



冀教版 八年级英语下册知识点汇总 第一单元 1.be scared of sb./sth./doing sth.恐惧某人/某物/做某事 2.go up上升,与rise同义,与godown或set相反 3.make a noise发出声响,吵闹 4.arrive in到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。 5.not…until.…直到…….才…… 6.see sb.doing sth……看见某人正在做某事 7.go cycling 相当于go to ride a bike,意思是去骑车。 8.hit sb.on the head 表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb.in theface。 9.turn around 转身 10.fall off 摔下来 11.give sb.a push推某人一下 12.help sb.do sth.=help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 13.get off从……下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。 14.think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事) 15.all day一整天 16.one by one 一个接一个地,类似有year by year一年又一年;day

by day一天又一天。 17.hold on有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一个是“抓紧”。 18.come down 下来 19.What's the weather like ?=How is the weather?天气怎么样 20.on the radio通过收音机 21the same as和.一样。反义短语:be different from 22What's the date today?今天几号?What day is it today?今天星期几?What's thetemperature? 23.maybe(句首)=perhaps(句首)=may be(句中) 24.the difference between...and..…两者之间的不同之处 25.thank you for doing sth.感谢做某事 26.表示建议:let's do..…shall we do...How/What about doing.;Why not do..,You 'better do;Would you please do sth....? 27.Why don'tyou do sth.=Why not do sth.为什么不做.……? 28.Would you please(not)/do sth 请某人做(不要做)某事好吗? 29.You'd better(not)do sth 最好做(不要做)某事好吗? 30.on the playground在操场上 31.This is the+基数词+主语+have/has+p.p这是某人第几次做… 32.make a loud noise 发出很大声响 33wake up:醒来;wake...up:叫醒 第二单元 1.grow into长成……


冀教版八年级英语下册知识点总结 第一单元 1. be scared of sb./sth./doing sth.恐惧某人/某物/做某事 2. go up上升,与rise 同义,与go down 或set 相反 3. make a noise发出声响,吵闹 4. arrive in到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。 5. not…until…直到……才…… 6. see sb. doing sth…看见某人正在做某事 7. go cycling相当于go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。 8. hit sb. on the head表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb. in the face 。 9. turn around转身 10. fall off摔下来 11. give sb. a push推某人一下 12. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 13. get off从……下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。 14. think about思考、想起、想到(某人或某事) 15. all day一整天 16. one by one一个接一个地,类似有year by year 一年又一年;day by day 一天又一天。

17. hold on有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一个是“抓紧”。 19.What’s the weather like ?=How is the weather?天气怎么样 20.on the radio通过收音机 21the same as和..一样。反义短语:be different from 22What’s the date today?今天几号?What day is it today?今天星期几?What’s the temperature? 23.maybe(句首)=perhaps(句首)=may be(句中) 24.the difference between...and....两者之间的不同之处 25.thank you for doing sth.感谢做某事 26.表示建议:let’s do.......;Shall we do.....;How/What about doing...; Why not do...,You ’better do..;Would you please do sth....? 27.Why don’t you do sth.=Why not do sth.为什么不做.....? 28.Would you please(not) /do sth请某人做(不要做)某事好吗? 29.You’d better (not) do sth最好做(不要做)某事好吗? 30.on the playground在操场上 31.This is the+基数词+主语+have/has +p.p这是某人第几次做.... 32.make a loud noise发出很大声响 33wake up:醒来;wake....up:叫醒 第二单元 1. grow into长成…… 2. pass sb. sh. = pass sth. to sb.递给某人某物


Unit 1Spring is Coming! Lesson 1: How’s the Weather ?(two periods)教案Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: rather, shower, rise, rose, risen, set Oral words and expressions: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset Teaching Aims: Talking about the weather Teaching Important Points: 1.Describe the weather in spring; 2.Talk about the temperature. Teaching Difficult Points: Describe the nature phenomenon. Teaching preparation: the pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape; flashcards; pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: 一、温故知新。Check some words and phrases . 二、激情导入。Lead in Free talk:1.What weather do you like? Why or why not? 2.What sports can you do in this season? 三、新课学习。 Step 1: Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together.


