



0 For an infant just beginning to interact with the surrounding world, it is imperative that he quickly become proficient in his native language. While developing a vocabulary and the ability to communicate using it are obviously important steps in this process, an infant must first be able to learn from the various streams of audible communication around him. To that end, during the course of even the first few months of development, an infant will begin to absorb the rhythmic patterns and sequences of sounds that characterize his language, and will begin to differentiate between the meanings of various pitch and stress changes.

However, it is important to recognize that such learning does not take place in a vacuum. Infants must confront these language acquisition challenges in an environment where, quite frequently, several streams of communication or noise are occurring simultaneously. In other words, infants must not only learn how to segment individual speech streams into their component words, but they must also be able to distinguish between concurrent streams of sound.

Consider, for example, an infant being spoken to by his mother. Before he can leam from the slight differences of his mother's speech, he must first separate that speech from the sounds of the dishwasher, the family dog, the bus stopping on the street outside, and, quite possibly, background noise in the form of speech; a newscaster on the television down the hall or siblings playing in an adjacent room.

How exactly do infants wade through such a murky conglomeration of audible stimuli? While most infants are capable of separating out two different voices despite the presence of additional, competing streams of sound, this capability is predicated upon several specific conditions.

First, infants are better able to learn from a particular speech stream when that voice is louder than any of. the competing streams of background speech; when two voices are of equal amplitude, infants typically demonstrate little preference towards one stream or the other. Most likely, equally loud competing voice streams, for the infant, become combined into a single stream that necessarily contains unfamiliar patterns and sounds that can quite easily induce confusion. Secondly, an infant is more likely to attend to a particular voice stream if it is perceived as more familiar than another stream. When an infant, for example, is presented with a voice stream spoken by his mother and a background stream delivered by an unfamiliar voice, usually he can easily separate out her voice from the distraction of the background stream. By using these simple yet important cues an infant can become quite adept at concentrating on a single stream of

communication and, therefore, capable of more quickly learning the invaluable characteristics and rules of his native language.

1 Which of the following best conveys the main idea of Paragraph 1 ?

(A)Infants are fully aware of their environments.

(B)Infants have natural talent to develop vocabulary.

(C)Infants are able to take in information from the environment.

(D)Infants like rhythmic patterns and sequences of sounds.

2 The phrase "predicated upon several specific conditions"(Para. 4)is used by the author to suggest that______.

(A)most infants have trouble separating out simultaneous streams of speech

(B)infants can only learn when they are comfortable in their surroundings

(C)only in rare instances do these required conditions occur

(D)infants are not always able to learn from their surrounding environment

3 The author uses the word "necessarily"(Line

4 of Para. 5)in order to suggest


(A)an individual stream understandably changes character when mixed with another (B)even adults can have trouble distinguishing between streams of equal volume (C)infants always combine separate streams into a single sound

(D)it is inevitable that two streams of speech are more confusing than one

4 Before an infant can learn from the slight differences of his mother's speech, he must first______.

(A)understand his father's communication stream

(B)be able to distinguish between his mother's voice from that of the background noise

(C)absorb the sounds of dishwasher and pets

(D)learn something about his language from the television voice

5 The example in the last paragraph is used to illustrate how______.

(A)an infant who spends little time with his parents would probably have trouble with language acquisition

(B)an infant in constant vocal interaction with his parents could experience accelerated language acquisition

(C)the complexity of an infant's native language is not a factor in determining whether that language will be easily acquired

(D)infants with particularly attentive parents are more likely to acquire language skills more quickly

5 When I accepted a volunteer position as a social worker at a domestic violence shelter in a developing nation, I imagined the position for which my university experience had prepared me. I envisioned conducting intake interviews and traipsing around from organization to organization seeking the legal, psychological, and financial support that the women would need to rebuild their lives. When I arrived, I felt as if I already had months of experience, experience garnered in the hypothetical situations I had invented and subsequently resolved single-handedly and seamlessly. I felt thoroughly prepared to tackle head-on the situation I assumed was waiting for me.

