





I. Sentences(句子理解)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best picture for each sentence you

hear. Each sentence will be read twice_(请所下面5个句子,选择与所听句子内容最相符的



Please listen to the following five sentences and chose the best response to each onev you hear.Each sentence will be read twice.(请听下面5个句子,选出能应答所听句子的最佳选项,每个句子读两遍。)

6. A. It's 9:00 am. B. It's winter. C.It's Sunday. D. It's November 15th

7. A. fm fine, thank you. B.I ride my bike. C. It's near the shop. D.It’s NO.9 Middle school.

8. A.She's thirty years old. B. She's strict but friendly.

C. I'm good at English

D. I like English lessons.

9.A. Yes, the bookshop is great. B. No, I don't.

C. I have a lot of books.

D. Reading is interesting.

10. A. Because T like shopping. B. OK. Goodbye!

C. Sounds great. Let's go.

D. Oh, it doesn't matter

Ⅲ. Dialogues (对话理解) (共10小题;每题计1分,共10分)

(A)Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. Each dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,根据你所听话的对话内容选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项,每组对话读两遍)

11.Who's interested in rock music?

A. Mike.

B. Jane.

C. Mike's father

D. Jane's father

12.How often does Kate clean her living room?

A. Once a day-

B. Once a week.

C. Twice a day

D. Twice a week

13. What's Lisa going to do tomorrow morning?

A. To watch a movie.

B. To take an English test.

C. To study at home.

D. To watch TV at home.

14. When will Sally and Toby play tennis?

A_ This Friday morning. B. This Friday afternoon.

C. This Saturday morning.

D. This Saturday afternoon.

15. Why does Grace enjoy yoga?

A. It can make her get up early.

B. It can make her rich.

C. It can help her make more friends.

D. It can help her relax

(B) Please listen to the following dialogue. Sort the following messages according to the dialogue you hear- The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面的对话,根据你所听到的对话


A.Sometimes there's a lot of action in them.

B.They're exciting.

C.They're never boring,

IV. Passages(短文理解)共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

(A) Please listen to the following passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage you hear .The passage will be read twice.(请听下面的短文,根据你所听到的短


21. How old is Linda this year?

A. She's five. 13. She's seven. C. She's ten. D. She's eleven.

22.Who did Linda invite to the party?

A . Her classmates. B.Her teachers. C. Her brother's friends. D. Her cousins

23.What will David and Jim do right after they blow up the balloons?

A. Set the table with cups.

B.Sing and dance with the girls.

C. Put party hats on the plates

D.Put the balloons around the living room

24.What colour are the party hats?

A. Red.

B. Blue.

C. Purple


25. When will the party start?

A. At 9:00 am.

B. At 12:00 am

C. At 2:00 pm.

D. At 5:00 pm

(B) Please listen to the following passage. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases

you hear.The passage will be read twice(请听下面的短文,在空白处填写你所听到的单词或短语。短文读两遍。)

One summer, a small town library in America had a difficult problem. It had grown too big for its building and had to move into a bigger building across town.Everything was

26. for the move, but they didn't have enough money to move the books. A clever

librarian had an idea. The move was going to take all summer. During this time, the library

would be 27. .So why not ask people to come in and borrow 20, 40, or even 100

books? Then,28. the summer, they could return there to the new library.The library

would give 29. to whoever reads more than 20 books that summer.

That plan 30. beautifully. Not only did the library save a lot


I. Knowledge and Usage(知识与用法)(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)

(A) Please complete the following sentences in one of the following three ways with only one word for each blank:①based on the phonetic symbols;②based on the first letters of the

words;③based on the Chinese hints.(用以下三种形式中的一种完成句子,每空一词:①根


31 .Do you [a'gri:]with me?

32. His kindness is an e for all of us to follow.

33. Robert was ill arid he had to take the m twice a day.

34. Children should keep away from places.

35. What do you want to be when you (长大),Mary?

(B) For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Please

choose the one that can best complete the sentence. (下列各句均有A, B, C, D四个选项,


36. Bill promised to buy gift his sister.

A. a; for B, a; to C. the; on D./;of

37. -Who reached the airport on time?

-John .In fact, he arrived a quarter of an hour earlier.

A. had; it

B. was; it

C. could; there

D. did; there

38. Mr Green's black truck is old,it still runs .

A.Because; good

B. As;good

C. Although ;well

D. Since; well

39. Water pollution has become than ever before. Let's do something to stop it.

A. much serious

B. more serious

C. much seriously

D. more seriously

40. Thank you so much, Tom. You always do what you can me.

A. help

B. helps

C. helping

D. to help

41.—Must I hand in my homework now, Mr Li?

--No,you .

A. shouldn't

B. can't

C. needn't

D. mustn't

42. -Don't late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow.

-OK, Mum, I'll go to bed right now.

A. put up B, stay up C. sit down D. fall down

43. of the students in our class that actor.

A. Twenty percents; like

B. Percent twenty; likes

C. Twenty percent; like

D. Twenty percent; likes

44.Karl is a model student in our class. He often does us a favour. Here "does us a favour" means


A. talks to us

B.plays with us

C. sends us gifts

D. gives us a hand

45.一I'd like to have a trip to the moon in the future.


