





And I am a true boy

Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming.

As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society.

Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more

generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others.

I am now a boy, I should be like a man.


My birthday party

Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about it.In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said,"Today is my birthday,don't forget it!"At school,I got many gifts and cards for my classmates and had a lot of fun.But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go home.When

I open the door,there wasn't anybody in the house.There was only

a note that said,"Coming home late tonight,mum and dad."I try

to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I couldn't eat anything.I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely.It was about time for dinner,my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house.When I got there I couldn't believed my eyes.Everybody was

there:my parents,my relatives,my friends and even my classmates.There was so many gifts and a big cake.What a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.


My school

There is a beautiful school in the Shanghai West

suburbs----Qingpu senior high middle school. She covers an area of simple more than 150 mu. And it is one of the lodge senior middle schools

in Shanghai. That is my school, my family.

Judging by her system, it is not hard for us to know, every student who studies in the school should live at school. Really so, I live at school all the day.

Our school is a modern senior middle school .In each classroom there is a computer which controls a projector. It is the paperless teaching that the teacher attends class. Students dive into

it completely.

The environment in the school is also the most. There is a river in the school side. And water in river is limpid, in which there is several small fish and some shrimps etc.

The gym installations of our school are complete. She not only has a tartan track, a basketball court and a football field, but also has a tennis field ,a shuttlecock field ,a table tennis house and gymnasium etc . Everything needed is there.

This is my school, my family.

I love my school, and I love my family!


I.写一篇短文介绍你的家庭 My family I have a happy family. There are…people in my family. They are my father, my mother…and I. My father is…years old. He likes(doing)…. My mother is….. She is….. She likes(doing)….. I am a student. I study hard. I like my classmates and teachers. This is my family. I love my family. II.Please write an essay to introduce one of your friends. (写一篇短文介绍你一位同学,电话号码和QQ号码必须用英文写出) Hello, everyone! My name is ... This is my friend ... His/ Her first name is …and his/ her last name is ….He/She is twelve. His/ Her telephone number is …and his /her QQ number is .... He/She studies in GaoxinNo.1HighSchool. He/She likes play ing….. We play …(basketball/tennis/soccer) after school every day. He/ She is my good friend. Hello, everyone. My name is John. This is my best friend Gina. Gina is her first name and King is her last name. So her full name is Gina King. She is twelve. She is a nice girl. If you


最新中考英语作文写作素材积累及必背范文大全 专题1 一、专题知识梳理 “主题阐述型”作文是未来中考的趋势 纵观最近两年的中考和一模二模等大考中的作文题目,不难发现“主题阐述型作文”正无越来越受到出题人的青睐。无论对于复习临考的初三生还是其他年级的同学,了解趋势,未雨绸缪,早作准备,有的放矢,才是 征服“作文”这一最中考英语考试最高峰的王道吧。 所谓“主题阐述型”作文,学生需要结合题目中给出的具体情景或数据来展开写作。学生在写作时既不能泛泛 而谈,也不能举出不相干的事例。这样的作文一般写作思路是: 1首段先将题目中的情景简要总结并引出自己的观点; 2中间段要给出详细展开自己观点,同时要辅以契合的数据,事实等作为论据; 3尾段呼应开头点题。 因此这样的作文都是夹叙夹议类的文章,可以一箭双雕考察学生两种体裁写作能力。更重要的是和具体情景 的结合,也需要现场功力,绝非靠机械式地套用模板可行,这样也更好地考察学生真实的写作功底。 所以平时我们应该如何准备呢? 1 建立自己的素材库。平时各种话题写过的作文(作文话题分类另见博文),牛人的范文,参考书上经典,其 中的优美词句,典型事例等等用心记下来,且一定要用笔记录。自己动手写才能走心,才能内化成自己的东 西。 2 关注周围的世界。很多主题阐释性的作文都是和实事挂钩的,如果你平时就做个有心人,关注周遭的世 界,了解一些基本概念的英文,如雾霾(haze/ smog),智能手机(smartphone),失联客机(disappeared airliner)… 在考场上就能更从容,不至于现场词穷,甚至看不懂题目。 3 养成在头脑中构建语段的习惯。看到一个新闻或现象,不要当成事不关己的窗外事,试着去评论或思考一 下,哪怕听听智者的言论,也能受到启发。很多时候,大家写文章,徒有文字的堆砌,也用了很多从句,但 绕来绕去就是一个肤浅的意思,归根还是没有更深的思考和总结。当然中考的作文话题不会太大,不指望一


