


1.规则形式:一般说来,单音节词及少数双音节词在后加-er/ -est 来构成比较级和最高级;其他双音节词及多音节词在前加more/ most,如:great-greater-greatest, busy-busier-busiest, important-more important-(the)most important

*以后缀-ly结尾的副词是在原形前加more/ most,如:quickly →more quickly →most quickly

1. 形容词比较等级的用法:

1) 表示两者的比较:形容词的比较级+than. 如:He is cleverer than the other boys.

2) 表示两者以上的比较:the +形容词最高级(+名词)+of /in …如:He is the cleverest boy in his class.

3) 表示两者是同等程度:as +形容词原级+as. 如:He is as tall as I.

2. 比较级句型:

1) Who / Which + be +比较级, A or B ?如:Which is more beautiful, Beijing or Shanghai?

2) be + the 比较级+ of the two. (两个之中比较…的那一个),如:John is the more polite of the two boys.

3) The + 形容词比较级…, the + 形容词比较级…(越…就越…),如:

The harder you study ,the more/greater progress you make. 你越努力,取得的进步就越大

4) 形容词/副词比较级+ and +形容词/副词比较级(越来越…)。如:Our city is more and more beautiful.

5) 形容词/副词比较级+ than + any other +名词单数形,如:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.

6) 形容词/副词比较级+ than + the other +名词复数形式,如:It’s also cheaper than the other stores.

3. 关于比较级的几个需要注意的问题:

1)为了加强语气,在比较级前面加表示相差程度的状语,常见的有much, far, even, still, a lot, a little, any, rather, a bit, a great deal等,如:We’d better wait a little longer. Peter and Tom will come very soon.

2) less + 形容词的原级+ than表示“不如、不及”,如:This computer is less expensive than that one.

4. 最高级的句型:

1) Who / Which + be +the+最高级, A, B, or C ?如:Who is the most foolish, Jack, Tom or you ? 2)be + the +最高级+in /of / among +比较范围,如:He is the laziest worker in the factory. 3)~ + be + one of the + 最高级+ 复数名词(最……的……之一),如:The Yellow River is one of

the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之一。

4)~ + be +the + 序数词+最高级+单数名词+ 范围(~是…….的第几……),如:China is the third largest country in the world.


I. 选择

1. Would you please say it _____? I still can’t follow you.

A. more slow

B. much slow

C. more slowly

D. much slowly

2. He is ______ enough to carry the heavy box.

A. stronger

B. much stronger

C. strong

D. the strongest

3. She played the piano_____ than we had thought.

A. successful

B. successfully

C. more successful

D. more successfully

4. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of _________ cities in the world.

A. the biggest

B. bigger

C. much bigger

D. big

5. ____ the worse I seem to be.

A. When I take more medicine

B. The more medicine I take

C. T aking more of the medicine

D. More medicine taken

6. New York is _____ in the United States.

A. larger than any city

B. larger than any other city

C. bigger than any cities

D. biggest of all the cities

7. The air in Beijing is getting much _____ now than a few years ago.

A. clean

B. cleaner

C. cleanest

D. the cleanest

8. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _____ than before.

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest

9. The car is running ________.It seems to be flying.

A. more and faster

B. more and fast

C. fast and fast

D. faster and faster

10. The experiment was ________ easier than we had expected.

A. more

B. much more

C. much

D. more much

11.______ children there are in a family,_____their life will be.

A. The less, the better

B. The fewer, the better

C. Fewer, richer

D. More, poorer

12. -- Which is__________ , the sun, the moon or the earth? -- Of course, the moon is.

