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2. 与会者的信息 Speaker list 刘嫄(78’), 杨鹤飞(78’), 王卫东(80’), 潘多加(84’), 杨晋英(84’), 陈晖(86’), 宋洪 军(88’), 张岚(97') Host list 刘音(02’),黄晴(01’), 魏志魁(01’),郭俊杰(02’),刘畅(04’),余涛(04’) 黄果(95’),刘志华(95’), 徐冬一(95’),郭荣(95’) Volunteer list Outside:林华(NYC/NJ),刘凯(Boston),党巍巍(Philadelphia),吴巍(Durham), 李聪(St Louis) On-site:姚盛,焦宇辰,任秋涏,伍建 Attendee list 校友 刘嫄, 杨鹤飞, 王卫东, 赵海青, 杨晋英, 潘多加, 陈劲秋, 陈晖, 蔡怀彬, 宋洪 军, 李二秋, 张海涛, 李春升, 沈力坚,钱程,刘凯,姚盛,万宏,林华,曹尚, 曹圻,傅擎昊,伊春玲,侯晓辉,王悦,汪烨迅,许晶,池志凯,焦宇辰,何坚, 陈琦,黄小英,刘志华,黄靖,赵剑飞,郭荣,徐冬一,赵欣,杨苧,冯怡,党 巍巍,黄果,吴茜,张芃,王海波,王凯,沈宇峰,张爱京,丁捷,蔡莘莘,王 显花,魏刚,宋艳,李毓龙,郑小燕,Ma Lina,申林,顾兴龙,施婧,王冠南, 熊伟,牛志宇,张岚,夏凡,王萌,李次山,王屹,刘曼,张俊争,唐爱辉,潘 肖潇,马鸥,胡晓倩,任秋婷,张勇,钟丽娴,吴巍,沈抒殚,彭晓聿,于翔, 孟识,张乐,刘旭航,林舒,张乐,伍建,刘怡,杨莹,魏志魁,黄晴,徐郁, 李聪,孔玲玲,姜丽婧,郭俊杰,刘音,潘映红,朱伯开,范小舟,金鑫,Wei Fang,郭弋戈,权佳缘,汪清清,王山晓,黎莉诗,张颖心,何开杰,徐岸汀, 王妲,牟欣梦,万五洲,尹彬,仲华,刘畅,余涛,桑凌洁,张鸿康,李冀, 马 海粟,马晴,李毅捷,蔡丹枫,黄祎祺,李伟强,王杉,乔木,何梦舟,白金辉, 徐宁渊,高宝,陆秋恒,阮卫东,吴志明,梅佳琴 客人
聚会的详尽材料 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 邀请函 (第 3、4 页) 与会者的信息(第 5-9 页) 聚会的具体安排(第 10 页) 聚会的收支数据(第 11 页) 第二届北大生物系校友聚会及相关信息(第 12 页)
1. 邀请函 通过 Facebook, PKU Bio database 以及许多热心的北大生物系校友,我们收集到 1248 名校友的 email 地址,并通过 evite 网站发出了所有的正式邀请。大约 1/3 的校友打开了邀请函,249 名给予了回复,150 名来到了大会的现场。此邀请函 也发布在 MITBBS 网站,发送到许多大学的华人学者学生会 e-mail list。 邀请函正文如下: Dear PKU Bio alumni, As you know, we don't have a tradition of annual reunion for PKU Bios. Why don't we start one? This proposal has received tremendous enthusiasm and support from our folks. We, ten Hopkins PKU Bio alumni and 95'class members, would like to host the first reunion at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute on August 16 (Sun) 10AM-4PM. Some of us graduated in 1999, so this year would be our 10th anniversary of graduation. We propose in the future PKU Bio Reunions that a senior PKU Bio class teams up with PKU Bio alumni from a school, and the east and west coast (and other areas) take turns to host our reunions. This year, we are delighted to have the following PKU alumni to join us and share their experience. Yuan Liu (78'), Chief, Office of International Activities; Director, Computational Neuroscience & Neuroinformatics Program, NIH/NINDS Hefei Yang (78'), Senior Director, MedImmune Weidong Wang (80'), Senior Investigator; Chief, Genomic Instability and Chromatin-Remodeling Section, Lab of Genetics, NIH/NIA Duojia Pan (84'), Professor, JHMI, HHMI Jinying (Jack) Yang (84'), Vice President, J. P. Morgan Elizabeth Chen (86'), Assistant Professor, JHMI Hongjun Song (88'), Associate Professor, JHMI Lan Zhang (97'), Vice President, Verisk Health, Inc. Detailed reunion info will be sent through evite later. Please spread out news and all PKU Bio alumni are welcome. If you would like to join us but have not been
Background of each speaker Weidong Wang, Ph.D., Senior Investigator Chief, Genome Instability and Chromatin-Remodeling Section Laboratory of Genetics, National Institute on Aging Dr. Wang received his Bachelor degree in Biology from Peking University in 1984. After one year training at Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, he received CUSBEA Fellowship and went on his PhD training at UCLA, working with Dr. Jay Gralla on transcriptional machinery. In 1992, he joined Dr. Gerald Crabtree’s lab at Stanford University, and started his research on chromatin remodeling complexes. He became an Investigator and Head of Transcription Remodeling & Regulation Unit at NIA in 1997, and has led a very productive research program since then. Besides his long-term interest in chromatin remodeling complexes, Dr. Wang’s lab has also made significant contributions to the biochemical mechanisms of genome instability and DNA damage repair, and genetic basis of related diseases. He has won many awards including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation Award, and NIH Merit Award.
