


班别:________ 姓名:________ 学号:________

1. 《哈利波特》的作者是英国女作家____________。

2. 在魔法世界里,不会魔法的人被称为____________。

3. 杀死哈利的父母的黑魔头,被人称为是神秘人的是_________。

4. 霍格沃茨魔法学校的四大学院,哪个学院的标志是狮子?





5. 斯内普教授主要负责哪门功课?





6. 厄里斯魔镜有什么神奇的功能?





7. 在穿越活板门时,是谁牺牲自己让伙伴通关?





8. 魔法石最后的结局是?





9. 请摘抄书里你最喜欢的几句话。

10 哈利他们在找到之前都要经历哪些关卡?又要如何通过?


2019年高考英语二轮练习练习:22阅读速度提 升练 (时间:20分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最正确选项。 Goddington Theater[来源:Z+xx+https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d4714352.html,] The Goddington Theater Ticket Office is open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, and for half an hour in the evening before the advertised start time of each performance. Telephone bookings Your tickets are held at the Ticket Office for you to collect or, if yo u prefer, a charge(费用) of 35 cents is made to post them to you if you pay by cash. We’ll post them to you for free if you book by credit car d. No extra charge. Postal bookings You can write to the Ticket Office requesting tickets, or to confirm a reservation. Where to find Goddington Theater Goddington Theater can be found within the Goddington University s ite, next to the car park, which is available for public use after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends. If travelling by car Coming from the south end of Princes Street, you will see the librar y on your right. Next to the library is Goddington University. Take the n ext turning on the right, then first right into the car park gate straight ah ead of you, stopping as close as possible to the orange machine. Put a $ 1 coin in the machine and the gate will rise. If travelling by train/bus/taxi[来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]


八年英上册理解 理解(20 分,每小 2 分) (1) Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry(生气 的 )and said,“Don’t play in the water on your way home from school!” On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty(的)clothes. His mother became ev en angrier.“ I’ ll tell your father if you come back wet again,” said his mother.)You,“youHeknow’llpunish(.” The third day the little boy was dry when he came home. “ You’ re a good boy today” , his mother said happily.“ You didn’ t play in the water.” “ No, ” the boy said unhappily.“ There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasn ’ t any room(空地方 )for me at all! ” 根据文章内容正确答案 () 1.Bruno went to school every day. A. by bike B. by bus C. by car D. on foot () 2.The playground was between( 在??之 ) 。 A. two classrooms B. the cinema and shop C. Bruno ’ s house and school D. the shop and Bruno ’ s school () 3. The little boy liked to play on the playground . A. when it snowed B. when there was some water there C. when the children played football there D. when his father was busy with his work () 4.Bruno was afraid of the most. A. his father B. his mother C. his teacher D. the older boys () 5. That afternoo n, the boy ’s clothes were dry because . A. nobody made room (地方) for him in the water B. there was no water on the playground C. he took off his clothes before he played there D. he played in the water carefully ( 2 ) Kong Rong was a famous writer during the Han Dynasty (朝) . He was considerate when he was only four. Kong had five elder brothers and a young brother. One day, their father bought lots of pears. Some of the pears were big and looked good. Some were small and didn ’ t lookheboyssogoodwere. Thappy and began to choose() some. Kong chose the smallest one. Kong ’ s father found this strange and asked, “ W a bigger one, my son? ” Kong answered, “ I am younger. My elder brothers are older and eat more. They should take the bigger ones. ” “ But you have a young brother. He should take the smallest one! ” “ He is younger and needs more nutrition(养) . He should get a bigger one, too. ” Kong’ s father was very happy that Kong could be so considerate. He didn selft’ thinkwantedof.whatHe he him thought of what others wanted first. 6. How many kids are there in Kong Rong ’ s family? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D.4 7. What does “ considerate ” mean? A. Always thinking of other people want. B. Only thinking of what oneself wants. C. Always doing bad things. D. Never doing wrong things 8. Kong Rong chose the smallest pear because_______. A. he couldn ’ t eat a big one. B. He liked small ones. C. He wanted his brothers to eat the big ones. D. He wanted to make others happy. 9. What was Kong Rong during Han Dynasty?