A. small

B. smaller

C. smallest

D. the smallest

13. ---Which is ____ season in Beijing? ---I think its autumn.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the best

14. It takes a long time to go there by train; it’s _____ by road!

A. quick

B. the quickest

C. much quick

D. quicker

15. Oct 15th was one of ________ days in 2003.The Shenzhou-V was sent up successfully.

A. exciting

B. more exciting

C. the most exciting

D. much exciting

16. This box is__________ that one.

A. heavy than

B. so heavy than

C. heavier as

D. as heavy as

17. When we speak to people, we should be ______________.

A. as polite as possible

B. as polite as possibly

C. as politely as possible

D. as politely as possibly

18. This book is___________ that one, but___________ than that one.

A. as difficult as; expensive

B. as more difficult as; more expensive

C. as difficult as; more expensive

D. more difficult as; as expensive

19. I think the story is not so __________ as that one.

A. interesting

B. interested

C. more interesting

D. most interesting

20. His father began to work ___________ he was seven years old.

A. as old as

B. as early as

C. since

D. while

21. I think science is ________ than Japanese.

A. much important

B. important

C. much more important

D. more much important

22. This pencil is__________ than that one.

A. longest

B. long

C. longer

D. as long

23. My mother is no __________ young.

A. shorter

B. longer

C. little

D. few

24. These children are ___________ this year than they were last year.

A. more tall

B. more taller

C. very taller

D. much taller

25. It was very hot yesterday, but it is__________ today.

A. even hotter

B. more hotter

C. much more hot

D. much hot

26. How ___ the girls are playing!

A. happy

B. happier

C. happyly

D. happily

27. ____ he drops in ___ his friends after supper.

A. Some times; for

B. Sometimes; on

C. Often; for

D. Seldom; on

28. In Britain tea _______ with milk or sugar in it.

A. usually drinks

B. is usually drunk

C. usually is drunk

D. drank usually

29. He________ to school to clean his classroom.

A. always comes early

B. comes always early

C. always early comes

D. come always earlier

30. Better _______ than never.

A. late

B. the later

C. later

D. the late

31.Of all these subjects,I like Chinese ________ .

A. more

B. better

C. well

D. best

32.The population(人口)problem may be ________ one of the world today.

A. the most

B. most difficult

C. the greatest

D. more interesting

33. T okyo is larger than ________ in India.

A. any other city

B. any city

C. another city

D. other city

34. There are a lot _____ people today than yesterday.

A. of

B. most

C. much

D. more

35. Things are ____ on the moon on the earth.

A. much lighter; than

B. much heavier; than

C. as heavy; as

D. not so light; as

36.Who jumps ____ in your class?

A. far

B. farther

C. farthest

D. longer

37.You must drive ____ next time,or there may be another accident.

A. more carefully

B. carefully

C. careful

D. more careful

38.Wang Lin ran ____ faster than the other boys in the sports meeting.

A. so

B. too

C. very

D. much

39.—Which box is ____, the red one, the yellow one or the blue one?—What do you mean by asking this?

A. heavy

B. heavier

C. heaviest

D. the heaviest

40. Li Lei often talks ____ but does ____ .So everybody says he is a good boy.

A. less; more

B. few; much

C. more; little

D. little; many II.翻译句子

1. 我想你吃巧克力越多,就会越胖。

I think __________________________________________________

2. 公共汽车的票价比以前便宜多了。

The price for the ticket of the bus is ________________________.

3. 你的饮食习惯越好,你的身体就越健康。

____________________ your diet is, ___________________________________ you will be.

4. 刘翔做完手术后可能会跑的更快了,因为他每天训练得很刻苦。

Liu Xiang may ________________ after the operation because he ______________________.

5. 我们最好用较少的钱和人来做我们的工作。

We had better do our work _____________________________________________.


1. John is _____________ (tall) than Sam.

2. Lin Lin is the ________ (young) in our class.

3. The man took off his shoes and put them under his bed very ____________ (quiet).

4. Ann felt very ____________ (happy) at her birthday party.

5. Which is ____________ (far) from us, the sun or the moon?

6. She looks ______________ (thin) than me.

7. It snowed _____________ (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow.

8. Mr. Benson seems to be the _____________ (busy) man in the world.

9. Jack has the ___________ (little) bread of the three boys.

10. The sick man is getting _____________ (ill).

11. The meat smells _____________ (bad). Please take it away.

12. The wind is blowing ______________ (猛烈).

13. Who’s _____________(高), Lucy or Lily?

14. She didn’t do her homework ______________(仔细).

15. Your bag is much _________ (轻) than mine.

16. Li Lei is running ________ and ___________________________ (慢)now.

17. Of all the students Li Yuan lives ____________ (远).

18. We don’t think their classroom is ________________(干净) than ours.

19. Lucy walks as ____________ (快) as Lily does.

20. Shanghai is one of the ____________ (大) cities in the world.

21. Japanese is ____________________ (难) than French.

22. The Chinese people are ___________________________(友好)than you think.

23. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose __________________(便宜)one.