I arrived full of zeal, knocking at the shelter's door. Within moments, my reality made

a sharp break from that which I had anticipated. The coordinator explained that the shelter's need for financial self-sufficiency had become obvious and acute. To address this, the center was planning to open a bakery. I immediately enthused about the project, making many references to the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In response to my impassioned reply, the coordinator declared me in charge of the bakery and left in order to " get out of my way. " At that moment, I was as prepared

to bake bread as I was to run for political office. The bigger problem, however, was that I was completely unfamiliar with the for-profit business models necessary to run the bakery. I was out of my depth in a foreign river with only my coordinator's confidence to keep me afloat.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. I soon found that it is also the mother of initiative. I began finding recipes and appropriating the expertise of friends. With their help making bread, balancing books, printing pamphlets and making contacts, the bakery was soon running smoothly and successfully. After a short time it became a significant source of income for the house.

In addition to funds, baking bread provided a natural environment in which to work with and get to know the women of the shelter. Kneading dough side by side, I shared in the camaraderie of the kitchen, treated to stories about their children and the towns and jobs they had had to leave behind to ensure their safety. Baking helped me develop strong relationships with the women and advanced my understanding of their situations. It also improved the women's self-esteem. Their ability to master a new skill gave them confidence in themselves, and the fact that the bakery contributed to the upkeep of the house gave the women, many of them newly single, a sense of pride and the conviction that they had the capability to support themselves.

Baking gave me the opportunity to work in a capacity I had not at all anticipated, but one that proved very successful. I became a more sensitive and skillful social worker, capable of making a mean seven-grain loaf. Learning to bake gave me as much newfound self-confidence as it gave the women, and I found that sometimes quality social work can be as simple as kneading dough.

6 The primary purpose of the passage is to show how the author______.

(A)was shocked by the discrepancy between her earlier ideas about her work and the reality she faced

(B)discovered a talent her overly-focused mind had never allowed her to explore (C)broadened how she defined the scope of her work

(D)developed her abilities to orchestrate a for-profit business enterprise

7 In Line 5 of Para. 1 "garnered" most nearly means______.





8 The statement that the author arrived "full of zeal"(Line 1 of Para. 2)indicates that she was______.

(A)anxious and insecure

(B)eager and interested

(C)confident but uninformed

(D)cheerful but exhausted

9 The author was initially enthusiastic about the idea of the bakery because she______. (A)considered it from a theoretical point of view

(B)hoped to obtain a leadership position in the bakery

(C)wanted to demonstrate her baking knowledge to her new coordinator

(D)believed it would be a good way to build the women's self-esteem

10 The comparison in Lines 6 -7 of Para. 2("At that moment...political

office")demonstrates the author's belief that______.

(A)it was unfair of the coordinator to ask the author to run the bakery

(B)social workers should not be involved in either baking or politics

(C)she was unqualified for a job baking bread

(D)similar skills were involved in both baking and politics

11 Lines 7 -8 of Para. 2("The bigger...bakery")suggest that the author believed


(A)learning the necessary business practices would be a more daunting challenge than learning to bake bread

(B)good business practices are more important to running a successful bakery than is the quality of the bread

(C)her coordinator's confidence in for-profit business models was misplaced

(D)for-profit business models are significantly more complex than the non-profit models with which she was familiar

12 The last sentence("Learning...dough")indicates that the author______.

(A)lacked self-confidence just as much as the women with whom she worked

(B)found that performing social work is surprisingly easy with no education

(C)underestimated her own ability to learn new skills

(D)derived a benefit from her work while helping others

12 Though he would one day be considered an innovator and founding father of the artistic movement known as Impressionism, Claude Monet(1840-1926)began his career as a fairly traditional representational artist. His painting gradually changed, however, as he became interested in light and how it affects perception—an interest that led him to attempt to paint light itself rather than the objects off of which light reflected. Monet also rejected the tradition of painting in a dedicated studio, and left the confines of his dusty room to paint outside. Many of his friends and fellow artists, including Pisarro, Renoir and Cezanne, were also interested in working alfresco and joined him in painting outdoors. This group, the core of the movement that would later be classified as Impressionism, made it a common practice to paint the same scene many times in a day to explore the changes in the light, using small patches of color rather than the large brush strokes and blended color that had characterized artistic technique until that time.