第一届北大生物系校友聚会小结 尊敬的北大生命科学学院领导们, 你们好! 在 2009 年 8 月 16 日, 六名在约翰霍普金斯医学院攻读博士学位的北大生物系毕 业生(刘音、黄晴、魏志魁、郭俊杰、刘畅、余涛)和四名在美国的北大生物系 95 级毕业生(黄果、刘志华、 徐冬一、郭荣) 联合组织发起了第一届北大生物 系校友聚会。 这次聚会在约翰霍普金斯医学院的 Mountcastle auditorium 举行, 面 向所有的北大生物系毕业生(包括北大生物系本科,硕士,博士毕业生,和在北 大曾就读的北医和协和生)以及现从事与生物医学有关的北大其他专业的毕业 生。经过会议组织者和年级负责人等多方面的努力,我们成功地联系上了数百位 校友,并最终约有 150 名北大生物系校友及他们的朋友和家属参加了此次聚会。 在这次聚会上,我们邀请了八位成功的北大校友来分享他(她)们的在人生和事 业上的经历(其中七位为生物系毕业生)。这八位校友毕业时间跨越了近 20 年 (78 级至 97 级),现在他们在不同的行业工作,或从事生物医学科研,或就任 于美国国家机构部门,或在与生物有关的公司的高层工作,或在美国知名银行领 导阶层任职。我们请来这些在年龄和从事行业跨度都很大的校友,希望他们的个 人经历能够给我们其他不同年龄, 在事业不同阶段的校友以指导, 激励, 及借鉴。 我们这次有幸得到了北大生命科学学院和 Genewiz 公司的赞助以及约翰霍普金 斯医学院华人学生学者联谊会的支持。 前者很大程度上减轻了我们筹备这次聚会 的经济负担, 后者允许我们用约翰霍普金斯医学院华人学生学者联谊会的名义租 借场地,解决了我们对场地的担忧,也替我们省下了租借场地的费用。此外,北 大生命科学学院还给我们提供了来自饶毅院长的贺词和介绍生命科学学院现况 的资料,让在场的每位校友重温了对母校的回忆,倍感亲切。 下面我们将详尽的列述这次聚会的筹备材料和与会者的相关信息。 因为我们运用 的许多网站不支持中文,我们许多材料是用英文写的。另外,聚会的照片放在两 个网站: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3425803154 http://picasaweb.google.com/PKUBios/ 高清晰的照片可在以下网址下载(密码:bioreunion) http://drop.io/1stpkubioreunionphotos http://drop.io/1stpkubioreunionphotos2 http://drop.io/1stpkubioreunionphotos3 如果需要任何其它资料,请与黄果联系(1stpkubioreunion@gmail.com)。 第一届北大生物系校友聚会组织者 刘音(02’),黄晴(01’), 魏志魁(01’),郭俊杰(02’),刘畅(04’),余涛(04’) 黄果(95’),刘志华(95’), 徐冬一(95’),郭荣(95’) 2009 年 9 月 11 日
Lu Sun,Lucy Chen, Huifen Gao, Jianhui Zhou, Peng Jin, Junhui Bai, Ting Guo, Qiang Wang, Chi Zhang, Ganhui Lan, Qiuheng Lu, Weidong Ruan, Yangfan Liu
contacted through evite, please contact Guo Huang (1stPKUbioReunion@gmail.com) with your name in Chinese, e-mail, years in PKU and degree obtained. We would greatly appreciate if you can respond before August 9. All PKU Bio alumni in DC/Baltimore feel it a great honor to host the first PKU Bio Reunion and welcome everyone to Hopkins. At least this is a start. Better will come! Best regards, Hosts: Yin Liu (02'), Qing Huang (01'), Zhikui Wei (01'), Junjie Guo (02'), Chang Liu (04'), Tao Yu (04'), Guo Huang (95'), Zhihua Liu (95'), Dongyi Xu (95'), Rong Guo (95')