]爷爷,外公grandma ['gr?nmɑ?]奶奶,外婆 a [?; e?]一(个) farmer ['fɑ?m?(r)]农民 teacher ['ti?t??]教师 doctor ['d?kt?]医生 Unit4 head [hed]头 arm [ɑ?m]臂,胳膊 leg [leg]腿 foot [f?t]足,脚 yes [jes]是 no [n??]不,不是 have [h?v]有;吃 nose [n??z]鼻子 mouth [ma?θ]嘴,口 me [mi?]我(宾格) face [fe?s]脸 tail [te?l]尾巴 oh [??]啊,呀 two [tu?]二;两个(的) ear [??]耳朵 eye [a?]眼睛 hand [h?nd]手 Unit5 our [a??]我们的 classroom ['klɑ?sru?m]教室 new [nju?] 新的 desk [desk]书桌 chair [t?e?]椅子 that [e?t; e?t]那,那个 that's=that is [e?ts]那是,那个是schoolbag ['sku?lb?ɡ]书包 book [b?k] 书 pencil ['pens(?)l; ]铅笔 pen [pen]钢笔 it[it]它 it's=it is [its] 它的 ruler ['ru?l?]尺子 pencil-case ['pens?lkeis] 铅笔盒an [?n; ?n] 一(个) eraser [?'re?z?]橡皮 mum [m?m]妈妈


小学五年级英语素质教育综合能力检测 (Uni6) 2015.3 班级_______ 姓名________ Ⅰ.Read and write.读一读,根据例句及所给信息仿写句子,注意标点符号及字母大小写的运用。 What are you going to do this summer holiday? I’m going to travel around China. read some Chinese storybook travel to Harbin take Chinese painting classes Ⅱ.Look and write.看图,写单词。 Ⅲ. Read and choose.读一读,选出正确的一项。 ( )1.—What are you going to do this summer holiday? —I go to a summer camp in Britain. A.will B.am C.is ( )2.Peter will go back to Canada his parents. A.to B.with C.and ( )3.You’d better your umbrella. It often rains in summer. A.took B.give C.take

( )4.We’ll visit Hyde Park and . A.the London eye B.the British Museum C.China ( )5.The summer holiday is coming. Everyone is ready for middle school life. A.get B.getting C.going Ⅳ. Read and fill in the blanks.读一读,选词填空。 teachers learn term middle exciting new make I will go to school next .I will have subjects,so I can more.I will new friends.I will have new . It’s really to have a new school. Ⅵ.Read and judge.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下面句子的对错,正确的写“T”,不正确的写“F”。 The summer holiday is coming. The Jim family have plans for the summer. They are going to travel around Beijing, China. Jim’s mother likes singing. She is going to learn Beijing Opera in Beijing. Jim’s father likes Chinese kung fu. So he wants to learn taijiquan from his Chinese friend. Jim likes drawing. He’s going to take Chinese painting class. They are going to visit some famous places. They think the Great Wall and the Summer Palace are great. The whole family will learn a lot from the trip. ( ) 1. The Jim family are going to Beijing for the summer holiday. ( ) 2. Jim’s mother likes dancing, so sh e’s going to learn Beijing Opera. ( ) 3. Jim’s father is going to learn taijiquan from Jim.


教科版五年级英语下册短 语 Prepared on 21 November 2021

五年级下册各单元词组汇总 Unit1What’s yourfavouriteseason 1.goskiing去滑雪 2.plant/growflowers种花 3.playoutdoors在户外玩耍 4.plant/growtrees种树 5.gocamping去露营 6.collectleaves收集树叶 7.flyakite/flykites放风8.makeasnowman堆雪人 9.eaticecream吃雪糕10.haveapicnic野餐 11.lookat看着12.inthetrees在树上 13.favouriteseason最喜欢的季节14.likeswimming喜欢游泳 Unit2It’sthemiddleofwinter 1.visitme拜访我 2.visitmyfriends拜访我的朋友 3.summerholiday暑假 4.winterholiday寒假 5.middleofwinter冬季 6.fromDecembertoFebruary从12月到2月 7.inAustralia在澳大利亚8.goswimming去游泳 9.toocoldtoswim太冷而不能游泳10.colourfulflowers五颜六色的鲜花 11.beautifulbirds美丽的鸟儿12.inChina在中国 Unit3WearegoingtohaveanEnglishtest 1.seeafilm看电影 2.haveaparty开一个聚会 3.onJune11th在6月11日 4.anythingelseimportant其他重要的事情 5.tomorrowevening明天晚上 6.anEnglishtest一次英语考试 7.visitthemuseum参观博物馆8.theschoolopenday学校开放日 9.haveasportmeeting开校运会10.visitafarm参观农场 11.NewYear’sDay元旦12.Teacher s’Day教师节 13.Children’sDay儿童节14.Women’sDay妇女节 15.MayDay劳动节16.SpringFestival春节 17.Christmas圣诞节18.Mother’sDay母亲节 19.TreePlantingDay植树节 Unit4HaveagoodtimeinHainan 1、inHainan在海南2.onTuesday在星期二 3.forfivedays持续五天的 4.goforapicnic举行一次野餐 5.allday整天. 6.inthepool在池里 7.onthebeach在海滩上8.underthestars在星光下 9.flybackhome飞回家10.atnoon在中午 11.mountainclimbing爬山12.haveagoodtime过得愉快 Unit5Wouldyouliketogowithus 1.plantodo计划去做 2.goonapicnic去野餐 3.attheschoolgate在学校门口 4.seeafilm 看电影 5.haveaparty 举行一次聚会 6.watchafootballmatch观看一场足球赛 Unit6Seeyoutheparty 1.invite….to…邀请、、、去做、、、 2.atasurpriseparty在一个令人惊喜的聚会 3.onthisspecialday在这个特殊的日子里 4.at2p.m.在下午两点钟