哈利波特与魔法石 HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE <第一幕> DUMBLEDORE I should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall. MCGONAGALL Good evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus? DUMBLEDORE I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad. MCGONAGALL And the boy? DUMBLEDORE Hagrid is bringing him. MCGONAGALL Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this? DUMBLEDORE Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid with my life HAGRID Professor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall. DUMBLEDORE No problems I trust Hagrid? HAGRID No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go. MC Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- - DUMBLEDORE The only family he has. MCGONAGALL This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. DUMBLEDORE Exactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <第二幕> (one) AUNT PETUNIA Up. Get up! Now! DUDLEY Wake up cousin! We're going to the zoo! AUNT PETUNIA Here he comes the birthday boy! (two) UNCLE VERNON happy birthday son. AUNT PETUNIA Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything. HARRY Yes Aunt Petunia. AUNT PETUNIA I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day! UNCLE VERNON Hurry up! Bring my coffee boy! HARRY yes Uncle Vernon. AUNT PETUNIA Aren't they wonderful darling? DUDLEY How many are there? VOLDEMORT 36, Counted them myself. DUDLEY 36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!!! VOLDEMORT Yes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's! DUDLEY I don't care how big they are! AUNT PETUNIA Now, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin? AUNT PETUNIA It should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. VOLDEMORT


一.选择题(共13小题) 1.(2014?龙岩)中学生的大拇指指甲面积约为() A.1mm2B.1cm2C.1dm2D.1m2 2.(2014?呼伦贝尔)某同学测得物理课本长为25.91cm,宽为18.35cm,那么他所用刻度尺的分度值为() A.1mm B.1cm C.1dm D.1m 3.(2014?遂宁)某同学用同一把刻度尺对同一物体的长度进行了4次测量,结果如下:12.34cm、12.36cm、12.35cm、12.75cm,则该物体的长度应记为() A.12.45cm B.12.34cm C.12.35cm D.12.36cm 4.(2014?济南模拟)如图所示,某校初三同学正在进行升旗仪式.该校旗杆的高度约为() A.2m B.7m C.15m D.20m 5.(2014?日照)甲、乙两同学从同一地点同时向相同方向做直线运动,他们通过的路程随时间变化的图象如图所示,由图象可知() A.在0~10s内,甲同学比乙同学运动的快 B.两同学在距离出发点100m处相遇 C.在10s~20s内,乙同学静止不动 D.在0~10s内,乙同学的速度为10m/s 6.(2014?泰安)如图,沿同一条直线向东运动的物体A、B,其运动相对同一参考点O的距离S随时间t变化的图象,以下说法正确的是() ①两物体由同一位置O点开始运动,但物体A比B迟3s才开始运动; ②t=0时刻,A在O点,B在距离O点5m处; ③从第3s开始,v A>v B,5s末A、B相遇; ④5s内,A、B的平均速度相等. A.只有①④正确B.只有③④正确C.只有①③正确D.只有②③正确