最新初中英语作文素材 初中英语作文:表面之下 Under the Surface The American popular female singer Lady Gaga is famous for creating the fashion. Of course, the fashion she created is not accepted by the old generation but is admired by the young people. They believe that it stands for their individuality. There is one thing that is neglected by so many people, which is Lady Gaga has great talent in music. Before she got famous, she wrote many songs and she was accepted by a first-class music school. The school only accepts very few excellent students ahead around the world. The reason that Lady Gaga becomes such successful lies in her talent and her individuality. We can’t see things in its surface. 美国著名流行女歌手Lady Gaga因创造时尚而出名。当然,她所创造的时尚并不被老一代人接受,但却受到了年轻人的追捧。他们认为这代表着个性。有一件事被很多人忽视,那就是Lady Gaga在音乐方面很有天赋。在她成名之前,她写了许多歌曲,她被一间世界


(一 )如何写提建议的短文 在书面表达中,经常会出现针对某人,某事提建议的写作要求。在写此类短文时,常常注意 以下几点: ① 掌握常用句型,根据提供的情景、提示等,明确需要提的建议,咱展开合理的写作 要求语气委婉、有礼貌。②在写作过程中,要先对表述的观点表达自己的看法,然后提出自己 的建议和意见,③注意所提出的建议和意见要有条理性,逻辑性。④最后还要有总结的语言 来归纳自己的观点。 提建议的常用句型 : 1.You should/shouldn't do sth你.应该、不应该做某事 2.Why not /Why don't you do sth.为什么不做某事呢? 3.Let's do sth.让我们做某事吧 4.It is a good idea to do sth. 去做某事这个主意不错 5.You'd better do sth你.最好做某事 6.What/How about doing sth.做怎么样? 7.It is +形容词 for sb. to do sth 做某事对某人来说是非常的 典例精析 假如你是李玲,是英国中学生露西Lucy 的笔友,你收到了她的电子邮件。请根据她来信的内容写一封 70词左右的回信。针对她的困惑,谈谈你的看法,同时提出一些建议,告诉她应该做什么,不应该做什 么。 Dear Li Ling, These days Tom Cruise, the film star, always comes into my mind. I think of him night and day. I just sit in my room and watch videos of his films again and again. I 've written hundreds of letters to him and sent e-mails to his fan club,but all I get back are only photos with his names on them. I dream that some day I'll meet him and that he'll feel the same way about me . I don't want to learn my lessons any more, but I'll have final exams next month. I'm thinking of running away to Hollywood to meet him. Can you help me with the problem? Yours, Lucy 范文模板: Hi , Lucy, Nice to hear from you. Everyone has his favorite stars and there's nothing wrong with that. I understand you. But I don't think what you do is right since you are a student. You'd better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free time. Stop writing to him and watching his films. You may also tell your problem to your parents and teachers. I 'm sure they'll help you. Running away to Hollywood is a wrong idea. Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams. Your future is in you mind. Yours, Li Ling


九年级暑假英语作文素材 学生在英语写作中少不了的作文资料的积累。特别是作为一个即将面临中考的学生更是要在作文资料积累上面下功夫。下面是橙子整理的一些关于九年级暑假英语作文素材的相关资料,供你参考。 九年级暑假英语作文素材1:Learn to be Tolerant When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me. I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way. 当我犯错误的时候,父母从来不和我生气。我很感激他们如此宽容的对待我。我从父母那里学到了很多东西,他们给我展示了如何成为一个宽容的人。他们不会因犯我犯的错误而责怪我,相反的,他们会用温柔的方式教育我。不像其他父母,对孩子很严格,他们会生气,并且说伤人的话语,令孩子感到难过。宽容对待别人的错误是解决问1 / 3

热点12 梦想-2020中考英语作文热点素材+精彩范文

热点12 梦想 中国梦无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的思想带来了极大的影响。今天,选择的2020年中考英语写作预测话题是:梦想。 【预测题目】 (一) 某杂志正在征集文章, 主题为《中国梦, 我的梦》。每个平凡中国人的梦想汇聚成中国梦, 中国梦的实现在于我们努力实现各自的梦想。你的梦想是什么?你打算怎样实现?你的梦想能为祖国的未来做出怎样的贡献, 能使祖国发生怎样的变化? 请你以《中国梦, 我的梦》为题, 写写自己的梦想、计划以及将来祖国的变化(如环境、教育、科技、生活

等方面)。 要求:1. 词数80词左右, 至少使用两处比较级; 2. 不得出现真实的姓名或校名。 China's Dream, My Dream ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】 China's Dream, My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a teacher. I will try my best to study hard .I want to let every student study happily. Now our rivers are cleaner than before. We have our own cars in almost every family and our lives are better than before. It is convenient for us to go out every day. Now we also learn in more ways, we can learn knowledge on the Internet, videos and so on. For us, the better our country is, the better our life will be. I think life in our country is getting better and better. 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题目要求包含梦想是什么?打算怎样实现?梦想能为祖国的未来做出怎样的贡献,能使祖国发生怎样的变化?等,注意要有比较级的运用,对于比较级的相关用法要熟悉。 2.例文点评:例文通过对梦想是什么?打算怎样实现?梦想能为祖国的未来做出怎样的贡献,能使祖国发生怎样的变化等一一讲述。语句通顺,条理清晰,词组,短语,句型等运用灵活。 3.高分亮点:词组:try my best;want to let;study happily;go out;in our country等;


