


1. breakaway(from)

(1) 突然逃掉或离开。如:

The thief broke away from the policeman. 小偷从警察那逃脱了。

(2) 断绝往来,脱离。如:

He broke away from all his old friends. 他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来。

(3) 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法)。如:

You must break away from such habits. 你必须改掉那些习惯。

2. breakdown

(1) (机器、车辆等)坏了。如:

The car broke down after an hour’s driving. 车子开了一个小时就坏了。

(2) (计划、谈判等)失败。如:

Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划已失败了。

(3) (谈话、通讯等)中断。如:

He broke down as he was singing. 他没唱完就突然停住了。

(4) (健康、精神等)变坏。如:

Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了。

3. breakin

(1) 突然进来,强行进入。如:

He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。

(2) 插嘴,打岔。如:

He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插话谈了自己的一些想法。

Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。

注:以上用法的break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人(物),使某人(物)适应。如:

He is breaking in the new man as a machine operator. 我在训练那个新工人操作机器。

Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in. 在新办公室上两星期的班便足以让你适应了。

4. breakinto

(1) 强行进入。如:

The thieves planned to break into a bank. 这些小偷计划闯银行。

(2) 突然……起来。如:

Hearing the news, she broke into tears. 听到这个消息,她就哭了起来。

The man broke into a run when he saw the police. 那个人一看到警察,拨腿就跑。

(3) 打断,插嘴。如:

He broke into the discussion with a shout of warning. 他大声警告,打断了讨论。

(4) 占用时间。如:

Social activities break into my time. 社会活动占去了我的时间。

注:break into 与break in 的有时可表示相同的意思,但前者通常为及物的,后者通常为不及物的。(from )

5. breakoff

(1) 停止讲话。如:

He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话没讲完就停住了。

(2) 暂停,休息。如:

Let’s break up for a rest. 我们休息一会儿吧。

(3) (使)折断。如:

The mast has (been) broken off. 桅杆折断了。

6. breakout(火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发。如:

A fire broke out during the night. 夜间发生了火灾。

The 2nd World War broke out in September, 1939. 第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。

Influenza usually breaks out in winter. 流感通常发生在冬季。

注:是不及物动词,所以不能带宾语,也不能用于被动语态。(from )

7. breakthrough

(1) 突破,有重要创见。如:

Scientists say they’re beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。

(2) 克服,征服。如:

You must try to break through your shyness. 你必须要设法克服羞怯。

(3) 强行穿过(进入)。如:

The enemy’s defences were strong but our soldiers broke through. 敌人的防线很艰固,但仍为我军所突破。


The sun broke through at last in the afternoon. 下午太阳终于从云层里钻了出来。

8. breakup

(1) 解散,驱散。如:

The police broke up the crowd (the meeting). 警察驱散了人群(集会)。

(2) (学校等)放假。如:

When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什么时候放圣诞节假?

(3) 结束,破裂。如:

The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样要过去了。

Their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻濒临破裂。

(4) 击碎,撞碎。如:

The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞毁了。

(5) 绝交。如:

She’s just broken up with her boy-friend. 她刚与男朋友绝交。


break come take 动词词组 1. give sb. a break 给某人一个(改正错误的)机会 2. make a (bad) break 失言, 失态, 随便说话; 犯错误 3. make a (clean) break with 与...绝交 4. break away 抢先开始/突然离开; 逃走/突然改变/脱离; 放弃;/革除拆除, 拆毁(云、雾等) 消散 5. break dancing 霹雳舞 6. break forth 突然发出, 迸发 7. break from 挣脱; 突然离去 8. break in 训练; 驯养/闯入; 破门而入/打断; 插嘴/开始使用 9. break in on 闯入/恍然大悟; 忽然想起/打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍 10. break in upon 闯入/恍然大悟; 忽然想起/打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍 11. break into 闯入; 潜入; 破门而入/进入(新行业) /插入; 打断/开始(某种活动) /突然加快 (步伐或速度) break of 使免于; 戒去; 治愈 12. break off 突然停止; 暂停; 休息一下/折断; 绝交/离开正路/因顶头风而改变航向 13. break off from 戒除; 放弃; 和...绝交 14. break off with 与...断绝交往 15. break open 以暴力启开 16. break out 发生; 爆发/发疹/逃出; 突围/准备使用/由贮藏处取出使用/【航海】准备起 锚/打开; 17. break out in 突然布满/突然发作 18. break out of 摆脱(束缚等) 19. break over 溢出/违犯/(浪涛)冲击; 扑打/(笑声, 掌声, 骂声等)阵阵袭向, 冲向 20. break short off 突然中止 21. break through 突破/从后面出现/(在科学研究上)有重大发现/克服; 打破 22. break up 停止/散开/分成小块; 拆开; 分解/衰弱; (精神)崩溃/解散/使哄堂大笑/打 断; 破坏 23. break up into 分解成; 分割成 24. break upon 显露; 突然出现 25. break with 与...绝交/打破


