


Unit1 Friendship


1. add up合计

add up to…共计, 总计达


2. upset sb. 某人不安

upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼

be upset at/about 因…而烦恼

3. ignore sb./sth. 忽视,不理会

be ignorant of 对…无知,不了解

4. calm down 镇静, 平静

calm sb. down 使某人镇静

keep calm 保持镇静

5. with concern 关切地

concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉

be concerned with 与…有关系

be concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause 为…担心,挂念

As far as…be concerned 就某某而言

concerning prep. 关于,有关

6. walk the dog 遛狗

7. go through 经历, 经受;浏览;仔细检查

8. set down 记下,放下

9. a series of 一系列的, 一连串的

10. on purpose 故意地= by design= deliberately

11. in order to/so as to (do sth.) 为了, 以……为目的

12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻

at dawn 在黎明时分

13. face to face 面对面地(作状语)

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地

hand in hand 手拉手地

heart to heart 贴心地

side by side 并排地

back to back 背靠背地

arm in arm 臂挽臂地

word by word 逐字地

14. settle down 定居下来,平静下来,舒适地坐下

15. suffer from 因……而痛苦, 患……病

16. recover from illness 生病后恢复

17. get/be tired of 对…厌烦

18. pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包

19. get along/on with sb. 与某人相处

get along / on with sth. 某事进展

20. fall in love 相爱,爱上

21. join in sth./doing sth. 参加活动

22. have trouble/difficulty/problem with sb./sth. 和某人相处/ 做某事有困难

have trouble / difficulty / problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难


1. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (从句时态用完成时)


2. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(强调句)我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。

3. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.


4. Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the end-of-term exam.(非限制性定语从句)


5. If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice.


6. Add up your score and see how many points you can get.


7. What he did has added to our difficulties.


8. His income adds up to $1000 a month.


9. It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


10. Why is she so concerned about his attitude to her work?


11. The police asked him to set down what he had seen in a report.


12. As I was about to go out and search for him, he happened to come in.正当我打算出去找他时,他恰巧进来。

13. Mr. Jones lives alone and often feels lonely.


14. We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying.


15) Does he dare (to) go out at night in such stormy weather?


16. He would go through fire and water for his country.


17. That country suffered a heavy loss in the flood.


Unit2 English around the world


1. because of 因为(后接名词、代词、名词性从句)

2. come up: 走上前来;被提出;(太阳、月亮)升起;发生

3. base sth. on sth. 使……以……为依据/基础

be based on sth. 以……为依据/基础

4. present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth. 向某人赠送/颁发/授予/介绍某物

5. make use of 利用;使用

make full use of 充分利用

make good use of 好好利用

make little use of 不充分利用

make the best (use) of 更好地利用;往好里做

make the most of 更好地利用

6. such as: 用于列举,往往不能把事物全部列出

7. command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

command (that) sb. (should) do sth. 从句中用虚拟语气

under the command of sb.=under sb’s command 在……的指挥下

have a good command of English. 精通/熟练掌握英语

8. request sth. from sb. 向某人索要某物

request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

request that sb. (should) do sth.

It’s requested that 从句据要求

make a request for sth. 要求/需要某物

by request 应邀

at sb’s request/at the request of sb.根据…的请求

9. play a part in 在……中担任角色/起作用

play an important/vital part/role in (doing) sth. 在……中起重要/至关重要的作用

play the leading role/part 起主要作用,起带头作用,演主角

10. make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通

11. hold on 别挂(电话);坚持

12. ask directions 问路

give directions 指路;给予指示

in the direction of 朝……方向

in all directions = in every direction 向四面八方

13. put sth. down 写下;记下;镇压

14. have fun with sth. 以……为乐


1. World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(定语从句)


2. All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.


3. Actually, the English spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than present day English.


4. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?


5. Believe it or not, he cheated in the exams.


6. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.


7. Today the number of people learning English in China is larger than even before.


8. It is the duty of a government to provide education for the children of its country. (it作形式主语)


9. Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary and usage.


