练习6级 六级阅读真题答案详细解析10篇


英语六级考试阅读题专项练习及答案(最新6篇) 英语六级考试阅读题专项练习及答案篇一 It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear bright clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos (文身) to make some kind of social statement. The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. The people who comprehend the simple principle of being unique through performance make our entire political and economic system work. Those who invent, who improve, who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn#39;t work and make it work—these people are the very soul of capitalism. Charles Kettering didn#39;t like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles. Lewis Waterman saw no need to go on dipping a pen into an inkwell, so he put the ink into the pen. George Westinghouse told the world how to stop a train, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city skyline. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one#39;s capacity. Fortunately, enough Americans have been inspired to do something with their uniqueness that we have developed in less than three centuries from a frontier outpost into not only a country of freedom but a country strong enough to protect that freedom. These people prized the notions of individuality and excellence above all things and thus kept the great machine functioning. The ones with the purple hair and the horrorable jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be different and not knowing how to go about it. 1 The student who earns A#39;s on his report card has grasped the idea and has found the real meaning of individuality. So has the youngster who has designed his own spaceship, who paints pictures of the world around him, or who can name all the states and their capitals. According to the author unique individuals are persons who______. A. do something better than other people B. know more about a subject than other people C. excel others in work D. all of the above 2、People who regard individuality as a surface thing always do the following EXCEPT A. wearing bright clothes B. coloring their hair C. doing better than others D. decorating their skin with tattoos 3、Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Henry Ford invented assembly-line technique. B. Elisha Otis was the inventor of the lift C. George Westinghouse created cranks. D. Lewis Waterman put the ink into the pen. 4、It can be inferred from the passage that______. A. the real secret to being unique lies in our excellent work B. if we want to be different we#39;d gain more profit C the student who earns A#39;s on the report card has not grasped the real meaning of individuality


Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 1.A not be sustained in the long term解析:核心字1994相应第一段第三行,题干中unsustainable 即选项A中sustained反义表达方式。选取A。 2.B Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.解析:从书名定位到原文第二段,heading for the rock,the cleaner,都暗示了两代人之间问题,最后warfare则一目了然地指出了该矛盾。 3.D politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election解析:一方面需要理解题目意图,即为什么养老机制改革迟迟不能进行,然后定位到文章第四段,其实只要从段落中politician这一核心字就能选定D选项。 4.A allow people to work longer解析:从题干中the most effective method找到第五段第三句原话,直接选取A选项。 5.D younger workers are readily available解析:题目中employer为核心字,找到第六段,该段看似没有直接提到为什么雇主不乐意雇佣old workrs,但从其不断分析新涌现出来劳动力代替者,可以总结出D选项,即年轻劳动力供应已足以满足公司需求。 6.B large numbers of immigrants from overseas解析:这道题间接考察了学生变换思维能力,Japan在文中一时难以找到,但其所代表发达国家群体developed countries却出当前了第七段,而该段恰恰揭示了发达国家靠移民劳动力谋求养老机制危机一时缓和举措。 7.B They find it hard to balance career and family.解析:compromise核心字找到第九段,核心字浮现句子前一句就是B选项。


2024年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及详细答案 2024年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及详细答案 一、写作部分 写作部分主要考察学生的英语书面表达能力。在2024年6月的大学英语六级考试中,写作部分的题目如下: 假设你是某公司的销售经理,你的一个重要客户突然取消了订单。请写一封正式的商业信函,解释情况,并说明你正在采取的措施来解决这个问题。 以下是参考范文: 尊敬的XXX先生/女士: 我写信是为了向您解释我们公司最近遇到的一个问题,并告知您我们正在采取的措施。 非常遗憾地告知您,我们的一个重要客户最近取消了订单。这是因为他们在对我们公司的产品进行全面评估后,决定转向其他供应商。我们深感抱歉,因为这不仅对双方的合作造成了影响,而且也对我们的业务造成了损失。 为了解决这个问题,我们正在采取一系列措施。首先,我们将与该客

户进行沟通,了解其具体需求和原因,并探索重新建立合作的可能性。同时,我们也在评估我们的产品和服务,以确定是否存在任何问题或改进的空间。如果需要,我们还将考虑对产品进行改进或提供更好的服务来吸引客户。 我们深知这个问题的严重性,因此我们非常重视并承诺将尽快解决。我们相信,通过我们共同的努力,我们将能够恢复合作关系并维护我们的业务。 感谢您对我们公司的支持和理解。我们将尽快与您联系,并随时提供任何额外的信息或帮助。 此致 敬礼 XXX销售经理 二、听力部分 听力部分主要考察学生的英语听力能力。在2024年6月的大学英语六级考试中,听力部分的题目如下: 第一段听力的主题是关于一位大学生在考虑是否要参加校内的一场 音乐会。在回答问题时,需要注意听清说话者的语气和用词。 第二段听力的主题是关于一位女士在购物中心购买衣服时的经历。在