The Impressionists were thus attempting to evoke a mood rather than document a specific scene or event, as had been the aim of earlier painters.

This move away from representation was also effected by a technological development, as photography became more affordable and popular. Before the development of photography, painting was the primary means of documenting the marriages, births, and business successes of the wealthy. Photographers soon took over much of this role because photographs were faster, more accurate, and less expensive than paintings. This freed the Impressionists to find new roles for their medium and encouraged the public to think about painting in a new way. It was no longer just a means of recording significant events; it now reflected an artist's unique vision of a scene or moment.

Today, Impressionism enjoys a privileged position with many art historians and critics, although this was certainly not always the case. As the movement was developing, most critics were at best uninterested and often appalled by the work. Even the name of the movement was originally a derisive critique. A critic who, like most of his colleagues, prized realism in paintings, declared the movement "Impressionism" after the name of the painting Impression: A Sunrise, by Monet. The critic considered the Impressionists' works unfinished—only an impression, rather than a complete painting. It is safe to say that such a critic would be in the minority today, however. Impressionist paintings are now some of the most prized works in the art world. Museums and individuals pay huge sums to add these works to their collections, and the reproductions of the artworks are among the most popular fine art posters sold.

13 The primary purpose of the passage is to______.

(A)condemn the critics who prevented the Impressionists from exhibiting their work (B)contrast Monet's work with that of Pisarro, Renoir, and Cezanne

(C)describe the primary characteristics of Monet's paintings

(D)explain the origins of Impressionism and Monet's role in the movement

14 According to the passage, the Impressionists did all of the following EXCEPT______. (A)paint the same scene at different times of the day

(B)paint the light reflected by objects

(C)receive acclaim from their contemporaries

(D)reconsider the role of painting in society

15 In Line 10 of Para. 1, the author most likely mentions "patches of color" to describe______.

(A)the light that the Impressionists encountered when they worked outdoors (B)a shortcoming of traditional paintings

(C)a distinguishing characteristic of modern painters

(D)an innovative technique used by Impressionist painters

16 The discussion of photography(Para. 2)serves as______.

(A)a description of an innovation that affected the development of Impressionism (B)the most important context in which to understand Impressionism

(C)a demonstration of its similarities to painting

(D)a demonstration of the public's dislike of Impressionism

17 The author of the passage would most likely describe the medium of photography as______.





18 In Para. 3 "a derisive critique" most nearly means that the criticism was made in a(n)______way.





19 The "critic" mentioned in Line 5 of Para. 3 would most likely agree that______.

(A)Impressionist paintings are inferior because they fail to clearly represent their subjects

(B)Impressionism now enjoys a much more prestigious place in the art world than it once did

(C)Monet's Impression; A Sunrise was a highly influential work

(D)the use of photography to document important events freed painters to explore other roles

20 In Line 8 of Para. 3 "prized" most nearly means______.






21 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. If there is no error, use a √ or write "No error" on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

My parents, my younger sister, and me were delighted to see how much my cousin had grown since we last visited his family in the summer.

22 We spent a most enjoyable afternoon sitting on the grass, watching for unusual shaped cloud formation.

23 Beside the dusty road sets a pond, which serves as a breeding ground for several species of the noisiest animals such as fogs.

24 The other students and she felt unprepared when tested on facts not learned in class.

25 Working two jobs is common among struggling actors, the majority of them work in restaurants that allow them flexible hours to audition.

26 Food produced without pesticides poses fewer danger and promotes easier digestion than that produced through traditional agriculture.

27 When Shirin Abadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, many of her colleagues praised her exceptional efforts for democracy and human rights in Iran.

28 Concerned about the coming game on Saturday, each of the team members spent most of the week practicing their plays.

29 Even the San Francisco Earthquake in the spring of 1906 leveled many buildings, it was the subsequent series of fires that destroyed most of the city.