10. Giving commands is less polite than making a request.


11. We asked her for directions and she told us to go round the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks.


12. He knows several languages, such as English, French and German.


Unit3 Travel journal


1. transport…(from…) to…把…从…运到…

2. prefer doing to doing 更喜欢干……而不愿干……

prefer to do rather than do 宁愿干……而不愿干……

prefer sb to do sth. 宁愿让某人做某事

prefer that sb (should) do 更宁愿某人干…

3. have a preference for…对……偏爱

have no particular preference 没有特别的偏好

4. ever since. 从那以后

5. persuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做……persuade sb. not to do=persuade sb. out of doing 说服某人停止做……;劝阻某人做……

persuade sb. of sth. 或persuade sb. + that 从句使某人相信

6. graduate from…从……毕业

graduate sb. 授予某人学位或毕业文凭

7. ahead of schedule 较预定的时间提前

on schedule 按照预定的时间,按时

behind schedule 迟于预定的时间;拖后

be scheduled to do sth. 预定做某事

8. be fond of (doing) sth.

be into /crazy about (doing) sth. 喜爱(做)某事;对做某事感兴趣

be interested in (doing) sth.

9. organize sb. to do sth. 组织某人干某事

10. care about 关心;忧虑;惦念

care for 喜欢;照顾

11. determine to do 决定做某事

determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事


高中英语必修4Unit5重点短语解析 高中英语必修4 unit5重点词语及短语解析 unit 5 theme parks warming up,pre-reading,reading 重点短语解析 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4714477618.html,e to life 活跃起来,苏醒过来;变得有趣或使人更兴奋 注意:come to life为不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。归纳拓展 come back to life/one`s senses 苏醒过来 come to yourself 恢复常态 come to sb.(主意,办法等)被想出 come to sth.合计,共计,达到 bring...to life 使……更有趣,恢复生机 The wounded soldier came to life soon after he was taken to hospital. 那位受伤的战士被送到医院后不久就苏醒了。 The match finally came to life in the second half. 比赛在下半场终于精彩起来。 Flowers can bring a dull room back to life. 鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生气。 The idea came to me in the bath. 我洗澡时,想出了这个主意。 2.charge in charge, in charge of, in the charge of in charge 和in charge of 的意思均为“主管”“负责”,都可用作表语或定语,后者还可作状语。in the charge of 表示“由……主管”,主语一般是表示事物或单位的名词,of 的宾语用表示人的名词或代词。 如: 1. If you take part in the sports meeting,please tell Mark. He is in charge. 如果你参加运动会,请告诉马克。他负责。 2. Mother puts the baby in the charge of the baby sitter while she is out.


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;

人教版高中英语必修1重点词 词性转换

必修一 Unit1 1.grateful adj.感激的;表示谢意的→gratefully ad v.感激地 2.suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历→suffering n.[U]苦恼;[C]让人痛苦的事 3.dusty adj.积满灰尘的→dust n.[U]灰尘 4.settle v. (使)定居;安排;解决→settler n.[C]移居者;定居者→settlement n.[U]解决;定居;[C]协议 5.calm vt.& vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的→calmly ad v.平静地;镇静地→ calmness n. 平静;镇静;冷静 6.concern v t. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.[U]关怀;关心;[C]关心的事→concerned a dj.担心的;忧虑的→concerning prep.关于;涉及 7.loose adj.松的;松开的→ loosely adv.松弛地;宽松地 8.exactly ad v.确实如此;正是;确切地→exact adj.准确的;确切的 9.entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的→entirely ad v.完全地;全然地;整个地 10.outdoors a d v.在户外;在野外→(indoors ad v.在室内→outdoor adj.在户外 11.recover v i.& vt.痊愈;恢复→(熟词生义)重新获得→recovery n.[U]恢复;复苏;康复 12.dislike n.& vt.不喜欢;厌恶→(反义词)like vt.喜欢 13.power n.[U]能力;力量;权力→(熟词生义)提供动力→powerful adj.强大的;有力的→(powerless adj.无力的;没有能力的 14.disagree v i.不同意→(agree vi.同意→ agreement n.[U]同意;[C]协议 15.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视→ignorant adj.无知的→ignorance n.无知,愚昧 16.upset a dj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心烦→upset/upset/upsetting(过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 18.swap v t.交换→ swapped/swapped/swapping(过去式/过去分词/现在分词) Unit2 1.eastern adj.东方的;东部的→ east adj.东方的adv. 向东方n. 东方;东部 2.enrich vt. 使富裕;充实;改善→ rich adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4714477618.html,mand n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握→commander n.[C]指挥官 4.base v t.以……为根据n.[C]基部;基地;基础→basic adj.基本的;基础的→basically ad v.基本

