基于ios多功能音乐盒 苏州大学文正学院 邢扣兵

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第一章绪论 (3)

1.1研究意义和背景 (3)

1.2音乐播放器的研究意义及现状分析 (4)

第二章开发技术简介 (5)

2.1Objective-c技术简介 (5)

2.2 Xcode开发工具简介 (7)

2.3 SQLite简介 (8)

第三章需求分析及设计 (9)

3.1音乐播放器市场需求 (9)

3.2音乐播放器软件可行性分析 (9)

3.3音乐播放器的技术可行性分析 (9)

3.3音乐播放器的经济可行性分析 (9)

3.5本章小结 (10)

第四章系统实现 (11)

4.1音乐播放器各部分功能及模块功能图 (11)

4.1.1本地音乐以列表的形式显示 (11)

4.1.2可以播放模式 (12)

4.1.3详细显示某首音乐的信息 (12)

4.1.4音乐播放可以暂停可以结束 (12)

4.1.5可以显示歌词 (12)

第五章系统模块的实现 (13)

5.1系统目录结构 (13)

5.2控制器的搭建 (13)

5.3音乐文件列表界面的基本搭建 (14)

5.4音乐播放器播放界面的搭建 (17)

5.4.1跳转两种方法的实现与比较 (17)

5.4.2 xib搭建音乐播放控制器 (18)

5.5音乐播放器两个控制器之间数据传递 (20)

5.6封装一个音频工具,管理音乐数据 (20)

5.7实现效果 (21)

5.8音乐播放器实现过程中的一些细节控制 (22)

5.8.1音乐播放器进度条实现 (23)

5.8.2音乐播放器拖拽进度条 (23)

5.8.3进度条半透明滑块的实现 (24)

5.9暂停、播放、上一首、下一首实现 (25)

5.10图片的处理 (26)

5.11播放处理 (27)

5.12创建歌词控件 (27)

5.13毛玻璃效果 (28)

终结与展望 (30)

6.1设计总结 (30)

6.2音乐播放器的未来展望 (30)

参考文献 (31)

致谢 (32)







With the rapid development of the smart phone industry, more and more people accept and use smart phones. The hardware and software on the mobile phone is becoming more and more advanced and intelligent. Now the mobile phone not only has the traditional function of the phone call, but in order to solve the practical problems of the mobile phone users, user convenience and experience. A measure of an important indicator of a mobile phone is to be able to support music playback, a practical mobile phone music software equipped with smart phones can reflect the quality and technology of smart phones. And now the domestic music player market has been initially mature, but also in the international market has a certain advantage. Apple in the smartphone market in China has always had a large share of Apple products are deeply affected by the people's favorite, based on IOS mobile software demand is self-evident, this also makes the Apple software connected to the gas in China. The music player in the Chinese market has a wide variety of brands, for different user groups, basically meet the requirements and needs of the various levels. Such as Netease cloud music, baidu music, microphone cushions music, cool music box, etc. these familiar music player, the music player in the apple store have a certain status. Intelligent application of smart phones to make our lives more convenient.

Apple Corp's iOS technology in China is also more and more people's attention. IOS technology is applied to the Apple Corp's Objective-C development language, Objective-C development language is also one of the most popular development language. And the scope of Objective-C development language use is also more and more extensive.

The music player based on iOS system is also more and more worthy of our attention and research. The music player to achieve a list of local music display, the first of the first switch, display the lyrics, dynamic display of the progress of the song, etc..

Key words: music player; IOS; Objective-C;