A. So would I

B. So had I

C. Neither would I D .Neither had I

(C) For each of the following sentences there are four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. Among the underlined parts only one is wrong. Please choose the wrong part.(下列各句中A,

B, C, D四处划线部分仅有一处是错误的,请选出错误的部分。)

46. I always cost 30 minutes walking after supper.


47. How an interesting story Dick told us!


48. They play an important role in decide the winner.


49. The more you smile, the happily you will feel.


50. We'll have a picnic if it isn't rain tomorrow.


II. Cloze(完形填空)(共15小题;每小题I分,计15分)

(A) Please read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the proper forms, using 10 of

the 12 given words or phrases an the box according to the context.(请阅读下面的短文,并


plan, no longer ,if,possible,such as,however,everyone,as,they,parent,look after,pay

(B) Please read the following passage, anal fill in the blanks with suitable words according to

the given picture and the context, using one word for each blank.(请阅读下面的短文,并根



Have you ever heard about mouse potatoes?一Mouse potato is another name for a 61.______,

addict(痴迷者).Do you know 62._____they are called mouse potatoes? They spend too

much time in 63.______of the computer holding a mouse. They play video games and chat online late into the night.They eat snacks(小食品)64.______,potato chips while they enjoy their activities online. This makes them fat and they get the "potato' -shaped body. Worldwide, more and more

65.______people are becoming mouse potatoes.

III. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;66-75题每小题1分,76-85题每


Please read the following passages and respond to the question。according to the requirements

given at the beginning or at the end of the passage.(请阅读下面的短文,根据短文前或后的



Since not all work is safe for people to do, sometimes robots take over.Robots are special machines. They have have computer inside them. They can move.They have sensors (传感器)that let them see,hear, and touch things. People programme(为……编程序)robots to do things for them.

Robots were once used for simple tasks. They could do the dishes.They could paint building walls. They could put together cars. They took over the jobs people did not want to do.

Now robots take on more complex tasks. They help doctors operate on patients. They search for people in dangerous places. Some robots even find bombs(炸弹).

Robots can also help cut the labour cost.There is a robot hotel called Henn-na Hotel it Japan. It opened in July, 2015. The robots do most of the work in this hotel. A restaurant it Haikou City in south China's Hainan Province uses a lovely robot waitress to serve food. Her lifetime is about 7 to 10 years, and she can keep working for 12 hours after being fully charged(充电).

Question.s 56-68: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and 7J according to the passage(根据短文内容,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳答案。)

66. Why can robots see and hear things according to the passage?

A. They have sensors.

B. They have eyes and ears

C. They are clever.

D. They are fully charged.

67. What does the underlined word "complex"mean in the passage?

A. Easy.

B. Lovely

C. Not difficult.

D.Not simple

68. How long is the robot waitress's life in the Haikou restaurant?

A. About two years.

B. About five years.

C. About seven to ten years.

D. About ten to twelve years

Question 69-70: Decide whether the following statements二true (T) or false (F) according to

the passage.(根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的涂T,错误的涂F )

69. Robots can do things because people programme them

70, The Japanese robot hotel Henn-na Hotel opened in July, 2013.

(Questions 71一75: The following passage is made up of six paragraphs. The first paragraph is

given, but the other five paragraphs are in disorder. Please rearrange the five paragraphs with

A, B, C, D, E.(下面的短文由六个段落组成,首段已给出,其余的五个段落均是随机排列,


The king made a law. The people in the town had to be pleasant to the princess.

71. The market girl thought this was a silly question. "Perhaps it is because I wave and smile at them,”she said pleasantly.

72. "Why do people pleasant?" asked”she said pleasantly. wave and smile at you? Why are they the princess.

73. The next day, the princess stood on the castle wall and waved. She even smiled. Down in the marketplace, the market girl waved and smiled back. This made the princess happy.

74. Each day, the princess stood on the castle wall so everyone could be pleasant to her. Each day, a few people looked up pleasantly. No one waved or smiled. This made the princess sad and mad.

75. One day, she noticed a market girl in the marketplace. The market girl waved and everyone she met waved back to her.They smiled. They looked pleasant. The princess had the girl brought to the castle.


What's the perfect meal during the winter?Hot pot, of course!Hot pot is an old tradition that

started in Northern China where the winter is very cold. Today people in many places enjoy it

on cold days.

Anna and David came from England. They were interested in hot pot and went to a hot

pat restaurant last weekend. They didn't need menus at this restaurant. The food was placed on

several tables. They could choose their own food from there. Anna got a lot of vegetables and

tofu(豆腐).David took a lot of meat. The meat was in thin pieces.

Cooking food in a hot pot was very easy and fast. Every table had a stove inside it. These

stoves boiled(煮沸)the soup in the pot. Once the soup was boiling, Anna put in all her vegetables. David also put his meat in the soup. Then they stirred(搅拌)the food in the pot so that everything was cooked faster.

When the food was cooked, it wast time to take it out of the pot. They took food out with chopsticks and a serving spoon and put it on their plates.

There were different kinds of sauces to make the food taste better. People can even make their own sauce in the way they like.

"Everyone can try hot pot! It's a great way to spend time with family and friends and enjoy good food?”Anna and David told their friends.

Questions 76-80:Fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the passage above, using no more than three words for each blank.(根据短文内容用适当的词语填空,每空不超过三个单词。)

76.Hot pot started in .The winter there is very cold.

77.Anna and David went to a hot pot restaurant. The meat served there was .

78.Every table had a stove in the restaurant

79.They took the food out of the pot with and a serving spoon

80.The sauces can make the food .


Questions 81-85: Answer the following questions according to the passage.(根据短文内容回答间题。)

81 .Now long does the Big Bus Trip take?