24. She is as ______________ as I, but I’m ____________ (仔细)than you.

25. The Yellow River is the second _______________(长)river in China.


英语语法大全 初中英语语法学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before .

10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。 如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


初中英语语法大全 名词 一名词的定义:表示人、事物或抽象概念的名称的词。 二名词的分类: 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。 注意 专有名词一般第一个字母要大写。专有名词前一般不加冠词。 名词的种类 注意 物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目来计算,称为不可数名词。不可数名词前不能加冠词a或an来表示量。 (三)名词的数 1.可数名词有单数和复数两种形式: 1.单数 英语中,如果我们要表示一本书、一只鸟、一棵树等概念时,要用名词的单数

形式,表示名词的单数,要在名词前加冠词a或an。 This is a desk . 这是一张书桌。 There is an orange on the table . 桌上有一个橘子。 an orange 一个橘子 an new orange (×)→ a new orange (○) 一个新橘子 a desk a old desk (×)→ an old desk (○) 一张旧课桌 关键字:初中英语语法大全初中英语语法总结初中英语语法辅导英语语法大全名词复数名词所有格复数冠词抽象名词 a和an的使用区别 a加在以辅音开头的名词前,如a book,a pen。 an加在以元音开头的名词前,如an egg,an apple。 注意 有时a,an后面紧接的不是单数名词,而是a (an) +形容词+单数名词的形式。 这时判断用a还是an来表示“一个”的概念时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词。 2.复数


比较级和最高级变化规则总则1比较级直接在词尾+ er;最高级直接在词尾+est.

1.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较级直接加---r;最高级直接加---st. 2.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,要双写结尾的辅音字母,然后比较级加 ---er;最高级加---est。 3.辅音字母加y结尾的单音节词和双音节词(有ly后缀的词除外)要将“y”改为“i”后, 比较级加---er;最高级加---est。



二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Fred is __________(friendly) in his class . 2. My eraser is ________( nice)in myclass. 3. Her rule is ______(long), and it’s the _______(long)of o urs all . 4. Is she the ________(old ) woman in the world ? 5. Elephant is the________(big) animal on land . 6. Jiamin is _______( tall ). But Yongxian is _______( tall ) than him . 7. I sing _________( good ) in class . 8. The woman is the ________( fat )of the three . 9. The cat is ________(fast),the horse is _______ (fast) than the cat. The leopard is the _______(fast) of the three . 10. Chinese homework is ________(easy). Maths home work is _______(easy) thanit . And English homework is the ______(easy)of all .


初中英语词组大全 一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一)由be构成的词组 1)be back/in/out回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work在家/上班 3)be good at善于,擅长于 4)be careful of当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with被……复盖 6)be ready for为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at)对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in对……感到举 9)be born出生 10)be on在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth.能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…)害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb.生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with)对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for以……而著名 16)be strictin (with)(对工作、对人)严格要求 17)be from来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried担忧 20)be (well) worth doing(非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of(很)需要 23)be in trouble处于困境中24)be glad to do sth.很高兴做…… 25)be late for……迟到 26)be made of (from)由……制成 27)be satisfied with对……感到满意 28)be free空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with)忙于做……(忙于……) (二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 1)come back回来 2)come down下来 3)come in进入,进来 4)come on快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of从……出来 7)come up上来 8)come from来自…… 9)do one's lessons/homework做功课/回家作业 10)do more speaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读 11)do one's best尽力 12)do some shopping(cooking,reading,cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed(good deeds)做一件好事(做好事) 14)do morning exercises做早操 15)do eye exercises做眼保健操 16)do well in在……某方面干得好 17)get up起身 18)get everything ready把一切都准备好