【篇一】break的用法大全 break的用法1:break是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(从一个裂纹到七零八落)。引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。 break的用法2:break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。 break的用法3:break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。 break的用法4:break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语),与agreement, promise, law, regulation, rule, vow, word等词搭配时,还可作“违背,违犯”解。可接简单宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 break的用法5:break用作不及物动词时,主动形式可表示被动意义,其主语通常是表示无生命的东西。 break的用法6:break用作名词的基本意思是“裂口,裂缝; 破裂”,用于时间可表示“间歇,休息时间”,也可指旧方式或生活习惯的“改变”或“中断”,是可数名词。 break的用法7:break作“休息”解时是不可数名词,用作单数形式需加不定冠词。 break的用法8:break在口语中有时作“机会”解,美国俚语中还作“运气”解,是可数名词。 break的用法9:break还可表示“奔跑,试图逃跑”。 【篇二】break的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) break away( v.+adv. ) break down( v.+adv. ) break in1( v.+adv. ) break in2( v.+prep. )


以break为中心的词组 break away from 脱离,逃离 break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚break in 闯进,打断;使顺服 break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚break the law 违反法律 break the record 破记录 break one’s promise 失言 break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解 2.以catch为中心的词组 be caught doing 被发现做某事 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车 catch a cold 伤风,感冒 catch one’s word 听懂某人的话 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 catch up with 赶上,追及,追上 3.以come为中心的词组 come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击

come back 回来;恢复,复原 come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒 come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于 come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次 come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into power 开始执政,当权,当选 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出come to know 开始了解到 come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于 come to an end 终止,结束 come true 实现,成为现实;证实 come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽 4.以do为中心的词组 be done in 精疲力竭 be done with 完全结束 do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于 do its work 有效,有作用

break 短语

有关 break的短语 1. break down破坏,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌,坏掉;(计划等)失 败,破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解 Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? The old rules must be broken down.这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! After a long time of hard work, he almost broke down.长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break in破门而入,打断 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨 夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 3. break into破门而入,突然……起来 They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news, the old woman broke into tears. 听 到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。


break的用法和短语例句 【篇一】break的用法大全 break的用法1:break是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(从一个裂纹到七零八落)。引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。 break的用法2:break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。 break的用法3:break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。 break的用法4:break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语),与agreement, promise, law, regulation, rule, vow, word 等词搭配时,还可作“违背,违犯”解。可接简单宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 break的用法5:break用作不及物动词时,主动形式可表示被动意义,其主语通常是表示无生命的东西。 break的用法6:break用作名词的基本意思是“裂口,裂缝; 破裂”,用于时间可表示“间歇,休息时间”,也可指旧方式或生活习惯的“改变”或“中断”,是可数名词。 break的用法7:break作“休息”解时是不可数名词,用作单数形式需加不定冠词。

break的用法8:break在口语中有时作“机会”解,美国俚语中还作“运气”解,是可数名词。 break的用法9:break还可表示“奔跑,试图逃跑”。 【篇二】break的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) break away( v.+adv. ) break down( v.+adv. ) break in1( v.+adv. ) break in2( v.+prep. ) break into( v.+prep. ) break of( v.+prep. ) break off( v.+adv. ) break one’s word break out( v.+adv. ) break out in( v.+adv.+prep. ) break out into( v.+adv.+prep. ) break out of( v.+adv.+prep. ) break over( v.+prep. ) break through1( v.+prep. ) break through2( v.+adv. ) break to( v.+prep. ) break up( v.+adv. )