Unit 1 rather adv 相当,宁可 thunder n 雷(声) storm n 暴风雨 sunrise n 日出 sunset n 日落 rise v 升起 outdoors adv 在外面;在户外set v 落下 daylight n白天;日光;黎明lightning n 闪电 fascinating adj. 吸引人的,迷人的hillside n 小丘;山坡 gently adv 温柔地;轻轻地 一个接一个地 blossom v 开花 n 花 shall v, aux. 将;会 cycling n 骑脚踏车兜风 baseball n 棒球运动 kick v. 踢 babysitter n.临时保姆 babysit v. 照顾婴儿 playground n 操场;运动场 bar n. 栏;门闩; push v. 推;按下 swing v. 打秋千;摇摆 n 秋千 partly adv. 部分地;不完全地herself pron. 她本身 hers pron. 她的 Unit 2 seedn.种子 water v. 浇水 poster n. 海报 budn. 芽 stem n. 茎;干 sunshine n.阳光 discussv. 讨论;谈论 pot n. 盆;壶;瓶子 coverv. 覆盖 cover n. 盖子soil n. 土;土壤 itself pron. 它本身(自己) root n. 根 billion n. 十亿;千兆 sprout v. 发芽 desert n. 沙漠 overprep. 在……上 hole n. 洞 pleasant adj. 使人愉快的 among prep. 在…中间;被…所围绕air n. 空气;天空 shaden. 树荫;阴凉处 energy n.能量 die v. 死 heat n. 热;炎热v 加热bamboo n. 竹子 kilogram n.千克 cornn. 玉米 wheat n. 小麦 sheltern. 蔽所;庇护 furniture n. 家具 straw n 稻草 ink n. 墨水;油墨 agriculture n. 农业;农学 raise v. 饲养;抚养;提高 grain 谷物;粮食 flour n.面粉 bake v. 烘;烤 Unit 3 petn 宠物 imaginary adj. 想象的 chase v. 追逐;追赶;追捕squirrel n. 松鼠 branch n. 树枝;分支 fierce adj. 凶猛的;凶狠的 open adj. 开阔的;开着的 lake n. 湖 protect v. 保护 extinct adj. 绝种的; 灭绝的gorilla n. 大猩猩 zebra n. 斑马 still adj. 静止的仍旧;仍然while conj. 当…的时候;在…期间


八年级第二学期第一次检测 听力部分. 一, 听句子,选出句中所包含的信息(5分). 1 A in the same way B in difficult ways C in different ways 2 A leaf B drawing C stem and leaves. 3 A the tiger eats plants B the tiger eats animals C the animals eat tigter 4 A cold B thunder C showers 5 A plane B plant C build 二, 听对话,及问题选出正确答案(10分) 6 A tonight B this afternoon C tomorrow 7 A Because the flowers are beautiful . B Because the flowers make seeds C Because the flowers make water 8 A Because they want two dogs B Because their dog died C Because their dog is ill 9 A Drawing something B Writing something C Reading something 10 A silk B Cotton C Nylon 三,听短文填空.(5分) 11 A plant gets w_________ from the roots. 12 Air s________water and biochem (叶绿素)can make the food for a plant. 13 A plant has very small holes in the L_______for air to come in. 14 A plant can make its food when it is s_____________. 15 From the passage (文章)we know people can’t get food w____________plants. 笔试部分 一,词汇部分 1 Today is a _________-( 雪)day. 2 Do you want to be a weather __________(预报员) 3 Don’t always eat chocolate , It’s dad for your __________(牙齿) 4 Her parents both died ,She must look after ________(她自己) 5 She bought a set of __________(家具) 6 Lily and Lucy are ________(water ) the trees now . 7 I have _________(change )my plan for the school holidays. 8 Doctors use machine ________( help) sick people. 9 Are your shoes _________-(make ) of feather? 10 Exercise helps _________(keep) us strong. 英英互译. 11 Things placed in a house ,such as beds chairs and tables: F____________ 12 Things that help you get better when you are ill: M_________ 13 Something that you put in your pen for writing. I_________ 14 A short –lasting fall of rain: S_________ 15 Way from noe place to another ,where cars busses can drive . R________ 根据首字母提,完成句子