必修4英语unit 4词汇,短语详解,练习题

必修4 英语unit4 body language词汇短语详解 重点短语 defend against______________be likely tot______________in generalt_____________________ at ease______________,lose face______________,turn one's back to____________________ be curious about sth______________.,major in______________,on the contrary___________ approach to (doing) ,watch/look out______________, on the contrary_______________________ Ⅱ.重点短语 1.greet sb. sth.以……问候某人 2.kiss sb. the cheek轻吻某人的面颊 3.nod sb.向某人点头 4.get know逐渐了解 5. language口语 6.be to do...很可能…… 7. general总的来说 8.defend 保卫……以免受 9.put sb. ease使某人自在;舒适 10.lose 丢脸 curious sb for sth 因某事而向某人道歉 13. the contrary 相反地 14,shake hands sb 同某人握手 one`s back sb 背对,背弃 Ⅰ.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语) 1.__________________adj.好奇的→be__________________ 对……好奇 2.__________________ vt.保卫;保护→ ___________... _____________捍卫……以(免受) 3.__________________adj.可能的→be__________________ 很可能……;有希望…… 4.in general总的来说;通常→__________________一般来说__________________5.ease n.安逸;舒适;vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)→________________自由自在_________________ . & vi.靠近;走近;n.方法;途径→draw near/be on the way/around the corner (时刻)马上来临 7.__________________adj.主观的→ __________________adj.客观的→neutral adj.中立的Ⅱ.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词) 1.state vt.陈述→__________________n.陈述__________________ 2.defend vt.保护;保卫→__________________n.保卫__________________ 3.__________________vt.误解;误会→ n.误解 4.face n.脸→__________________adj.面部的__________________ Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.I was__________________(迎接) by a girl __________________(代表) the _______________ (社团) and her pleasant smile really put me__________________(舒适). 2.__________________(通常), friends __________________(也很可能……) have (误会), but we don’t use our_______________(拳头) or __________________(背对) each other. 3.When crossing the forest, I felt something __________________(靠近).I picked up a stick to (保护) , it only smelled __________________(好奇地) and then a relief! 4.Sometimes,__________________(面部的) expressions__________________(起作用) better


必修一、必修二重点短语总结 Unit 1 1.calm down 镇定下来 2.be concerned about 关心;挂念 3.share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 4.hide away 躲藏;隐藏 5.set down 放下;记下 6.a series of 一系列;一套 7.be crazy about 对…着迷 8.on purpose 故意 9.in order to/ so as to 为了9. get along with 与…相处10.pack up 收拾,打理行装11..have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见;做…有困难https://www.360docs.net/doc/4714477618.html,municate with sb 和…交际 Unit2 1.play a role/ part (in) 在…中担任角色;在...中起作用; https://www.360docs.net/doc/4714477618.html,e up (vi) 走进;上来;发生;被讨论 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4714477618.html,e up with 提出 4.even if/ though 即使 5.be based on 在...基础上 6.close to 距离…近 7.make (good/ full) use of =make the most of(好好/充分)利用 8.at present 目前9.as we know 正如我们所知 Unit3 1.dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事 2.graduate from 从…毕业 3.persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 4.the best way of doing sth/ the best way to do sth 干某事的最好办法 5.at an altitude of 在…海拔上 6.care for喜欢;照顾 7.determine to do sth ( 动作) / be determined to do sth (心理)决心干某事8.as usual 像往常一样 9.sth be familiar to sb某事为某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sth某人熟悉某事 10. can hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待想干某事 Unit4 1.happen to do 碰巧做某事 2.in ruins 成为废墟 3.blow away 吹走、刮走