82. At least how old must a traveller on the Big Bus Trip be?

83. Does the Big Bus Trip include dinner during the journey?

84. What kind of holiday is the Green Adventure?

85. Where did Julia spend her Green Adventure?

IV. Sentence Pattern Transformation(句式转换)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Please transform the following sentences as required, using only one word for each, blank.(请安要求转换下列各句,每空限用一词。)

86. Bob ate two mangoes this marring.(改为一般疑问句)

Bob two mangoes this morning?

87. They can watch the TV programme once a week.(对划线部分提问)

They the TV programme?

88. John isn't as careful as Sam.(同义句改写)

Sam is careful John.

89. You shouldn't pour the water into the pool.(改为祈使句)

the water into the pool.

90. It will be very cold in 2030.(改为感叹句)

It in 2030!

V. Translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

(A) Please translate the following sentences into Chinese.(请将下列句子译成汉语。)

91. She didn't do anything in the factory, did she?

92. Driving less is good for the environment.

93. I’ll call you back as soon as I hear from you.

(B) Please translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.


94.我和我姐姐正肩并肩沿着海滩走。(side by side)

95.昨天他在回家的途中碰巧遇到了徐先生。(come across)

VI. Dialogue Completion(补全对话)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Please read the following dialogue which is incomplete, and fill in the blanks with proper sentences according to the context.(请阅读下面的对话,并根据对话内容在空白处填人适当的句子,补全对话。)

Paul: Look! There are lots of interesting films showing here. Why don't we see a film?

Carla: 96. .

Paul: what kind of films do you like most?

Carla: 97. They make me forget my worries and feel happy. 98. ?

Paul: I like comedies, too. But I like horror films most.

Carla: Really? 99. ?

Paul: Because I like the suspense(悬疑).Too bad! It

looks like there are no horror films running today.

Carla: You're right. Then let's see a comedy this time.

Paul: OK. Is Hollywood Adventures a comedy?

Carla: 100. ,My sister told me it was very funny.

Let's go and buy two tickets.

VII. IQ Test (智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Answer the following questions.(回答下列问题。)

101一Write the four-letter words hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next

word. 'The order of the letters cannot be changed.

For example, I wish other people would pick up their rubbish. shot

A. His opinion is different from the popular myth.

B.Here is some information about health and safety.

102.Lisa:Did you watch the football match TV last night?

Peter: No.I was working on my English homework until all hours.

What does "all hours" in the dialogue mean in Chinese?

103.There is a green house. Inside the green house there is a white house. Inside the white house there is a red house. Inside the red house there are lots of babies. What is it? Please answer in English.








Dear Ann,

Your friend,


(B)社会发展日新月异,请发挥想象以“Life in 2050"为题写一篇短文,描述一下你想象中的


写作要求: 1.语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;







I. 1-5 BDBAC

II. 6-10 DBBAC

III.(A)11-15 CCBAD (B)16-20 EADBC

IV.(A)21-25 CADDB (B)26.ready 27.closed 28.at the end of 29.prizes 30.worked




1.The boys playing in the sea are my cousins.

2.The library is between the market and a bank.

3.My parents took me to the hospital last weekend.

4.You can have a shower before breakfast every morning.

5.The first stop is Beijing,and from there we’re flying to Shanghai.



6.Excuse me,what’s the date today?

7.How do you go to school every day?

8.What do you think of our English teacher?

9.Linda,are you going to the bookshop?

10.Why don’t we going shopping together now?



11.W:Mike, what does your father think of pop music?

M:You know,Jane ,he can’t stand it. He’s interested in rock music.

12.M:Kate, how tidy your living room is!Do you often clean it?

W:Oh,yes. I clean it twice a day.

13.W:Peter, why can’t Lisa go to the movie with us?

M:Because she has to study for tomorrow morning’s English test.

14.M:Sally,can you play tennis with me this afternoon?

W:Sorry,Toby.I’ll join my friend’s birthday party this afternoon.How about this Friday morning?


15.M:Grace, do you exercise every day?

W:Yes,I practise yoga every evening.

M:Do you enjoy it?

W:Yes,it’s fantastic.I think it can help me relax.


M:Hi,Mary.You look happy this morning.

W:Hi,Peter.I do! I just watched TV my favorite TV show,Fran’s Life.It’s a comedy.

M:Comedies are great! I love funny shows.

W:What other kinds of shows do you watch?

M:I like plays.The stories are interesting.Sometimes there’s a lot of action!

W:The actors are usually good,too.

M:Do you watch reality TV shows.

M:Oh,I think they’re exciting.

W:I don’t think so.I prefer talent shows.they’re wonderful.What about you?

M:Me,too.Talent shows are never boring.



Hello,I’m David.Today is May 7th and this is my sister Linda’s party .We’re celebrating her 10th birthday.She invited girls from her class.They’re going to make a lot of noise! I also invited my friend Jim. I want to play chess with him,but I can’t.

My mum needs our help. Jim and I have to get things ready for the party . We’re going to blow up several bright balloons. Then we’ll put them around the living room.After that,we’ll set the table with cups and plates.One yellow party hat goes on each plate.My mum would like us to finish all the work before noon. That’s when the party starts.


One summer a small town library in America had a difficult problem.It had grown too big for its building and to move into a bigger building across town, Everything was ready for the move, but they didn’t have enough money to move the books. A clever librarian had an idea. The move was going to take all summer. During this time, the library would be closed.So why not ask people to come in and borrow 20,40,or even 100 books? Then, at the end of the summer, they could return them to the new library. The library would give prizes to whoever reads more than 20 books that summer. That plan worked beautifully. Not only did the library save a lot of money, but people also read a lot more books.


