

现代大学英语听力听力原文及题目答案U n i t 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

I had two months until my new job began. It was like waiting an entire summer for school to start. I spent those two months talking to figure skating coaches and judges. I read boring rule books. I drove to the rinks where the skaters trained, and made notes about our conversations. I even took a lesson, which made some of the skaters laugh.

Unit 6

Task 1







Laura usually leaves the offices of Quest Productions at about 5 o'clock, but last Monday she left at 5:30. She wanted to get home by 6:30 and she ran to the bus stop but she couldn't get on a bus. There were too many people and not enough buses. Laura was desperate to get home so she decided to go by tube.

In the station she went to one of the automatic ticket machines but she didn't have enough change, so she had to join the queue at the ticket window. She bought her ticket and ran

to the escalator. Laura went to the platform and waited for the tube. It arrived and the crowd moved forward.

Laura was pushed into the train. It was almost full but she was given a seat by a man with a moustache. Laura thanked him and sat down. She started to read her newspaper. In the tunnel the train stopped suddenly and Laura was thrown to the floor together with the man with the moustache. Somebody screamed. The lights went out. It was quarter past 6 on a cold, wet December evening.

Task 2



1) a 2) b 3) d 4) c


1) T 2) T 3) F


wondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were


X was a secret agent. He had rented a furnished room in a provincial town not far from the public park and had been there

two weeks. He was standing at the window looking out at the

dull beds of geraniums, the park gates and the cold, uninviting statue of Queen Victoria that stood across the street from him, It was raining hard and the few people who passed by looked wet and miserable. X was miserable, too. How, he wondered, could anybody think there was anything interesting about the life of a secret agent He knew it was because people had seen so many television plays about glamorous spies that they thought the life of a secret agent was exciting. They were convinced that every cigarette lighter concealed a secret tape recorder; that a fountain pen held in a certain way would open a locked door, that the touch of a gold ring against the hand of an enemy would make him reveal all his secrets. How wrong they were! He looked round his room. The wallpaper was in the worst possible taste, the pictures horrible, the carpet worn, dirty and faded; and he was cold. This was the third Monday he had come to the window to look out. He prayed it would be the last.

As if in answer to his prayer, a certain meeting he had been sent to investigate was about to take place. He took out his camera. Just beneath the statue two women had stopped to speak. He knew one of them, and it was she who pointed in his

direction. The other woman looked up towards him and in that

brief moment he photographed her.

Task 3




1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) d


Harry: Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you want to do when you leave college

Nora: Oh Harry. Surely he's a bit young to decide on his career. He hasn't even got to college yet.

Harry: Not at all, Nora. It's wisest to decide in good time.

Look at me, for example. I really wanted to be a sailor,

but now I spend my days sitting at a desk in an office.

Yes, it's silly to train for the wrong job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon.

Nora: Now if I were a man I'd be a farmer. To see the crops growing--that's my idea of a good life.

Harry: Yes, and to see the money rolling in is more important still.

Robert: Well, that's not the way I look at it, Dad. It's the

job I care about, not the money.

Harry: Maybe not; but you'll learn to care about the money too, when you've got a family to keep.

Nora: And of course Peter — well, he's keen to be a racing driver, or else an explorer.

Robert: Oh, Peter's not old enough to make up his mind about such things.

Harry: You haven't answered my question yet, Robert. What

would you like to do

Nora: Are you sure you don't want to be a farmer, Robert Or a market gardener

Robert: No, I'm sorry Mum, but I don't want to at all. I'd rather be a civil engineer. I want to build roads and


Harry: Not ships Isn't it better to be a shipbuilding engineer Robert: Look here, is it my career we're planning, or yours

Harry: All fight, all right, there's no need to lose your temper. But you'd better win that scholarship first.

Task 4


I. correspondents; columnist

A. may not need either

B. to go to places where events take place and write stories about them

II. first; bigger; better; who will soon leave to work for other people

III. working hours; free time; work long hours to begin with 【原文】

Here are some of the things a young man or woman should not do when he first asks an editor for a job:

He should not tell the editor that he wants to be a foreign correspondent or a columnist. Very probably the editor does not need either. He wants a reporter who will go to such places as government offices and police stations and write a true story of what is happening there. Being a foreign correspondent or a columnist will come later.