30 Studies indicate that the environments in schools where there are fewer adults on staff is often not conducive to learning.


31 Here's a description of a company manager's personal experience in his job: " I've been working in and with international companies for more than a decade, often specifically brought in to help solve cross-cultural communication or management challenges, or to fix disfunctional internal corporate cultures. So my ear has become attuned to the ' us versus they ' clues. They never listen. They just don't understand. We are right, they are wrong. " The British poet Rudyard Kipling(1865-1936)also expressed his understanding of cultural differences by means of a poem "We and They". The following box contains the beginning and the end stanzas excerpted from the poem. Now read the following two stanzas, and then write an argumentation of about 400 words on the topic: " Why are ' They' always wrong?".

Discuss the causes and effects of the differences people feel in cross-cultural communication. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help reduce the "we" and "they" gap. You are required to support your arguments with relevant information and examples based on your own ideas, knowledge and experience. Marks will be awarded for Content, Organization, Grammar, and Appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction will result in a loss of marks.


32 Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

The period of Chinese scientific activity did not begin until the first years of the Republic. The older reformers only introduced a book knowledge of the sciences, without fully understanding their intellectual significance, without adequate equipment for laboratory work, and without adequately trained leaders to organize the studies and researches. Most of the textbooks on science were translated by men who admired science most sincerely but who had only a very superficial book knowledge of the subjects in the Japanese schools, and never did real laboratory work or undertook field expeditions. The schools were beginning to have classroom experiments in physics and chemistry, and botanical and zoological specimens; but they were as bookish as the textbooks, and were useless for the training of scientific workers.


33 Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)




34 Give short answers to the following questions. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

Mention four of the responsibilities of county councils in the UK.

35 What type of music developed from bluegrass music ?

36 What has been the aim of the ' Quiet Revolution' in Quebec since the 1980s?

37 Which country uses the voting system called Proportional Representation?

38 What kind of foreign policy does modern Ireland adopt?

39 Answer the following question. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

What is the established church in England? How is it related to the Crown and the State, and on what ground can it change its form of worship?


北京航空航天大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试题 考生注意:所有答题务必写在考场提供的答题纸上,写在本试题单上的答题一律无效(本题单不参与阅卷)。 I. Vocabulary and Structure(40points,1*40) Part 1 Directions: Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter. 1. “The giant was bit” is a tautological statement, to say the least. A. tight B. redundant C. illogical D. relative 2. There is an embargo on any more video games coming into the house. A. landing place B. prohibition C. violation D. permission 3. Youngsters are usually more impetuous than old people. A. impatient B. immature C. impulsive D. imperial 4. U nfortunately, I’ll spend the weekend doing a bunch of prosaic chores. A .dull B. practical C. trivial D. rhyming 5. The crowd at the town meeting found the mayor’s assurance too glib. A. sarcastic B. flashy C. malicious D. readily fluent 6. Gazing at the crystalline lake, I decided it was too beautiful to swim in. A. breakable B. futuristic C. delicate D. sparkling 7. We cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership. A. lead B. doubt C. check D. repeat 8. It is more difficult for a chronic smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done. A. affluent B. confirmed C. disciplined D. indecisive 9. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company A. headhunted B. punched C. plundered D. probed 10. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable. A. indelible B. inscrutable C. illegible D. illegitimate 11. She bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest. A. bridled B. bridged C. breathed D. boasted 12. Investors should study a prospectus before putting money into a big company. A. positive outlook B. banking agreement C. profit-and-loss statement D. formal business document 13 .The real hero is never ostentatious. A. frivolous B. pretentious C. presumptuous D. ponderous 14. If you have never held a driving license before, you should apply for a provisional license. A. providential B. temporary C. provincial D. improvised 15. John Smith is a voracious book collector. A. vicious B. luxurious C. insatiable D. valuable 16. I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions. A .precipitous B. precocious C. precarious D. precautious 17. You need an excursion to break the monotony. A. gaunt B. jaunt C. vaunt D. taunt 18. The government appears in a quandary about what to do with so many people. A. border B. marshy ground C. dilemma D. situation 19. It was an auspicious beginning to her career as an author. A. unexpected B. interesting C. favorable D. doubtful