I. (A)31.agree. 32. example 33. medicine 34.crowded 35.grow up



II.(A)51.there 52.parents 53.However 54.no longer 55.If 56.plan 57.as 58.paying 59.such as


(B)https://www.360docs.net/doc/452915973.html,puter 62.why 63.front 64.like/including 65.young

III.(A)66-70 ADCTF (B) 71-75 DCEAB

(C)76.Northern China 77.in thin pieces 78.inside (it) 79.chopsticks

80.taste better/more delicious/more tasty

(D)81.Thirteen weeks 82.(At least)18 years old. 83.No,it doesn’t 84.It’s a working holiday. 85.In Australia

’t pour 90.How could;will be


(B)94.My sister and I are walking along the beach side by side.

95.He came across the Mr Xu on his/the way home yesterday.

’s a great idea./Good idea./Sounds great./OK 97.I like comedies most./Comedies.

98.How about you./And you./What about you.

99.Why do you like them?/Why? 100.Yes,it is.

VII .101.A 102.深夜/半夜/凌晨103.It’s a watermelon 104.A 105.7

VIII.(A)Do you know what happened to the pie? The pie was on the windowsill. Then you and your dad went out for a walk.Your dog Spike came into the kitchen.He was hungry. He saw the pie on the windowsill. Then he ate it. Now, his face is purple. It is because he ate the blueberry pie.

(B)One possible version:

Life in 2050 will be different from life now, because changes will take place in the thirty-five years, but what will the changes be?

People will live healthier and longer than before because they enjoy regular exercise and pay more attention to health care.

People will work fewer hours than they do now, and they'll have more free time for sports, watching TV and travelling.Some will go to the other planets For holidays.

Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. People will create new jobs. And some people will do their work by their mobile phones

All in all,life in2050 will be easier and happier


第25届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛卷 一、选择题。本题共 6小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的 4个选项中,有的小题只有一项是正确 的,有的小题有多项是正确的。把正确选项前面的英文字母写在每小题后面的方括号内。全部选对 的得6分,选对但不全的得 3分,有选错或不答的得 0分。 1. 如图所示,两块固连在一起的物块 a 和b ,质量分别为 m a 和m b ,放 在水平的光滑桌面上。现同时施给它们方向如图所示的推力 F a 和拉力 F b ,已知F a >F b ,贝y a 对b 的作用力 A. 必为推力 B.必为拉力 C.可能为推力,也可能为拉力 D.可能为零 2. 用光照射处在基态的氢原子,有可能使氢原子电离。下列说法中正确的是 A. 只要光的光强足够大,就一定可以使氢原子电离 B. 只要光的频率足够高,就一定可以使氢原子电离 C. 只要光子的能量足够大,就一定可以使氢原子电离 D. 只要光照的时间足够长,就一定可以使氢原子电离 3?如图所示,一 U 形光滑导轨串有一电阻 R ,放置在匀强的外磁 导轨平面与磁场方向垂直。一电阻可忽略不计但有一定质量的金 ab 跨接在导轨上,可沿导轨方向平移。现从静止开始对 ab 杆施 的恒力F ,若忽略杆和 U 形导轨的自感,则在杆运动过程中,下 说法是正确的 A. 外磁场对载流杆ab 的作用力对ab 杆做功,但外磁场的能量是不变的 B. 外力F 的功总是等于电阻 R 上消耗的功 C. 外磁场对载流杆ab 作用力的功率与电阻 R 上消耗的功率两者的大小是相等的 D. 电阻R 上消耗的功率存在最大值 4. 如图所示,放置在升降机地板上的盛有水的容器中,插有两根相对容器的位置是固定的玻璃管 和b ,管的上端都是封闭的,下端都是开口的。管内被水各封有一定质量 体。平衡时,a 管内的水面比管外低,b 管内的水面比管外高。现令升降 止开始加速下降,已知在此过程中管内气体仍被封闭在管内, 且经历的过 为绝热过程,则在此过程中 A. a 中气体内能将增加,b 中气体内能将减少 B. a 中气体内能将减少, b 中气体内能将增加 C. a 、b 中气体内能都将增加 D. a 、b 中气体内能都将减少 5. 图示为由粗细均匀的细玻璃管弯曲成的 双 U 形管” a 、b 、c 、d 为其四段竖直的部分,其中 a 、 d 上端是开口的,处在大气中。管中的水银把一段气体柱密封在 b 、 c 内, 平衡时,管内水银面的位置如图所示。现缓慢地降低气柱中气体的温度, 的水银面上升了一小段高度 A h ,则 A. b 中的水银面也上升 A h B. b 中的水银面也上升,但上升的高度小于 A h C. 气柱中气体压强的减少量等于高为 A h 的水银柱所产生的压强 场中, 属杆 以向右 列哪种 的气 机从静 程可视


