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Book 1 Unit 1---3


1. hunt for 搜索, 追寻

2. care about 担心, 关心

3. such as 例如

4. drop sb. a line 给某人写信

5. be fond of 喜欢

6. in order to 为了

7. all the time 一直

8. argue with sb. about sth. 同某人争论某事

9. all alone 独自

10. develop a friendship with sb. 和某人建立友谊

11. even though 即使, 尽管

12. treat …as 把…当作

13. surf the Internet 上网冲浪

14. on a flight 在飞行中

15. too much太多

16. should have done 本应当做某事

17. be into sth./ doing sth. 喜欢

18. be quick in/ at 在某方面敏捷

19. make oneself at home 别客气

20. in total 总共

21. except for 除了…之外

22. stay up 熬夜

23. come about 发生

24. end up with以…告终

25. bring in 引进,引来

26. a great many 许多

27. all the way 一路上,从头至尾

28. communicate with 与…交流

29. have a good knowledge of 了解,掌握

30. with 复合结构

31. compare… with… 把…和…进行比较

32. share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦

33. It be + 被强调部分+ that/ who + 其他成分

34. stay the same 保持不变

35. more or less 或多或少

36. consider doing/sb. to do/ sb,. (to be)

37. get away from 逃离

38. watch out注意,当心

39. instead of代替

40. go off 离开

41. protect from 保护,保卫

42. for fun好玩


1.argue(vi.﹠vt.): express an opposite opinion;exchange angry words;quarrel 争论,争辩常用于以下句型:

argue with sb. about/ over sth 同某人争论某事

argue th at…用辩论证明

argue sb. to be 表明,证明

argue for/ against为/为反对…而辩论


⑴The couple next door are always arguing. 隔壁的夫妇总是争吵

⑵We argued with each other about the justice of the war.我们就这场战争是否正当展开了争论

⑶Mr.Smith argued that he should be paid more.


⑷The way he spends money argues him to be rich.他花钱的方式说明他很富有

⑸His accent argues him to be a southerner.他的口音表明他是个南方人

⑹He argues that the experiment could be done in another way.他论证说这项实验可以换一种方法进行

⑺The workers argued for the right to strike.工人们为争取罢工的权利而辩论

* argument(n.) 争论,论据,论点

⑴They got into quite a heated argument.


⑵We couldn’t follow his argument.


2.too much 具有形容词、副词和代词的功能,在句中可作定语、表语、状语、主语或宾语,表示“太多(的)、过分(的)、好极(的)”意思

⑴But too much snow can cause trouble.但是雪太大可能引起麻烦(too much为形容词,作定语)

⑵She is afraid the trip will be too much for me.她认为这次旅行对我来说强人所难(too much为形容词,作表语)

⑶She does not talk too much.

她谈得不太多(too much为副词,作状语)

⑷Too much has been said about it.关于这事讲得太多了(too much为代词,作主语)

辨析:much too “太…”,中心词是副词too,用来修饰形容词和副词,在句中作状语

⑴These shoes are much too narrow for me.这双鞋我穿实在太窄了

⑵You are much too thin to play the part of Falstaff.



Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _____ to carry all the way home.(NMET2003)

A. much too heavy

B. too much heavy

C. heavy too much

D. too heavy much
