



1. 感谢信



Dear Professor Liang,

I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.

Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters.

It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades.

Yours truly,

Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信



Dear Sarah,

I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning . I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave.

I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.

Cordially, (sincerely)

Li Hua 3. 申请信

假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B & B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:


2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好







Dear Sir/ Madam,

I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it.

I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July.

I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.

I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview, when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

4. 通知







Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner(即将到来), we are going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.

During the party, not only can you sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party how to make dumplings. Sounds great. doesn’t it? The party is scheduled(计划于) in Room 101of the Teaching Building from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. next Friday.

Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

5. 邀请信


1. 时间:8am—5 pm;

2. 集合地点:校门口;

3. 交通工具:公交车;

4. 携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。

注意:1. 词数不少于50;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Chris,

I’m writing to tell you that we intend to climb the Fragrant Hill this Saturday and I sincerely invite you to go with us on behalf of our class.

We are supposed to gather at the school gate and set out at 8:00 am sharp. The bus will serve as our transportation. We will climb to the top of the hill and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please take some food with you as lunch. At about 2:00 pm. We will go down the hill along another path and return to our school at about5.00pm. You may equip yourself with a camera to record the beautiful scenery and an umbrella or a raincoat is also necessary in case you are caught in a rain . Please spare some time to join us.

Your participation can surely add color to our trip and we are all looking forward to your involvement.



6. 建议信

假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:1.说明你是该报的忠实读者

2.说明该报优点:1)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功故事





Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!

I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it so much that I hardly miss any copy.

There are many advantages of Global Mirror. Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and international news. By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that have happened both home and abroad. Besides, the success stories of world-famous people are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from them. In a word, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with the changing world.

As a young student, I wish that I can be a master of English language. Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror provide articles about English learning for us.

Finally, I hope that Global Mirror will become more and more popular. Thank you for your time!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

7. 求助信

假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:








Dear Tom,

How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are.

Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation(语调). Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions.

In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will h ave a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua 8. 投诉信


1. 介绍购物情况

2. 反映存在问题

3. 提出解决方案


1. 词数100词左右

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯

3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词

可能用到的生词:投诉complaint n.


To whom it may concern,

I am one of your customers(顾客). I ordered(订购)a set of(一套) Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.

I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

9. 祝贺信


内容包括:1. 表达你的愉悦心情;2.向她表示祝贺; 3.请她介绍成功的经验。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:英语演讲比赛the English Speech Contest


Dear Wei Fang,

I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations.

You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English? Your experience will be of great help to me in learning.

I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua 10. 求职信

假如你是李华,从报纸上看到中老年英语培训机构Mid.Senior ESCH面向高中毕业生招聘暑期兼职辅导员,负责学员课间服务事项。请根据下面的广告内容用英语写一份求职信。


Valuable chances are open for high school graduates who are good at English.Their work is to tend the senior students during the break.

Requirements attached:1.Good at English.2.Experienced priority.

Contact us by e-mail:Englishtec@163.com.



Dear Director:

I’d like to apply for the post of assistant which was advertised in the newspaper. I found this position quite appealing to me.

I’ve just graduated from high school. Luckily I am good at English and I can speak English fluently. In addition, I have previous experience. During my stay in middle

school, I used to be a volunteer and looked after the old people in a nursing home on weekends.

In short, I believe my experience and fluent oral English will be a great help for me in doing the work. I’m available for interview at any time. It would be appreciated if I can get your offer.