驻马店市第十九中学八年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题 1 分,共20分) 第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A..B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 () 1.What will the man do later? A. Have breakfast. B. Run . C. Watch TV () 2.What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To write an e-mail to Mike. B. To give Mike a present. C. To see a movie with Mike. () 3.Where does the woman want to go? A. To the park. B.To the supermarket. C. To the cinema. () 4.Where did the man go last weekend? A. To the US. B. To Canada. C. To England () 5.What's the matter with Tom? A. He has a stomachache. B. He has a fever. C. He has headache. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题. () 6.How does the man go to work now? A. By car B. By subway C. On foot ()7.How long has the man had the car? A .For four years B. For five years C. For six years 听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第10 三个小题。 ()8.What does Mom expect Frank and his sister to do? A. To do housework B.To work hard. C. To take exercise. ()9.What does Frank's sister often do? A.She often sweeps the floor. B. She often folds the clothes. C She often does the dishes.. ()10.How often does Frank clean his room? A.Twice a month. B. Twice a week. C.Once a week 听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。 ()11.How long has it rained in the city? A. For two days. B. For three days. C.For four days. ()12.When will the rainstrom come probably? A.On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15三个小 题。 ()13.How many pandas are there? A. Two B. Three C.Five ()14. What does the man think of pandas? https://www.360docs.net/doc/452915973.html,zy B. Cute C.Active ()15.What does the woman want to do? A.To feed the pandas. B. To take photos C. To play with the pandas.


2014第31届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试题及参考答案与评分标准 一、选择题.本题共5小题,每小题6分,在每小题给出的4个选 项中,有的小题只有一项符合题意,有的小题有多项符合题意.把符合题意的选项前面的英文字母写在每小题后面的方括号内,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分. 1.一线膨胀系数为α的正立方体物块,当膨胀量较小时,其体膨胀系数等于 A.αB.α1/3 C.α3D.3α 2.按如下原理制作一杆可直接测量液体密度的秤,称为密度秤,其外形和普通的杆秤差不多,装秤钩的地方吊着一体积为lcm3的较重的合金块,杆上有表示液体密度数值的刻度.当秤砣放在Q点处时秤杆恰好平衡,如图所示,当合金块完全浸没在待测密度的液体中时,移动秤砣的悬挂点,直至秤杆恰好重新平衡,便可直接在杆秤上读出液体的密度.下列说法中错误的是 A.密度秤的零点刻度在Q点 B.秤杆上密度读数较大的刻度在较小的刻度的左边 C.密度秤的刻度都在Q点的右侧 D.密度秤的刻度都在Q点的左侧 3.一列简谐横波在均匀的介质中沿z轴正向传播,两质点P1和P2的平衡位置在x轴上,它们相距60cm,当P1质点在平衡位置处向上运动时,P2质点处在波谷位置,若波的传播速度为24 m/s,则该波的频率可能为 A.50Hz B.60Hz C.400Hz D.410Hz 4.电磁驱动是与炮弹发射、航空母舰上飞机弹射起飞有关的一种新型驱动方式,电磁驱动的原理如图所示,当直流电流突然加到一固定线圈上,可以将置于线圈上的环弹射出去.现在同一个固定线圈上,先后置有分别用钢、铝和硅制成的形状、大小和横截面积均相同的三种环;当电流突然接通时,它们所受到的推力分别为F1、F2和F3.若环的重力可忽略,下列说法正确的是 A.F1>F2>F3B.F2>F3 >F1 C.F3 >F2> F1D.F1=F2=F3 5.质量为m A的A球,以某一速度沿光滑水平面向静止的B球运动,并与B球发生弹性正碰.假设B球的质量m B可选取为不同的值,则 A.当m B=m A时,碰后B球的速度最大 B.当m B=m A时,碰后B球的动能最大 C.在保持m B>m A的条件下,m B越小,碰后B球的速度越大


监利县廖池中学 2009-20XX年度(下)八年级英语竞赛试卷满分100分。时间100分钟。请将答案填写到第二卷上,考生只交第二卷。 I、单项填空(15分) 1. There _____ a football match on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play 2. Travelling by train is ____ cheaper and _____ enjoyable than by air. A. very, very much B. quite, much too C. more, much more D. much, far more 3. He explained ____ how to get there. A. to me B. for me C. me D. with me 4. It’s great fun ____ a pet dog at home. A. to keep B. to take C. keep D. find 5. How long ____ you both ___ love? A. are, with B. do, fall in C. are, in D. are , fall in 6. It _____ that his father knew about it. A. seems B. seems to C. seemed D. seemed to 7. You forgot ____ the door. Oh, _____ , I’ll go and close it. A. closing, so did I B. to close, so I did C. closing, nor did I D.to close, neither did I 8. He ____ by bike to school, but now he walks. A. used to going B. is used to going C. used to go D. is used to go 9. Look at this photo. Can you ___ her name? A. think over B. think of C. think about D. thinking of 10.All the students were sweeping the floor ___ they head a man ___ “help”. A. when, shouting B. white , to shout C. when, to shout D. while, shouts 11. Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. Really? Where ___ he ____? A. has, gone B. will, go C. did, go D. does, go 12.Would you mind my opening the window? ____. A. Yes, I would B. Sorry, I wouldn’t C. No, not at all D. No, please don’t 13.Why don’t you get him some junk food? ______. A. That’s not healthy enough B. That’s too healthy C. That’s delicious food D. That’s enough healthy 14.What can you catch but can’t throw. A. a girl B. a boy C. a dog D. a cold 15.Fill in the following blanks with only one word. ____ is greater than God. A. Everything B. Nothing C. Something D. Anything II.完形填空(10分) Henry was not good at maths . Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still could not _16_ it. “Never mind, I’ll sit next to the boy who’s the best at _17_” Henry thought, “and 18 his answers”. The day of the exam came, and Henry sat next to Allan, who was 19 at the top of the class in maths. Henry carefully copied Allan’s answers onto his own exam paper. At he end of the exam, the teacher said, “Well, boys and girls, I’ve decided to give a red star to the students who got the highest grades. It’s 20 for me to decide who to give the star to, however, 21 two students, Henry andAllan, got the 22 grade” After a moment she went on: “But I’ve decided to give the star to 23 this time”. Henry was 24 when he heard this. He stood up and said: “But I got the same grade as Allan, madam”