break ~away 突然离开,强行逃脱~out 爆发,使逃走~down 损坏,(车)抛锚~through 突围~in 闯入,插嘴~up 粉碎,终止(关系)~off (谈话,谈判等)中断 Bring ~about 导致~forward 提议~down 打倒,降低~out 拿出,出版~up 提出,扶贫,养育Call ~for 要求,邀约~on 拜访,号召~off 取消~up 打电话,召集Come ~across 偶遇~off 发生,成功,脱落~to 打倒,苏醒,涉及~on (口)快点,进展 ~out 出现,出版~up to 比得上~through 历经···仍存活下来~up with 想出,拿出Cut ~down 削减~in 打断,超车拦挡~off 阻断~out 删去 Get ~across 讲清楚,被了解~along(with)进展,过活~on with 与···友好相处~out 退出(组织)~down 写下~over 康复,克服(困难)~together 开会 Give ~away 泄露,赠送~in 屈服 ~off 释放(光、热)~up 放弃,辞去~way to 闪开,让位于··· Go ~after 追求~in for 从事,喜好~ahead 继续,开始~over 仔细查看~down/up 下降/上升~out (火等)熄灭,过时Hand ~down 把···传下去~in 上交,交上~out 分发,散发~over 移交Hold ~back 退缩,隐瞒,阻拦~on 坚持 ~out 伸出,不屈服~up 延误,耽搁Keep ~back 隐瞒,阻止~to 遵守,坚持~up 坚持,(使)不停止~up with 跟上Let ~alone 更别提,不打扰~down 让···失望~go(of)松手~off 排放,宽恕Look ~after 照料~at 看,看待~back 回顾,回忆~down on/upon 轻视 ~off 推迟,拖延~on 穿上,上演,假装~out 熄灭,公布~up 张贴,投宿~up with 容忍 Run ~away with 不受···的约束~into 遇到,共计~out of 用光,用完~over (车等)辗过See ~about 办理~off 给··送行~to 负责,修理~(to it)that 务必做到~through 看穿,帮···度过 Set ~about 开始,着手~apart 分开~aside 储蓄,留出,不理会~back 推迟~down 写下,记下~off 启程~out to do 开始做···~up 创立,开业 Stand ~by 袖手旁观,支持~for 代表,主张,容忍~out 与众不同,杰出~up for 维护,保卫~up to 抵抗,经受不住Take ~after 与···相像~apart 拆开~back 收回~down 记下


有关break的短语 1. break down破坏,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌,坏掉;(计划等)失败,破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解 Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了?The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? This matter will break down in water.这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break in破门而入,打断 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 3. break into破门而入,突然……起来 They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news, the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。 4. break out战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生 When did the war break out? 这场战争是什么时候爆发的? I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them. 我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。 More than one hundred fires broke out in our city last year. 去年我市发生了一百多起火灾。 5. break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯 You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。You’d better break away from the habit of smoking. 你最好改掉吸烟的习惯。 6. break through出现,突破


⑴break in ①突然进来,强行进入。如: He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。 ②插嘴,打岔。如: He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插话谈了自己的一些想法。 Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。 ③以上用法的break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人/物,使某人/物适应。如: He is breaking in the new man as a machine operator. 我在训练那个新工人操作机器。 Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in. 在新办公室上两星期的班便足以让你适应了。 ⑵break off ①停止讲话。如: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话没讲完就停住了。 ②暂停,休息。如: Let’s break up for a rest. 我们休息一会儿吧。 ③折断/使折断。如: The mast has (been) broken off. 桅杆折断了。 ⑶break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发。如: A fire broke out during the night. 夜间发生了火灾。 The 2nd World War broke out in September, 1939. 第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。Influenza usually breaks out in winter. 流感通常发生在冬季。 注:是不及物动词,所以不能带宾语,也不能用于被动语态。 ⑷break down ①(机器、车辆等)坏了。如: The car broke down after an hour’s driving. 车子开了一个小时就坏了。 ②(计划、谈判等)失败。如: Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划已失败了。 ③(谈话、通讯等)中断。如: He broke down as he was singing. 他没唱完就突然停住了。 ④(健康、精神等)变坏。如: Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了。 ⑸break away (from) ①突然逃掉或离开。如: The thief broke away from the policeman. 小偷从警察那逃脱了。 ②断绝往来,脱离。如: He broke away from all his old friends. 他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来。 ③改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法)。如: You must break away from such habits. 你必须改掉那些习惯。 ⑹break into ①强行进入。如: The thieves planned to break into a bank. 这些小偷计划闯银行。