高中英语必修一重点短语 学好英语阅读和写作,短语积累量是关键,在历年的考试中,考察 英语短语的题占了很大一部分比重,而英语短语又是最容易拿分的。下面小 编为大家整理了高中英语必修一的重点短语,希望对大家有帮助。 ? ?高中英语必修1 Unit 1 重点短语 1. Calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 2. Be concerned about 关心;挂念 3. Make a list of 列出… 4. Be crazy about 对…着迷 5. According to 根据…所说;按照 6. Get along with 与…相处;进展 7. Fall in love 相爱;爱上 8. Try out 试验;试用 9. add up 合计10. set down 放下;记下;登记11. get sth. done 做…;使…被做;12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. go through 经历;经受;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. on purpose 故意16. in order to 为了…17. join in 参加;加入18. communicate with 和…交流19. face to face 面对面 地20. suffer from 遭受。。。 ?高中英语必修1 Unit 2 重点短语 1. play a role (in) 在。。。中担任角色;在。。。中起作用2. play a part(in) 扮演一个角色;参与3. even if 即使 4. be based on 以。。为基础 5. give a command 命令 6. from one place to another 从一处到另一处 7.the same…as… 相同的。。 8. come up 走近;上来 9. such as 例如。。。;像这种。。;10. ever before 从前11. close to 距离。。近12. make use of 利用13. no longer 不再。。。14. in the early days 在早期15.take…with… 随身带着。。。 ?高中英语必修必修1 Unit3 重点短语: 1. get sb interested in 使某人对……感兴趣2. the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth 干…最好的


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. fight for 为…而战 fight with/ against 和…作战 fight with 和…并肩作战 2. drive…away/ off 赶走 drive…out of 把…从…赶走 3. put/sentence…to death = 处死 4. on condition that 条件是 on no condition 绝不 5. concern oneself with = be concerned with 关心 6. devote oneself to = be devoted to 献身于 7. behave well/oneself 有礼貌 8. in the shade of 在阴凉下 9. move off/ away 离开 move about/around 四处走动 10. be (well) worth doing = be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done = be worthwhile doing = be worthwhile to do 值得做 be worth + 钱值钱 be worth sth = be worthy of sth 价值 11. only + 状语位于句首部分倒装only if 只要 if only 要是…就好了 12. be outspoken about 对…直言不讳 13. respect/honor sb 尊敬 = show respect for 14. argue with sb about/over sth 和…争论argue sb into doing 说服某人做 argue sb out of doing 说服某人别做 15. lead/live a …life 过…生活 16. sth crowd in on sb 涌入脑海 = sth crowd in one’s mind 17. affect = have an effect on 影响 18. inspire sb to do 激励某人做 inspire sth in sb 激发某人的… 19. look down upon/on 轻视,瞧不起 look up to 尊敬 20. refer to 提及,查阅,参考 21. do research on 研究 22. by chance/accident 碰巧 take a chance 冒险试一试 23. come across 偶遇 = run into = happen to meet = meet with 24. catch one’s eye 引起…注意 25. explain to sb sth = explain sth to sb 向某人解释 26. keep…free from/of 使…免受 27. be intended for 是用来… intend to do/doing 打算做 28. sth(idea/plan)hit/strike sb 某人忽然想起 29. place second to 次于 30. take sth into consideration 考虑 under consideration 在考虑中 considering sth 考虑到 consider doing 考虑做 be considered to be 被认为是 31. deliver a baby 接生 be delivered of a baby = give birth to 生孩子 32. can’t wait to do 迫不及待做 33. of one’s own 某人自己的 on one’s own 独自,独立 34. carry on doing carry on with 继续 carry out 执行,实施 Unit 2 Working the land


Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship Part 1 课文知识点归纳 1. add up 把…加起来 2. be upset about / at sth. 对…而感到不安 3. be ignorant 不知道, 没意识到 4. calm… down… (使)平静, (使)镇定 5. have got to 不得不, 必须 = have to / must 6. be concerned about 关心,挂念 7. go through 经历, 经受 8. set down 记下, 放下, 登记 9. a series of 一连串, 一系列, 一套 10. on purpose 故意 11. in order to 为了 12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻 13. face to face 面对面 14. no longer / not…any longer 不再 15. tie up 绑, 包扎16. take no notice of 不注意 17. suffer from 遭受, 患病 18. on the high way 在高速路上 19. recover from on e’s illness 康复 20. get / be tired of 对..厌倦 21. pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包 22. have some trouble with 有…麻烦 23. at the moment 此刻,现在 24. get along / on with 与…相处, 进展 25. fall in love with 爱上, 相爱 26. join in 参加, 加入 27. show one’s interest in 对…感兴趣 28. communicate with 与…交流 29. far and wide 到处 30. look to 注意 句型: 1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by car. While引导了一个时间状从; walking the dog 为现在分词充当时间状语 [句型翻译] (当你) 过马路时, 你应该小心点. __________________________________________________ 2. She found it difficult to settle… it作形式宾语, 其句式结构为: 主语+ 谓语+ 形式宾语it + 宾补(形容词) + 真正的宾语 3. it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…… it (this / that) +be + the 序数词time + that 从句…. (从句的谓语动词须用完成时态) [句型翻译]这是我第一次来思明. __________________________________________________ 4. Mother asked her if / whether she was very hot with so many clothes on. with so many clothes on 是with 的复合结构作伴随状语 with + 宾语(名词/代词)+宾补(形容词/副词/介词短语/动词不定式/现在分词/过去分词) 5. tell him / her that he/she should have studied, so you don’t let him/her look at your paper. should have done 本应该做某事 →情态动词+ have done 表示对发生在过去的事情的推测, 猜测等 6. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.