7.(2014?荆州)为了践行“绿色环保”的生活理念,小张、小王、小李从同一地点A沿同一道路同时出发,最终都到达地点B,小张驾驶电瓶车以30km/h的速度匀速前进,小王以5m/s 的速度跑步匀速前进,小李以每分钟通过0.6km的速度骑自行车匀速前进,则()A.小张先到达B地B.小王先到达B地C.小李先到达B地D.三人同时到达B地8.(2014?玉林)火车在平直的轨道上以20m/s的速度做匀速运动,通过的路程是200m,则通过这段路所用的时间是() A.1h B.5min C.50s D.10s 9.(2014?湖北)2013年9月29日建成通车的卧龙大桥是襄阳首座斜拉桥,全长4343.5米,桥面宽31.5米,双向六车道.如果一辆大车通过该桥的速度是60千米/小时,则所用的时间是(保留整数位)() A.4min B.6min C.8min D.10min 10.(2014?潍坊)小华同学的家附近有一公共自行车站点,他经常骑公共自行车去上学,某一次从家到学校运动的s﹣t图象如图2所示,则小华从家到学校的平均速度是() A.135m/s B.168.75m/s C.2.25m/s D.2.81m/s 11.(2014?广安)如图所示的图象中,描述的是同一种运动形式的是() A.A与B B.A与C C.C与D D.B与C 12.(2013?江西)如图所示,是香香同学在相等时间间隔里运动的情景,可能做匀速运动的是() A.B.C.D. 13.(2013?盐城)小球从左向右运动,每隔相等时间曝光一次所得到的照片如下图,其中小球做匀速直线运动的是() A.B.C.D. 二.填空题(共17小题)


《哈利波特与魔法石》练习题 一、填空: 1、霍格沃茨史上最不受欢迎的校长是( ) 。 2、布莱克三姐妹分别指()、()、(),后来分别嫁给了(写出姓氏即可)()、()、()。 3、哈利·波特的父母分别是()、()。罗恩·韦斯莱的父母分别是()、()。 4、霍格沃茨校长阿不思·邓布利多的全名是()。 5、伏地魔原名(),父亲是()母亲是( ) 。 二、选择: 1格兰芬多铁三角是指: A 哈利·波特金妮·韦斯莱赫敏·格兰杰 B 哈利·波特金妮·韦斯莱罗恩·韦斯莱 C 弗雷德·韦斯莱乔治·韦斯莱珀西·韦斯莱 D哈利·波特罗恩·韦斯莱赫敏·格兰杰 2、不可饶恕咒是指: A 昏昏倒地,速速禁锢,统统石化 B 清理一新,消隐无踪,旋风扫净 C 阿瓦达索命,钻心腕骨,灵魂出窍 D 阿拉霍洞开,钻心腕骨,统统石化 3、小天狼星布莱克,小矮星彼得,詹姆·波特的阿尼马格斯依次是: A 狗、老鼠、牡鹿 B 狼、老鼠、狗 C 蛇、狼、牡鹿 D 狼、老鼠、牡鹿 4、混血王子是指: A哈利·波特 B西弗勒斯·斯内普 C阿不思·邓布利多 D艾琳·普林斯 5、三强争霸赛中,哈利·波特对付的龙是:

A埃及火龙 B阿拉斯加龙 C印度火龙 D匈牙利树蜂龙 三、判断: 1、《哈利·波特》系列的第一部叫《哈利·波特与魔法石》。() 2、邓布利多是被伏地魔杀死的。() 3、伏地魔的母亲是属于冈特家族的。() 4、斯莱特林只招收纯血统学生。() 5、德拉科·马尔福的父亲是卢修斯·马尔福;卢修斯·马尔福的父亲是阿布拉克萨斯·马尔福。() 五、简答 1、哈利波特的守护神是什么他从什么时候开始可以召唤守护神的 2、在什么情况下守护神会发生变化 3、吐真剂是什么样子的有什么用途 测试题答案 一、填空: 1、菲尼亚斯·布莱克 2、安多米达、贝拉特丽克斯、纳西莎、唐克斯、莱斯特兰奇、马尔福 3、詹姆·波特、莉莉·波特(伊万斯)·、亚瑟·韦斯莱莫丽·韦斯莱