短语break的用法 请先看下面三道高考试题: 1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2006年辽宁卷) A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“坏了”,因此应填broke down。 2. To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it _____ into parts. (2005年湖北卷) A. down B. up C. off D. out 解析:A break... down在此意为“将……分解”,符合语境逻辑。 3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ ,and then it spread quickly. (2006年广东卷) A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“(火灾)发生”,因此应填broke out。 以上三题都是考查break短语的用法,本文在此对其做一归纳。 1. break down (1)破坏,毁掉; Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? (2)破除; The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 (3)制服; The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。(4)坍塌,坏掉;


break短语动词用法大全 1. breakaway(from) (1) 突然逃掉或离开。如: The thief broke away from the policeman. 小偷从警察那逃脱了。 (2) 断绝往来,脱离。如: He broke away from all his old friends. 他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来。 (3) 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法)。如: You must break away from such habits. 你必须改掉那些习惯。 2. breakdown (1) (机器、车辆等)坏了。如: The car broke down after an hour’s driving. 车子开了一个小时就坏了。 (2) (计划、谈判等)失败。如: Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划已失败了。 (3) (谈话、通讯等)中断。如: He broke down as he was singing. 他没唱完就突然停住了。 (4) (健康、精神等)变坏。如: Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了。 3. breakin (1) 突然进来,强行进入。如: He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。 (2) 插嘴,打岔。如: He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插话谈了自己的一些想法。 Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。 注:以上用法的break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人(物),使某人(物)适应。如: He is breaking in the new man as a machine operator. 我在训练那个新工人操作机器。 Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in. 在新办公室上两星期的班便足以让你适应了。 4. breakinto (1) 强行进入。如: The thieves planned to break into a bank. 这些小偷计划闯银行。 (2) 突然……起来。如: Hearing the news, she broke into tears. 听到这个消息,她就哭了起来。 The man broke into a run when he saw the police. 那个人一看到警察,拨腿就跑。


含break词组: 1.break away from 摆脱、逃掉、改掉、断绝来往。 例:The little boy broke away from his mother and ran away. 2.break down 损坏、身体衰弱。例:The car broke down. 3.break in 闯入、插嘴。vi.例:Don’t break in when others are speaking. 4.break into 闯入、打断,突然开始。例:They broke into the house. 5.break out 爆发、发生。例:A quarrel broke out between them. 含call词组: for 叫(某人),接(某人),要求、需要。 例:I’ll call for you tomorrow morning. in 召集、召来。例:We’d better call in a doctor. on/upon 访问、探望(某人)、号召。例:I called on him yesterday. at 访问、探望(某处)。例:I hope to call at your office some day. up 给…打电话、使人想起。例:The picture calls up scenes of my childhood. 含catch词组 1.catch/take/get hold of 握、抓住。例:He caught hold of the pig’s ear. 2.catch sight of=see 看到、发现。例:The little girl cried as soon as she caught sight of her mother. 3.catch up with 赶上。例:He tried to catch up with his classmates. 含come词组,e along 一起来,来到、快点。例:Come along,or we’ll be late.,e back 回来,恢复知觉、复活、被回忆起来。例:When he came back he found himeself tied to a tree.,e down 下来,下降、跌价。例:I don’t think the price of meat will come down.,e in 进来。vi.,e on/upon 快点、赶快、进展、进行、偶遇。,e out 出来、出版。例:The magazine comes out weekly.,e to 到达、谈到、涉及、合计、总计。,e up 走过来、走近、长出、发芽。例:The seeds hasn’t come up yet. cost,spend,pay,take 1.cost 句型:sth. cost money/time;sth.cost sb. time/money/劳力 2.spend句型:表“花费时”:sb.spend time/money on sth./(in/on)doing sth. 表“度过时”:sb.spend time 等+介词+场所、活动等。 例:We spent two hours in a pleasant talk yesterday. 3.pay句型:pay sb.(money),pay(money)for sth, pay sb.for sth, paid 词组:pay off 付清,pay back 归还、偿还、报答,pay attention to 注意 4.take句型:1)sth.takes time/money/energy 例:The journey will take two days. 2)sth.takes time/money/energy to do 例:The work took us three hours to finish.