福州八中三江口学习部 人教版必修一各单元知识点总结Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2.set down 记下,放下 3.a series of 一系列 4.on purpose 有目的的 5.in order to 为了 6.at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7.face to face 面对面 8.fall in love 爱上 9.join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10.calm down 冷静下来 11.suffer from 遭受 12.be/get tired of?对?感到厌倦 13.be concerned about关心 14.get on/along well with 与?相处融洽 15.be good at/do well in 擅长于? 16.find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是? 17.no longer / not ? any longer 不再? 18.too much 太多(后接不可数 n.) much too 太?(后接 adj.) 19.not?until 直到?才 20.it’sno pleasure doing sth 做?并不开心 21.make sb. sth. 使某人成为? make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法 ----直接引语和间接引语

间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话。间接引语在多数情况下可构成宾语从句且不要加引号。 例: Mr. Black said, “I’m busy.” Mr. Black said that he was busy. 变化规则 (一)陈述句的变化规则 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that(可省略)引导,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语都要发生相应的变化。 人称的变化——人称的变化主要是要理解句子的意思 例: 1. He said, “I like it very much. ”→ He said that he liked it very much. 2.He said to me,“ Iv’left my book in your room. ” → He told me that he had left his book in my room. 时态的变化 直接引语间接引语 一般现在时一般过去时 现在进行时过去进行时 现在完成时过去完成时 一般过去时过去完成时 一般将来时过去将来时 过去完成时过去完成时 例: “I don’twant to set down a series of facts in a diary,”said Anne. →Anne said that she didn’twant to set down a series of facts in a diary. The boy said, “I’m using a knife.” →The boy said that he was using a knife. ▲注意:如果直接引语是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变,如: He said, “Light travels much faster than sound”. He said that light travels much faster than sound. 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化

高中英语必修4-Unit3 词汇和短语教案

高中英语必修4 Unit 3词汇和短语教案 A taste of English humour

Period I Break through vocabulary and expressions Teaching aims: Teach and study the language points to grasp and use them freely I. Let’s students make a thorough inquiry before class ★重点单词 1. prep. 遍及;贯穿,adv.到处、始终、全部 2.vt.&vi. 滑动,滑行,n.幻灯片 3.n.失败;破产;不及格_____ 4.磨破的;穿旧的adj. 5.adj. 突出的;杰出的;显着的 6.Vt.&vi 克服;战胜 7.adj.多山的;山一般的_______ 8.特别的;特殊的,adj. adv. 9.使欢乐;款待,vt.&vi.. ; 10.adj..困难;难点_____________;n.困难事——————

11.adj.满足的;满意的; 12. direct vt.&vi__________;; ; ; .迷人的;有魅力的___________ . 使惊讶; ★重点短语 1.玩文字游戏_________ 2. knock into 3.跌倒;跌下________ 4. be cruel to 5. 情况比﹍﹍更差_____ 6. become famous for 7.遍及全世界____________ 8 a homeless person 9.克服困难_________ 10 be kind to 11. 以﹍﹍为背景___________ 12. in search of 13. 拿起____________ 14. cut off 15. 主演____________ 16. outstanding work a thorough inquriy during class Teaching aims: Master the new words and expressions. STEP 1. Pronunciation correcting Read after the teacher or the tape twice. Then the teacher asks the students to read words by themselves. STEP in memorizing the new words The teacher analyses the structure and usage of the new words briefly. STEP Teacher pay attention to the important ones. STEP4.当堂达标 ★单词竞猜 Discovering useful words and expressions(PART 1) ★单词拼写 1.Don’t be _________(满足于)with your little success. 2.It’s so _________ (残忍)of him to kill his own son.


