






1.Since the first test of the atomic bomb the world has learnt that the atom can be split

and its power used. (power后省略了can be)


2. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.(money后省略

了are soon parted)


3.Both human and cow milk are naturally spiced with a small amount of morphine.



4.So-called convenience and frozen foods are now as popular in Europe as

they are in America.



1.He left without a word.


2.What a leader he was!


3.Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved ones.


4.Disappearances occurred with apparently increasing frequency.


5.She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea.


6.Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.


7.They wanted to ease the tension in the Middle East.


8.There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.


9.Day after day he came to his work --- sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.


10.The thesis summed up the new achievements made in computers, artificial satellites

and rockets.





Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.


The restaurant now has three dining rooms and a VIP room with a total of 240 seats.


We should improve management and ensure safe production.


The moon rose high, shining as brightly as a silver plate.


Suddenly the telephone rang. It was my mother calling me. She wanted me to go

home and take my brother to hospital.


In the case of the enterprises o f western and central China and old industrial bases that are in real financial difficulties, the central government will continue to offer financial help.


The areas with suitable conditions must take the lead in achieving modernization. 8.该公司的主要经营范围包括:… …

The business scope of the company covers the following areas: … …



The rewards may come slowly, but they are sure and tremendous.


We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country.


The Chinese people nationwide have developed from the stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a better-off life.


In the Ming Dynasty the city became a flourishing port.


Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River.

二、Omission (省译法)




1. 省略代词

1).He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.


3). Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in new Campus.


4). If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.


5). I have received your letter and read it with delight.


2. 省略连词

1). He looked gloomy and troubled. (表并列)


2). As the temperature increase, the volume of water becomes greater. (表原因)


3). We knew winter vocation was coming as (because) we had seen the big stone in the River. (表原因)


4) My heart bleeds when I recall the scene --- my teacher moved with difficulty out the room, with tears in his eyes.


3. 省略前置词(介词)

1). The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.


2). In July, 1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal.


3). And on July 1st, 1999, I graduated from university.


4). Smoking is prohibited in public places.


5) On the morning of the exam day I woke up early.


6) It is really a tough job --- there is no help for it.



1) When the pressure gets low, the boiling-point becomes low.


2) European habits have changed much along with the increase in supermarkets and shopping centers, the number of cars, and the modernization of housing.





1)University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


2)Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.



1) There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.


2) V oting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting.


3) Matters in the world should be handled by the government and people of all countries through consultations on the basis of equality.


(二) 汉译英时常用的省略

A. 省略汉语中的重复词


We declare that, the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of histor y, that it is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding machine

2. 科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。

The rapid advance of science and technology has presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.


The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces.


They have done much more contributions for the state than we have.

B. 省略汉语的范畴词


The social unrest and upheaval has not been put an end to in some regions in the Mid-East.


The better/ closer relations between teachers and students, the more chances for improving teaching.


It is the burning desire of all the people to end our country’s poverty and backwardness quickly.


Many grand new-year celebrations are held in the world.

5) 没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就谈不上经济发展。

Without peace or political stability, there would be no economic growth.



I have some urgent business on hand before (attending) the meeting. .


He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.

3) 她连续讲了两个小时的法语,没有出现任何错误。

She has been talking in French for two hours without any mistakes.


The appearance of cars priced at less than 100,000 yuan aroused the enthusiasm of more people for private cars.

D. 汉语意义重复时,应减词英译:

1) 中国人民为此进行了长期不懈的努力。

The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts to that end.

2) 为了保卫国家安全,维护祖国统一,我们必须不断增强国防实力。

We must build up our defense capability with a view to safeguarding our State security and national unity.

3) 科学技术在一些领域取得重大突破。

Breakthroughs were made in some areas of science and technology.

4) 各项社会事业全面进步。

All social undertakings developed. /The social undertakings developed in an

all-round way.

5) 我们要进一步开创外交工作的新局面。

We shall open up new vista in diplomatic work.


We must enhance our economic and cultural exchange with other countries.

7) 市场商品供应丰富多彩。

The market had an adequate supply of commodities.

E. 省略汉语修辞的词语

1) 科学技术日新月异。

Science and technology are advancing /developing rapidly.

2) 大学校园文化包罗万象,其主流是“青春、浪漫、激扬”的。

The campus culture in universities are all-inclusive, with the main stream of “youth, romance and enthusiasm”.

3) 各级党组织和领导干部都要旗帜鲜明地反对腐败。

Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels must take a clear stand to oppose corruption.

4) 我们满怀信心、昂首阔步迈向21世纪。

We are advancing confidently forwards to the 21st century.





1. 转译成动词

A. 由动词的派生词名词(或含有动作意义的名词)转译为动词

1.Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.


2. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.


4. A view of Mt. E-mei can be obtained from here.


5.The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years. 过去的20年里,美国的航空工业突飞猛进。

6. The growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people raised social and political issues.


B. 英语中加后缀-er, -or 的名词,在句中并不表身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意义。

7. He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker.


8. He was a regular visitor.他经常来。

9. What kind of sailor are you? (a bad sailor or a good sailor?)你晕不晕船?

10.We cannot become participants in the war, but nor must we be mere spectators.


11. Americans are great joiners, as the huge number of organizations available in the United States attests.


C. 前置词转换为动词

12. “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.