Li Hua


常见应用文写作知识大全 一介绍信介绍信是机关团体、企事业单位的人员与其他单位或个人联系工作、了解情况、洽谈业务、参加各种社会活动使用的一种专用书信。介绍信包括铅印成文不留存根的印刷介绍信;铅印成文带存根的印刷介绍信;用一般公文纸写的书信式介绍信。 介绍信一般应包括称谓、被介绍者简况、事由、署名日期和有效期等一些内容。具体到不同形式的介绍信的写法,其格式内容也略有差异。 手写式介绍信包括标题、称谓、正文、敬语、署名等五部分。介绍信的内容要写明如下几点:(1)要说明被介绍者的姓名、年龄、政治面貌、职务等。如被介绍者不是只有一人还需注明人数。其中,政治面貌和被介绍者的年龄有时可以省略。 (2 )写明要接洽或联系的事项,以及向接洽单位或个人所提出的希望和要求等。(3 )要在正文的最后注明本介绍信的使用期限。 【示例】 XX公司负责同志: 今介绍我所副研究员,高级工程师陈X、余X二位同志前往贵公司洽谈有关合作的具体事宜,请予接待。 此致 敬礼! XX实用技术研(盖公章)XX年X月X日 二求职信求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。它与普通的信函没有多少区别,但它与朋友的信函又有所不同,当然也不同于公事公办的公文函。求职信所给的对象很难明确,也许是人事部一般职员,也许是经理,如果你对老板比较了解的话可以直接给老板。当然,如果你根本就不认识招聘公司的任何人,求职信最好写上人事部负责人收较妥。如果直接写人事部经理或老总收可能不妥,如果该信落到一般职员手中的话,可能使得这些人不高兴。 求职信起到毛遂自荐的作用,好的求职信可以拉近求职者与人事主管(负责人)之间的距离,获得面试机会多一些。 求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。 【示例】 尊敬的领导: 您好! 感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职信!这个月以来,我的心一直像小鹿一样跳个不停,外面汹涌来的招聘信息让我心动。我爸爸是一名乡村教师,我舅舅是一名中学教师。长期的熏陶,幼小的我便憧憬能成为一名优秀的教师,站在讲台上激扬文字 ??今天我怀着激动的心情向您毛遂自荐!我叫范如歌,是北京师范大学 2002 届英语教育专业的本科毕业生。 我酷爱读书,特别是文史类,大部分中外名著(中英文版)都看过。这些书对我大有裨益:陶冶性情,丰富知识,开阔视野。这对我的教学工作大有帮助。 通过四年的学习,我掌握了良好的专业知识结构和理论基础,系统地学习了各项知识技能和教学技能,具有准确、熟练的英语听、说、读、写、译的能力。大二上学期,我一次性通过英语六级;大二下学期,我一次性通过英语专业四级。由于突出的能力,在校期间多次荣获专业奖学金、三好学生、原声模拟优秀奖等,多门专业课成绩名列前茅! 我有一定的实践经验。曾任寝室长,举办过一系列活动,寝室文化活动搞得有声有色。 自大一以来我已经做了 12份家教,其中以高中生居金。特别是2002年10月?2001年12月在全国重


公开课教案 Xxx Model 1 How Good Are Your Social Skills? Lear ning Aims: 1. Learn some words related to social manners. 2. Get a gen eral un dersta nding of social skills using differe nt readi ng strategies 3. Be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques Step 1 lead-in What kind of book is it from? A. a bus in ess course

B. a how-to book teach ing social skills Step 2 while- readi ng Skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. Lear n how to do small talk Develop your liste ning skill. Lear n the rules. The gen eral idea is _____ . A. social skills B. liste ning skills C. talk skills D. social rules Step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed in formati on. 1. We will not be shy if we have good ____________ . 2. Accord ing to paragraph land 2 ,We should ______ . A. avoid talk ing to some one whom you know B. lack the con fide nce to talk to a stra nger C. talk con fide ntly to a stra nger 3. Communication is a __________ process」t invoIves _______ and ________ . Step 4post- readi ng


