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1.Molecule 分子 molecular 分子的

2.chemical process 化学过程 element 元素

3.a t o m原子a t t r a c t i o n吸引力

4.repulsion 排斥力 distillation 蒸馏、n

5.distill 蒸馏v rectification 精馏

position 构成 structure 结构

7.property 性质 mass 质量

8.atomicweight 原子量 atomic number 原子序数

9.ionization energy 电离能 period 周期

10.g r o u p族f a m i l y族

11.transition group 过渡族 main group 主族

12.i o n离子s u b s t i t u t i o n取代反应

13.e l i m i n a t i o n消除反应n u c l e o p h i l i c亲核的

14.nucleophilie 亲核试剂 electrophilie亲电试剂

15.alkyl 烷基的 functional group 官能团

16.halides 卤素的 leaving group 离去基团

17.transition state过渡态 intermediate 中间体

18.r e a c t a n t反应物p r o d u c t生成物

19.concentration 浓度 rate equation 速率方程

20.c o n s t a n t常数e t h e r醚

21.endothermic 吸热的 substrate 反应底物

22.mechanism 机理 reagen 试剂

23.alkene 烯烃 exothermic 放热的

24.A n i o n阴离子n i t r o g e n氮气

25.Hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物 carbonhydrate 碳水化合物

26.Alkane 烷烃 substituent 取代基

27.Isomerism 同分异构现象 isomer 同分异构

28.V i n y l乙烯基d e r i v a t i v e s衍生物

29.acid halides 酰卤 acid anhydrides 酸酐

30.e s t e r s酯a m i d e酰胺

31.ammonia NH3 Acetic anhydride 乙酸酐

32.phenol 芬acid—base titration 酸碱滴定

33.precipitation沉淀 analyses 化学分析员

34.IR 红外 UV紫外 MS质谱 GC色相色谱

HPLC高效液相色谱 TLC薄层色谱 X—rayX射线衍射


1、We can now easily account for many things, which

were thought to be mysterious by the ancients

2、the acid acts on the metal and a gas is given


3、you should adapt yourself to new ways of looking

at matters

4、electrolytes have more pronounced effect on

colligative properties than do nonelectrolytes. 5、if water in these lakes evaporated at the same

rate as fresh water ,both would nearly dry up

in a matter of year.

6、both laks evaporated very slow compared with a

fresh lake or even the ocean.

7、a property that depends only on the relative

amounts of solute and solvent is know as a

colligative property.

8、for example ,both NaCl (ionic) and HCl (polar

covalent)are classified as electrolytes because

they form ions in aqueous solution.

9、when compounds such as NaCl and HCl are dissolved

in water ,the effect is obvious.

10、if the wires is cut ,the light goes out because

the circuit is broken.

11、when wires are attached to a charged battery and

then to a light bulb ,the light shines


12、glass and wood as well as pure water are

examples or nonconductors of electricity.

13、other substances resist the flow of electricity

and are known as nonconductors or insulators. 14、it has long been known that the presence of a

solute in water may affect its ability to

conduct electricity.

15、when the collection of papers was first brought

out ,it was well received by the reviewers.

16、in the same way the dozen or so most common

kinds of kinds of atoms can be put together in many millions of different ways to make molecules .

17、elements are made up of tiny fundamental

particles called atoms. Fundamental, as it is used here ,means that they cannot be further divided

by any chemical metheods.

18、each element has atoms that is different from

the atoms of other elements.

19、it would not be quite round; on the contrary it

would consist of three parts represented by


20、it is not to be summed up in a single product

or word ,but in an idea or basic concept.

21、the chemical symbol of an element may stand the
