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1.make a decision 作出决定

I hope we can make a decision today. (SB1A Lesson 33)

2.make a plan for 为……订计划

Now it is much easier to make plans for your trips .(SB1A Lesson 34)

3.make a record 录制唱片

He's made lots of records .(SB1A Lesson 41)

4.make fun of 取笑某人

Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them. (SB1A Lesson 42)

5.make sentences 造句

Make sentences from the two tables .(SB1A Lesson 31)

6.make enemies 树敌

I know you have made a lot of enemies .(SB1A Lesson 52)

7.make ...from ... 用……制造……

But this time there will be no trees to make new soil from their leaves. (SB1A Lesson 15)

8.make a good effort 作很大努力

The people made a good effort.(SB1B Lesson 92)

9.make progress 取得进步

Are you making good progress?(SB1B Lesson 81)

10.make a suggestion 提出建议

Making suggestions and giving advice .(SB1B Lesson 60)

He is making a suggestion.(SB2A P102)

11.make up 编出;编造;组成

Make up a dialogue ,using the following as a guide.(SB1B Lesson 97)

There are 11 other minerals that make up the salt waste fo the oceans.(SB2B L62)

12.make a film 拍电影

They are going to make a film next month here.(SB1B Lesson 103)

13.make a journey 进行旅行

Why are you making this journey ?(SB1B P 63)

14.make a study of 对……进行研究

When you do research ,you make a very careful study of a subject.(SB1B P60)

15.make ... to one's own measure 照着某人的尺寸做……

But wait till you see what we'll make for you to your own measure .(SB2A Lesson 38)

16.make use of 利用

People in Xinjiang are making use of wind for producing electricity .(SB2A P104)

17.make ...into... 把……制成……

You'd better make the apples into juice for your baby .(SB2A P87)

18.make a trip 进行旅行

What do you usually take along while you are making a trip ?(SB2A P77)

19.make no difference 对……没有关系;对……没有不同

It makes no difference because most of these places have been saying 'no' to us

for quite a long time. (SB2A Lesson 6)

20.make a noise 吵闹;发噪音

Mrs Cousins was making a lot of noise with the pans and did not hear anything unusual.

(SB2A Lesson 46)

21.make money 赚钱

The Chinese government makes a lot of money from sales of tobacco every year. (SB2A P79) 22.make sure of 确保;确定

Although Luice married Charles,Sydney promised her that he would always do anything

he could for her to make sure of her happiness.(SB2B Lesson 86)

23.make up one's mind 下决心

I haven't made up my mind yet.(SB2B Lesson 61)

24.make a note of 注意;记下来

The operator connected the two numbers and made a note of the length of the telephone

call and charge. (SB2B Lesson 90)

25.make a speech 作演讲

On Auguest 28,1963 King made a speech to thousands of black people that

immediately became world-famous.(SB2B L75)

26.make a call 打电话

In those days ,to make a call ,you had to wind a handle at the side of your telephone .(SB2B Lesson 90)

27.make ...out of.... 用……制造

West Indians make music instruments out of large oil cans.(SB2B Lesson 82)

28.make a promise 答应;允诺

In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months .

(SB3A Lesson 41)

29.make sense 很有意义;进得通

However,in hilly ,dry or moutainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops ,it makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats .(SB3A L15)

30.make ends meet 量入为出;使收支相抵

But it's hard to try to make ends meet with the money I get paid .(SB3B Lesson 71)

31.make a summary 作摘要;概括

Learn how to make a summary .(SB3B P110)

32.make faces 做鬼脸

Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey .(JB2B Lesson 106)

33.make a mistake 犯错误

They call me Lily sometimes ,and I don't always tell them that they've made a mistake.

(JB3 Lesson 58)

34.make friends 交朋友

We always make friends with each other again.(JB3 Lesson 58)

35.make sure 务必;确信;务请

Make sure she has clean water every day .(JB3 Lesson 45)

36.make a law

In many countries,laws have been made to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases.