高一英语课堂教学设计案例 (高一必修一第三单元 Travel Journal最后一课) 漳州三中高一年段英语备课组蔡清清 一、教学内容介绍 该课是根据高一英语新教材第一模块第三单元Travel Journal中课后学生用书中的Writing Task扩展而成的一节活动课,是新课程教学实践中一次较为大胆的尝试。该课教学抛开传统的教师教学生学的教学方法,让学生在课前通过小组分工合作制作英语旅游海报和课件,并在课堂上开展大量的“任务型”活动来让学生体验语言,从而提升学生综合语言运用的能力,并通过活动培养学生自主学习和合作互助的精神,激发学生学习英语的热情。 二、设计理念 (一)英语教学主要任务之一是培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习兴趣,培养其交际和运用英语的能力。要达到这些任务,首先,教师应尽快从旧教材旧教法的框框中解放出来,转变思想,更新观念。若继续沿用传统的重语言知识讲授、重译写和语法教学、轻语言运用能力的培养,调动不起大多数学生学习英语的积极性。其次,应重视学生学习英语兴趣的培养,激发学生的学习兴趣。新时期英语教学要提倡“乐”的观念,情绪越好、越乐观,对所学内容便会发生浓厚的兴趣,学习效果也将越好。再者,在新形势下,转变教学思想是搞好新教材教法的前提,更新观念是用好新教材的保证。英语教师在实际教学中应自觉转变过去以应试为目的的教育思想,充分发挥新教材的优势特点,以突出教材的交际功能为主线来培养学生初步运用英语交际的能力;尽快解决教材新与方法旧的矛盾,变“不适应”为“适应”,掌握教学的主动权。 (二)运用交际手段,培养学生的能力。绝大部分学生主要是在课堂上学习英语,而在现实生活中缺少语言交际的环境和场所。从语言学角度来看,语言是人与人之间最常用、最有效、最重要的一种交际工具。交际能力是指在真实的情景中运用语言进行听说读写、交流信息和思想感情的能力。在教学中我努力创设和提供情景操练的机会,尽可能地将真实生活搬进课堂,注意在教学中为学生创设语言交际的环境。同时,还注意到交际是双向性的,是说者和听者双向交流思想的过程。在这一过程中,双方


[标准高中英语教案]高中英语教案优秀教案 Unit3---A Master of Nonverbal Humour The Second Period Reading Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor. 2.To introduce the life and work of Charlie Chaplin. 3.To introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at ---nonverbal humour 4.To train the students’ reading and understanding ability Difficult points: Find out the main ideas of every paragraph. Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector, multimedia Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Greetings and Revision Check homework: ask students to review what we learned in last period. Step 2. Pre-reading (通过展示几幅图片,使课堂气氛活跃了起 来,一下子调动了学生的积极性,然后顺势导入本课的主人公 ---Charlie Chaplin) Questions: 1.What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? 2.What do you know about his films? Step 3 Reading Task 1 :find out the main information about Charlie Chaplin


新年第一节英语课(高一教案) Step I Greetings and lead in(问候以及导入) 1. Happy new year! T: Well, I am so happy to see you again after the long vacation. I wish everyone of you had a hap py holiday. So how about your holiday? Had you done some travel? 2. Learn some expressions ab out “dragon”(学习一些关于中国龙的习语、成语) T: This year is the year of dragon, so we will play a guessing game. I will show the English expressions and you try to guess the Chinese expressions, "long" included. Step II Revision(复习) 1. Dear, how many words can you still remember after a month's winter holiday? 2. 2. How many phrases can you still remember? 3.3. Do you still remember the grammar very closely? There is no shortcut in the science road ,only be deligent.在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。”(马克思) You never know what you can till you try. A good beginning is half done. 中学英语全英文说课范文(模板) Unit 16 Lesson 63 Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts. Part 1 My understanding of this lesson The analysis of the teaching material: This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text. 2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words. 3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted. Key points / Teaching important points: How to understand the text better. Teaching difficult points: 1. Use your own words to retell the text. 2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea. Something about the Ss: 1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.