冀教版八年级英语(上)单词 Unit1 grade n. 年级 pupil n. 学生 term n. 学期 following adj.下面的;接着的 actress n.女演员 awful adj.极坏的;可怕的 embarrassed adj.尴尬的;害羞的lend v.借after prep. 在......之后adv. 之后 pal n.伙伴;朋友 Miss n.女士;小姐 Cox 考克斯(姓) immediately adv.立即地;即刻地 Sandra n.桑德拉(人名) dislike v.不喜欢 hate v.憎恨;讨厌 either adv.也(有在否定句) violin n.小提琴 music n.音乐 jeans n.牛仔裤 round adv.迂回地;在周围 iron n.熨斗v.用熨斗熨衣服 wool n.羊毛 cotton n.棉布 blouse n.女衬衫 tidy adj.整齐的 Patrick n.帕特里克(人名) Grant n.格兰特(人名) Pea n.豌豆 pod n.荚;豆荚 argument n.争吵;争论;争辩 angrily adv.愤怒地;发怒地 enemy n.敌人;仇人 part v.离开;分离 both adv.二者(都) deal n.协议;交易 introduce v.介绍 university n.大学 England n.英国 married adj.结婚的 husband n.丈夫 piano n.钢琴

singer n歌手. nervous adj.紧张的 fair .adj. & adv.公平(的);公正(的). competition n.比赛;竞争 winner n.胜利者 pleasure n快乐;满足. Korea n.韩国;朝鲜 pronunciation n发音. natural adj. 自然的;天然的. correct adj. 正确的;对的. local adj. 本地的;地方的. Unit 2 subject n科目;主题. art n美术. paint v.画; n涂料;颜料. sometime adv在某时. painting n绘画;绘画作品. painter n画家. future n未来. timetable n时间表. watch n手表 physical adj.身体的;物理的. education n教育. except prep除了......之外. language n语言. project n.课题;计划 mathematics n数学. tonight adv. & n .今晚examination n.考试 test n. & v. 测试;考查 noon n.中午 group n.组;群;团体 bit n.一点;一些;少许 everything pron.一切事物 o’clock adv.......点钟 social adj.社会的 tick-tock n.钟表的滴答声 snap v. & n. (用手指)打响指;劈啪声clock n.时钟 yet adv.还;仍旧 half n.一半 quarter n.刻;四分之一


冀教版八年级英语(下)词汇表Unit 1 rather adv 相当,宁可 thunder n 雷(声) storm n 暴风雨 sunrise n 日出 sunset n 日落 rise v 升起 outdoors adv 在外面;在户外set v 落下 daylight n白天;日光;黎明lightning n 闪电 fascinating adj. 吸引人的,迷人的hillside n 小丘;山坡 gently adv 温柔地;轻轻地 一个接一个地 blossom v 开花 n 花 shall v, aux. 将;会 cycling n 骑脚踏车兜风 baseball n 棒球运动 kick v. 踢 babysitter n.临时保姆 babysit v. 照顾婴儿 playground n 操场;运动场 bar n. 栏;门闩; push v. 推;按下 swing v. 打秋千;摇摆 n 秋千 partly adv. 部分地;不完全地herself pron. 她本身 hers pron. 她的 Unit 2 seed n.种子 water v. 浇水 poster n. 海报 bud n. 芽 stem n. 茎;干 sunshine n.阳光 discuss v. 讨论;谈论 pot n. 盆;壶;瓶子 cover v. 覆盖

cover n. 盖子 soil n. 土;土壤 itself pron. 它本身(自己) root n. 根 billion n. 十亿;千兆 sprout v. 发芽 desert n. 沙漠 over prep. 在……上 hole n. 洞 pleasant adj. 使人愉快的 among prep. 在…中间;被…所围绕air n. 空气;天空 shade n. 树荫;阴凉处 energy n.能量 die v. 死 heat n. 热;炎热v 加热bamboo n. 竹子 kilogram n.千克 corn n. 玉米 wheat n. 小麦 shelter n. 蔽所;庇护 furniture n. 家具 straw n 稻草 ink n. 墨水;油墨 agriculture n. 农业;农学 raise v. 饲养;抚养;提高 grain 谷物;粮食 flour n.面粉 bake v. 烘;烤 Unit 3 pet n 宠物 imaginary adj. 想象的 chase v. 追逐;追赶;追捕squirrel n. 松鼠 branch n. 树枝;分支 fierce adj. 凶猛的;凶狠的open adj. 开阔的;开着的 lake n. 湖 protect v. 保护 extinct adj. 绝种的; 灭绝的gorilla n. 大猩猩 zebra n. 斑马 still adj. 静止的仍旧;仍然