英语时态讲解 【注】构成时态的助动词be (is, am, are), have (has), shall, will 等需根据主语的变化来选择。时态是英语中一个重要的语法范畴,它表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态以及动作发生或存在的方式。动作发生的时间可分为现在、过去、将来和过去将来四种形式,动作发生的方式可分为一般、完成、进行和完成进行四种形式。将时间形式和动作方式结合起来,就构成了以下 英语的时态是靠动词的变化和时间状语来表达的。英语中的时态共有十六种,但是常考的或较常用的只有9种。要掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题。 1、一般现在时 主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理等。 H e usually goes to work at 7 o’clock every morning. 他每天7点上班。 2、现在进行时 表说话时或目前一段时间内正在进行的活动:或表感情色彩,加强语气。与频率副词,如always,constantly,continually,again等连用表示说话人的某种感情色彩(赞叹、厌烦、埋怨等)。 We are having English class.

我们正在上英语课。 3、现在完成时 表示动作发生在过去,完成在过去,但强调与现在情况仍有联系,其结果或影响仍存在。 They have lived in Beijing for five years. 他们在北京已经住了5年了。 4.一般过去时 表在过去某个特定时间发生且完成的动作,或过去习惯性动作,不强调对现在的影响,只说明过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday; last week; in 1945, at that time; once; during the war; before; a few days ago; He used to smoke a lot. 他过去抽烟比较厉害。 5. 过去进行时 表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作。 Beijing was hosting the 29th Olympic Games in August 2008. 在2008年8月,北京正在举行29届奥运会。 6. 过去完成时 表示过去某个时间之前已经完成的动作,即过去完成时的动作发生在“过去的过去”,句中有明显的参照动作或时间状语,这种时态从来不孤立使用( before, after, by, up till ) They finished earlier than we had expected. 他们提前完成了(工作)。 7. 一般将来时 表在将来某个时间会发生的动作或情况。常和tomorrow, next year, in 2008等表示将来的时间状语连用。 I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 我明天就要离开北京。 8、将来进行时 表将来某个时间正在发生的动作,或按计划一定会发生的事情。 I’ll be doing my homework this time tomorrow. 明天这会我正在写作业。 9、将来完成时 表在将来某时刻之前业已完成的事情,时间状语非常明显。常用的时间状语一般用by+将来的时间。如:by the end of this year, by 8 o’clock this evening, by March next year以及由by the time…, before或when等引导的副词从句。 By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot. 到下个月底,他步行将达到1000英里。 英语共有十六个时态、四个体。(注:四个体为——一般、进行、完成、完成进行。) 英语中的四个体相当于法语、西班牙语以及所有印欧语系罗曼语族中的式,如:直陈式,命令式等。


初中英语知识点总结:连词知识点总结 一,表示并列关系的连词有: and,both…and,neither…nor,either…or,not only…but also,as well as 1.and “和,并且”,连接对等的词句。(在否定句中要用or连接。) I like physics and chemistry.我喜欢物理和化学。 I don’t like physics or chemistry.我不喜欢物理和化学。 2.both…and“……和……都” Both Jim and Mary went to the cinema yesterday.昨天吉姆和玛丽都去看电影了。 Exercise is good both for body and for mind.运动有益于身心。 3.neither…nor两者皆不 He neither smokes nor drinks.他既不抽烟又不喝酒。 I like neither swimming nor skating.我既不喜欢游泳,又不喜欢溜冰。 4.either…or不是…就是…,或者…或者….。 Either you come to the office now,or wait for me at home. 你要么现在到办公室来,要么就在家等着。 Either he or I will leave.不是他就是我将要离开。 5.not only…but(also)不但……而且……(not only…but also中的also可以省略。)