2020 年高考常用应用文写作格式及范例 1、感谢信。是为表示感谢而写的一种专用书信。 ①标题:第一行正中写“感谢信”三字。 ②称谓:顶格写被感谢的单位名称或个人姓名、称呼,后加冒号 ③正文:写感谢的内容,叙述先进事迹,赞扬好的品德作风以及产生的效果。 ④结尾:写表示感谢、敬意的话。 ⑤署名:写提出感谢的单位名称或个人姓名。 ⑥日期:写在署名下一行的右边。 例: 感谢信 ×农科所: 在今年五月我乡玉米发生大面积虫害,严重影响生长的紧急时刻,贵所派出全部农业技术人员来我乡根治病虫害,避免了上千亩玉米绝收目前作物长势良好丰收在望谨向你们表示衷心感谢!我们决心在党的十五大精神指引下,继续努力 生产,以实际行动答谢你们的帮助和关怀。 此致 敬礼 ×乡人民政府 年×月×日2、留言条。是指找人没有找到,又没有时间等候,只能留给对方一个简短而明了的条据 ①称谓:称谓要顶格写,条子留给谁就称呼谁

②正文:转行空两格写正文,简单明了的把你要给对方说的事情写清楚 ③署名和日期: 在正文右下方写清楚谁留的条子,并在署名的下一行写清年、月、日。 例: 刘磊同学: 由于气象台预报星期日有中雨,所以原定星期日的春游改在星期六上午八时在校门口集合,请你准时参加。 同学:王明 年×月×日 3、请假条。 ①标题:第一行正中写“请假条”三字。 ②称谓:顶格写称谓,即向谁请假,注意应加上其职务,以示尊重。 ③请假原因:空两格,说明请假事由,如病假、事假等。 ④请假起止时间:X 月X日至X月X日,共X天。⑤祝颂语:如“此致敬礼”注(:可要可不要) ⑥请假人签名: 右侧对齐。 ⑦请假时间:在签名下面,写上请假条书写的日期。 例: 请假条 尊敬的李老师: 因我的生活费所剩无几,需回家去取,特向您请假两天(3 月16、17 日),请您批准。 学生:张小光 2020 年3 月15 日


A teaching design Teacher Hongli Dong Analysis on Learners Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeable and interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They're not content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks. Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot. So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop the feeling of success and build up good values. Analysi s On the Teachin g Materia l Teaching Content The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I ’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Teaching Aims Knowledge (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan ’s life career and form their own opinion about success. A bilities (1) To develop the Ss ’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss ’ abilities of studying by themselves and through cooperating. Emotion Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Importan t Points What qualities are required to be successful? Difficul t Points Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan ’s answers. Teaching Methods 1. Communicative Approach 2. Task-based Language Teaching 3. Total Situational Action Teaching Aids A computer and a multi-media courseware. Teaching Procedures Students ’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Lead in (3 min) Greeting. T: Hello, everyone! Do you have an idol? Ss: yes. Arouse students' interest and


精选高中英语教案范文3篇 Selected examples of English teaching plan in Senior High Scho ol

精选高中英语教案范文3篇 前言:英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据英语课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:精选高中英语教案范文 2、篇章2:精选高中英语教案范文 3、篇章3:精选高中英语教案范文 篇章1:精选高中英语教案范文 教学目标 1) Important vocabularies Daily; advertisement; check interview; fix; develop; hand; add;

deliver; speed; latest; publish; avoid; besides; get down to ; face-to face; be popular with somebody; as well; care for 2)Daily expressions Are you /Will you be free then? Yes, I'd be fee. I'd like to go. Let's go together then. I'll meet you at the theatre at six - thirty . Good! See you then. What time shall we meet? Where is the best place to meet? What about meeting outside? I suggest… 3) Useful phases What's on…? Is there anything good on? They are said to be very good.



