


Book 2

Unit 1

Time is a Precious Resource

As a popular saying goes, "Time is money.” In fact, time is more precious than money. When money is spent, you can earn it back if you want to. However, when time is gone, it will never come back. As the pace of modern life continues to accelerate, the time at our disposal is quite limited.

But there are a lot of things to be done in our lives. We should make full use of our time to fulfill what is useful to us. For instance, as students we should devote most of our time to our academic studies. In this way we can acquire new knowledge and skill necessary for our future carrier.

In my opinion, wasting time means wasting our valuable life. But many of us don't realize this. They think time is inexhaustible. I'm not in favor of such of a view. Hence, my conclusion is that we should never put off what can be today until tomorrow.

English is becoming more important

As it's known to all, English is widely used in international affairs and is becoming more and more important. English has become an international language used in different countries and different ways.

China has joined in WTO successfully and it has been committing itself to opening and modernization. It means more and more foreigners will come to China for traveling and businesses. There is no doubt that we will have more chances to encounter foreigners on the way. Besides, many Chinese people will have more opportunities to work in a foreign companies and countries. English can help them communicate with foreigners. In addition, English enables us to learn advanced technology in western countries.

All in all English is playing a very important role in our life. It is necessary for us to learn English well. Thus we can make our country stronger and more beautiful.

Unit 2

Fight against Gun Crimes

Today the crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts, robberies and even gun crimes that have taken place in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.

Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them. However, some people are brave enough, to risk their

lives to fight the criminals. Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils, saved the victims, and protected the public properties.

To reduce the crime rate, we all the people should first receive a law education. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.

Against Populating Explosion

The large number of our population has become one of the most serious problems of our society. According to a recent survey of the National Bureau of Statistics, there are more than 1.3 billion people in our country which account for about 1/5 of all the people in the world. The same survey also predicts that our population will grow quickly in the years to come.

Overpopulation has brought about a series of negative effects to our economic development and social security. In the first place, too many people impose a heavy burden on our environment. As a result, we suffer from a shortage of fresh water and natural resources. In the second place, as the supply of labor greatly exceeds the demand of the society, many people become employed. This is a source of social unrest. Last but not the least; we have to meet the needs of the people, which cause environment pollution to our lakes and land.

Serious though the problem seems, we have to take some measures

to tackle it. On the one hand, the government should carry out more strictly the poli cy of family planning, thus reducing the total number of population. On the other hand, all the people should realize the harms of overpopulation. With the concerted

efforts of all the parties concerned, we’re sure to solve the problem in the future.

Unit 3

Smoking helps Thinking?

Walking on the street, you will find many people smoking regardless of the others around. They say that smoking helps them think more clearly, give them energy and make me feel better if they’re worried or stressed.

On the other hand, it is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people's health. Scientific researches show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million

five-hundred-thousand persons each year.

Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. Government should help people learn about the health hazards of smoking and become successful ex-smokers. The danger of smoking should be warned of everywhere. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking

Pollution is inevitable

When you turn on TV, you will hear many pieces of news on pollution. Pollution exists everywhere in our daily life.

There are many kinds of pollution, such as water (air) pollution, soil erosion, garbage (esp. plastic waste), acid rain and so on. All vehicles and industrial machines emit harmful gases. Some factories send off waste water into our clean rivers and make it unfit to drink. Some land cannot grow plants.

To solve the above problems, much knowledge and research work is needed. Scientists as well as common people attach primary importance to environmental protection.

Without environmental protection, human beings would not last long. If there were serious desert expansion and

soil erosion, we would have no land to farm and no food to

eat. If there were polluted air, water, we would get (suffer from) diseases and bec ome weak. If there were endless hunting of animals, we would kill human beings ourselves in the end.

It is a duty for each person on the earth to protect his environment. Living surro undings are so significant for us that everyone should pay attention; no littering an d no spitting everywhere, etc.

Unit 4

Brazil Government has to Change its Policy of Colonizing the Amazon.

The occupation pattern which prevails in the Amazon continues to be centered on big-business projects, fiscal incentives, and speculative capital, as was the case in the 1970s. Colonization has never been developed in the regions at least not by the government. It is necessary for the Brazil government to change its policy of colonizing the Amazon. There are many reasons.