八年级上册语篇阅读综合训练 一、完形填空:阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Yesterday was Father's Day. Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impression on me. It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a 1 mood(情绪).Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me. I was in my room 2 ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a rid today, Beck? It's a beautiful day.” “No! Leave me alone!” Those were 3 words I said to him that morning. My friends called and 4 me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be 5 with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a 6 on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an 7 .Please meet us at Highland Park Hosp ital.” When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的). “Your father told the driver to leave8 alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, ...” My mother may have said but I didn't hear. I didn't hear anything 9 those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them in order to 10 himself. He didn't want to be hurt more. How much had I hurt him 11 I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day? It was several days later that he was 12 able to have a talk. I held his hand gently,afraid of hurting him. "Daddy...I am so sorry...” “It's okay,sweetheart. I'll be okay.” “No,”I said,"I mean about 13 I said to you that day. You know, that morning?" He looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I remember14 about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I remember telling you goodnight the night before, though.” He managed a weak smile. My English teacher once told me that words have great power. They can hurt or they can heal(治愈). And we all have the power to 15 our words. I am going to do that very carefully from now on. 1. A. good B. terrible C. peaceful 2.A thinking up B. giving up C. looking up


快速阅读理解率的测试记录 快速阅读让我相信的确阅读速度是可以经过练习而提升的自然我并不会被书封面上最终可使你达到每分钟约10000字的有效阅读速度所蛊惑单独看这本书而没有长时间的实践尤其是难度逐渐加大的实践我相信10000字还是不容易达成的这本书属于引领让人明白阅读速度可以快到什么程度可以通过哪些观念的改变和技巧的锻炼来提升阅读速度但并不是一剂服后立现效果的仙药。 在阅读这本书的过程中我并不只是读书中有大量的练习尤其是数字方面的每一个我都认真地做了每一个测试也都认真地做了虽然有些还不是很熟练而且也不算适合自己比如使用引导物不过我相信按照循序渐进的练习方法、并且加大阅读量、有意识地提高阅读速度是可以让自己取得快速的进步的。 第一次时间:3分钟速度1323字理解度73%(这是我最早的一次测试也是我当时的起点); 第二次时间:2分钟速度1515字理解度64%; 第三次时间:2分钟速度 1500字理解度30%; 第四次时间:1.82分钟速度1659字理解度46%; 第五次时间:1.5分钟速度 2333字理解度40%; 第六次时间:1分钟速度2450字理解度60%; 理解度是个参考值这和文章内容有关系一般来说感兴趣的领域、以前有了解的领域理解度高些完全陌生且不感兴趣的理解度

低些好在平常要读的书基本都是感兴趣的所以理解度应该还算可以。 下面wtt再为大家介绍一下关于速读训练的训练方法供大家参考和学习。 传统的阅读方法一般是通过一个字一个字的默读 在看到文字的同时大脑中发出声音经过耳朵的感知然后达到理解 用一个简单的流程来表达传统的阅读方式:字---看---音---听---想---理解 人们通常说话的语速每分钟大概为160180个汉字快一些的可以达到250300字。 如果你用传统的方法来阅读由于受到语速的影响一般阅读速度通常不会超过300字/分钟 而快速阅读的主要原理就是直接从词语(句、段)入手整体的感知文字段最大限度的克服文字的发音直接在大脑中理解。 用一个简单的流程来表达传统的阅读方式:字---看---理解---想 这样通过扩大摄入量阅读不再受到说话语速的大脑所接收的信息更多、更快大脑的注意力会比普通阅读更高度集中因此理解率不仅不会下降反而会有所上升。 而普通的阅读方式由于阅读速度慢大脑容易走神 而且阅读时间过长后面忘了前面所以理解率反而会更低。