英语专业考研基础英语改错高分特训500句+100篇 第1章改错题技巧指南 对于绝大多数报考英语专业的考生而言,“基础英语”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试必考的科目。一般来说,报考英语专业研究生的考核科目为:政治(分值100分)、第二外语(分值100分)、基础英语(分值150分)以及专业课(包括英美文学、语言学与应用语言学、翻译理论及实践等)(分值150分)。 需要说明的是,有些院校对此科目的考试名称有所不同:例如北京大学称之为“专业能力”,上海外国语大学称之为“英语综合”,北京外国语大学称之为“英语基础测试(技能)”,上海交通大学、广东外语外贸大学等称之为“英语水平考试”,四川大学称之为“英语专业基础”,山东大学称之为“实践英语”。上述院校的科目名称和大多数院校所用的“基础英语”名称虽有差别,但实质是一样的,都是由各学校自主命题、考核英语专业考生基本功底的考试科目。 1.1出题形式 “基础英语”的改错题主要考查考生运用语法、词汇、修辞等语言知识,识别所给短文或句子的语病并改正的能力。 出题形式主要有以下几种: ①给出一篇250词左右的短文,共10处标记,可能有错误也可能完全正确,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。

②给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生删除10处多余的词,不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ③给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ④给出的为一个单句,句子中有四处标有下划线,要求考生选出有错误的一项。如: Tokyo Bay shook as if huge rug had been pulled from under it. A B C D ⑤给出的为一个单句,要求考生在错误处加下划线,并根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。 1.2常考错误类型 一、词法错误 词法错误主要包括了名词、动词、代词、冠词、介词、形容词副词的使用错误等,主要考察考生对常用词汇的词性、含义、用法的掌握。 (一)名词 改错中涉及到名词的错误主要有以下几类:名词“近义词”(形近或意近)、名词的单复数、可数名词与不可数名词、名词与动词、与形容词等词类的转换等。 1.名词近义词 英语中有许多拼写或读音相似甚至相同的词语,考生在平日学习时应注意这类词语的区分。


二、. 10 ( ) 1, A. river B. eat C. worry D. go ( ) 2, A . pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( ) 3, A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( ) 4, A. one B. first C. two D. four ( ) 5, A. tell B. say C. take D. father 1.— How do we go to the park ? — It’s easy .We can go to the park _____ bus. A in B by C on 2. — _____ is this in English ? — It’s a red car. A what color B what C what’s 3. — Sit down,please. — ______ . A Yes B Thanks C Good 4. — What did you do yesterday ? — I _____ swimming. A go B goes C went 5.Jenny’s brother is twenty ____ old. A. year B. yeares C. years 6.--- ____ gifts do you have? --- I have eleven gifts. A. How many B. how much C. how far 7.--- Excuse me! Do you have ____ runners? --- Yes, I’ll show you. A. some B. any C. many 8.--- Is this a ___ day? --- No! It’s snowy!


初二英语水平测试题 一.按要求写出下列各词的相应形式(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.old (反义词) 2.was not (缩略形式) 3. brush (复数) 4. play (单三人称) 5.go (过去式) 6.shop (现在分词) 8五月(汉译英)9在家(汉译英)10.life (英译汉)二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题3分,计30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike? —There_______ a friendly basketball match in ten minute s. A. is going to have B. will have C. will be D. are going to ( )2. T om is too short the leaves on the tree. A. to reaching B. to reach C. reaching D. not to reach ( )3. —Our school basketball team won the match. —_______ exciting news! A. What B. How a C. What an D. How ( )4. —Daniel, remember to turn of the lights before leaving the classroom. —________. A.Yes, please B. It's hard to say C. OK, I will ( )5. —Shall we go camping this weeken d ? —_______. I will see my grandparents in my hometown. A. I think so B. I'm afraid so C. I'd like to D. I'm afraid not ( )6. —Could you teach me how to search the information on the Internet ?