First, colonization projects aim at a combination of three objectives: (i) occupying virgin territory, (ii) social promotion of rural workers, and (iii) increasing agricultural production. However, these objectives are not compatible with one another, as the Brazilian experience has shown. The attempt to achieve them simultaneously has been translated into frustration in terms of colonization results. Second, the official colonization projects are characterized by scarcity of capital while land and labor are abundant.

One of the alternatives would be to transfer colonization to private initiative or to adopt a strategy that would mix public and private initiatives. Others point out that the scarcity of low-cost credits is one of the factors which have prevented this undertaking from succeeding, besides its location far from fertile lands.

Mixed Marriage Encounters more Problems

With the development of the economy and society, people get more chances to communicate with foreigners. Thus there are mixed marriages or interfaith marriages.Mixed marriages include those marriages that reach across otherwise “restricted” race, religious, and community boundaries set up by society, churches, and culture.

Compared with common marriages, mixed marriages encounter more problems. There exist many differences in many ways, for example living habits, customs, religions and ways of thinking. When the mask of romanticism and novelty is dropped, they will find themselves, through the development of a loving maturity, as husband and wife, and as the father and mother of children. With time, their identities will re-establish their original foundations, those handed down to them by their original social environments.

Knowing they are different, the mixed couple will tend to think more deeply about their marriage than the non-mixed couple. In order to keep their relationship and love between them, each should set his feet into the other’s shoes. They’d better have regular formal discussions about the direction they are headed. If each one tends to compromise, everything will be easy.

Unit Five

Failing to Take Proper Measures to Protect the Environment

Today more than ever we are concerned about the environment and wonder whether humanity is heading for some ecological catastrophe. Pessimism prevails. We are warned by many scientists and environmental organizations that environmental destruction on a global scale, including global warming, ozone depletion, the reduction of tropical forests, desertification and ocean pollution, is threatening the existence of human beings and other living things on the earth. And if we don’t turn away from our present patterns of production and consumption, the very survival of humanity will be endangered.

Many people agree with such views. However, some scientists hold the view of environmental optimism. They argue that many environmental problems are being exaggerated and that although problems do exist, advances in technology will be able to address them before serious consequences arise. They believe that there are no shortages of energy resources, that fewer people are starving today; that species are not disappearing at alarming rate, that growth is the solution to environmental problems like pollution and global warming.

The debate, no doubt, will continue and everyone has to rely on their own wisdom to decide where they stand. But considering the seriousness of the issue, it is perhaps better that we err on the side of caution. We have only one earth, and it is our obligation to preserve it both for the sake of ourselves and for the sake of future generations.

Difficulties Living in a New Country

With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad. They insist that the modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in those foreign colleges and universities can help lay a perfect foundation for their future development.

It is true that living in a new country will bring them exciting and desirable fun. However, There are also some challenges they will encounter in a new country. Many people argue that living in a new country is too expensive. They also point out that there are language and cultural barriers. Their views may clash with the different beliefs and traditions existing in different

countries. Furthermore, they cannot see their parents and friends for a long time. Sometimes they will feel lonely and homesick.

Just as the old saying goes, “every advantage has its disadvantage.”Both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If you have the chance and financial resources, you should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden your eyes. On the other hand, if conditions do not permit, you can pursue your studies in top universities at home. What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.

Unit Six

Online Learning

Being online is no longer something strange in our life. To some degree, it has become part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far and near. But recently another helpful online activity has become very “in”. That is online learning.

Why could online learning be so popular within such a short period of time? Among other reasons, the quick development of the Internet should be an essential one, which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance possible. Another underlying reason is the quick development of both society and technology. Today, modern science and technology is developing with lightening speed. To catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to study. However, due to the great pace of modern society, many people are too busy to study full time at school. Online learning just comes to their aid.

Personally, I appreciate this new form of learning. It’s indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning. Most of all, with online learning, we can stick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.

Live and Learn

To live and learn is a good tradition as well as a merit of our nation. This tradition seemed to be revived in recent years. According to some statistics, more and more people are taking different kinds of training courses in their spare time. It goes without saying that the concept of “live and learn” will benefit not only individuals but society as well.