《哈利·波特与魔法石》读书笔记 《哈利·波特与魔法石》读书笔记1 即使《哈利·波特与魔法石》这本书破旧不堪,但我仍为它迷醉。即使看了千万遍,我仍然百看不厌。我的双手紧紧握着这本书,梦想着自己也拿着魔杖——念一个咒语…… 哈利·波特,一位有着特殊身份的男孩,也许他不知道自己为什么会落到如此下场:一岁时,哈利被黑魔王伏地魔杀害,父母双亡。自己被母亲的爱所拯救,头上落下了一道疤,使他一生不平凡。之后又被讨厌他的姨父姨妈收养,他的表哥达力更是对他态度恶劣,使他过了一个不愉快的童年。就在他11岁那年,一切都发生了变化。一个叫海格的巨人让他知道了自己是一名巫师,而且要到“霍格沃茨魔法学校”去学习魔法,于是,哈利开始了自己的魔法之旅。在去魔法学校的火车上,哈利认识了两个好朋友,一个是傻头傻脑的罗恩·韦斯莱,另一个是聪明伶俐的赫敏·格兰杰,可是他并没有意识到伏地魔已经在霍格沃茨魔法学校布下了天罗地网,而是乐观的迎接自己的魔法生活。在学校里,哈利经历了各种各样的事情,一个处处针对他的男孩儿德拉科,让他丢掉了格兰芬多学院150分。走在路上,旁观的人也会纷

纷议论他,可善良的哈利并不以自己逃出了伏地魔的魔爪为荣,而是希望自己是个普通的人,简简单单的和爸爸妈妈生活在一起。 最终,他和罗恩、赫敏来到了保护魔法石的一道道关卡,罗恩战胜了巨大棋盘,但也倒下了。赫敏为哈利喝下了倒退进口的魔药。在朋友的重重保护下,哈利终于来到了拥有魔法石的房间。可惊讶的是:在房间里的人并不是斯内普,而是——奇洛,可是哈利没有退缩,独自一人战胜了伏地魔,并把格兰芬多第四名的成绩拉回了第一名,赢得了学院奖杯。故事虽然惊险,但与我们的生活处处相关。如果哈利的母亲在最后时刻没有保护哈利,那么哈利怎么可能活到明天?如果赫敏那个时候没有用火烧斯内普的长袍,那么哈利也许早就从飞天扫帚上掉下来,摔得粉身碎骨。如果最后没有罗恩和赫敏的保护,哈利怎么可能面对奇洛,摧毁伏地魔的美梦?答案是否定的。 这一系列的书都在告诉我们,爱是这个世界上最最深奥的魔法,即使在最黑暗的时候也不要放弃爱与希望,它们可以驱走黑暗,因为爱和希望比死神更强大! 《哈利·波特与魔法石》读书笔记2 这是一个异乎寻常的星期二,住在女贞路四号的德思礼先生看见一只花斑猫正在家门口不远的地方看地图,而且听电视上说:一贯昼伏夜出的猫头鹰今天一早就四处纷飞,连专家们也无法解释这种


(A) In the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called“Dream(梦幻) World Cups” in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Y okohama. Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have______. A. Many football fans B.a very good team C. many football player D.a big playground 2. The next World Cup will be held in_______. A.2006 B.2007 C.2005 D.2004 3. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except_________. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers 4.In“Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______. A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football 5. Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______. A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favorite players are great D. all of A, B and C (B) In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera(照相机). He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo. The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year ,Daguere,another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world. People took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains. In 1840, photography was developed. Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of greed people. The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的). Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were nor just cookies of the real world. They showed feelings, like other kinds of art. 6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of ____________ A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window 7. The Daguerreotyped was____________. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer 8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to__________.


关于计时快速阅读法的速度技巧 为了培养和提高的能力,必须进行一系列科学的、严格的训练。训练的方法多种多样,计时训练法,即是其中一种被广泛采用的简便易行的训练方法。这种方法借助计时手段,通过练习来校正不良习惯,逐渐扩大瞬间“识别间距”,以达到获得快速阅读能力的目的。美国速读专家弗赖博士称这种方法为“已知的训练法中最好的一种”。 (一)计时快速阅读训练的基本原理 计时快速阅读训练的原理是:依据人的自身潜能,通过由易到难的系统训练,逐渐增大阅读者感知文字的瞬间识别间距,从而获得快速阅读的能力。 人们在阅读时,眼睛始终处在运动与停顿相互交替的过程中,每次眼动和眼停的时间都很短暂。据心理学研究,人们只有在眼停时才能感知字句。因此,要提高阅读速度,就要设法在每次眼停时感知较多的文字量,即增大瞬间识别间距。增大瞬间识别间距的关键,是在阅读的过程中不能以词为单位来阅读,而应在瞬间把握住较大的意义单位,一组一组地去读。如这样一个句子: (1)〔闰土的〕〔心里〕〔有〕〔无穷无尽的〕〔希奇的〕〔事〕〔这些〕〔事〕〔都〕〔是〕〔我〕〔往常的〕〔朋友〕〔所〕〔不〕〔知道的〕 (2)〔闰土的心里〕〔有无穷无尽的〕〔希奇的事〕〔这些事都是〕〔我往常的朋友〕〔所不知道的〕 比较一下两种读法即可看出,第一种读法识别间距小,表明阅读