2018年全国中学生英语能力竞赛通知 导读 2018年第26届全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)正在报名,NEPCS是高校自主招生普遍认可的赛事之一,初赛由各中学统一组织及报名,意向报名的考生可直接向所在中学咨询报名相关事宜。 参赛对象及人数 普通中学初、高中各年级学生。 报名时间 提倡“重在参与”的奥林匹克精神,坚持“自愿参加”的原则,以学校为单位组织报名工作。 各省报名截止时间不一,最晚到11月初,具体请直接咨询本校老师。 竞赛时间安排 竞赛分初赛、决赛和全国总决赛三个阶段。

初赛时间为2018年11月11日(星期日)上午9:00—11:00。笔试(含听力),满分150分,全国统一命题,统一时间由各校自行组织。 决赛时间为2017年12月10日(周日)上午9∶00—11∶00。笔试(含听力),满分150分,全国统一命题,在全国各地同时进行。 全国总决赛时间2019年7月(以正式通知为准) 命题范围 本次竞赛的命题按课标要求,以2018—2019学年度上学期学过的内容为主,兼顾以前学过的内容,参考现行各种教材,但不局限于某一特定教材。初赛各年级竞赛试题命题范围以各版本教材2018年11月11日前所学全部内容为准,决赛命题范围以各版本教材2018年12月9日前所学全部内容为准。 竞赛题型 本次竞赛将借鉴国内外英语测试新题型及测试方法,在保持竞赛题型相对稳定和连续的基础上有较大创新,并探索使用非选择性客观题型和限制性主观题型,以促进考试与评价改革,并为各类英语考试试题改革进行先期探索和实验。题型以非选择题为主,约占60%以上。各年级赛题将进一步加强英语“双基”的考查力度,完善初赛、决赛听力测试,继续加大语篇层次上的语言运用能力的考查,还将设计一些考查智力赛题,以考查学生的逻辑、推理、判断和认知等能力,并增加赛题的区分度。


第33届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷 本卷共16题,满分200分. 一、选择题.本题共5小题,每小题6分.在每小题给出的4个选项中,有的 小题只有一项符合题意,有的小题有多项符合题意.把符合题意的选项前面的英文字母写在每小题后页的括号内.全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分. 1.如图,球心在坐标原点O 的球面上有三个彼此绝缘的金属环,它们分别与x y -平面、y z -平面、z x -平面与球面的交线(大圆)重合,各自通有大小相等的电流,电流的流向如图中箭头所示.坐标原点处的磁场方向与x 轴、y 轴、z 轴的夹角分别是 A .- ,-, B ., C . arcsin D .,, [ ] 2.从楼顶边缘以大小为0v 的初速度竖直上抛一小球;经过0t 时间后在楼顶边缘 从静止开始释放另一小球.若要求两小球同时落地,忽略空气阻力,则0v 的取值范围和抛出点的高度应为 A .00012gt v gt ≤<,2 2000001122v gt h gt v gt ?? ?-= ? ?-?? B .00v gt ≠,20020001122v gt h gt v gt ??- ?= ?- ??? - - -arcsin - arcsin

C .00012gt v gt ≤<,20020001122v gt h gt v gt ??- ?= ?- ??? D .0012v gt ≠,22000001122v gt h gt v gt ?? ?-= ? ?-?? [ ] 3.如图,四个半径相同的小球(构成一个体系)置于水平桌面的一条直线上,其中一个是钕永磁球(标有北极N 和南极S ),其余三个是钢球;钕球与右边两个钢球相互接触.让另一钢球在钕球左边一定距离处从静止释放,逐渐加速,直至与钕球碰撞,此时最右边的钢球立即以很大的速度被弹开.对于整个过程的始末,下列说法正确的是 A .体系动能增加,体系磁能减少 B .体系动能减少,体系磁能增加 C .体系动能减少,体系磁能减少 D .体系动能增加,体系磁能增加 [ ] 4.如图,一带正电荷Q 的绝缘小球(可视为点电荷)固定在光滑绝缘平板上,另一绝缘小球(可视为点电荷)所带电荷用(其值可任意选择)表示,可在平板上移动,并连在轻弹簧的一端,轻弹簧的另一端连在固定挡板上;两小球的球心在弹簧的轴线上.不考虑可移动小球与固定小球相互接触的情形,且弹簧的形变处于弹性限度内.关于可移动小球的平衡位置,下列说法正确的是 A .若0q >,总有一个平衡的位置 B .若0q >,没有平衡位置 C .若0q <,可能有一个或两个平衡位置 D .若0q <,没有平衡位置 [ ] 5.如图,小物块a 、b 和c 静置于光滑水平地面上.现让a 以速度V 向右运动,与b 发生弹性正碰,然后b 与c 也发生弹性正碰.若b 和c 的质量可任意选择,碰后c 的最大速度接近于 A .2V B .3V C .4V D .5V [ ] 二、填空题.把答案填在题中的横线上.只要给出结果,不需写出求得结果的