We can easily find a lot of examples around us. It’s not difficult to find someone who is pursuing a second degree or diploma. More knowledge means more opportunities for better jobs and quicker promotion. In our age of information revolution, if we stop learning for a single day, we are surely to fall behind the wheel of social development. Therefore, only through never-ending learning can we recharge ourselves to get new skills for the future of ourselves and that of our country. For various reasons, some people lost the chance for learning or doing the things they are interested in. by taking certain courses they can fulfill their early dreams or their hearts’ desire.

But we have to admit that there are some problems in adult education. For one thing, many people taking adult education only for the purpose of getting some certificates. I doubt whether they can really learn anything. For another, some people are quite blind in choosing courses. They don’t know what they really need or like. Instead, they just follow suit. In this case, scientific

guidance and consultation become necessary.

Unit Seven

His Good Name Brings Him Enormous Success

Not everyone is fortunate enough to own a good name, but it is true that everyone wants to have one. That’s reasonable since statistics indicates that people with good names ha ve more opportunities of success.

There are various reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, a good name can help you make a great impression on others, because there is a trend to judge people by their names. As his name is, so is he! Secondly, a good name can give you more self-confidence. Social scientists say that what you are called can affect your life. What’s more, if you are satisfied with your name, you will feel comfortable with yourself and therefore put your potential into full play.

So if you do not like your name given by your parents, if your name does not fit you, you can get rid of it by changing it. You are not stuck with the label. Movie stars regularly change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.

What Lucky Numbers Have Brought

With the development of science and technology, most people are scientific-minded. But there are still some people who believe in superstitions. They believe that lucky numbers can bring them good luck.

In China, some people regard “6”, “8” and “9” as the lucky numbers. They try every means to use them as their door number, car number and even telephone number. Some young people prefer to hold their marriage ceremony on the date with an “8” or “9”. They think the number “6”stands for “to live peacefully and work satisfactorily”, and that the number “9” means “long and forever”. Some people take this numbers so heartily that they never mind paying a large sum of money for a telephone number with these figures in it.

But, I don’t think that good luck has anything to do with “lucky numbers”. For example, in car accidents, many cars were cast with “lucky numbers”, but their owners still failed to escape from death. And those who held the lottery tickets with so many “8”s on them finally got nothing but a handful of waste paper. So we should abandon this kind of superstitious psychology and behavior. Just remember good luck only falls upon the sympathetic, generous and hardworking people.

Unit Eight

It is Never Too Late To Take Environmental Measures

Scientists and environmentalists have constantly warned us of the worsening state of our environment. Their view can be summarized in the list below: our resources are running out. The population is growing ever larger, ever more polluted. Large numbers of the planet’s species are

threatened with extinction. People often neglect environmental protection while developing economy. For instance, in order to make big profits, people often cut lots of trees. The deforestation destroys the ecological balance, and gives rise to disastrous consequences such as droughts and floods. To some extent, the faster the economy develops, the worse the environment becomes.

There is a lose relationship between economic development and environmental protection. Without a good environment, it would be hard to develop our economy quickly since an unfavorable environment would hinder the further development of economy. On the other hand, with the rapid development and environmental protection are interdependent on each other.

Then, faced with this situation, what should we do? From my point of view, first, we should make people aware of the importance of environmental protection. we should be more environmentally-conscious in our everyday activities . While we are developing our economy, we should attach great importance to our environment. Next, great efforts should be made to improve our environment. We should plant more trees, control the exploration of underground water and draw laws to protect our environment and to punish those who break them. Only in this way can we enjoy a clean and beautiful environment as well as a pleasant economic development.

Never Let Yourself Be Overwhelmed by Stress

Stress is a feeling of being unable to cope with the demands made on us. Its causes are varied. Long hours of work and study, hectic schedules, heavy responsibilities, quickened pace of life, job insecurity and misfortunes in the family are high on the list.

Stress affects people in different ways and to different degrees, but most people suffer from its effects at one or more times during their lives. The most common symptom is insomnia, that is, the inability to sleep. As the pressure grows greater our health deteriorates, leading to an increased threat of heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.

A great way to get rid of stress is, once in a while, break a habitual action and do something totally different without any planning. Other ways include saying‵no′to extra job requests, taking time off to be with family and friends, developing hobbies and helping others by doing volunteer work. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Once people have learned to monitor stress, they can lead stress-free life.

