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TOEFL Essay: Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

As time passes, a lot changes have taken part in our lives. In the past, the main concern for people was food, for instance, hunter As time has flown, we have changed also our priorities in life, and food is just one thing we have to consume in order to do the things that are our priorities now. Undoubtedly, this change has changed our lives significantly, but I would not say that the changes have improved our lives or our living standards.

First, food is not healthy, anymore. Today, it is possible to keep food fresher for a longer period of time. Yet, we have to keep in mind that it is possible only because various preservatives and artificial flavorings are added to it.

Furthermore, cooking used to be a type of art, which is now dying out. Cooking used to be a means of eliminating stress and tension. Unfortunately, the time when people were able

to relax cooking food is over.

Still, there might be some people who would disagree with me saying that we have gained some more minutes of our precious time. In this case I would like to ask them a question – do you think it is really worth having unhealthy food in order to get some more time? Moreover, these spare minutes will be most probably wasted somehow, as you cannot do a lot of things in about fifteen minutes.

To conclude, I would agree that it is easier and faster to prepare food nowadays. Still, I would ask you to pay your attention to the facts that eating unhealthy food will in no way do you a favor.

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With the advancement of technology and science, many instruments and equipments are being introduced in our daily life. One of their benefits is processing of food material faster and easily. this has brought some changes in the people life.

Firstly, due to the advent of food preparing machines like mixers, microwave, pressure cookers , making food items have become easier and faster. This help the people who have busy schedules like the proffesionals and research scientists. So people do not have to schedule much time preparing the food and food can be quickly served. So the change has adapted with the fast life of the people.

Also, the people who do not have families and live life singly, particularly the bachelor guys, feel these equipments easier and more convenient . Generally they do not have the knowledge of making food dishes, but with the help of the modern machines and technologies they can easily prepare food. So they now prefer to lead life alone rather than in families and concentrates more in their career.

But, the machines and equipments have also made people little bit lazy due to the easiness and fastness. People do not work hard to make food, which have the changed the conventional ives and mothers. Still, the easiness to prepare food have changed