冀教版八年级英语下册 Lesson51教学设计 一、教材分析: ①本单元在教材中的地位和作用:本单元通过由"讨论旅游"引起的故事,地理描述以及任务要求,让学生了解世界地理知识,学习各大洲、大洋、沙漠、河流名称,学会描述主要地区的一些基本地理特证。 ②本课在本单元中的地位和作用: 本课讲述的是世界第一大洲的面积、人口、语言、地理特证和重要城市等内容,要通过学习让学生认识并了解亚洲地理的初步知识,开阔学生视野。 二、教学目标的确立 ①知识目标 A、掌握词汇:area , Russian , mountain B、掌握短语及句型:square kilometres , more than ,The third-longest ,geographical features China is the biggest country in area and population ②能力目标: 培养听、说、读、写能力,以说为主,能流畅复述课文,并简要介绍中国的基本特证。 ③情感目标: A、鼓励学生用英语表达自己的看法。 B、乐于接触并了解世界文化。 ④德育目标: A、了解并学习关于亚洲地理的初步知识,开阔视野。 B、了解自己国家的基本情况,培养民族自豪感。

三、教学方法:"四步阅读"教学法: A、快速阅读,把握文章主要事实。 B、仔细阅读,把握文章细节 C、复述课文,加深理解。 D、交际输出,自由表达。 四、教学过程: Note : ① Make sure students know the main facts of Asia ②Encourage students to express some facts about china Step one Ask the students to read the text quickly , and learn about the Main facts of Asia and Answer +he questions ① what continent do you live on ? ② what language is spoken by the large st number of people ? ③ How many countries are there in Asia ? ④ Which is the biggest coun try in Asia ? Step two: Read the text again and learn about more facts about Asia and answer the following questions: ①How big is Asia ? ②what are the main countries in Asia ? ③what's the population of Asia ? ④what are the main languages ?


冀教版英语八年级下册教案 Lesson 1: What’s the Weather Like? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: rather, shower, rise, rose, risen, set Oral words and expressions: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset Teaching Aims: Talking about weather Teaching Important Points: 1.Describe the weather in spring; 2.Talk about the temperature. Teaching Difficult Points: Describe the nature phenomenon. Teaching preparation: the pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape; flashcards; pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1. Free talk 1.What weather do you like? Why or why not? 2.What sports can you do in this season? Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT” Let the students work in groups and answer the following questions: 1.Look outside. Wha t’s the weather like today? 2.How does this weather make you feel? Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the weather like today? 2.It is snowing, isn’t it? 3.what’s the temperature? 4.is i t going to rain today, isn’t it? Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Read the text in roles. Step5. Practice Work in three students. Suppose you are a weather reporter. Now report today’s weather to the others in your group. Then report it to the class. Step6. Practice Make up a dialogue between two or three students in class. It is about the weather in spring. Let some students act it out before the class. Step7. Homework 1.Find something that represents spring and show it to the class next time. 2.Finish off the activity book. Lesson 2: It’s Getting Warmer! Teaching Content:

冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 单元知识点归纳

必背单词 1.shower n.阵雨;淋浴→take/have a shower洗淋浴 →shower v.淋浴 →showery adj.下阵雨的;多阵雨的 2.rise v.& n.( rose/risen )升起;上升;增加→on the rise在增加,在上涨 ☆识记类单词 3.thunderstorm n. 雷雨;雷暴 4.thunder n. 雷(声) 5.sunrise n.日出 6.sunset n.日落 7.set v. ( set/ set )落沉;放置;制定 8.exact adj. 精确的;准确的→exactly adv. 确切地

必背短语 9.be scared of害怕→be scared of sb./sth. /doing sth.害怕某人/某物/做某事。相当于“be afraid of sb./sth./doing sth.”。 →be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事。相当于“be afraid to do sth.”。 必背句子 10.I hope not!我希望不是这样 →I hope so.我希望如此。 11.When it snows, it's not hot. 当下雪时,天不会热。

12.It will reach 10℃during the day. 白天将达到10摄氏度。 13.Spring is coming.春天就要来了。 14.Is it going to rain, Danny? 丹尼,天要下雨了吗? 15.There will be a shower this afternoon. 今天下午将有一场阵雨。 16.What strange weather! 多么奇怪的天气啊! 必背单词 1.neither conj. & adv.既不;也不;(二老)都不→neither在句中作主语时,常与of连用,后跟复数名词或代词,谓语动词用单、复数形式均可。 →neither…nor…既不……也不…… →either pron.(两者中的)任何一个