初二英语竞赛试题(3) 初二英语竞赛试题 三)单项选择 1. There is nobody in the room, _____________? A.is there B. isn’t there C. is it D. isn’t it 2. -_______you ever________to Beijing? -No, I haven’t. A. Do, been B. Have, been C. Have, being D. Do, be 3. -How about getting her a CD? -No, that’s not____________. A. specially B. enough specially C. specially enough D. enough 4. Do you often help Wei Fang_________her lessons? A. in B. at C. with D. out 5. Mum is busy on Sunday. She is the________in my family. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. most busy 6. Is____________in bed good or bad for your health? A.read B. reading C. readed D. reads 7. I hope_______tomorrow. A. you’re better B. you’d better C. your better D. you had


2016年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 高三年级组试题 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) ⅠSentences (句子听写)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Please listen to the following five sentences. There are several missing words in each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. Each sentence will be read twice.(请听下面五个句子,每个句子中均有几个缺失的单词,请根据你所听到的单词填空。每个句子读两遍。)(答案写在答题纸上) 1. Is there else you can do to your plan? 2. I’ll go to the camera shop after I’ve the car. 3. She her job and chose to live in France. 4. What are the causes to the death of many wild ? 5. I don’t know how she looking after her family in such a difficult situation. ⅡDialogues (对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) (A) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. 7. 8. A. In her room. B. In her bag. C. In the kitchen. D. In her jacket. 9. A. Do the homework in his room. B. Watch his favorite TV program. C. Help the woman get the dinner ready. D. Record the film which he likes best.


初二英语竞赛试题 (问题卷) 2006.6 注:1.全卷分问题卷和答题卷。满分为100分,答卷时间为90分钟。 2.本卷答案必须做在答题卷相应位置上,做在问卷上无效。 3.请用钢笔或圆珠笔将学校、班级、姓名分别填在答题卷的规定位置上。 I.词汇(10%) (共10小题, 每小题1分) (A)根据下列句子所给汉语注释,在答题卷的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。 1.I spent an hour and a half ____(写) the passage last night. 2.They have a little more ______(信息)about that accident. 3.They went _____(通过)the forest and reached the small village. 4. If you take more ______(锻炼), you will be much healthier than before. 5. ---- Look! What a fine day it is! ---- Yes.It’s the _____(阳光充足的)day of the week. (B)根据句意,写出空缺处的单词,首字母已给出(每空一词)。 6. Time gone n____comes back. 7. At the b___of the class meeting, the students sang an English song. 8. There are a lot of flowers e_____in the park. They are very beautiful. 9.The story took place in 1998. We call it the t____ century. 10. If your mother a____ with us, we'll go to the cinema this evening. II.选择填空(20%) 从A. B. C. D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20 小题, 每小题1 分) 11. ----Oh, there isn't enough for us in the lift. ----It doesn't matter. Let's wait for the next. A. ground B. floor C. place D. room 12. ----Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ----I'm afraid____ _day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any 13. ---- Could I look at your pictures? ----Yes, of course you____. A. could B. can C. will D. might 14. ----Do you know____ Mr. Black's address is? ----He may live at No.18 or No.19 of Green Street. I'm not sure of____. A. what; which B. where; which C. where; what D. what; where 15. ----What do you think of her voice? ----It________very sweet, I should say. A. hears B. sounds C. listens D. sings 16. ----Lucy didn't come to school, did she? ---- . She was ill in bed. A. Yes, she was. B. Yes, she did C. No, she didn't D. No, she wasn’t 17.----What do you think of a war, Lin Tao? ----I’ve no idea. But it's a fact that____people had to leave their hometown during the War on Iraq.


第三届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试题 1.木星的公转周期约为12年。设地球至太阳的距离为1单位(称为1天文单位),则木星至太阳的距离为 天文单位。 2.把托在手掌中的物体沿竖直方向向上抛出,在物体脱离手掌的瞬间,手掌的运动方向应是 ;手掌的加速度的方向应是 ,大小应是 。 3.如图3-1所示,一质量为m 的物体位于一质量可忽略的直立 弹簧上方h 高度处,该物块从静止开始落向弹簧。设弹簧的倔强 系数为k ,则物块可能获得的最大动能为 。 4.网球拍以速度v 1击中以速度v 0飞来的网球,被击回的网球的 最大速率为 。 (以上所有的速率都是相对于地面) 5.质量为m 的小木块,停放在水平地面上,它与地面间的静摩擦系数为μ。一人想用最小的作用力F 使木块移动,则此最小力F 的大小为 。 6.一火车沿直线轨道从静止出发由A 地驶向B 地,并停止在B 地。A 、B 两地相距s 。火车作加速运动时,其加速度最大为a 1;作减速运动时,其加速度的绝对值最大为a 2。由此可以判断出该火车由A 到B 所需的最短时间 。 7.已知氢原子n=1能级的能量为-13.6电子伏,氢原子从n=3的能级跃迁到n=2的能级时所发射的光谱线为 色。 8.一物体沿x 轴在A x -=和A x =的区间内作简谐振动,对此物体作随机观察。则该物体出现在微小间隔a x ≤≤0中的几率是 。 9.图3-2中所示为一两臂内径相同的U 形管,其中盛 有乙醚。两臂中各有一活塞与液面紧密接触起始时两活 塞在同一水平面上,现将两活塞同时十分缓慢的上提, 左右臂活塞提高的距离分别为h 和2h ,然后将两活塞 固定,两臂中液面的高度差为 。 10.设一氢气球可自由膨胀以保持球内外的压强相等, 则随着气球的不断升高,因大气压强随高度而减小,气 球将不断膨胀。如果氢气与大气皆可视为理想其他,大气的温度、平均摩尔质量以及重力加速度随高度的变化 皆可忽略,则气球在上升过程中所受的浮力将 。 图 3-2 图3-1


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.