A young person should not tell tile editor that newspaper work is only the first step on the way to bigger and better jobs, such as those in government. The editor must take a lot of time and trouble teaching someone to be a good newspaperman

or woman. He does not like the idea of teaching people who are soon going to leave him to work for someone else.

A young journalist should accept the working hours and

free time the editor gives him. As a new journalist, it is very probable that he will work longer hours than others and work on weekends. The editor did the same when he was a young newspaperman with no experience. He expects a journalist to understand how things are on a newspaper.

Task 5



1) acd 2) abe


1) she is the wrong sex 2) she wears the wrong clothes


SYLVIA: We've got a new manager in our department.

LARRY: Oh You hoped to get that job, didn't you?

SYLVIA: Yes, I did.

LARRY: I'm sorry. That's too bad. Who is it Who got the job, I mean?

SYLVIA: Someone called Drexler. Carl Drexler. He's been with the company only two years. I've been here longer. And I know more about the job, too!

LARRY: Hmm. Why do you think they gave it to him and not to you?

SYLVIA: Because I'm the wrong sex, of course !

LARRY: You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman?

SYLVIA: Yes, that was probably it! It isn't fair.

LARRY: What sort of clothes does he wear?

SYLVTA: A dark suit. White shirt. A tie. Why?

LARRY: Perhaps that had something to do with it.

SYLVIA: You mean you think I didn't get the job because I come to work in jeans and a sweater?

LARRY: It's possible, isn't it?

SYLVIA: Do you really think I should wear different clothes?

LARRY: Well. . . perhaps you should think about it.

SYLVTA: Why should I wear a skirt Or a dress?

LARRY: I'm not saying you should. I'm saying you should think about it. That's all!

SYLVIA: Why should I do that I'm good at my job! That's the only important thing!

LARRY: Hmm. Perhaps it should be the only important thing. But it isn't. Not inthis company.

Task 6




1st speaker(bcd) 2nd speaker(ae)


1) F 2) F


Al: Is this the right line to file a claim

Bob: Yeah. It's the same line for everything. You just stand here and wait.

Al: Oh. Is there always such a long line

Bob: Every week. Sometimes longer. Is this your first time here Al: Yes.

Bob: What happened Your plant closed down

Al: No. I'm a car salesman, or, I was a car salesman. But we just aren't selling cars. It's the interest rates. Two

years ago, I averaged ten new cars a month. Do you know how many cars I sold last month One. One car to a lady who had the cash. But the interest rates are up again. The boss let three of us go. How about you

Bob: I worked at a vacuum cleaner plant with about fifty workers. We put in a good day's work. But the machinery was getting old. As a matter of fact, the whole plant was old.

So the management decided to build a new plant. You know

where In Singapore. The workers here made about seven

dollars an hour, a couple of people made eight or nine an hour. You know how much they're paying the workers in

Singapore $ an hour! Anyway, all fifty of us got laid off. Al: How long ago was that

Bob: They closed down ten months ago.

Al: Any luck finding another job

Bob: Nothing. I have one, sometimes two, interviews a week.

Last week I thought I had something. They liked my

experience with machines. But I never heard from them again. Al: At least you know something about machines. All I can do

is talk.

Bob: Maybe you'll talk yourself into another job. Good luck.

I'll see you here next week.

Al: I hope not. I hope I'll have something by then.

Task 7



1) F 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F


1) According to the first speaker, it is frustrating because

the teacher cannot see clearly the results of his efforts.

2) According to the second speaker, English language teaching

is a good job, because it guarantees a stable income and

regular working hours and means less pressure. He also likes

the way elderly teacher are.


Interviewer: Do you prefer what you're doing to teaching?

John Smith: Yes, one of the things I found a bit frustrating about teaching was that it was rather,

very intangible than um, especially if you're teaching in England and most of the students know quite a lot of English before they arrive. They learn a lot of English outside the classroom, in pubs or coffee shops or other places, with the families they're living with. It's very difficult to pin down how much they learn from your actual lesson, whereas in marketing um, again there are lots of areas that are gray rather than black or white, but there are quite a few other areas where one can see quite clearly the results of one's efforts.