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(三) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. went swimming B. went fishing C. went boating ( ) 2. A. went to the park B. went to the zoo C. went to the cinema ( ) 3. A. shorter B. smaller C. bigger ( ) 4. A. good B. bad C. well ( ) 5. A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache. C. She has a fever. 二、听问句,选答句。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. Tom is very angry. B. I’m five. C. I’m fine. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they did. C. No, we didn’t. ( ) 3. A. I go to Shanghai. B. I did my homework. C. I am watching TV. ( ) 4. A. Size 36. B. 36 size. C. Black. ( ) 5. A. I am 164 cm. B. I am 47 kg. C. I’m 1.64 m. 三、听录音,判断对(√)错(×)。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. John is 37 kg. ( ) 2. I stayed at home with my grandma. ( ) 3. I cooked dinner last Monday. ( ) 4. It’s warm and sunny today. ( ) 5. I often play football after school.


07-1 PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0.5 point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive forpath-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A. investment B. resource C. inspiration D. stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despitethe appalling workingconditions. A. bewildering B. exasperating C. dismaying D. upsetting 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting andphotography. A. all at once B. by and by C. to some extent D. on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about theconsequences. A. optimistic B. anxious C. uncertain D. scared 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents' wishes. A. enhanced B. revised C. alternated D. modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A. arisen from B. contributed to C. patched up D. participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurorsprevailed. A. resigned B. compromised C. persisted D. dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jeffersoncontended that the countryshould remain chiefly agricultural. A. inclined B. struggled C. argued D. competed 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A. on occasion B. at present C. by now D. for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifyingvictims' families. A. briefly B. quickly C. accurately D. earnestly Section B (0.5 point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world. A. neighborhoods B. communities C. clusters D. assemblies 32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b15407133.html,pose B. impose C. expose D. pose 33. Some states in the US have set _____ standards concerning math and science tests. A. energetic B.vigorous C. rigorous D. grave 34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___________. A. presentation B. instruction C. conviction D.obligation 35. Because of ______ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along witheach other. A. incomprehensible B. incomparable C. inconceivable D. incompatible 36. As __________China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthenanti-corruption activities are gaining momentum. A. in the light of B. in the event of C. in the case of D. in the course of


基础英语练习题(二) I. GRAMMAR, Directions: In this section, there are 13 sentences each with one word or phrase m issing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes t he sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening 1. As far as we know, in this matter Jim seems . A. to be in no way to blame B. to be in no way to be blamed C. to be to blame in no way D. to be blamed in no way 2. , he might have retired before the end. A. Didn't he enjoy the concert B. Has he not enjoyed the concert C. Were he not enjoy the concert D. Had he not enjoyed the concert 3. I don't see how you can stop your daughter, she is lawfully old enough to get ma rried. A. once B. thus C. yet D. since 4. The developing countries are the richly mineralized districts in the world the d eveloped countries are the districts which are short of minerals. A. anyway B. nevertheless C. while D. instead 5. Jane rented novels from the circulating library yesterday afternoon. . A. two interesting American B. two American interesting C. interesting two American D. American two interesting 6. The manager his suitcase in which there is plenty of cash yet, for he is n ot sure where he left it behind. A. had not found B. has not found C. did not find D. cannot find 7. The minister didn't show any interest in the democratic reforms . A. all in all B. after all C. not at all D. at all . 8. I haven't seen her . A. since long B. long since C. long ago D. long before 9. Why this way? to meet him? A. are you walking / Do you want B. do you walk / Do you want C. do you walk / Are you wanting D. are you walking / Did you want 10. "Will a bus stop here soon?" "No, .” A. ten minutes ago one just went by B. one just went by ten minutes ago C. ten minutes ago just one went by D. just one went by ten minutes ago 11. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the time they were finished. A. could lose B. would have lost