1. break down破坏,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌,坏掉;(计划等)失败,破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解 Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 The police tried to break down the prisoners’opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break in破门而入,打断 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 3. break into破门而入,突然……起来 They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。Hearing the sad news,the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。 4. break out战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生 When did the war break out? 这场战争是什么时候爆发的? I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them. 我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。 More than one hundred fires broke out in our city last year. 去年我市发生了一百多起火灾。 5. break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯 You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。 The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。 You’d better break away from the habit of smoking. 你最好改掉吸烟的习惯。 6. break through 出现,突破 It was a cloudy day,but the sun at last broke through.原本是个阴天,不过太阳最后还是出来了。 Our soldiers successfully broke through the enemy’s defences. 我们的战士成功地突破了敌军的防线。 7. break up打碎,拆散,分裂、分解 Let’s break up the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。 8. break into pieces破成碎片 The mirror fell to the ground and broke into pieces. 镜子掉到地上摔成了碎片。 9. break one’s word/promise食言,说话不算数 I believe in him,because he never breaks his word / promise. 我信任他,因为他从来不食言。 10. break the law/rule违反法律/规章制度 Nobody can break the rules of our company. 没有人能违背我们公司的规章制度。 11. break forth突然发出,爆发,迸发,发作


Break常见短语及考点解析 1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2006年辽宁卷) A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"坏了",因此应填broke down. 2. To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it _____ into parts. (2005年湖北卷) A. down B. up C. off D. out 解析:A break…… down在此意为"将……分解",符合语境逻辑。 3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ ,and then it spread quickly. (2006年广东卷) A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"(火灾)发生",因此应填broke out.以上三题都是考查break短语的用法,本文在此对其做一归纳。 1. break down (1)破坏,毁掉;Who broke down the doors of our classroom?谁把我们教室的门打坏了? (2)破除;The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 (3)制服;The police tried to break down the prisoners' opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 (4)坍塌,坏掉;Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 (5)(计划等)失败,破裂;Your plan has broken down. What a pity!你的计划失败了,真遗憾! Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? (6)(健康、精神)崩溃;After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 (7)分解This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2. break up (1)解散,驱散。如:The police broke up the crowd (the meeting)。警察驱散了人群(集会)。 (2)(学校等)放假。如:When do you break up for Christmas?你们什么时候放圣诞节假? (3)结束,破裂。如:The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样要过去了。 Their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻濒临破裂。 (4)击碎,撞碎。如:The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞毁了。 Let's break up the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。 (5)绝交。如:She's just broken up with her boy-friend. 她刚与男朋友绝交。 3. break in破门而入,打断Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own.他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 4.break into破门而入,突然……起来They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news,the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。


有关b r e a k的短语 1.break down破坏,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌,坏掉;(等失败,破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解(化学) Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night.由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 Your plan has broken down.What a pity! 你的计划失败了,真遗憾! After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。 2.break in破门而入,打断 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了说自己的一些看法。 3.break into 破门而入,突然……起来

They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news,the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。 4.break out 战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生 When did the war break out? 这场战争是什么时候爆发的? I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them. 我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。 5.break away from 打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯 Y ou must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。 The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。 Y ou’d better break away from the habit of smoking.你最好改掉吸烟的习惯。 6.break through 出现,突破


请先看下面三道高考试题: 1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2006年辽宁卷) A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"坏了",因此应填broke down. 2. To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it _____ into parts. (2005年湖北卷) A. down B. up C. off D. out 解析:A break…… down在此意为"将……分解",符合语境逻辑。 3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ ,and then it spread quickly. (2006年广东卷) A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"(火灾)发生",因此应填broke out.以上三题都是考查break短语的用法,本文在此对其做一归纳。 1. break down (1)破坏,毁掉;Who broke down the doors of our classroom?谁把我们教室的门打坏了? (2)破除;The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 (3)制服;The police tried to break down the prisoners' opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 (4)坍塌,坏掉;Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 (5)(计划等)失败,破裂;Your plan has broken down. What a pity!你的计划失败了,真遗憾!