热点14 减负 减负无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它给我们的生活带来了很大的影响。今天,选择的2020年中考英语写作预测话题是:减负。 【预测题目】 (一) 假如你是李明,你的美国朋友Jack 听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请你根据下列内容,用英语写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。 内容要点如下: 1.过去课后常常做很多作业,甚至周末会上课,睡得很晚; 2.现在有很多自由时间读课外书,参观博物馆等; 3.周末不上课,可做自己想做的事情;

4.晚上有时间看新闻,不必再熬夜; 5.补充一两点个人情况。 注意: 1.书信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2.词数:60-80; 3.内容要连贯得体。 参考词汇:used to v.过去常常free adj.自由的museum n. 博物馆 Dear Jack, How nice to hear from you again!__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lovely yours, Li Ming 【参考范文】 Dear Jack, How nice to hear from you again! You want to know what is going on in schools in China? In short, things have changed a lot. I used to have to do endless homework after class and attend classes even on weekends. Now I have more free time. I can do some reading and visit museums and so on. On weekends, I can follow my own interests such as going for a movie and visiting friends. In the evenings I can watch mews on TY. What’s more, I can go to bed earlier. Lovely yours


资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 (一)如何写提建议的短文 在书面表达中, 经常会出现针对某人,某事提建议的写作要求。在写此类短文时,常常注意以下几点: ①掌握常用句型,根据提供的情景、提示等,明确需要提的建议,咱展开合理的写作 要求语气委婉、有礼貌。②在写作过程中,要先对表述的观点表达自己的看法,然后提出自己的建议和意见,③注意所提出的建议和意见要有条理性,逻辑性。④最后还要有总结的 语言来归纳自己的观点。 典例精析 假如你是李玲,是英国中学生露西Lucy的笔友,你收到了她的电子邮件。请根据她来信的内容写一封 70词左右的回信。针对她的困惑,谈谈你的看法,同时提出一些建议,告诉她应该做什么,不应该做什么。 Dear Li Ling, These days Tom Cruise, the film star, always comes into my min d. I thi nk of him ni ght and day. I just sit in my room and watch videos of his films again and again. I've written hundreds of letters to him and sent e-mails to his fan club,but all I get back are only photos with his n ames on them. I dream that some day ril meet him and that he'll feel the same way about me . I don't wait to learn my lessons any more, but I'll have final exams next month. rm thinking of running away to Hollywood to meet him. Can you help me with the problem? Yours, Lucy 范文模板: Hi,Lucy, Nice to hear from you. Every one has his favorite stars and there's nothing wrong with that. I understand you. But I don't think what you do is right since you are a student. You'd better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free time. Stop writing to him and watching his films. You may also tell your problem to your pare nts and teachers. I 'm sure they'll help you. Running away to Hollywood is a wrong idea. Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams. Your future is in you mind. Yours, Li Ling 练习: 据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况已经引起了全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。请你根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇80次左右的短文。



初中英语作文素材范文 英语作文是个令不少考生犯愁的题型,不少考生想要写好却不知道如何写。下面是我整理的一些关于初中英语作文素材范文的相关资料,供你参考。 1 And I am a true boy Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming. As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society. Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more

generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others. I am now a boy, I should be like a man. 2 My birthday party Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about it.In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said,"Today is my birthday,don't forget it!"At school,I got many gifts and cards for my classmates and had a lot of fun.But I was still expecting the birthday party after school. When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go home.When I open the door,there wasn't anybody in the house.There was only a note that said,"Coming home late tonight,mum and dad."I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I couldn't eat anything.I just did my homework and waited for them.


关于父母和孩子的问题: 1、Parents are the closest people in the world. They love you just because you are you. And they could do anything for you. 2、建议一:Why don?t you take a walk and have a talk on Saturdays? It?s the International Day of Families. 3、My friends don?t like talking with their parents much. They aren?t happy at home. Lots of kids feel that way. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends. Here are some ways to have a good talk with them: (1)Find a good time to talk, like when you?re eating dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV. (2)Tell them something you are interested in, or ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about it. (3)Listen to them carefully, and look at them in the eyes. (4)Be honest. Y our parents will trust you more. And a trusting family is a happy family. (5)If you disagree with your parents sometimes, it might be a good way to speak about your ideas politely. That way your parents can listen and at the same time learn to see your point of view. So you can disagree sometimes as long as you do so politely and with respect. 4. Parents must give young people freedom to play. Children must learn to solve their own problems, and see difficulty for themselves. 5. When you?ve proved you can be responsible, maybe they?ll “unwrap”you for the real world. 关于happiness 1.Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy but few know hot to find happiness. Money and success don?t bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. 2.Some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to buy anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high place in the government is happiness. However, I believe that having lots of money is not happiness, nor holding a high place in the government. 3.怎样能拥有happiness: Here are the ways to help you be happier: (1)The secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Y ou should enjoy life …s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favourite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happiness and healthier lives. (2)Another secret of happiness is to be active. Y ou can go dancing or play sports. Y ou can forget about your problems and only think about the activities. (3)Besides, many people find happiness in helping other people. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful things for other people. If you want to feel happier, do something nive for someone. For example, you can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to get food for an old neighbour, or simply help around the house. 关于低碳生活:


初中英语作文素材 Traffic and Protecting Environment (交通与环保) 2014年1月上旬,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。 内容包括: 1.重要性:只有一个地球。 2.主要问题:污染、疾病、灾难。 3.措施:停止污染、保护大自然。 Let’s Do Something to save Our Environment We all live on the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness. It’s our duty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories. Protecting the nature is very important. It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful. 2科普知识与科学技术The Popular Science Knowledge and Science Technology 历史上有很多发明,起着很重要的作用,其中一些改变了世界。依你之见,什么是最重要的发明,并说明原因,也就是它起的作用(不少于三点)。80词左右。 The Most Helpful Invention


2020中考英语作文万能句子素材篇一 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ 。Some people suggest that____。 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______。 Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____。 What makes things worse is that______。 4.现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______。 Many people like ______because ______。 Besides,______。 5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6.关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______。To them,_____。 7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______which is becoming more and more serious. 8.……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。


2018年中考精选英语作文素材【六篇】 【第一篇:沉重的作业】 Many years ago, when students went home after school, they had less time to play, because the teachers gave them a lot of homework. I remembered at that time, my sister worked so hard to finish the homework, she wrote it quickly when she arrived home. After supper, she continued to finish her homework. I felt she worked too hard, she deserved to have some time to play, but she didn’t. Not long after that t ime, the government had made some reform, the students don’t have to burden so much homework, they can have time to play. Now students can enjoy playing games with friends after school, I think play and study should be contained. 很多年以前,当学生放学回家后,他们很少有时间来玩耍,因为老师给他们布置了很多作业。我记得在那时,我的姐姐为了完成作业,努力写作业,当她回到家里的时候,她就快速写。晚饭过后,她继续完成作业。我觉得她很努力学习,值得拥有时间去玩,但是她没有时间玩。在那不久之后,政府作出了一些改革,学生不用再背负那么沉重的作业负担,他们能够有时间去玩耍。现在学生能够享受课后和同学一起玩耍,我觉得玩和学习要结合起来。 【第二篇:舌尖上的中国】 In China, people usually have three meal a day, they are breakfast, lunch and supper. People usually have breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. There are many kind of food for them to eat, such as nuddles, eggs, fried dough sticks and soy milk. They have lunch at about twelve at noon, usually have vegetables, meats and rice. They have a short rest after lunch. Supper is about at six in the evening. All


2021中考英语作文热点素材:阅读素材事例 Water is the basis of life.Animals and plants need water. So do we. Without food, we can live for a week,but we can't live for three days without water. 水是生命的源泉。动物和植物都需要水。我们也一样。没有食物,我们可以活一个星期,但没有水我们不能活三天。 Water also plays an importantpart in our daily life, because we have to clean our teeth, wash our faces andtake a shower every day. In addition, water is needed in cooking as well. 水在我们的日常生活中也扮演着重要的角色,因为我们每天要刷牙,洗脸,都洗澡。而且,做饭的时候也需要水。 Even though our earth is rich inwater resource, there are still many places lack of water, because of the waterpollution. It's a great pity that few people have realized the importance ofwater protection. If we continue to pollute the water, we will have no water todrink and die of thirst. So we must cherish the water resource. 尽管我们地球的水资源丰富,但由于水污染仍有许多地方缺水。遗憾的是很少有人认识到保护水的重要性。如果我们继续污染水资源,我们就会没有水喝,会渴死。所以我们必须珍惜水资源。 London, the capital of British is afamous city with a long history and colorful cultures. There are some greatwonders in London, such as Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Big Ben,Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, and so on. They are so wonderfuland great. 伦敦是英国的首都,是一个具有悠久的历史和丰富多彩文化的的城市。伦敦有许多名胜古迹,如白金汉宫,大英博物馆,大本钟,伦敦桥,伦敦塔,巨石阵等等。他们是如此的奇妙和伟大。 Buckingham Palace is the placewhere the Queen lives in. There you can always see the guards. 白金汉宫是女王生活的地方。你总是可以看到警卫。 The British Museum is a museumwith human history and culture. There is a great deal of objects from all overthe world in it.