高一英语必修一完整单词表survey 调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心烦。ignore 不理睬,忽视 calm vt.vi(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的calm (…)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 have got to 不得不;必须 concern (使)担忧;涉及;关系 be concerned about 关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose 松的;松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands 荷兰(荷兰国家) Jewish 犹太人;犹太族的 German 德国的;德国人的;德语的;德国人;德语 Nazi n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下;登记 series 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 outdoors 在户外;在野外 spellbinding 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了… dusk 黄昏;傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder v打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声

entire 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely 完全地;全然地;整个地 power 能力;力量;权力 face to face 面对面地 curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty 积满灰尘的 no longer ot…any longer 不再 partner 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle 安家;定居;停留使定居;安排;解决suffer 遭受;忍受;经历 suffer from 遭受;患病 loneliness 孤单;寂寞 highway 公路;大路;<美>高速公路 recover 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 gete tired of 对…厌烦 pack 捆扎;包装;打行李小包;包裹 pack(sth)up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase 手提箱;衣箱 overcoat 大衣;外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与…相处;发展 gossip 闲话;闲谈 fall in love 相爱爱上 exactly 确实如此;正式;确切地 disagree 不同意 grateful 感激的;表示谢意的 dislike 不喜欢;厌恶 join in 参加;加入 tip n.揭示;技巧;尖;尖端;消费vt. 倾斜; 翻到


必修四必背短语 Unit 1 Women of achievement have a lot/much/nothing in common with sb 与某人有很多/没有共同点 in common with sb与...一样 as far as I’m concerned就我而言 dress (up) as 打扮成 put /sentence sb to death判某人死刑 concern oneself with sth 使某人忙于,关心 devote all one’s life to (doing) sth将一生致力于 in the shade of the trees在树荫底下 wake up醒来move off离开,出发work out解答出,计算 communicate with sb 与sb交流 lead/live a busy life过着忙碌的生活 crowd in涌上心头be crowed with挤满了 have done nothing wrong没有做错事 gain a doctor’s degree获得博士学位 a sense of achievement成就感 achieve one’s purpose/aim/goal实现某人的目标 behave well/badly表现好/不好behave yourself好好表现 It is worthwhile doing sth值得做某事sth be well worth doing某事很值得做 in all respects在各个方面 argue with sb about sth就某事与某人争论argue for/against 赞成/反对 inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事 in support of支持;赞同 sb intend to do sth某人打算做某事sth be intended to do/for 某物为...而设计had intended to do=had planned to do本打算做 from generation to generation一代一代 look up to sb尊敬某人look down on瞧不起look into调查 look through浏览look forward to doing期待;盼望 take everything into consideration把一切考虑在内generally speaking一般说来Judging from/by根据...来判断 deliver/give a speech发表演说refer to提及谈到查阅参考 by chance=by accident碰巧by design= on purpose故意地 come across偶遇come about发生come up with提出想出 when it comes to...当谈及... catch one’s eye引起某人的注意 care for喜欢照顾care about关心在乎 Second to 次于later on后来 carry on doing sth继续做某事 be determined to do下定决心做某事 university entrance examinations 高考 have a chance to do有机会做某事


高中英语必修一必背短语 十几年前,社会上就流传着这样一句话:未来几年人类必须掌握的三大技能是英语、驾驶、计算机。想要学好英语,还得从基础学起,以下是为大家搜索整理的高中英语必修一必背短语,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们网! add up 合计 have got to 不得不,必须 be concerned about 关心,挂念 go through 经历,经受 set down 记下,放下,登记 a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 face to face 面对面地 no longer/not…any longer 不再…… suffer from 遭受,患病 get/be tired of 对……厌烦 pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包 get along with 与……相处,进展 fall in love 相爱,爱上 join in 参加,加入 because of 因为,由于 come up 走近,上来,提出 at present 现在,目前

make use of 利用,使用 such as 例如……,像这种的 paly a part (in) 扮演一个角色,参与 ever since 从那以后 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 care about 关心,忧虑,惦念 change one's mind 改变主意 make up one's mind 下决心,决定 give in 投降,屈服,让步 as usual 照常 at midnight 在午夜 right away 立刻,马上 as if 仿佛,好像 at an end 结束,终结 in ruins 严重受损,破败不堪 dig out 掘出,发现 a (great) number of 许多,大量的 out of work 失业 as a matter of fact 事实上 in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中turn to 求助于,致力于 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 come to power 当权,上台