Not only she but also I am wrong.不但她错了,我也错了。 He not only made a promise,but kept it.他不仅许诺,而且做到了。 6.as well as也、又 We will rescue Henry as well as you.除了你,我们还要营救亨利。 He likes basketball as well as football.除了足球,他还喜欢篮球。 二、常用的从属连词: (一)引导时间状语从句的连词有:when,while,since,until,after,before,as soon as 1.when当……时 When we got there,the meeting had begun.我们到时,会议已经开始了。 It was raining when she arrived at the station.她到达车站时,正在下雨。588.es 2.while正当……时,正在……时。(while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常常用进行时。 Don’t make any noise while others are reading.别人读书时不要制造噪音。 She sang while she was walking.她边走边唱。 3.since自从 It’s just a month since we arriv ed here.我们到这儿刚好一月了。 My mother has been ill since I left home.自从我离开家我妈妈就一直生病。 4.until直到……为止


1.in English 用英语 2.how many 多少 3.a piece of bread 一片而包 4.four cups of tea 四杯茶 5.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6.play chess 下棋 7.run after 追逐 8.play football 踢足球 9.be good at 擅长 10.on the basketball team 在篮球队11.scoot at the basket 投篮 12.the first us 第一班车 13.at eight 在八点 14.hurry up 快点 15.a quarter past ten 十点一刻 16.five to eleven 差五分十一点 17.the next train 下一趟火车 18.on Monday 在周一 19.a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的机票20.at home 在家 21.a good idea 好主意 22.go skating 去滑冰 23.in the afternoon 在下午 24.in winter 在冬季 25.make a snowman 堆雪人 26.put on 穿上,戴上 1.in Class One,Grade One 在一年级一班2.2.play ball games 进行球类活动3.read books 读书 4.4.in summer 在夏季 5.have one's class 上课 6.6.on the playground 在操场上7.every day 每天 8.8.the first class 第一节课 9.be interested in 对…感兴趣 10.10.his friend 他的朋友 11.go to the zoo 去动物园


初中英语语法总结(完整) 【注】 构成时态的助动词be (is, am, are), have (has), shall, will 等需根据主语的变化来选择。时态是英语中一个重要的语法范畴,它表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态以及动作发生或存在的方式。动作发生的时间可分为现在、过去、将来和过去将来四种形式,动作发生的方式可分为一般、完成、进行和完成进行四种形式。将时间形式和动作方式结合起来,就构成了以下一般完成进行完成进行现在现在一般时do现在完成时have done现在进行时is doing现在完成进行时have been doing过去过去一般时did过去完成时had done过去进行时was doing过去完成进行时had been doing将来将来一般时will do将来完成时will have done将来进行时will be doing将来完成进行时will have been doing过去将来过去将来一般时would do过去将来完成时would have done过去将来进行时would be doing过去将来完成进行时would have been doing英语的时态是靠动词的变化和时间状语来表达的。英语中的时态共有六种,但是常考的或较常用的只有9种。 要掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题。

1、一般现在时主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理等。H e usually goes to work at7 o’clock every morning、他每天7点上班。 2、现在进行时表说话时或目前一段时间内正在进行的活动:或表感情色彩,加强语气。与频率副词,如always,constantly,continually,again等连用表示说话人的某种感情色彩(赞叹、厌烦、埋怨等)。W e are having English class、我们正在上英语课。 3、现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,完成在过去,但强调与现在情况仍有联系,其结果或影响仍存在。T hey have lived in Beijing for five years、他们在北京已经住了5年了。 4、一般过去时表在过去某个特定时间发生且完成的动作,或过去习惯性动作,不强调对现在的影响,只说明过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday; last week; in1945, at that time; once; during the war; before; a few days ago; He used to smoke a lot、他过去抽烟比较厉害。 5、过去进行时表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作。B eijing was hosting the29th Olympic Games in August全文结束》》、在xx年8月,北京正在举行29届奥运会。