谢谢您的慧目!此致 敬礼! 自荐人:范如歌 2002年1月18日 申请补办学生证 教务处: 我是高三(2)班学生×××,不慎将学生证遗失,多方寻找仍无下落。特提出申请,请求补办学生证,希望批准。 此致 敬礼! 申请人:××× 2005.12.20 聘书 ×××先生: 为提高我校学生的实践能力,特聘请您担任我校本科四年级学生教育教学实习的指导教师。希望能得到您的支持和帮助。 ××大学教务处 2005.2.19 收条 今收到王强老师所归还显微镜壹台,天平壹架,完好无损。 此据 顾小英 2005.12.1 领条 今领回本人丢失的票夹壹只,内有本人学生证壹本,借书证壹张,人民币伍拾陆圆柒角整。 此据 王怀德 2005.12.15 借条 为参加艺术节,我班借用学校体育组运动服捌套,演出后(12月18日)即归还。 此据 经手人:高二(1)班王雨 2005.12.14 欠条 因购书款未带足,尚欠新华书店人民币叁佰贰拾圆整,两天内归还。 此据 扬州中学张小玲 2005.12.15 请假条 商务培训中心:

因我行于1月10日晚举行员工大会,任何人不得缺席,所以本人1月10日晚不能回校参加培训。特此请假、恳望批准! 此致 敬礼! 工商银行海珠支行 营业部刘冬梅 2005年1月8日 请假条 李老师: 因父亲病重,我应该回家探望,要求请假一星期,从本月4日至10日。这期间所缺功课,返校后我一定努力补上。请予批准。附上姐姐来信。 此致 敬礼! 学生孙一凡 2004.3.3 留言条 怀明: 造访不遇,至憾。如有空闲,请惠临寒舍一叙。 午安! 文西 中午11时 寻物启事 3月23日晚8∶00左右,在淮海路上遗失一个公文包,内有金额为5万的存折一份、派遣证一个及它物,有拾到者请与失主联系,失主愿重金酬谢。 失主:××× (联系电话:xxxxxxx) xxxx年x月xx日 寻人启事 12月18日上午10时左右,我带女儿去金鹰商厦购物,女儿不慎走失。女儿叫王晓,3岁,身高60厘米;圆脸,双眼皮,头上夹一大红色蝴蝶结发卡,上身穿鹅黄色羽绒服,下身穿红色绒线裤,脚穿红色皮鞋。如有人发现或知道线索,请速与我联系,一定重谢。联系电话:xxxxxxx,手机:xxxxxxxxxxx。 王×× 2005.12.19 招领启事 昨天下午活动课,我班×××同学在操场主席台南侧跑道上拾到票夹一只,内有手表一只,银行卡一张,人民币若干。希望失主到班主任×××老师处认领。 高三(1)班 2005.12.1 招领启事 昨天下午4时左右,我公司收留一位迷路的老年妇女。大约70岁左右;山东口音;上身穿藏青色棉袄,下身穿黑色裤子,脚上穿黑色棉鞋。据本人称前来探望在一工厂做工的儿子,外出闲逛,迷失了回家的路。


阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高中英语阅读课公开课原文

persons’ pictures mentioned) Ss: he/she is .... T:What qualities of your idol attract you most (I will pick up three students to answer this question) T: do you want to know who my idol is Ss:no T:have a guess .(then I will show them a picture of Jackie Chan’s profile ) 》 Ss: he is Jackie chan. T: Ok, today, I will introduce my idol—Jackie Chan to all of you. First let us enjoy a video about Jackie Chan’s life. Then I will play a video about Jackie chan. 《 $ Step 2. Pre-reading (8 min)Task1. A small quiz (individual work,3 min) T: let’s check the following sentence using true or false .and I will pick up some students to say his or her answer and tell me why it is wrong or correct. # Ss:ok. 1. Get Ss to know something about Jackie Chan. 】 2. Serve as a warm-up for the following tasks.