Unit Nine

My Friend and I have Different Ways of Coping with Stress

In recent years, we endure more and more stress. The pressure comes from both our leaders and our students. Our leaders expect that we make a lot of academic achievements, eg delivering excellent lectures, writing good articles; meanwhile our students can log on to the campus net and choose their favorite teachers.

For the sake of our mental and physical well-being, it is necessary for us to relax ourselves. Going shopping is my favorite pastime. During the weekends I usually go to the supermarkets with my family members. There nobody urges me or presses me. Roaming among the shelves of goods I can take my time choosing our daily necessities, thus, for a while, completely getting rid of the heavy workloads.

However, my friend has a different way to prevent herself from breaking down. In her free time, she likes to talk to me. She tells me of her troubles, worries and complaints. She usually pours her feelings out to me. Although I can offer nothing but comfort, after about an hour’s

eloquent talking, she usually feels relieved, consequently adapting herself to the quick pace of work.

It is wise for us to think of ways to entertain and refresh ourselves. Otherwise we would have collapsed under such a heavy weight.

Unit Ten

Brain Drain Becomes a Big Problem for the Country

During the 1960s and 1970s, politicians in India used to wave the slogan “stop brain drain” _____ a reference to the fact that the cream of India was leaving for the lucrative shores of England and America.

Its institutes of technology, built with European and American aid, offered students free room and board, even salary. Indian taxpayers footed the bill in the hope that one day the graduates would help reconstruct the nation.

But studying their textbooks late at night in the library of the Indian Institute of Technology the students would dream, not of India, but of America, the land of opportunity. Many students, indeed, left during those years, never to return.

Over the next two decades, IIT graduates______ educated at the expense of Indian taxpayers_____ played a major role in founding California’s Silicon Valley.

But the nation of India is slowly disintegrating. India’s population recently hit 1 billion, but its interior framework in water, transportation and health care is fast falling apart, its citizens breathe air that is dangerously polluted.

German Bombers Hammered London with Bombs

In Sept 1940, the Nazi bombers started to launch waves of heavy raids upon the city of London. On Sept 7, 1940, nearly four hundred German bombers roared into the ancient city, they cast dark and menacing shadows over the historic buildings of London. The invaders hammered the city with bombs in broad daylight. The bombers climbed, dived and turned, dropping thousands of bombs into the city, spitting fire in the skies above.

Bombs crashed, fires burned, flames spread, houses collapsed, gas pipes burst, and dark smoke rose from the streets. Men, women and children felt the effect of the bombs. Radar sirens wailed, ambulances rushed from one place of agony to another and fire fighters faced the flames hour after hour.

邹申版英语写作教程1课后答案-UNIT 2-keys

P21 Pronouns 1)She me 2)Me 3)Him 4)She 5)Who 6)Whoever 7)Who/whom 8)Whom P25 2 1)play a minor role 2) That’s Greek to me 3) belated action 4)Where there is smoke there is fire 5) be a utility man 6)walk into the trap 7) one’s face glowing with health 3 1)We must practice economy. We must reduce unnecessary expenditures. 2)It is essential to control environmental pollution. 3)We must arrive at the station on time. 4)Financial expenditures should be arranged in order of priority. 5)We should speed up construction of urban housing, so as to improve the housing conditions. 6)Private capital has to meet two conditions. First, the profits must be legal. Second, they must be excessive. 7)During the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grain production. Instead, we must steadily increase it. P26 5 1)me 2)who 3)I 4)me/myself 5)me 6)each other’s 7)who 8)us 9)whom 10)Some 11)one’s 12)his 13)his 14)his his

写作教程1 答案

Unit One Part V Follow-up Exercises 1. a.mouse-hearted: →chicken-hearted b.politician: →statesman c.wind:→breeze d.utilize: →drink e.ascertaining: →finding f.was bombarded with→received a lot of g.opened→drew back h.contain→accommodate i.habits→customs 2. The writer’s attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences. 3.(1)___(4) experienced, elapsed, attempting, with (5)___(8) take up, made, endeavor, true 4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted. b. We suppose that a feferee should be disinterested but not uninterested.

c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can. e. The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success. f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest. g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. h.The whole region was struck by an economic disaster. i.(correct) j. He was awake to the risk. 5. The first line: principle→principal The second line: stationary →stationery The fourth line: adopted →adapted The fifth line : effect →affect The sixth line: economic →economical; self-conscience→self-conscious The seventh line: disinterested→uninterested The ninth line: credible →credulous The eleventh line: continuously →continually 6. a. is