6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解 2022年6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解析 大学英语六级考试是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。以下是店铺帮大家整理的6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified bya letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on ,Answer Street 2 with a singleline through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Let's say you love roller-skating. Just the thought of __26__ on your roller-skates brings asmile to your face. You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise. You have a __27__attitude toward it. This description of roller-skating __28__ the three components of an attitude: affect,cognition, and behavior. You love the activity; it's great fun. These feelings __29__ the affectiveor emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. The knowledge wehave about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understandthe health __30__ that the activity can bring. Finally, attitudes have a behavioral component.Our attitudes __31__ us


大学英语六级仔细阅读专项强化真题试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. The Paris climate agreement finalised in December last year heralded a new era for climate action. For the first time, the world’s nations agreed to keep global warming well below 2℃. This is vital for climate-vulnerable nations. Fewer than 4% of countries are responsible for more than half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, we reveal just how deep this injustice runs. Developed nations such as Australia, the United States, Canada, and European countries are essentially climate “free-riders”: causing the majority of the problems through high greenhouse gas emissions, while incurring few of the costs such as climate change’s impact on food and water. In other words, a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time contributing disproportionately to the global burden of climate change. On the flip side, there are many “ forced riders” , who are suffering from the climate change impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem. Many of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, the majority of which are African or small island states, produce a very small quantity of emissions. This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke, while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in good health. The Paris agreement has been widely hailed as a positive step forward in addressing climate change for all, although the details on addressing “climate justice” can be best described as sketchy. The goal of keeping global temperature rise “well below”2℃is commendable but the emissions-reduction pledges submitted by countries leading up to the Paris talks are very unlikely to deliver on this. More than $ 100 billion in funding has been put on the table for supporting developing nations to reduce emissions. However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions. There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision. Securing these funds, and establishing who is responsible for raising them will also be vital for the future of climate-vulnerable countries. The most climate-vulnerable countries in the world have contributed very little to creating the global disease from which they now suffer the most. There must urgently be a meaningful mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change. And it is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers. 1.The author is critical of the Paris climate agreement because______.


6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 篇2 6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 篇3 For the past severalyears, the Sunday newspaper supplement Paradehas featured a column called Ask Marilyn. People are invited to query Marilynvos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 - the highest score ever recorded. IQtests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper afterit has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among othersimilar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queriesfrom the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, Whats the difference between loveand fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? ①Itsnot obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numericalpatterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poetsand philosophers. Clearly, intelligenceencompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart?How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about itfrom neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields? The defining term ofintelligence in humans still seems


6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解析「卷一」(2) 2016年6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解析「卷一」 46. What do the revised "Green Guides" require businesses to do? A) Manufacture as many green products as possible. B) Indicate whether their products are recyclable. C) Specify in what way their products are green. D) Attach green labels to all of their products. 47. What does the author say about consumers facing an explosion of green claims? A) They can easily see through the businesses' tricks. B) They have to spend lots of time choosing products. C) They have doubt about current green certification. D) They are not clear which products are truly green. 48. What was SC Johnson accused of in the class-action lawsuits? A) It gave consumers the impression that all its products were truly green. B) It gave a third party the authority to label its products as environmentally friendly. C) It misled consumers to believe that its products had been certified by a third party. D) It sold cleaning products that were not included in the official "Greenlist". 49. How did Christopher Beard defend his company's labeling practice? A) There were no clear guidelines concerning green labeling. B) His company's products had been well received by the public.


2021年6月大学英语六级仔细阅读练习题附答案及解析(3) Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Caught in a squeeze between the health needs of aging populations on one hand and the financial crisis on the other, governments everywhere are looking for ways to slow the growth in health-care spending. Increasingly, they are looking to the generic-drugs (普通药物) industry as a savior. In November Japan's finance ministry issued a report complaining that the country's use of generics was less than a third of that in America or Britain. In the same month Canada's competition watchdog criticized the country's pharmacies for failing to pass on the savings made possible by the use of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearly C$1 billion a year. Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of its year-long probe into drug giants in the European Union. The report reached a damning~, though provisional, conclusion: the drugs firms use a variety of unfair strategies to protect their expensive drugs by delaying


大学英语六级阅读模拟考试题及答案 大学英语六级阅读模拟考试题及答案 A good beginning is half the battle.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级阅读模拟考试题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助! American Football American football is a unique sport-it is a game about gaining territory as much as it is about scoring points. When two teams step onto a football field,each is battling for every inch it can take from the other.Each team wants to defend the field that is behind it and invade the field in front of it. Ultimately,they want to gain enough ground to score a touchdown or field goal. Ground Rules Football is a game of inches played on a field measured in yards-English measurements are used to track movements on the field.Teams succeed based on how many yards they accumulate or allow. An official NFL (National Football League) football field is a rectangle that is 120 yards(110 m) long and 53 yards. I foot (49m) wide. Most fields are covered in grass and set in an outdoor (open-air} stadium. Some fields are made of artificial turf, which you'll find in many of the indoor stadiums. The most essential piece of equipment in a football game is the ball.Official NFL footballs are handmade by Wilson Sporting Goods Co. The football is an oblong (椭圆形的) sphere and has a lengthwise circumference(周线) and a width-wise circumference in the middle of the ball. With the equipment identified and the field set, we can now play a game.An NFL game is divided into four quarters with an extended halftime break between quarters two and three. Each quarter is 15 minutes long. lf the teams are tied after four