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(二) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分) ()1. A. my friend B. pen friend C. phone friend ()2. A. say B. tell C. speak ()3. A. Chinese B. English C. French ()4. A. sorry B. story C. told ()5. A. address B. sweets C. dress 二、听对话,根据听到的顺序给下列图片排序。(10分) 1. 2. 3. () () () 4. 5. () () 三、听录音,选择正确答案。(10分) ()1. Where is Rose from? A. She's from England. B. She's from Canada. C. She's from China. ()2. Can Kate write in Chinese?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can't. C. Yes, I can. ()3. Can Daming speak English? A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he can't. ()4. Can Sam play football? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. Yes, she can. ()5. Who is Daming's pen friend? A. Laura. B. Lucy. C. Lily. 四、听录音,补全句子。(5分) 1. ________ to meet you! 2. I can write a letter in ________. 3. This is my ________ in China. 4. Tingting can write ________ in English. 5. Alex likes ________ very much. 笔试部分(总分70分) 五、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(共10分) ()1.A. always B. Sometime https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b15407133.html,ually D. sometimes ()2. A.once B. first C.twice D.three times ()3. A.square B. triangle C.point D. circle ()4.A.farmer B.singer C.player D.father ()5. A.your B.his C.me D.her 六、选择题。(10分) ( ) 1. They usually play basketball__________ Friday afternoon.


介词短语搭配必备ahead of 比……提前,比……早at loggerheads with 与……意见不合,与……吵架,争论at odds with 与……争执,意见不一致apart from 除…外;除…外还as for 至于,关于 as to 至于,关于aside from 除……之外at the behest of 在……命令下at the expense of 由……付费;以……为代价at the hands of 由某人或通过某人的机构完成at the mercy of 受……支配 at the risk of 冒……之危险at the root of ……的核心;……的实质 at the top of 在最高地位,在首位at variance with 和……不符but for 若不是,倘没有by dint of 借助,用by force of 由于,通过,以……手段by means of 借助于by reason of 由于 by virtue of 由于,因为by way of 通过……的方法due to 由于,因为except for 除……以外,要不是由于far from 远离for fear of 由于害怕;以免for lack of 因缺乏for the benefit of 为了……的利益;为了让某人明白for the purpose of 为了……for the sake of 由于,为了;为了……的利益for want of 因缺乏in aid of 用以援助……in accordance with 与……一致;按照in back of 在……后面in case of 以防,万一in comparison with 与……比较in compliance with 顺从in conformity with 和……相适应in consequence of 由于in contact with 与……联系in exchange for 交换,以此易彼in favour of 为……而征战,参加支持……的活动in league with 和……联合着in lieu of 代,代替in light of 按照,根据in line with 符合 in place of 代替in quest of 为了探索……,为了寻求……in reference to 关于in regard to 关于in relation to 关于,涉及,与……相比in return for 作为...的报答in safe hands with 安然无恙in search of 寻找in spite of 尽管in step with 与……保持一致in touch with 同...有联系in terms of 依照in the absence of 缺乏,不存在in the course of 在……期间 in the event of 万一,如果……in (the) face of 面对…… in the interest of 为了……的利益in the name of 以……的名义,凭 in the process of 在...的过程中in view of 考虑到,由于next to 贴近;次于notwithstanding 虽然, 尽管on account of 为了……的缘故on behalf of 代表……;为了……的利益on pain of 违者以...论处on the eve of 在……的前夜on the grounds of 根据, 以...为理由on the part of 就某人而言;某人有责任的on the score of 因为,为了……理由on the strength of 居于,根据,凭借on top of 熟练掌握,在……之上regardless of 不管;不顾under the aegis of 在……的庇护下under the auspices of 由……赞助或主办,在……保护下 with a view to 着眼于, 以...为目的, 考虑到with effect from 自……起开始实施with respect to 关于,至于with the exception of 除……以外填空练习(1) The government decision to raise taxes was at odds ______ their policies on inflation.(与……争执,意见不一致)(2) A claim might be made by dissentient member States that the actions of the organization were not in compliance ______ its treaty.(顺从)(3) Prominent individuals were often prominent ______


