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In 1940, a little girl named Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilma had many serious illnesses. 61 When Wilma was four years old, doctors noticed her left leg was not straight. They told her family that she had polio(小儿麻痹症),and that she would never walk.

Wilma and her family didn’t want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able to walk with a brace(支架). 62 All her friends played basketball after school. Wilma sat and watched them every day, dreaming of being an athlete(运动员). Of course, people thought she was crazy. But Wilma was determined. By the time she was nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She began playing basketball. In middle school, she was the star of the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wilma could be a great runner. Soon Wilma was training for the Olympics.

When she was sixteen, she flew to Melbourne for the 1956 Olympic Games. 63 Over the next four years, Wilma continued to train as a runner.

In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first race, she twisted(扭伤) her ankle. She was worried that her chance was gone. But she won the 100-meter race. 64 After that, she and her teammates won the 400-meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics!




The oldest person in the world has died in her sleep at the age of 115. Her name

is Gertrude Baines. 61 , following the death of Portuguese Maria. Ms. Baines was born in Georgia in 1894. She grew up in the southern American state. She saw many changes in her life. 62 . She had a child when she was just fifteen. Gertrude received a Guinness World Records certificate (证书) on her 115th birthday.

63 . During her whole life, she never did drink, she never did smoke and she always ate healthy food. Her doctor said Ms. Baines had been “in excellent shape”

just two days before her death. “She was quite smart. She smiled very often,” he said. Ms. Baines became famous in 2008 for voting (投票) for President Obama in the

U.S. 64 . The first was for John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. She lived to see

21 different American presidents. She told reporters she chose Mr. Obama “because he’s for the colored people”.



阅读短文还原句子—2 61—64.D E B A

阅读短文还原句子—3 61—64.C B A E 阅读短文还原句子—4 61—64.D E A B

阅读短文还原句子—17 61—64.E B A C 阅读短文还原句子—18 61—64.A E D B

阅读短文还原句子—19 61—64.B D E A 英语团队联系微信zjz588510
