(完整版)剑桥国际少儿英语 第二级教案kb2 p2

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Unit 1 Hello again !

Lesson 1

I Warm up

1 Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls . Nice to see you again !

Hello again !


T ( point to one student ) : Jim , hello again !

S : Hello again !

... ...

2 使用学生认识的道具

T :Who's he ? ——Monkey Monchy

T(S) : Hello again !

T : Who's he ? ——Dog Doffy .

T(S) : Hello again !

Chant together 《Hello !》

II Lead in

1 . Show a picture of me .

T : Who's she ?

S : Miss Wang .

T : Yes , I'm Sky . What's your name ?

S : I'm ...

T : How old are you ?

S : ...

III Presentation

1 . 学习句型“What's your name ?”

“How old are you ?”

First , Ss ask one student together .

Then, Pair work .

2 . Draw a "star" on the blackboard . (引出单词"star")

T : Today , we'll meet the "Star Family"

Show a picture of " Stella"

T :Yes , this is Stella


T: Say " hello ,again "

Ss : Hello again !

T: Guess , how old is she ? 引导学生回答:She is ...


The same method to teach other members ( Simon , Suzy , Mr. Star , Mrs. Star , Grandma Star , Grandpa Star ) in Star Family .

IV Practice

1 Game

将卡片如"Mr. Star "给某个同学藏起来,另一个学生通过大家的大小声来判断"Where is Mr. Star ?"

2 Competition

快速翻阅卡片或者给出卡片一角让学生猜出主人公的名字。3Listen , point and repeat (P2)

V Continuation

利用配套光碟,watch the video about “the Star Family ”

VI Wrap up

A game : “ Who is missing ?”

Say goodbye to each person in Star Family . VII Homework

1Copy the new words and sentences.

2Find a photo of themselves , give a short introduction to others .


