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1.Did you tell him _____?

A. where your address was

B. where was your address

C. what your address was

D. what was your address

2.Allen was advised to give the work to ____ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.

A. whom

B. whoever

C. whomever

D. those

3.Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?

A. that

B. where

C. the one

D. in which

4.---Do you always have weather like this in May?

---Generally it’s much cooler than this. And I can’t rememb er_____ we had such a rainy day.

A. when

B. where

C. whether

D. though

5.--- Why didn’t he come to school yesterday?

---The reason_____ he told us was _____ he had been caught in an accident.

A. why; that

B. that; that

C. that; because

D. why; because

6.The man ____ talked about is a medical winner.

A. whom was

B. who

C. that

D. we

7.He is a teacher, _____ became clear from his manner.

A. who

B. whom

C. as

D. that

8.I must make full use of time _____ left to me and do as much as I can for the people.

A. which

B. there is

C. that

D. when

9.You can use a plastic bottle, _____ cut off, as a pot to grow your plants in.

A. the top is

B. with its top

C. whose top

D. which top

10.I had coffee after dinner in my study, _____ is my usual practice.

A. that

B. when

C. as

D. where

11.--- Have you seen such an interesting film as “ The Return of the King--- Lord of the Rings”?

---Oh, yes, but it was ____ I was at college.

A. that

B. since

C. when

D. /

12.The fans, I couldn’t imagine that moment, _____ were so crazy, demanded kisses from the pop


A. why

B. who

C. /

D. when

13.It was in Beihai Park_____ they made a date for the first time _____ the old couple told us their

love story.

A. where; that

B. that; that

C. where; when

D. that; when

14.Keep away from such things _____ will do you harm.

A. as

B. that

C. like

D. which

15.Recently he’s made anther wonderful invention, _____ of great importance to science.

A. that I suppose it is

B. which I suppose is

C. I suppose which it is

D. and I suppose which it is

16._____ Mary _____ Sue knows nothing about the matter, _____ they didn’t come to the school last


A. Either; or; because

B. Both; and; as