八下 Unit 1 shower阵雨;淋浴thunderstorm 雷雨;雷暴 thunder 雷(声) sunrise 日出 sunset 日落 rise 升起;上升;增加 set (日/月)落沉;放置;设置exact 精确的;准确的 neither (两者)都不 nor 也不;也没 boot 靴,靴子 jasmine 茉莉 blossom 花朵;开花 sunshine 阳光 Tai Chi 太极 swing 秋千;打秋千;摇摆 melt 融化 hillside 小丘;山坡 wind 风;气流 gently 温柔地;轻轻地 budding 正发芽的 nearly 几乎;差不多;将近millimeter 毫米;千分之一米plenty 丰富;大量 anytime 在任何时候;随便什么时候babysit 照顾婴儿;当临时保姆Debbie 黛比(女) bar 栏;门栓;(酒)吧 instead 代替;更换push推;按下 soccer (英式)足球 shall将;会 rabbit 兔子 low 低的;浅的 below 低于;在……下面 zero 零 until 直到……为止groundhog 土拨鼠 bush 灌木 Unit 2 hole洞 large 大的;巨大的 root 根 seedling 幼苗;秧苗 cover覆盖;盖子 fill装满;充满 dirt 泥土;污物 pack 堆积;压实;装(箱)dust 沙尘;沙土;尘土;灰尘storm暴风雨 dirty不干净的;肮脏的northern北方的;北部的bottom底部;下方的;最下部pleasant 使人愉快的 shade 阴影;树荫;阴凉处fulfil 达到;执行 basic基本的;基础的 soil 土;土壤 channel 频道 gardener 园艺家;园丁;花匠


八年级英语下册 第一单元 1. be scared of sb./sth./doing sth. 恐惧某人/某物/做某事 2. go up 上升,与rise 同义,与go down 或set 相反 3. make a noise 发出声响,吵闹 4. arrive in 到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。 5. not…until…直到……才…… 6. see sb. doing sth…看见某人正在做某事 7. go cycling 相当于go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。 8. hit sb. on the head 表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb. in the face 。 9. turn around 转身 10. fall off 摔下来 11. give sb. a push 推某人一下 12. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 13. get off 从……下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。 14. think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事) 15. all day 一整天 16. one by one 一个接一个地,类似有year by year 一年又一年;day by day 一天又一天。 17. hold on 有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一个是“抓紧”。 18. come down 下来 19.What’s the weather like ?=How is the weather?天气怎么样 20.on the radio 通过收音机 21the same as和..一样。反义短语:be different from 22What’s the date today?今天几号?What day is it today?今天星期几?What’s the temperature? 23.maybe(句首)=perhaps(句首)=may be(句中) 24.the difference between...and....两者之间的不同之处 25.thank you for doing sth.感谢做某事 26.表示建议:let’s do.......;Shall we do.....;How/What about doing...; Why not do...,You ’better do..;Would you please do sth....? 27.Why don’t you do sth.=Why not do sth.为什么不做.....? 28.Would you please(not) /do sth请某人做(不要做)某事好吗? 29.You’d better (not) do sth最好做(不要做)某事好吗? 30.on the playground在操场上 31.This is the+基数词+主语+have/has +p.p这是某人第几次做.... 32.make a loud noise发出很大声响 33wake up:醒来;wake....up:叫醒 第二单元

八年级英语下册 知识点总结 冀教版

八年级英语第一单元知识点归纳 1. be scared of sb./sth. 恐惧某人/某物 2. go up 上升,与rise 同义,与go down 或set 相反 3. make a noise 发出声响,吵闹 4. arrive in 到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。 5. not…until…直到……才…… 6. see…doing…停止做某事 7. go cycling 相当于 go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。 8. nit sb. on the head 表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb. in the face 。 9. turn around 转身 10. fall off 摔下来 11. give sb. a push 推某人一下 12. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 13. get off 从……下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。 14. think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事) 15. all day 一整天 16. one by one 一个接一个地,类似有year by year 一年又一年;day by day 一天又一天。 17. hold on 有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一个是“抓紧”。 18. come down 下来 八年级英语第二单元知识点归纳 1. grow into 长成…… 2. pass sb. sh. = pass sth. to sb. 递给某人某物 3. billions of 数十亿的,hundred, thousand, million , billion等词前面有具体数字时,其本身用单数形式,直接修饰名词;表示一个笼统的概念时,这些词用复数形式,而且常与介词of连用修饰名词。 4. look after = take care of 照顾,照料。 5. be full of 满,充满=be filled with 6. be made of/from由……制成,be made of 表示在制成的过程中,原材料没有发生质的变化;be made from 表示在制成的过程中,原材料发生质的变化。be made by 被(某人)制造;be made in 在(某地)制造 7. carry away 把……搬(移)走 8. on the tree 在树上,指的是树上本身的东西,即长在树上;in the tree 也表示在树上,但它所指的是外来的东西,不是树本身的东西。 9. make …into 把……制成…… 10. half of ……中的一半,当它所指代的是不可数名词时,代表单数,如果half of 后边所接的是可数名词的复数,那么它所代表的也是复数概念。 11. look like 看起来像 12. use … to do sth.用……来做……,其中to do sth. 表示目的和用途。 13. put … outside /on /into…把……放在……的外边/上面/里面 14. turn into 变成;turn…into…把……变成…… 八年级英语第三单元知识点归纳