Interviewer: What did you do after you quit your job in advertising

Second Man: In fact, I became a journalist and I worked as a freelance. I didn't have a full-time job with any

newspaper. I just had to contribute things as they

came along and 1 wrote for magazines, and I did

quite a lot of broadcasting for the VOA. Well, this

was in a way the opposite of advertising because I

enjoyed it a lot but I found it very hard to earn

enough money to live on.

Interviewer: And then you decided to be a teacher

Second Man: Well, and so I thought. Well, I must do something which produces an income that I can be sure of.

While I was working as a journalist I had done an

article for a magazine about the English language

teaching world and m fact I had come to the school

where I now teach as a journalist and interviewed a

lot of the people. And I thought it seemed a very

nice place and I thought that the classes I visited

had a very, very nice feeling about them, and so I

thought, well, I'll see if they'll have me.

Interviewer: Why do you prefer teaching to advertising

Second Man: Well, partly because in teaching you work regular hours. It I advertising you just had to stay at the

office until the work was finished [I see.] and it

could be three o'clock in the morning. [Oh, dean]

Also you were very often made to work at weekends.

Often some job would come up that was very important

and they said it had to be finished — it had to go

into the newspapers next week.

Interviewer: So there was a lot mom pressure.

Second Man: There was a lot more pressure in advertising. Also, the people I worked with when I was first in

advertising were young hopeful people like myself.

By the end I was working with a lot of old people

who quite honestly were awful. And I kept looking at

them and saying, "Am I going to be like that" And I

thought if I am I'd better get out, whereas the

English language teachers I saw, who were older

people I thought, well, they seemed quite nice. And

I wouldn't mind being like that myself.

Task 8


The interview with Michale:

The interview with Chris:


Matthew:?? Michael, do you go out to work

Michael:?? Not regularly, no. I... I used to; I used to have a job in a publishing company, but I

decided it wasn't really what I wanted to do and that what

I wanted to do wouldn't earn me much money, so I gave up

working and luckily I had a private income from my family to support me and now I do the things I want to do. Some

of them get paid like lecturing and teaching, and others


Matthew: What are the advantages of not having to go to work from nine till five

Michael: Ah... there' re two advantages really. One is that if you feel tired you don't have to get up, and the other is that you can spend your time doing things you want to do

rather than being forced to do the same thing all the time. Matthew: But surely that's in a sense very self-indulgent and very lucky because most of us have to go out and earn our livings. Do you feel justified in having this privileged


Michael: Yes, because I think I use it well. I do things which

I think are useful to people and the community and which I

enjoy doing.

Matthew: Chris, what do you think the value of work is

Chris: Well, I think in our present-day society, for most people, work has very little value at all. Most of us go

out to work for about eight to nine hours of our working

day. We do things which are either totally futile and

totally useless or have very little justification

whatsoever, and for most of us the only reason for working is that we need to keep ourselves alive, to pay for

somewhere to live, to pay to feed our children.

Matthew: But surely people wouldn't know what to do if they didn't have to go to work

Chris: Well, again this raises the sort of two main aspects of work. Should we think of 'work only as a sort of bread-

winning process, and this is very much the role it has in current society, or should we take a much wider

perspective on work and think of all the possible sort of activities that human beings could be doing during the day

I think the sort of distinction currently is between say,

someone who works in a car factory and who produces cars which are just adding to pollution, to over-consumption of vital resources, who is doing something which is very

harmful, both to our environment and to, probably society, to contrast his work with someone perhaps like a doctor, who I think in any society could be justified as doing a very valuable job and one which incidentally is satisfying to the person who is doing it.

Matthew: What do you do Is your job just a breadwinning process or do you get some satisfaction out of doing it Chris: Well, in the job I do find that most of the