高中英语教案范例 《听力试讲》 1. 题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容: Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people, they are playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed! 3.要求: (1)朗读短文 (2)设计听力课 (3)适当设计板书 参考教案 1. Teaching aims 1)Knowledge aim Students can master the main idea of this passage 2)Ability aim Students’listening ability will be improved and their speaking ability

3)Emotional aim Students will be more interested in English. 2. Teaching key and difficult points 1) Key point Help students to master the content and details of paragraph. 2) Difficult point Help students to find the correct answer using skimming and scanning 3. Teaching and learning methods Task-based teaching method; Question & Answer teaching method; Communicative teaching method; Independent learning method; Cooperative learning method; 4. Teaching procedure: Step1: Greeting & Lead in After greeting with students, teacher will ask students it they like Australia and how much do you know about Australia, then do a quiz. Step 2: Pre-listening 1) Show a video clip, and let students guess the main idea of our passage.


2019高考新考点之常用应用文写作格式及范例 1、感谢信。是为表示感谢而写的一种专用书 信。 ①标题:第一行正中写“感谢信”三字。 ②称谓:顶格写被感谢的单位名称或个人 姓名、称呼,后加冒号。 ③正文:写感谢的内容,叙述先进事迹, 赞扬好的品德作风以及产生的效果。 ④结尾:写表示感谢、敬意的话。 ⑤署名:写提出感谢的单位名称或个人姓 名。 ⑥日期:写在署名下一行的右边。 例: 感谢信 ××农科所: 在今年五月我乡玉米发生大面积虫害,严 重影响生长的紧急时刻,贵所派出全部农业技 术人员来我乡根治病虫害,避免了上千亩玉米 绝收目前作物长势良好,丰收在望谨向你们表 示衷心感谢!我们决心在党的十五大精神指

引下,继续努力生产,以实际行动答谢你们的 帮助和关怀。 此致 敬礼 ××乡人民政府 ×年×月×日 2、留言条。是指找人没有找到,又没有时间等候,只能留给对方一个简短而明了的条据。 ①称谓:称谓要顶格写,条子留给谁就称呼谁。 ②正文:转行空两格写正文,简单明了的把你要给对方说的事情写清楚。 ③署名和日期:在正文右下方写清楚谁留的条子,并在署名的下一行写清年、月、日。 例: 刘磊同学: 由于气象台预报星期日有中雨,所以原定星期日的春游改在星期六上午八时在校门口集合,请你准时参加。 同学:王明 ×年×月×日3、请假条。 ①标题:第一行正中写“请假条”三字。 ②称谓:顶格写称谓,即向谁请假,注意应加上其职务,以示尊重。 ③请假原因:空两格,说明请假事由,如病假、事假等。 ④请假起止时间:Ⅹ月Ⅹ日至Ⅹ月Ⅹ日,共Ⅹ天。

⑤祝颂语:如“此致敬礼”(注:可要可不要)。 ⑥请假人签名:右侧对齐。 ⑦请假时间:在签名下面,写上请假条书写的日期。 例:请假条 尊敬的李老师: 因我的生活费所剩无几,需回家去取,特②正文:另起一行空两格写启事内容,交代向您请假两天(3月16、17日),请您批准。有关事情的原委和目的,提出要求和希望,说学生:张小光明有关注意事项及办理程序等。 ③署名:正文下一行的右下方写提出启事的2014年3月15日 4、通知 ①标题:第一行居中写明“通知”或“关于XX 的通知”。 ②称呼:换行顶格写明被通知方的名称,后 用冒号。 ③正文:另起一行空两格写通知内容,如会 议通知包括会议内容、时间、地点、出席对象 和有关准备事项等。 ④署名:正文下一行的右下方写发出通知的 单位或组织。 ⑤日期:写在署名下一行的右边。 例:


高中英语写作课教学 英语写作课不知讲些什么,学生写作时不知从何写起,作文不成句,语法错误,一直是老师们的困惑,也是学生的绊脚石。到底写作课该如何上,怎么下手,下面分享几点方法: 高中英语写作课教学 一、消除学生的恐惧心理,培养写作习惯 针对我校学生基础差,学习习惯不好的状况,首先让学生知道,写作并不难,就是把我们要说的话,用自己的话写出来,我们平时讲课的例句就是很好的素材,只要稍加整理即可,关键是敢写。 二、注意平时积累词汇,打好写作基础 平时上课尤其是词汇教学时,注意提醒学生积累一些例句,段落甚至是名人名言。要求学生背诵课文中的佳句和词汇句型较多的段落,这样可以帮助学生理解课文内容,背诵重点句型和短语,积累话题写作的素材,培养学生的语感。课下注意收集各种体裁的写作篇章结构以及开头结尾常用的优美句型。 三、练习写作的句式变化,进行专题指导 写作水平的提高非一日之功,也不能光说不练,积累素材完成后,教师要进行针对性的写作方法指导。首先,训练过程要循序渐进,要让学生体验到成功,有信心,愿意去写作,并且要安排由易到难,由课内到课外,有机械到灵活。英译汉练习让学生写出课文中的重点句 子—— 利用单元词汇进行造句练习

—— 缩写课文—— 改写课文 —— 仿写课文—— 写与课文相关的短 文。其次,讲解写作步骤:审题—— 构思—&m dash; 提纲& mdash;— 初稿 —&m dash; 修改&m dash;— 定稿。并注意写作中记 叙文的五个W(what---who---when---where---why or how) 。最后,提醒学生注意写作规则和标点符号的使用,并把咼考评分标准展示给学生们,让他们对照自己的文章,找出存在的问题。 四、真实客观的评价,批改欣赏得法 对于学生习作的批改,有两种途径,一是教师面批面改,及时发现学生存在的问题,提出改进的建议和今后要注意的问题。二是学生互评互批,这样既可以看到别人的长处,积累更多的方法,又可以发现学生们共同性的错误,以利于改正提高。教师应及时反馈具有共同性和倾向性的错误,并把优秀作文展示出来,激励优秀学生,鼓舞其他学生。 写作高分技巧 一、背诵+默写+仿写 step 1 背诵 其实,想要提高英文写作水平,无非就三大方法:多读、多背、多写。读是用心读,在阅读文章时及时将看到的精彩词汇、词组、句型记


高中英语教学设计案例 一、教案背景 1、教学对象:高一年级学生 2、教师:张世钰 3、学科:英语 4、单位:郑州十九中 5、课时:第一学时 6、教学准备:多媒体教学课件、复印好的课堂活动纸(学案) 7、指导思想与理论依据:《高中英语新课程标准》指出,英语教学首先要培养学生的学习兴趣、信心、策略和习惯;强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,发展学生的综合语言运用能力;突出“以人为本的教育思想”,以学生为主体,注重学生全面发展与个性差异的统一。教师应关注每一位学生,尊重他们的需要和个体差异,使他们都能在各自不同的基础上获得身心的健康发展,发展终身学习的能力。 二、教学课题 高一(上) Module2, Unit2 The Olympic Games Reading: An Interview(第1课时) 三、教材分析 1、教材内容:本节课所学教材选自必修二第二单元第一课时,它以世界性的体育盛会——The Olympic Games为中心话题,旨在通过本课的教学,培养学生的阅读策略;使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、比赛项目以及古、现代奥运会的异同;让学生了解采访对话文体的基本特点;同时,培养学生对体育运动的爱好。 2、学情分析:本节课的授课对象是我校高一(26)班,是一个尖子班,期中考试(试题难度0.5~0.6)成绩全班61人的平均分为104分,其中优秀以上9人,及格以上50人。该班学生来有一半来自农村。学生虽然有求知欲望,但缺乏自信心,不敢在课堂上淋漓尽致的展示自己的能力。优点是他们学习比较刻苦,英语的基本功相对来说比较扎实,具有一定的自主合作和探究的能力,具备了用英语思考和表达的基本技能。要恰当运用英语词汇表达已有的奥运知识和看法,以及通过英语文章的阅读获取相关信息对于高一的学生来说仍有一定难度。 3、教学目标: 【知识与技能】通过本课时的学习,学生能够:①能读懂课文大意。②以词与词之间的语义联系为线索,建立自己的奥运会话题词汇库;③正确运用与奥运会话题有关的新学词汇,说出古、现代奥运会的异同。④了解采访对话文体的基本特点。 【过程与方法】①通过阅读课文、回答问题,培养归纳和推理能力;②通过阅读文章,