冀,教版,初中,英语,八年级,下册,电子,课本,冀,冀教版初中英语八年级下册电子课本+翻译Unit 1 Lessons 1-6 Spring Is Coming! 第一单元第1-6课春天来了! Lesson 1 How's the Weather? 第1课天气怎么样? Good morning, everyone. 大家早上好。 I'm Danny Dinosaur on the radio. 这是丹尼·戴诺在为你广播。 What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样? Here's the weather report. 现在是天气预报。 Today is Friday, February 28. 今天是2月28日,星期五。 It will be snowy and hot. 今天下雪,天气很热。 Danny! When it snows,it's not hot. 丹尼!下雪的时候,不是热。 It's cold. 是冷。 OK, it's not hot.

好的,不是热。 It's not snowing,but it is cloudy. 没有下雪,是多云天。 What's the temperature? 温度是多少? Let's see. 我看看, It will reach 10℃during the day. 今天将达到10℃。 It's quite warm today. 今天非常暖和。 Spring is coming. 春天要来了。 Is it going to rain, Danny? 丹尼,是要下雨了吗? Yes!There will be a shower this afternoon. 是的!今天下午会有雨。 Maybe there will be a thunderstorm. 可能会有暴风雨。 I hope not!I'm scared of thunder! 我希望没有!我害怕打雷! Wow! What strange weather!


冀教版八年级英语(上)单词 Unit 1 grade n. 年级 pupil n. 学生 term n. 学期 following adj.下面的;接着的 actress n.女演员 awful adj.极坏的;可怕的 embarrassed adj.尴尬的;害羞的lend v.借after prep. 在......之后adv. 之后 pal n.伙伴;朋友 Miss n.女士;小姐 Cox 考克斯(姓) immediately adv.立即地;即刻地 Sandra n.桑德拉(人名) dislike v.不喜欢 hate v.憎恨;讨厌 either adv.也(有在否定句) violin n.小提琴 music n.音乐 jeans n.牛仔裤 round adv.迂回地;在周围 iron n.熨斗v.用熨斗熨衣服 wool n.羊毛 cotton n.棉布 blouse n.女衬衫 tidy adj.整齐的 Patrick n.帕特里克(人名) Grant n.格兰特(人名) Pea n.豌豆 pod n.荚;豆荚 argument n.争吵;争论;争辩 angrily adv.愤怒地;发怒地 enemy n.敌人;仇人 part v.离开;分离 both adv.二者(都) deal n.协议;交易 introduce v.介绍 university n.大学 England n.英国 married adj.结婚的 husband n.丈夫 piano n.钢琴

- singer n歌手. nervous adj.紧张的 fair .adj. & adv.公平(的);公正(的). competition n.比赛;竞争 winner n.胜利者 pleasure n快乐;满足. Korea n.韩国;朝鲜 pronunciation n发音. natural adj. 自然的;天然的. correct adj. 正确的;对的. local adj. 本地的;地方的. Unit 2 subject n科目;主题. art n美术. paint v.画; n涂料;颜料. sometime adv在某时. painting n绘画;绘画作品. painter n画家. future n未来. timetable n时间表. watch n手表 physical adj.身体的;物理的. education n教育. except prep除了......之外. language n语言. project n.课题;计划 mathematics n数学. tonight adv. & n .今晚 examination n.考试 test n. & v. 测试;考查 noon n.中午 group n.组;群;团体 bit n.一点;一些;少许 everything pron.一切事物 o’clock adv.......点钟 social adj.社会的 tick-tock n.钟表的滴答声 snap v. & n. (用手指)打响指;劈啪声 clock n.时钟 yet adv.还;仍旧 half n.一半 quarter n.刻;四分之一
