2011 最新版 全国英语等级考试 公共英语三 教材 unit7

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Title:-1.John invites Betty to have dinner with their friends.

Question:Who is going to invite John and Betty for dinner?
Question:When will they meet each other?
Question:Why can't Betty go to the dinner?
Woman:Betty John:
Hi, Betty, Rose and Johnson would like to have dinner with us before the movie. Betty:
What time are we supposed to meet them? John:
At about half past five. Betty:
Maybe you'd better go without me.
I really wish I could go, but I have too much work to do.
I'm writing an article, and it has to go out tomorrow. John:
Oh, that's really too bad. Betty:
I'm sorry to let you down. John:
That's OK.
I can understand you.

Title:-2.Three friends talk about daily routine and habits in England and in China.

Question:What do Robert and Green think about the differences between life in China and in England?
Question:When does Green get up every morning in England?
Question:What does Robert do when he is going out in the evening?
Man:Green Li:
Robert, you are from England, aren't you? Robert:
Yes, I am...from the north of England.
Um...Why? Li:
Well, do you find that life is very different from...er...er life in England?
I mean life here and life in England. Robert:
Yes, it really is, because everything happens earlier here. Li:
Oh. Green:
It certainly does. Robert:
Yes...you get up earlier in the morning. Li:
When, when do you get up? Robert:
I don't get up until 7:30 in England. Li:
7:30? Green:
And I get up at 8:15 and I arrive at work between 9:20 and 9:30. Li:
I see...
At what time er...do people have their dinner? Green:
Oh, it depends on what time they get home.
I don't have dinner till about 7 or 8 o'clock. Robert:
Oh, that's quite early, Green.
I can...sometimes 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock. Green:
But where I live most people have dinner at 5:30 or 6:30 in fact. Li:
It varies, doesn't it? Green:
Yes, there are a lot of differences. Robert:
Hm. Li:
What do you do when you are going out in the evening? Robert:
Oh, very often there's no time for dinner...
I go straight from work to...play sport or go to the cinema or whatever it is. Li:
And you eat afterwards? Robert:
But something light.
I try and have a big lunch in the middle of the day. Green:
And we begin work at 9 o'clock in England.
Here we work...yes, 8 o'clock every day. Robert:
That's much earlier. Li:
Yes, yes, it is.
You'll soon get used to it.
I am sure.


Woman:Rose Tom:
I'm going into town.
Can I get you anything while I'm out? Rose:
Do you think you might go by a post office? Tom:
I could.
What would you like? Rose:

d you get me a book of twenty-cent stamps? Tom:
I'd be glad to. Rose:
I'll go and get some money. Tom:
Don't worry about it.
You can pay me when I get back. Rose:
If you happen to go by a stationer's, could you buy a pad of writing-paper for me? Tom:
No problem. Rose:
But don't bother if it's inconvenient.
Here's a ten-dollar bill.
I'm sure that it'll be more than enough.
Oh, and would you mind posting these letters? Tom:
Not at all. Rose:
Just one more thing...
could you drop off this film at a camera shop? Tom:
Sure, if I have time. Rose:
Thank you very much!

Title:-3.Tom asks Rose if she needs something.

Question:What will Tom do in the post office?
Question:What other things does Rose ask him to do?
Question:How much does Rose give to Tom?
Man:Mary Mary:
Students in adolescence are likely to be confused mentally, to be subject to involuntary distractions and romantic dreaminess.
They are basically timid or self-conscious;they lack frankness and are usually sensitive but hate to admit it.
They are motivated either by great ambition, probably out of all proportion to their capabilities, or by extreme laziness caused by the fear of not attaining their objectives.
Fundamentally they want to be kept busy but they refuse to admit it.
They are usually willing to work, but they hate to work without obtaining the results they think they should obtain.
Their critical faculties are beginning to develop and they are critical of their instructors and of the materials they are given to learn.
They are beginning to feel the pressure of time;and although they seldom say so, they really want to be consulted and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs, but they need considerable guidance.
They seldom admit that they need this guidance and they frequently rebel against it, but if it is intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm.
It is in this period that students can be most easily and permanently influenced.
Their outlook on life is usually extremely exaggerated.
They are either far too modest or too boastful.
They are much more susceptible to the influence of a strong personality than that of a great intelligence.
Of all periods of life, this is what may be called the"plastic age".
Title:-4.The following monologue is about the mentality of students in adolescence.

Question:Are students in adolescence very frank?
Question:Do they like their teachers and textbooks?
Question:Why is this period of time called the "plastic age"?
Man:Mary Mary:
Sometimes, people come into your life and you realize that they are there for some purpose- to teach you a lesson, or to help you to know who you are or who you want to become.
You'd never know who these people may be, your friend, your classmate, your neighbor, your c

o-worker, your teacher, or even a stranger, but they will deeply affect your life in some way. Mary:
And sometimes things happen to you that may seem unfair, painful and horrible at first, but later, you realize that without overcoming those difficulties you would never know your strength, willpower or potential.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.
Illness, great achievement, love, injury and failure all come to test the limits of your soul.
Without these tests, life would be like a straight and flat road, but it goes nowhere.
It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and completely meaningless. Mary:
Those people who affect your life, and the failure and the success you experience can help you to create who you are and who you become.
Even the bad experiences can be learned from.
In fact, they are the most important ones.
If someone breaks your heart, or hurts you, please forgive them, for they helped you to learn about the importance of being careful when you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back, because they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Mary:
You can make of your life anything you wish.
Appreciate every moment and take everything from those moments as possible as you can because you may never be able to experience them again.
Talk to people who you have never talked to before, and when they talk, you'd better listen to them.
Let yourself fall in love, then break free and set your sights high.
Tell yourself you are a great person and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be difficult for others to believe in you.
Make every day meaningful and interesting.
Create your own life and live without regrets.
Love your life and you may have some pleasant, cheerful and happy hours. Mary:
If we are strong enough to forgive, brave enough to love, generous enough to rejoice in other's happiness, we can make great achievements in our own lives.