satisfaction is a mental one; it's coming to grips with

the problems of my subject and with the problems of


Unit 14 Task 1 A reporter is interviewing some people about unusual sports. Interviewer: Hello, Andrea. I’ve just been watching you skiing. You’re really very good, aren’t you? Very fast indeed. Andrea: Thank you. I do teach skiing, you know, so I have to be good. But now I also have to be very fast, because I’ve been selected for the Olympic team and I’m traini ng for the Olympic Games next year. Interviewer: Photos, water sports are your work — water skiing, parasailing. Do you still enjoy them? Photos: Oh yes, I love water skiing particularly, but some days, when it’s raining, there’s nothing to do. So I’m learning to play chess in my spare time. It’s a nice game, you know. Interviewer: And Yannis, how old are you? Yannis: I’m fifteen. I’m on holiday at the moment and I’m helping my brother. I’m learning to drive the boat. But I live in Athens with my family. I’m a student there. Interviewer: Claude, you look very fit. How old are you? Claude: I’m fifty now. I own this windsurfing club, but I’m also the club manager. I windsurf a lot and I meet a lot of British and Canadians, so I’m studying English twice a week — in the evenings. Interviewer: Stewart, you are from Scotland, aren’t you? Stewart: Yes, I’m a bank m anager in Aberdeen. But as you know, I go underwater caving. I want to go to Borneo next summer. But it’s a very dangerous sport so I’m practicing diving every weekend, at the moment. Task 2 【答案】 1) b, 2) Lift the club backwards away from the ball; keeping left arm straight till you get to the top of the wing; keep your head down; keep looking at the ball; swing down; hit the ball; throw that club towards the hole. 3) c, 4) Bend your knees; thrust your hands back; go into the water; make your heads follow, go straight in and your legs follow; put your hands back, behind your back. 5) c, 6) Take your left hand; get some hair on its neck; get a good firm hold; lift your left leg; put it in the stirrup; hang on tight with your left hand onto the hair; your toes are facing towards its back; put your other hand on the back of the saddle; swing your leg over the back. 【原文】 Extract 1:


Unit 7 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) In a mental asylum. 2) He was a member of a committee which went there to show concern for the pertinents there. 3) They were cants behaving like humans. 4) He was injured in a bus accident and became mentally ill. 5) He spent the rest of his life in comfort. B. painter, birds, animals, cats, wide, published, encouragement, A year or two, The Illustrated London News, cats' Christmas party, a hundred and fifty, world famous 【原文】 Dan Rider, a bookseller who loved good causes, was a member of a committee that visited mental asylums. On one visit he noticed a patient, a quiet little man, drawing cats. Rider looked at the drawings and gasped. "Good lord, man," he exclaimed. "You draw like Louis Wain!" "I am Louis Wain," said the artist. Most people today have never heard of Louis Wain. But, when Rider found him in 1925, he was a household name. "He made the cat his own. He invented a cat style, a cat society, a whole cat world," said H. G. Wells in a broadcast appeal a month or two later. "British cats that do not look and live like Louis Wain cats are ashamed of themselves." Before Louis Wain began drawing them, cats were kept strictly in the kitchen if they were kept at all. They were useful for catching mice and perhaps for keeping the maidservant company. Anyone else who felt affection for cats usually kept quiet about it. If a man admitted that he liked cats, he would be laughed at. The dog was the only domestic animal that could be called a friend. Louis Wain studied art as a youth and became quite a successful newspaper and magazine artist. He specialized in birds and animals, including dogs, but never drew a cat till his wife was dying. They had not been married long, and during her illness a black-and-white cat called Peter used to sit on her bed. To amuse his wife, Louis Wain used to sketch and caricature the cat while he sat by her bedside. She urged him to show these-drawings to editors, fie was unconvinced, but wanted to humour her. The first editor he approached shared his lack of enthusiasm. "Whoever would want to see a picture of a cat?" he asked, and Louis Wain put the drawings away. A year or two later he showed them to the editor of The Illustrated London News, who suggested a picture of a cats' Christmas party across two full pages. Using his old sketches of Peter, Louis Wain produced a picture containing about a hundred and fifty cats, each one different from the rest. It took him a few days to draw, and it made him world famous. For the next twenty-eight years he drew nothing but cats. He filled his house with them, and sketched them in all their moods. There was nothing subtle about his work. Its humour simply lay in showing cats performing human activities; they followed every new fashion from sea bathing to motoring. He was recognized, somewhat flatteringly, as the leading authority on the feline species. He became President of the National Cat Club and was eagerly sought after as a judge at cat shows. Louis Wain's career ended abruptly in 1914, when he was seriously injured in a


《现代大学英语听力2》听力原文及答案U n i t1U n i t1 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world”to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!

Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr clark about these strange creatures. "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said." I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still exist?" Mr. Clark laughed. "I've never thought about it," he answered." It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. "He's just as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? That's true of all countries-including England." “Oh, just like the poem ‘If All the Seas Were One Sea’,”Gretel began to hum happily. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, w hat a great splash that would be!” Task 2


Unit 1 Part I A 1. Oxford / commitment / academic record 2. oldest/ largest / reputation / research / science 3. first / Australia / 150 years / excels 4. excellence / / location 5. largest / 1883 / situated / 26,000 6. 1636 / enrollment / 18,500/ schools 7. awards / degrees / 20,000 8. located / 135 / third B 1.2,700 languages / 7,000 dialects / regional / pronunciation 2.official / language 3.One billion / 20 percent 4.Four hundred million / first / 600 million / second / foreign 5.500,000 words / Eighty percent / other 6.Eighty percent / computers

7.African country / same 8.1,000 / Africa 9.spaceship / 1977 / 55 / message / the United States C 1 – (a) 2 – ( c) 3 – ( d) 4 – (b ) All right, class. Today we’re going to be looking at different language learning styles. You may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going about learning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others. Researchers have identified four basic learner “types”–the communicative learner, the analytical learner, the authority-oriented learner and the concrete learner. Communicative learners like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers. At home, they like to learn by watching TV and videos. They like to learn new words by hearing them. In class, they like to learn by having conversations. Now, concrete learners like to lean by playing games, by looking at pictures and videos in class, talking in pairs, and by listening to cassettes at home and school. Now, authority-oriented learners, on the other hand, like the teacher to explain everything. They like to write everything down in their


Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. ice-skating 2. chemistry 3. outgoing, bright, funny 4. moody, self-centered 5. wavy blond 6. runner-up Ex.2. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T Practice Two Ex.1. 1. Four 2. Colleagues 3. Teacher 4. Susan 5. Barbara Ex.2. 1) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H 4) Peter A G I Practice Three Ex.1 1. energetic 2. patient 3. honest 4. stubborn 5. creative Ex.2 1. favorite way to relax 2. how to divide 3. bad unripe 4. stiff sore 5. fastening a basketball hoop Practice Four Ex.1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 1. It was easy to tell the English from the British. 2. Speaking the same language helped one Australian visitor a lot. 3. By “much nicer”, one of the visitors meant th at the British people were more friendly than people of other countries. 4. The majority of continentals thought hightly of English manners. 5. To the young student from South Africa, Britain seemed to have a lot of foreign visitors. Ex.2. 1) flattering 2) critical 3) popular 4) reserved 5) English Ex.3. 1) understand the Scots’ English 2) the friendliest people 3) most hospitable 4) much nicer than 5) English courtesy 6) no views on the matter/no comments. Unit 3 Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. natural riches 2. desert 3. extinction 4. species 5. oxyen 6. economic development 7. conservation 8. valuable income 9. awareness 10. slow down


Unit7 II. Listening Skills 1. W: How much money is the rent for an apartment in this neighborhood? M: Your rent should be about a quarter of that. Q: How much should be the woman’s rent be? 2. M: I paid $3,500 for this digital camera. It was on sale at a 30$ discount. W: It’s a real bargain. Q: How much did the camera cost originally? 3. M: What’s the rate for an economy car? W: The daily rate is $32, unlimited mileage. Q: How much will the man pay if he rents the car for a week? 4. M: I’ll take these sweaters. How much do they cost? W: They are $180 each and four makes a total of $720. But today we are offering a 20% discount. Q: How much does the man have to pay? 5. W: What an old car you’ve got! M: Well, it had run 12,000 miles when I bought it second hand. And it’s covered 3,080 miles since then. Q: How many miles has the car run? 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B III. Listening In Task 1: It’s time to buy. Mike: Hey, Robert, where are you off to? Robert: I’m going to talk to a banker about a loan. Mike: You are short of money? I thought you were the saving type. Robert: There’s a time to save and a time to spend. Mike: I know all about spending. What’s the loan for? I have a few bucks I could… Robert: I’m considering getting a mortgage to buy some property. Mike: Do you think property is a good investment? I mean, it’s a lot of money. Robert:Well, Mike, as you know, property values have been going through the roof. If I had bought an apartment two years ago, its value would have gone up by 30 percent today. Mike: And from what I know, interest rates are low now. Robert: Exactly. Sounds like a good time to buy. 1. a banker a loan 2.saving save spend