写作教程2 课后题答案提示:页码有部分错误,但答案内容正确。 P2 . PART1 Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to. It is especially helpful in an emergency . It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone. You can always be reached when you are needed by others. In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way. It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone. ....... Disadvantages : It is quite expensive Its radiation is harmful to health Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing Making or answering calls while driving is



Unit 1 PART Ⅱ FOCUS Denotation and Connotation Suggested answer to the question If it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance (e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings. Reference for the Classroom Activities 1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotes protection but in a serious fashion. wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness. 2. Word Denotation Connotation Sentence gold a precious yellow metal wealth, value, preciousness, etc Silence is gold. moon the natural body that moves around the earth once every 28 days tranquility, purity, something out of reach, etc. There’s no point hoping for peace in the country. It’s like asking for the moon. ice water frozen so that it has become solid coldness, indifference, cruelty, death, etc. The ice in his voice was only to hide the pain. blood red liquid flowing through the bodies of humans and animals family background, descent, race, temperament, etc. Blood is thicker than water. bravery, spirit, and toughness. b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy. Attitude Reference for the Classroom Activities 1. Favorable Neutral Unfavorable unique, quaint strange bizarre, abnormal resolute, steadfast stubborn, dogged pigheaded compliment (v.) praise, commend, flatter lick one’s boots senior citizen old person fossil bachelor girl single woman spinster Collocation Suggested answers to the exercise a.do somebody a favor b.do somebody good c.make a gesture d.do evil


P a r t A G R A M M A R Subject- Verb Agreement Subject-verb agreement is a very complicated issue and it is not our intention to cover all the ground in this unit. What we attempt to do here is to bring students' attention to some points particularly tricky and let them learn by practice. The method we use in the grammar section of this book is the discovery approach -- to let students find out their own answers. We hope this can raise students' interest in learning grammar and sharpen their inductive skills. The question of subject-verb agreement is very complicated. Generally speaking, there are three basic principles: grammatical agreement, notional agreement, and the principle of proximity. In his unit, we are going to approach this issue in four contexts: When the subject is compound Reference for the Classroom Activities Summary: 1.A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when it expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb.

写作教程3 unit1 答案

Part A GRAMMAR Subject- Verb Agreement Subject-verb agreement is a very complicated issue and it is not our intention to cover all the ground in this unit. What we attempt to do here is to bring students' attention to some points particularly tricky and let them learn by practice. The method we use in the grammar section of this book is the discovery approach -- to let students find out their own answers. We hope this can raise students' interest in learning grammar and sharpen their inductive skills. The question of subject-verb agreement is very complicated. Generally speaking, there are three basic principles: grammatical agreement, notional agreement, and the principle of proximity. In his unit, we are going to approach this issue in four contexts: When the subject is compound Reference for the Classroom Activities Summary: 1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when it expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb. 2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, not …but,the verb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject. 3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do not affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions or prepositional phrases such as well as, as much as, rather than, along with in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including. When the subject expresses quantity Reference for the Classroom Activities All the sentences are correct. Summary: 1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take a singular verb. 2.Some words or phrases, such as all, most, half, the last, the rest, take a singular or plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows.


写作教程 2 课后题答案提示:页码有部分错误,但答案内容正确。 P2 . PART1 Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to. It is especially helpful in an emergency . It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone. You can always be reached when you are needed by others. In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way. It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone. Disadvantages : It is quite expensive Its radiation is harmful to health Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing Making or answering calls while driving is


[整理版]《基础写作教程》试题及答案《基础写作教程》试题及答案 题号一二三四五总分 得分 得分 一、单项选择题 (在下列每小题四个备选答案中选出评卷人 一个正确答案,填入题干的括号中。每小题3分,共15分) 1、下列选项中 不属于表达方式的是 ( ) A、叙述 B、描写 C、说明 D、修辞 2、下列选项中不属于写作活动的特点的是 ( ) A、人文性 B、计划性 C、综合性 D、实践性 3、文章体式的特点不包括 ( ) A、规范性 B、流变性 C、综合性 D、实践性 4、影响写作活动的重要主体因素不包括 ( ) A、年龄与阅历 B、情感与情绪 C、责任与道义 D、素质与人格 5、写作活动中的“三环活动”不包括 ( ) A、前写作 B、写作 C、后写作 D、反思 二、多项选择:(下列各题至少有两项是正确的,请选择,多得分 选少选错选均不得分,每小题4分,共20分。) 评卷人 1、散文的类型包括 ( ) A、叙事散文 B言情散文 C、明理散文 D、描写散文 2、散文的特征包括 ( ) A、自我的定真性 B、取材的真实性 C、对象的广泛性 D、表达的自由性