2019年下期九年级入学考试 英语 Ⅰ. 知识运用(两个部分,共20小题,计25分) 第一节单项填空从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,计10分) 1. Alex and Tom are outgoing so _______ of them are afraid of speaking at the meeting. A. neither B. none C. both D. all 2. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 3. No one can help you all the time. You should be ______ control of your life. A. for B. at C. on D. in 4. —Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? —Sorry, I was so busy that I _______ forgot it. A. suddenly B. completely C. recently D. quietly 5. These books are his favorites, so he didn’t want to ______ any of them at the yard sale. A. part with B. make up C. put away D. take down 6. The boy didn’t get an education so he has problems ______ a job. A. to find B. finding C. find D. found 7. Cathy hasn’t phoned her mother since she ______ to America. Her mother is worried about her a lot. A. goes B. will go C. went D. has gone 8. —Did you buy the bike for 200 yuan? —Yes. I have ______ it for about two years. A. had B. returned C. borrowed D. bought 9. Tom, put the keys on the table ______ I can remember to take them with me when I go out. A. as long as B. unless C. so that D. because 10. Could you please ______ the window? It’s cold outside. A. open B. not open C. opening D. not opening 第二节完形填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共15小题,计15分) As the saying goes, “Friends are treasure in our lives.” I remember when I was growing up, my mom always 11 , “Half the fun of doing anything is sharing it with others.”It’s true. Friends make 12 enjoy the taste of our success and joys (快乐) and comfort us in our challenging moments. They provide a mirror (镜子) for us 13 more about ourselves. I’ve always looked at friends as family 14 . Thy enrich (丰富) our lives. As a famous writer said, “A friend is a present which you give 15 . ” To be a good friend, it’s important to be a good listener. Hear 16 your friend says first rather than making conclusions (结论) quickly. Sometimes 17 is useful to repeat their words back to them. It can help them realize whether their words were what they wanted to say. Patience (耐心) is an important part of being a good friend, 18 . You know the old golden rule, “Care 19 others the way you would like them to care for you.” The support of a friend during a 20 time can make the difference between success 21 failure.


小升初分班考试英语试题及答案一、根据句意,将所缺单词补 充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls.


2020年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷) ******************************************************************************************* 招生专业与代码:050205日语语言文学、050203法语语言文学 考试科目名称及代码:241 基础英语 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 Part I Cloze (10 points) Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Brazil has __1__ to offer the visitor: 7,300 km of coastline, much of it empty, endless beaches; the planet’s biggest rainforest; an area of wetlands full of alligators and jaguars; colonial cities and spectacular waterfalls. The Bahia coast in north-east Brazil is a particularly attractive area __2__ tourism. Several luxury resorts have been built there. Recently a $170 million five-hotel __3__ at Sauipe opened. With its 18-hole golf __4__ and designer shops, Sauipe is hoping to attract rich, foreign visitors. The tourist industry __5__ problems in the past __6__ high inflation which led to short-term planning. Hotels, __7__, are long-term investments, often with __8__ periods of over 15 years. If resorts such as Sauipe __9__ attract significant numbers of tourists, they have to solve several problems. __10__ a start, Brazil needs cheaper and more frequent international air travel. Brazilian airlines have actually decreased the number of __11__ international flights in the past two years because of a currency __12__. Foreign visitors also demand a level of service __13__ needs lengthy training – a considerable task for most of the resorts in the northeast which do not have a __14__ population to provide suitable staff. The other big challenge for Sauipe’s managers is __15__ the social problems that other new resorts have caused, when large numbers of people have come from the interior in search __16__ jobs, quickly __17__slums. The resort __18__ to deal with these pressures by setting up courses in the surrounding villages for making handicrafts which will__19__at Sauipe and by organizing __20__ for local co-operatives to produce foodstuffs for the hotels. 1. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. somehow 2. A. to B. for C. with D. on 3. A. complexity B. complicated C. complex D. compliment 4. A. course B. court C. pitch D. ground 5. A. has B. have C. having D. had 6. A. due B. because C. for D. because of 7. A. however B. therefore C. because D. while 8. A. pay B. payback C. payoff D. paycheck 1