第六届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试题 1.1988年10月,我国基本建成了对撞机,在此机中发生对撞的粒子是 和 。 2.提出原子的核式结构模型的物理学家是 ;发现中子的物理学家是 ;发现电子的物理学家是 ;指出弱相互作用下宇称不守恒的物理学家是 和 ,在实验上,证实此结论的物理学家是 。 3.一个焦距为f 的会聚透镜,在其左侧的主光轴上离透镜2f 处有一小光源,在右侧屏上观察到此光源的清晰的像。现在光源与透镜的位置保持不变而在光路中插入一厚度为d (d

6.画出日光灯的电路图,并回答问题:如果起动器丢失,而手头只有一段两端裸露的、有绝缘外皮的导线,用什么办法能将日光灯点亮?试就你所用的办法说明道理。 7.有一只狐狸以不变速度v 1沿着直线AB 逃跑,一猎犬以不变的速率v 2追击,其运动方向始终对准狐狸。某时刻狐狸在F 处,猎犬在D 处,FD ⊥L (如图6-2),试求此时猎犬的加速度的大小。 2图6-2


17级英语竞赛试题 2017 年 10月 一 根据汉语意思选择正确的英语单词(20 分) 1.最喜爱的 A. like B. prefer C. favorite D. love 2. 力量 A. power B. flower C. lower D. pour 3. 成功的 A. success B. succeed C. successful D. suggest 4. 独特的 A. unique B. opposite C.favorite D. attractive 5. 国际的 A. nation B. country C. national D. international 6. 选择 A. cheese B. choose C. chinese D. loose 7. 对话 A. dialogue B. talk C. speak D. practice 8. 改善 A. prove B. improve C.unite D. travel 9. 信心 A. phrase B. idiom C. confidence D. continue 10. 合适的 A. available B. suitable C. comfortable D. impossible 二 选择题(20分) 1. which shirt of the three do you like_____? A. better B. good C. much D. best 2. Smokers should give up smoking_____ A. as possible as soon B. as quick as possible C. as soon as possible D. as quick as possibly 3.when you feel____ you ’d better go out for a walk. A. bored B. boring C. bore D.


英语竞赛试题笔试部分(满分100分) 一、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) ( )1.---Can you sing? ----Yes. I can,_____ I can’t sing very well. A. but B. or C. so D. and ( )2.----In our English study, reading is more important than speaking, I think. ----- I don’t agree. Speaking is _____ reading. A. as important as B. so important as C. the most important D. the same as ( )3.She didn’t go home. I didn’t go home,_______. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ( )4.The teacher said I could do better _____ English . A. in B. at C. on D. for ( )5.He often helps his parents do the housework _____ Saturday afternoon. A. on B. at C. to D. in ( )6.Thank you for ______ me with my homework. A. help B. helped C. helping D. helps ( )7.____ is easy for a child to know where they are. A. It B. That C. This D. What ( )8.---How do you go to the zoo tomorrow? ---If it ______ tomorrow ,I’ll go there by car. A. raining B. rain C. rains D. will rain ( )9. The baby stopped and the music. A. crying, listened to B. to cry, listened to C. crying, to listen to D. to cry, listen to ( )10.When I got there ,I saw some boys _____ on the playground. A. playing B. played C. to play D. was waiting ( )11. It always rains in summer in Beijing, ______? A. isn’t it B. doesn’t it C. is it D. does it ( )12. I want to be a police officer, ______ sometimes it is a little dangerous. A. so B. though C. or D. and ( )13. It’s great to be a Red Cross member. I want to look after ______ in the hospital. A. homeless people B. old people C. poor people D. sick kids ( )14.---Do you know ________now? ---In the People’s Hotel. A.where is Tom working B.where did Tom work C. where Tom is working D.where Tom worked ()15. Don’t read the sun. A. in B. at C. under D. in front of 二、完型填空(共15分,每小题1.5分) A boy was walking in the street _______ (16) a man came over _______ (17) him and _______ (18) him the way _______ (19) the station. The boy was very naughty. He wanted _______ (20) a joke on the man. He pointed to _______ (21) side of the road and said, “Go down the street until you reach a shop. You can find it on your left.” The man thanked him and went away.

最新-2018年全国中学生英语能力竞赛1 精品001

2018年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I. 听辨单词(Words)(共5小题,计5分) 从下列各组单词中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. persons B. presents C. percent D. parents 2. A. buying B. bringing C. boring D. burning 3. A. language B. teenage C. sandwich D. passage 4. A. post B. missed C. must D. made 5. A. violin B. engineer C. volunteer D. pioneer II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分) 从下列各组句子中选出与你所听到的句子所表达的意思相同或相近的选项。每句只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. Alice couldn't wait to take the exam this morning. B. Alice felt nervous because she was afraid to take the exam. C. Alice couldn't take the exam because she hadn't prepared for it. D. Alice gets angry every time before taking her exams. 7. A. There was an animal cartoon on TV yesterday morning. B. We went to see the animals in the zoo yesterday. C. The animal documentary we saw last night was fun. D. It was the most interesting animal show we had ever seen. 8. A. He played a famous doctor in a film. B. The popular show hasn't made him famous. C. He is known for making popular films. D. He is famous and he acts in a popular show. 9. A. Lucy was very sick when she was in England.