能力较低。第二种读法把十六个词合成六个意群来阅读,识别间距较大,阅读速度就要快得多。阅读时识别间距的增大,一方面减少了眼停的次数(由16次减少为6次),因而直接提高了阅读速度;另一方面由于把句子划分成为数不多的意群,也就更便于把握词与词之间的语义联系,因而有利于提高理解率和阅读效率。 人们的阅读过程,并非简单的眼睛运动,而是一个“阅读领悟过程”。这种“阅读领悟过程”是一种思想或心理的现象。能够阅读得快,一眼看了两个词或三个词,固然是重要的,但更主要的还在于我们阅读时的思想过程——在快速阅读的瞬间把握住词语的相互联系。因为思想过程是将这些词作为一个有意义的整体来领悟的。比如“挨了假洋鬼子打的阿Q越想越气,毒毒的点一点头:‘不准我造反,只准你造反?……’”这句话中,作者要传达给读者的意思并不能从单个词中去领悟。句子中有些词意义比较实,如“阿Q”;而有些词意义较虚,像“毒毒的”、“越”、“造反”等等。但无论虚与实,它们都难以表示明确的意义,只有将它们组成词组一类较大的单位时,意义才比较明确。最后,再由它们相互组合,才能共同表达“阿Q挨了假洋鬼子的打后很生气,毒毒地点一点头说:‘不准我造反,只准你造反?’”这样一个特定的意思。 有的心理学家把能够表示较明确意义的单位称为“完形”,意思是“组织”、“整体”或“模型”。完形心理学家告诉我们,人的头脑是按照意义单位而工作的,如果我们要从文字材料中去寻找作者告诉我们的意义,就不能从单个的词中去寻找,而要从词组、句子和段落这些单


人教版英语八年级英语上册阅读理解 一、八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone around the world without putting a stamp on it? With an email you can just do that. By using computers you can send emails quickly and easily. An email can send its messages to the other side of the world in seconds However, the post is much slower than the email. The email is easy to use and it saves time and money. You can send an email no matter where you are and when it is. In addition, it does not matter if your friends are in bed when you send an email to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send an email back. (1)With an email you can send a letter without putting _______ on it. A. an address B. a message C. a word D. a stamp (2)The writer wants to tell us something about _______. A. computers B. letters C. emails D. calls (3)Which of the following is TRUE? A. The email is not easy to use. B. The email saves time and money. C. The email comes only at night. D. The email is slower than the post. (4)When can you send an email to your friend? A. In the day. B. At night. C. At any time. D. When your friends are at home. 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)B (4)C 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述电子邮件的优点,电子邮件可以将信息在数秒时间传到对方手里。 (1)细节题。根据 Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone around the world without putting a stamp on it With an email you can just do that.可知,电子邮件可以不贴邮票而送信,故选D。 (2)推断题。本文讲述电子邮件的优点,电子邮件可以将信息在数秒时间传到对方手里,故选C。 (3)细节题。根据The email is easy to use and it saves time and money.可知,用电子邮件发送信息省钱又省时,故选B。 (4)细节题。根据In addition, it does not matter if your friends are in bed when you send an email to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send an email back. 可知,随时都可以给朋友发信息,故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题、推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。