特殊的比较级和最高级归纳常用的: bad(坏的)—worse—worst far(远的)—farther—farthest (far—further—furthest) good/well(好的)—better—best ill(病的)—worse—worst little(少的)—less—least many(多的)—more—most much(多的)—more—most 形容词比较级最高级 out utter uttermost up upper uppermost in inner innermost fore further furthest nigh nigher nighest far farther farthest old elder eldest late later latest many more most ( number ) little less least much more most ( quantity ) bad, evil, , ill worse worst well, good better best 学英语单词的比较级和最高级归纳。 1.般词尾直接加er或est 例tall-taller-tallestlong-longer-longest 2.发音字母e结尾单词词尾直接加r或st 例nice-nicer-nicest 3.辅音字母+y结尾词y变i再加er或est 例heavy-heavier-heaviest 4.重读闭音节末尾辅音字母双写辅音字母再加er或est 例big-bigger-biggest 5.部双音节词音节词别原级前加more构比较级most构高级 例slowly-more slowly-most slowly;beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful 小学英语语法形容词的比较级复习


初中英语短语归纳. 短语 1 看 7 看起来像 2 寻找 8 浏览 3 查阅,向上看 9 向—里看 4 向外看,小心 10 环顾四周 5 仔细检查 11 期盼,期待 6 照顾,照料 12 向前看 短语 1 举起,挂起,搭建 2 穿上,戴上,上演 3 把—放好 4 推迟,推延 5 把—放下,记下 6 扑灭,伸出 7 把—放进,把—译成 8 's 全神贯注于 短语 1 起床 2 下车 3 上车,相处,进展 4 克服,恢复,原谅 5 回来,返回 6 接通电话 7 进展,相处 8 陷入 9 出去,离开 10 相聚 11 为—做准备 12 结婚 13 碍事,挡道 14 到达 短语

1 放弃 2 分发 3 赠送,分发 4 归还 短语 1 想起,认为 2 想出,提出 3 考虑 4 仔细考虑 短语 1 占据(时间,空间) 2 与(父母等)相像 3 发生 4 小心,当心 5 脱下,起飞 6 拿出,取出 7 拿走,带走 8 取下 9 从容,不紧张 10 照顾,照料 11 a 休息一下 12 a 洗澡 13 参加 14 对—感到自豪 15 a 拍照 16 轮流,依次 17 对—感兴趣 18 a 去度假 19 服药 20 采取行动 21 a 打的 22 's 接受某人的建议G.短语 1 继续 2 不让—进入,挡住 3 使—不踏入 4 远离 5—控制,抑制 6 保持健康 7 隐瞒 8 一直做某事

9 使某人一直做某事 10 阻止某人做某事 11 坚持,保持 12 与某人保持联系短语 1 打开 2 关闭 3 调大,放大 4 调小,关小 5 翻转过来 6 向左转/向右转 短语 1 编造,杜撰,构成,组成 2 a 吵闹 3 a 做决定 4 为腾地方 5 a 做鬼脸 6 犯错误 7 铺床 8 交朋友 9 a 谋生,度日 10 赚钱 11 取得进步 12 约定,成功,及时赶到 12 务必,确保 14 a 制定计划 15 a 打电话 16 ’s 下决心 17 使某人感到宾至如归18 a 为做贡献 短语 1 顺便来访 2 实现,达到 3 出来,开放,出版 4 加油,来吧 5 回来 6 想出,提出 7 进来 8 出现,发生,来到 9 来自,产自 10 遇见,(偶然)发现