高考语言运用常用应用文写作格式及范例 1、感谢信 是为表示感谢而写的一种专用书信。 ①标题:第一行正中写“感谢信”三字; ②称谓:顶格写被感谢的单位名称或个人姓名、称呼,后加冒号; ③正文:写感谢的内容,叙述先进事迹,赞扬好的品德作风以及产生的效果; ④结尾:写表示感谢、敬意的话; ⑤署名:写提出感谢的单位名称或个人姓名; ⑥日期:写在署名下一行的右边。 例:感谢信 ××农科所: 在今年五月我乡玉米发生大面积虫害,严重影响生长的紧急时刻,贵所派出全部农业技术人员来我乡根治病虫害,避免了上千亩玉米绝收。目前作物长势良好,丰收在望。谨向你们表示衷心感谢! 我们决心在党的十五大精神指引下,继续努力生产,以实际行动答谢你们的帮助和关怀。 此致 敬礼 ××乡人民政府 ×年×月×日 2、留言条 是指找人没有找到,又没有时间等候,只能留给对方一个简短而明了的条据。 ①称谓:称谓要顶格写,条子留给谁就称呼谁; ②正文:转行空两格写正文,简单明了的把你要给对方说的事情写清楚; ③署名和日期:在正文右下方写清楚谁留的条子,并在署名的下一行写清年、月、日。例: 刘磊同学: 原定星期日的春游改在星期六了。原因是气象台预报星期日有中雨。上午八时在校门口集合,请你准时参加。 同学:王明 ×年×月×日 3、请假条 ①标题:第一行正中写“请假条”三字; ②称谓:顶格写称谓,即向谁请假,注意应加上其职务,以示尊重; ③请假原因:空两格,说明请假事由,如病假、事假等; ④请假起止时间:Ⅹ月Ⅹ日至Ⅹ月Ⅹ日,共Ⅹ天; ⑤祝颂语:如“此致敬礼”(注:可要可不要); ⑥请假人签名:右侧对齐; ⑦请假时间:在签名下面,写上请假条书写的日期。 例: 请假条 尊敬的李老师: 因我的生活费所剩无几,需回家去取,特向您请假两天(3月16、17日)。请您批准。 学生:张小光


教学设计 学科高中英语 课题 教材 设计者 学校 Unit3 Celebrations Lesson1 Festivals( A reading lesson)

Ⅰ Analysis of Teaching Material This is the first lesson of this unit. Before this class, the teacher have taught the students vocabulary in Warm-up and Lesson 1. The reading passage titled FESTIVALS briefly describes three traditional festivals of China. Such a topic is closely related to students’life, thus it is very easy to arouse their interest in learning this lesson. The text covers 3 sections. Teacher should encourage students to skim for the general idea for each section, and scan for further understanding, because this lesson introduces a lot of useful new words and expressions which are only used for festivals. In order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. After reading, students are required to do the exercises in the each step to see how much they have understood the reading passage. The teacher can let them work in pairs or in groups to find the answers cooperatively, and then check their answers with the whole class. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to talk about festivals in their own words at the end of the class. Moreover, homework is very important for an effective class. So the students are assigned to write a composition about Spring Festival, based on what they have learned in this lesson. Ⅱ Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases. 2.Let the student learn about 3 traditional Festivals of China. 3.Train the students’ skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text. 4.Encourage students to learn more about Chinese festivals and cultivate their love to our traditional culture. Ⅲ Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the following words and phrases: be celebrated by, is said to do, be made with, fall on, the first lunar month, burn down, in many shapes and sizes, mark, many different kinds of, special food 2.Enable the students to understand the three Chinese traditional festivals, Mid-Autumn