新发展大学英语听力教程(4)参考答案 Unit 1 Urban Life or Rural Life Pre-listening Activities apartment;contract Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C Passage Two 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. drawbacks 2. education 3. facilities 4.studying 5. widespread 6. develop 7. attend 8. serious 9. There are no companies or factories that would offer people employment 10. who have to work very hard in the fields to earn their living

11. Another bad side of country life is the lack of entertainment Listening and Speaking Task 1 1. Most of Canada’s happiest cities are on the East Coast. 2.She can withstand brutal winters by focusing on“the warmth and the friendliness of people”. 3. Knowing your neighbors and trusting those around you is a key reason.Task 2 (略) Listening Skills for Long Conversations 19. A20. D21. D Learn English Through Songs someone;alone;hide;storm;cares;heaven;getting;promise Unit 2 Different Kinds of Love Pre-listening Activities different kinds of love Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages


Unit 1 Parents Part B Listening Tasks Passage 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) Exercise 1 Listen to the recording and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. After 22 years of marriage,I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, "Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer." The "other" woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you," I said. "Just the two of us." "I would like that a lot," she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door


Lesson 1 PART A I. a b a a b b a b a b II. c b c b c a b b c a Dialogue 1 1. c b d a c 2. south of the capital city / one dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a garden / a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and an electric stove. / 150,000 dollars Dialogue 2 1. a a b a c 2. opposite a park / has a lovely view / small, it has a balcony / the lowest rent of the similar kind of flat in that district. Lesson 2 Part A I. Stop / about / help / Black, speak / make, mistakes / isn’t, first / can’t, understand / good / go t, about / don’t, think, husband, would, let II. sixteen / Most / looks / like / but perhaps / light / However / everything else Dialogue 1 1. b d b a b 2. tall and handsome / big blue eyes, beautiful long blond hair / two big rings /


九年级上册第7单元听力测试 一.听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子听一遍。 1. Are we allowed to enter the club? 2. Excuse me, madam. Can I park here? 3. What about swimming this afternoon? 4. Taking photos is not allowed in the museum. 5. I have to go to the library to return the book. 6. Didn’t you see the sign? It says you can’t make a left turn here. 7. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive? 8. Excuse me, sir. But you can’t smoke here. 二.听短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 9. M: Lily, is that your new camera? W: Ye s, it’s a digital camera from my mum and dad. It’s my birthday present. Question. Who sent the camera to Lily? 10. M: Hey, do you want to come to the movie tomorrow? W: I ca n’t. I will have the final exam on Monday. So I’m studying for it. Question. When will the girl have the final exam? 11. M: Is this notebook yours, Linda? W: No, it’s not mine, Bob. My notebook is red. I think it’s Jenny’s. Look, her name is on it. Question. Whose notebook is this? 12. W: Peter looks very tired. Did he stay up late for his math exam? M: Not really. He watched a football match till midnight. Question. Why does Peter look tired? 13. M: Hi, Susan! What about going swimming with me? W: That’s a good idea, Tom. But my mother has gone shopping. I have to look after my little sister. Question. What does the girl mean? 三.听长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第14-15小题。 W: Hello, Tom. I ha ven’t seen you for a long time .Where have you been? M: I have been to my hometown to visit my grandparents in the countryside. W: How long have you stayed there? M: For about two months. W: How do you like life there? M: I think it is wonderful. W: Do you really think so? M: Yes. There are clear rivers, lovely animals, fresh air and warm sunshine. W: What did you do then? M: I helped my grandparents do lots of farm work .I go there once a year. Everything is nice and quiet in the country.

现代大学英语听力1 原文及答案(unit 1)

Unit 1 University Life Taks 1 Script Okay, Okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Susan Hudson, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication. Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class. Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation. My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well. Key A. Answer the following questions. 1)What are the name of the teacher and the name of the course? Key: Susan Hudson and Intercultural Communication. 2)When and where will the class meet for the first half of the course Key: The class will meet in the room they are in now and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. 3)Where can the students get the textbooks? Key: They can purchase the textbooks at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. 4)When are the office hours? Key: The office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays. B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.