初中英语语法大全汇总 (一) 一.词类(Parts of Speech) 名词英文名称The Noun(缩写为n.) 表示人或事物的名称例词boy,clock,book等 冠词英文名称The Article(缩写为art.) 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人和或事物。例词a(an),the 代词英文名称The Pronoun(缩写为pron) 用来代替名词、形容词或是数词例词we,that,his,what 形容词英文名称The Adjective(缩写为adj.) 用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 例词old,red,fine,good. 数词英文名称The Numeral(缩写为num.) 表示数量或是顺序。例词one,thirteen first 动词英文名称The Verb(缩写为v.) 表示动作或状态。例词sit,go,be(am,is,are) 副词英文名称The Adverb(缩写为adv.) 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。例词not too,here,very 介词英文单词The Preposition(缩写为prep.) 表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系。例词in,on,of,to,under. 连词英文单词The Conjunction(缩写为conj.) 用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句。例词and,or,but. 感叹词英文单词The Interjection(缩写为interj.) 表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。例词oh,hello,hi,er. 二.名词(Nouns) 1.总的说来,名词分专有名词和普通名词两类。 专有名词: 表示具体的人,事物,地点或机构的专有名称。 Lucy China 中国Asia 亚洲Beijing 北京。 专有名词的第一个字母要大写。 普通名词: 表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如: teacher 老师tea 茶reform 改革 普通名词又可进一步分为四类 1) 个体名称: 表示单个的人和事物。 house 马car 汽车room 房间apple 苹果fun 风扇picture 照片 2) 集体名称: 表示一群人或一些事物的名称。 people 人们family 家庭army 军队government 政府group 集团 3) 物质名词:表示物质或不具备确定形状和大小的个体的物质。 fire 火steel 钢air 空气water 水milk 牛奶 4)抽象名词:表示动作,状态,品质或其他抽象概念。 labour 劳动health 健康life 生活friendship友情patience耐力 2.名词按其所表现的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词(Countable Nouns)有复数形式,如: an apple two apples a car some cars 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)一般没有复数形式. 抽象名词, 物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名词。 sand 沙sugar 糖 有少数名词即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但含义不同。 glass 玻璃glass 玻璃杯paper 纸paper 报纸,文件 名词的功能 名词在句中作主语, 宾语,介词宾语,宾语补助语,表语以及名词短语作状语。 The bag is in the desk. bag 作主语。 书包在桌子里边。 I washed my clothes yesterday. clothes 作宾语。 昨天我洗了我的衣服。


形容词的比较级和最高级 1.直接+er(比较级) the+___est(最高级) 2.tall--taller--the tallest 3.short--shorter---the shortest 4.long--longer--the longest sweet—sweeter—the sweetest old—older—the oldest blunt—blunter—the bluntest sharp—sharper—the sharpest few—fewer—the fewest 5.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的: 双写辅音字母+er--双写辅音字母the+___est big—bigger—the biggest thin—thinner—the thinnest fat—fatter—the fattest wet—wetter—the wettest hot—hotter—the hottest 6.以不发音的e 结尾的+ r --the+____st large—larger—the largest nice—nicer—the nicest late—later—the latest fine—finer—the finest cute—cuter—the cutest white—whiter—the whitest close—closer—the closest 7.以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节 8.改y为i+er 改y为i+est heavy—heavier—the heaviest easy—easier—the easiest busy—busier—the busiest pretty—prettier—the prettiest happy—happier—the happiest lazy—lazier—the laziest 9.多音节单词