3、评论文可分为 ( ) A社会评论 B文艺评论 C学术评论 D思想评论 4、表达方式包括 ( ) A叙述 B描写 C说明 D议论 5写作活动的特点有 ( ) A人文性 B综合性 C个体性 D创造性 三、填空题(本大题每空1分,共15分) 得分 评卷人 1.受体的心理特征包括:求知受益心理、、 ____________ 、 ___________。 2.文章修辞大致分为___________、 ____________。 3.观察的类别有:实用观察、_____________ 、 _____________ 、 _____________。_ 4.调查研究的基本思路是___________ 、 _____________ 、 ______________。 5.学术短评的特点是____________ 、 ____________、 ___________。 6.立意是指________________ ___________________。 四、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题7分,共21分) 得分 评卷人 1.科普文 2. 修辞 3. 语体 得分五、简答题(本大题共3小题,共29分) 评卷人 1(科普文写作的主要特点是什么,(9分)



写作教程2 课后题答案提示:页码有部分错误,但答案内容正确。 P2 . PART1 Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to. It is especially helpful in an emergency . It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone. You can always be reached when you are needed by others. In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way. It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone. ....... Disadvantages : It is quite expensive Its radiation is harmful to health Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing Making or answering calls while driving is


写作教程 2 课后题答案 提示:页码有部分错误,但答案内容正确。 P2 . PART1 Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to. It is especially helpful in an emergency . It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone. You can always be reached when you are needed by others. In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way. It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone. ....... Disadvantages : It is quite expensive Its radiation is harmful to health Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing Making or answering calls while driving is


PART II FOCUS The teacher is expected to help stude nts appreciate the effects of using participles and absolutes in their writ ings Participles Getti ng to know participles Refere nee for the excises Refere nee for the Classroom Activities 1. Sentence b: handing (describ ing she) Sentence c: wan deri ng, pick ing (both describ ing frie nds); Sentence d: made (used with had to in dicate the past perfect ten se) Sentence e: surprised (describ ing Tigger); Sentence f. filled (used with were to in dicate the passive voice) Sentence g. stari ng (describ ing Tigger) Sentence h: left (describ ing nothing) ; check ing (describ ing Roo) Sentence i: looking (describing Pooh) Sentence j. looking (describing Roo); Sentence k. gone (used with have to in dicate the prese nt perfect ten se) Sentence l: picking (describing friends), fallen (describing raspberries) Sentence m. waiting (used with was to indicate the present continuous ten se) 2. a. smili ng b. Readi ng

写作教程 3 Unit 2

PART 1 GRAMMAR pronouns Subjective vs. objective Reference for the Classroom Activities 1). She has told me about it. 2). -- Who is it?. It's me. 3)That's him, I'm sure. 4). It was she who solved the problem.(In this sentence, her is also acceptable though it is the subject of the relative clause. The only difference is in style, subjective pronouns sound more formal than objective pronouns. Two more examples: It was them who helped me out. It was me who did it. ) 5). Jill is the girl who I think went up the hill. (In the relative clause, who is the subject and the phrase I think is an explanatory parenthesis. ) 6). The Red Cross will accept whoever volunteers. ( Whoever is the subject of volunteers. The clause whoever volunteers is the object of accept. ) 7). Who/Whom is it for? 8).To whom is the letter addressed? Now, ask students to summarize the rules about the case of pronouns Summary:


专业技术人员常用文体写作教程作业(单选题及答案) 1、 (B)原则是科研选题的前提。 (单选 ) A.创新 B.价值 C.科学 D.可行 P200 2、 (C )的特点是技术性、专业性、实用性强。 (单选 ) A.综合性科学期刊 B.学术性科学期刊 C.技术性科学期刊 D.检索性科学期刊 P213 3、“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,因此提高科技论文写作水平需要(A )。 (单选 ) A.多阅读文献资料,多阅读各类图书,多看别人的论文 B.不断进行写作实践 C.反复修改 D.切实选好论文题目 P233 4、“凡金属受热体积就膨胀”的结论是依据对金、银、铜、铁等金属受热体积膨胀,而未遇到矛盾的情况下做出的结论。这属于(C )。 (单选 )A.完全归纳推理B.简单枚举归纳推理C.科学归纳推理D.演绎推理P227 5、“计划三要素”不包括(D )。 (单选 )A.具体任务B.步骤安排C.措施要求D.分配工作P6 6、“计划三要素”中,指采取什么方法实现计划目标的是( C)。 (单选 )A.具体任务B.步骤安排C.措施要求D.分配工作P6 7、“玉不琢不成器,文不改不成章。”因此提高科技论文写作水平需要( C)。 (单选 ) P234A.多阅读文献资料,多阅读各类图书,多看别人的论文 B.不断进行写作实践 C.反复修改 D.切实选好论文题目 8、《××大学关于改革毕业生就业工作情况的调查报告》属于( A)。 (单选 )A.新生事物的调查报告B.典型经验的调查报告C.揭露问题的调查报告D.反映社会基本情况的调查报告P31 9、《现代隧道技术》属于(C )。 (单选 ) P213 A.综合性科学期刊 B.学术性科学期刊 C.技术性科学期刊 D.检索性科学期刊 10、按学科分类及体系排列来查找文献属于何种检索途径(C )。 (单选 ) P232 A.著者途径 B.序号途径 C.分类途径 D.主题途径 11、按照科技论文语言简明的要求,做法不正确的是(C )。 (单选 ) P256 A.避免不必要的重复和反复强调 B.意思复杂的单句改用复句 C.多用介词结构和文言虚词 D.复句的意思很简单则改为单句 12、按照科技论文语言简明的要求,做法不正确的是(C )。 (单选 )A.避免不必要的重复和反复强调B.意思复杂的单句改用复句C.多用介词结构和文言虚词D.复句的意思很简单则 P256 13、按证明信的内容划分包括(D )。 (单选 ) A.组织证明信 B.个人证明信 C.邮寄证明信 D.婚姻状况证明 P71 14、比较适合于典型经验调查或社会基本情况调查的调查报告主体部分结构是(A)。 (单选 ) A.横向式结构 B.纵向式结构 C.纵横结合式结构 D.乱序结构 P35 15、标明制定计划的单位名称和具体时间的是(D)。 (单选 ) A.前言 B.主体 C.结尾 D.落款 P7 16、标题为《对××××的探讨》表示(B)。 (单选 ) A.常用于理论性和创造性较多的论文 B.作者提出的是一种有价值但不太肯定性的结论,有讨论之意 C.作者是对把握不太大的课题的看法 D.都不对 P247 17、不写或少写具体工作的内容,而将行文的重点放在分析工作得失、梳理经验教训、摸索事物发展规律方面。这样的总结主体部分的表述方式属于(C)。 (单选 )A.两段式写法B.概述式写法C.经验式写法D.阶段式写法P21 18、参与制定计划的人员必须高瞻远瞩,善于科学合理地预测事物发展趋势,这是反映计划具有何种特点(A)。 (单选 ) A.内容的预见性 B.目标的现实性 C.措施的可行性 D.作用的约束性 P4


P A R T I I F O C U S The teacher is expected to help students appreciate the effects of using participles and absolutes in their writings Participles Getting to know participles Reference for the excises Reference for the Classroom Activities 1. Sentence b: handing (describing she) Sentence c: wandering, picking (both describing friends) ; Sentence d: made (used with had to indicate the past perfect tense) Sentence e: surprised (describing Tigger) ; Sentence f. filled (used with were to indicate the passive voice) Sentence g. staring (describing Tigger) Sentence h: left (describing nothing) ; checking (describing Roo) Sentence i: looking (describing Pooh) Sentence j. looking (describing Roo); Sentence k. gone (used with have to indicate the present perfect tense) Sentence l: picking (describing friends), fallen (describing raspberries) Sentence m. waiting (used with was to indicate the present continuous tense)