2023年6月英语六级真题及参考答案 六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找准具体选项内容,忽略套数! 网络综合版: 听力第一套 Conversation One M: Hi Lily, how's the new apartment? W: It's okay. M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online? W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary. M: Al that's the problem. You missyour roommates from university,don't you? W: I'm going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly. M: Of course you do. That's perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room. W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.


12月英语六级阅读精选测试题及答案 Now custom has not been monly regarded as a subject of any great importance.The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom,we have a way of thinking,is behavior at its most monplace.As a matter of fact,it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over,is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions.Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of firsi-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief and the very great varieties it may manifest. No man ever looks at the world with pristine(未受外界影响的)eyes.He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particulartraditional customs.John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of che total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of


六级英语真题详细答案解析 六级英语考试是国内最重要的英语水平考试之一,对于很多大学生来说是一次非常重要的考验。但是,要想在考试中取得好成绩,并不是一件容易的事情。除了平时的积累和练习外,熟悉真题的解答方法也非常重要。本文将对最近几年的六级英语真题进行详细的答案解析,希望能够帮助考生更好地备考。 听力部分 听力部分是六级英语考试中最容易失分的部分之一。一方面是因为听力速度较快,考生在理解和抓住关键信息上会比较吃力;另一方面是因为听力材料的内容涉及面广,包括对于不同口音、语速和语调的理解。因此,建议考生在备考过程中,多听一些英语广播、英语歌曲来提高自己的听力水平,增强对不同道听力习惯的适应能力。 阅读部分 阅读部分是六级英语考试中最容易拿分的部分之一,但对于一些考生来说,也是最容易因为不认识生词而失分的部分。 在做阅读题时,一定要注意抓住文章的关键信息,避免在细节上浪费过多时间。同时,对于不认识的单词,可以通过上下文来猜测词义,尽量不要因为一个生词而放弃整道题。 写作部分 写作部分是六级英语考试中最能显示考生英语水平的部分,但同时也是最容易丢分的部分之一。

在写作过程中,一定要注意避免语法错误和拼写错误。可以多读 一些范文,学习一些常用的表达方式和句型结构。另外,还要注意构 思和组织文章的逻辑性和条理性,做到有始有终,结构合理。 翻译部分 翻译部分是六级英语考试中最重要的部分之一,考查对语言的理 解和运用。在翻译过程中,一定要对句子的结构和语义有清楚的认识,并且要注意避免中式英语。可以通过多读一些经典英文文学作品和英 文新闻,来提高自己的英文写作水平。 综上所述,要想在六级英语考试中取得好成绩,关键是平时的积 累和练习。在备考过程中,要多听多读多写,提高听力、阅读、写作 和翻译的能力。当然,熟悉真题的解答方法也非常重要。希望本文的 答案解析能够帮助考生更好地备考,取得满意的成绩。祝愿大家都能 取得好成绩!


12月英语六级阅读模拟题及详解答案 To fully understand the concept of the "Paperless Office",one must understand what it conceptually was supposed to mean,as well as what it has evolved into as its current form.Early forms of the paperless office would have concentrated around word processing documents and the ability to create,store and manage their existence electronically.However,you were limited in scope as to what you could do to"manage"these documents.Most of the management revolved around viewing and perhaps sharing it with other users in the organization.There were no automated programs that handled workflow,scanning,tagging and management of these documents effectively.Scanners were (at a cost-effective price)too expensive for the average office to acquire based on the return on investment.At the corporate level,there was no direction as to handle workflow and to analyze where paper came from and where it had to go internally and if there was a process in place,the tools were not mature enough or existing to handle it. In the last few years,technology has finally been catching up to the needs and requirements of the office environment.Scanners that previously cost tens of thousands of dollars now can be acquired for hundreds.Digital copiers/printers now incorporate high speed scanning and OCR capability,even at the lowest levels.The technology initiative has now been transferred to the IT and MIS departments of corporations as well as law firms.Clearly,the tools necessary to transform paper-full to a paperless office are now widely available.What then,is stopping the widespread adoption of the concept of the paperless office?Cultural issues are probably one of the largest obstructions to the implementation of the concept of the paperless office.Plainly,people feel comfortable doing what they know how to do best(shuffle paper around)and modifying theirhabits requires a focus that makes them feel that they are,in fact,doing things better and more efficiently.Implementing a paperless office environment that introduces processes that are more difficult and technologically challenging than the previous environment is doomed to fail from the start,Keep all processes simple,introdu ce technology that is easy to learn and use,and document the workflow. 1.What did the early forms of paperless office lack for efficient management?