七年级上册重点短语及句型归纳Starter Unit1– Unit 3词组 1. in English 用英语 2. what color 什么颜色 3. first name 名字= given name 4. last name 姓氏= family name 5. phone number 电话号码= telephone number 6. an ID card 一张身份证 7. pencil case 铅笔盒,文具盒 8. pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,卷笔刀 9. excuse me 请原谅,打扰了 10.thank you 谢谢你 11. computer game 电子游戏 12. play computer games玩电脑游戏 13. call sb.at … 拨(某电话号码)找某人 14. lost and found 失物招领 15. a set of 一串,一列,一套,一副 16. thanks for 为……感谢= thank you for 17.family photo 全家福照片 18.a photo of your famil你家人的照片= your family photo Starter Us1-3 句型 1.Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午 /晚上好,Bob! 2.Good morning to you.祝你早上好。 3.--How are you?你好吗? I’m fine, thanks. How are you?我很好谢谢你好吗---I’m OK.我还好。 4.---What’s this in English?用英语表达这是什么?—It’s an orange.它是一只桔子。 —Spell it, please. 请拼写它。--O-R-A-N-G. ---Thank you.谢谢。 Thank you very much/a lot.-----You are welcome. =That’s all right.=That’s OK.不用谢。 5.--What color is it?它是什么颜色?It’s red.红色。 6.The key is yellow.钥匙是黄色的。 =It’s a yellow key.它是黄色的钥匙。 7.Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too. /Me,too. 也很高兴见到你。 8.How do you do? 你好!----How do you do?你好!Unit 1 1.---What’s your name?你的名字是什么? 2.—My name is Gina.我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina. 我是吉娜。 3.What’s his name?---His name’s Tommy. 4.What’s her name?—Her name is Jenny. 5.―Nice to me et you.很高兴认识你。—Nice to meet you,too.也很高兴认识你。 6.-What’s her phone number?她的电话号码是多 少? 7.—Her telephone number is 535-2375.她的电话号 码是535-2375. 8.-What’s his family/last name?他的姓是什么?—His family/last name is Brown.他的姓是布朗。 9.-What’s her first name?她的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda.她的名字是琳达。 Unit 2 1.Is this/that your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗—Yes, it is.是,它是---No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.How do you spell eraser?你怎样拼写eraser? 3.in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里 4.call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539 5.school ID card校牌 6..a set of keys一串钥匙Unit 3 1.Is this your daughter?这是你的女儿吗—Yes, it is. 是,它是。/No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。 3.Is she your aunt?她是你的姨母吗? —Yes she is.是,她是。/No,she isn’t.不,她不是。 4.family tree家谱 5.Thanks for the photo of your family.谢谢你的全 家照 6.Here is my family photo.这儿是我的全家福。 7. 7.This is my mother.这是我母亲。 6.a photo of your family=your family photo你的全 家福 Unit 4 1. under the table 在桌子下 2. on the sofa 在沙发上 3. in the backpack 在背包里 4. math book 数学书 5. alarm clock 闹钟 6. video tape 录象带 7. take … to … 把……拿(去)给…… 8. bring … to … 把……带(来)给…… 9. on the floor 在地板上 1.Where is the backpack?背包在哪里?—It’s under the table.它在桌子下面。 2.Where are my books?我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa.他们阿子沙发上。 3.Is it on the floor?它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t. 不,它不在。 4.Are they in the drawer?他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are.是,他们在。 5.The CDs are in the drawer.激光唱片在抽屉里。 6.take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去 给你姐姐 7.bring it to school把它带到学校来 Unit 5 1. soccer ball 足球 2. tennis racket 网球拍 3. ping-pong ball 乒乓球= table tennis 4. ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 5. play basketball 打篮球 6. play ping-pong 打乒乓球= play table tennis 7. play volleyball 打排球 8. play soccer 踢足球= play football 9. play baseball 打棒球 10. play tennis 打网球 11. sports club 体育俱乐部 12. play sports做运动,参加体育比赛= do sports 13. watch TV 看电视 14. sports collection 体育收藏 15. watch … on TV 在电视上观看…… 16. every day 每天 1.Do you have a ping-pong ball?你有乒乓球吗?


初中英语语法总结——连词 连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 并列连词 并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。 第一类表示并列关系的连词 1)and 和 判断改错: (错) They sat down and talk about something. (错) They started to dance and sang. (错) I saw two men sitting behind and whisper there. (对) They sat down and talked about something. (对) They started to dance and sing. (对)I saw two men sitting behind and whispering there. 解析: 第一句:and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以talk 应改为talked。 第二句:and 连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略to,因此sang 应改为sing。 第三句:and 连接感观动词saw 后面的用作的宾补的两个并列分词结构,因此whisper 应改为whispering。 注意:1. and 还可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件。(or也有此用法) Make up your mind, and you'll get the chance. = If you make up your mind, you'll get the chance. One more effort, and you'll succeed. = If you make one more effort, you'll succeed 2, A and B 当表示整体或者指同一人时谓语动词用单数, 当and连接的单数名词前分别有each,every,many等词修饰时,谓语也用单数。 bread and butter a knife and fork The mother and teacher is very strict with her son. No teacher and no student is allowed to smoke in class. 3. and连接的是两个相同意思的词,表示“渐渐”,或加强语气 Read it again and again 2)both …and两者都 She plays (both) the piano and the guitar. 3) neither…nor 意思为"既不……也不……"谓语动词采用就近原则,与nor后的词保持一致。 Neither you nor he is to blame.