“来啊!” 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地, 跑上小径,跨上台阶, 穿过凉台,进了门廊。

13. Jones opened the windows to let fresh air in.


14. That day she was up before sunrise.


15.The Statue of Liberty was a gift to USA from France in 1886 as a mark of friendship and also in memory of the aid France gave the Americans during the American Revolution.


2. 转译成名词

A. Verbs-Nouns

1. She behaves as if she were a child.


2. A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car.


3.Population grew both as a result of natural increase and of continued immigration.


4. The American economy is organized in single-owner businesses, partnerships and corporations.


B. Adjectives-Nouns

3. Stevenson was eloquent and elegant—but soft.


4. This problem is no less important than that one.


5. Glass is more transparent than plastic cloth.


C. Adverbs—Nouns

1. It is editorially said that…


2. He is strong physically, but weak mentally.


3. The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1.


3. 转译成形容词

1.I can note the grace of her gesture.


2. We have seen the beauty of Mt. Tai.


3. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.


4. The English language has changed subtly and pervasively.


5. She looked at me expectantly.


6. Hopefully, it will be done early next month.


7.V ariety is a key characteristic of the United States, both geographically and culturally. 多姿多彩是美国地理和文化的主要特征。

4. 转译成副词

A. Nouns—Adverbs

1. The man nodded with satisfaction.


2. He had the honor to attend the congress.


B. Adjectives—Adverbs

3. He had a careful study of the map before he started off.


4. Can you give an accurate translation of the sentence?




1. 中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。

(1) The Chinese Government commits itself to non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries.

(2) The Chinese Government undertakes not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries.


(1) We shall ensure that foreign capital is more effectively utilized.

(2) We shall ensure more effective utilization of foreign capital.


That country’s lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.


The recent international conference was a success.


The economic growth in China has been accompanied by the improvement of the people’s living conditions.


Nowadays, with the wide use / application of computers in China, more and more people have access to the Internet.

7. 中国仅有美国一半的可耕地,却负担为美国人口四倍的人民的吃饭问题。

China supports a population four times that of the United States with the arable land only half that of the US.


He never understands that happiness lies in contentment, so he isn’t content with what he has already had.


The people in the mainland are all deeply concerned at the news that Taiwan has been struck by an earthquake.

B. 名词的转译


The national economy has improved significantly.

2. 去年中国出口总额为1873亿美元。

China’s export totaled US$183.7 billion last year.

3. 专家认为,肥胖人口增长的主要原因是人们的运动量减少。

The experts attribute the increasing number of obese people to the decrease in the physical exercises.



Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country. (形容词转成名词)

2. 所有单位必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不文明现象。

All the organization must clear up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. (形容词转成名词)

3. 亚洲依然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。

Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world. (形容词转成副词) 4. 一切形式的恐怖行为都严重威胁着所有人民、所有国家的和平、繁荣和安全。

Terrorist acts in all forms and manifestations are a profound threat to the peace, prosperity and security of all people and of all nations. (副词转成形容词)

Negation (正说反译、反说正译法)

一、 原文用肯定语气,译文用否定语气

1.You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it.

a) 你既然挑起了我的好奇心,就别再吊我的胃口了。



2.Appearances are often deceptive.


3.She was irritated at being denied the opportunity to get a pay rise.


4.She is the last person to trust with a secret.


5.It escapes your notice that she has changed so much.


6. The computer is beyond repai r. You might as well buy a new one.


7. They accepted the peace proposal with dignity.


二、 原文用肯定语气,译文用否定语气

1.The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as joyable as possible.


2.Nothing but a miracle could prevent the company from going bankrupt.


3.Your negligence was nothing less than criminal.

你的疏忽简直是犯罪。/ 你的疏忽无异于犯罪。

4.She couldn’t find anywhere to live, though not for want of trying.


6.If all three of you take part in it, there can be no further questioning of your courage.




7.We could not be more mistaken.


8.You can not be too careful in proofreading.


9.I couldn’t agree with you more.


Repetition (重译法)


1. Since most new smokers apparently are women, my friend’s confusion was understandable. And there are more than ever since September 11.



2. Americans view relationships in terms of “rights”; Chinese in terms of “obligations” ---

to family, to one’s elders, to the country.


3. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one-time prosperity to the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.


4. Populations increase and decrease relatively not only to one another, but also to natural resources.


6. Americans are beginning to realize that this terrible problem of poverty is their problem and not just the Government’s.

美国人开始意识到可怕的贫困问题不仅是政府的问题,更是他们自己的问题。[析] 重复译出省略的名词“问题”,并且调整原句的顺序,使之更加符合汉语表达习惯。

7. Genetically engineered rice is the key to Asia’s food security, to feed impoverished millions.


8. Justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness.


9. The 21st century executive must be a global strategist, working as deftly in Tokyo as in New York. He sees --- then seizes --- markets worldwide.


10. Ericsson launched its slim and smart new model which analysts expect will boost profits but not market share in the tough mobile phone market.


12. Some theaters concentrate on the classics and serious dramas, some on light comedy, some on musicals.


13. Around the world, laws on human cloning research are either restrictive, absent, or are lagging behind what is happening in the laboratory.



二. 重复代词

1). Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.


2). He hated failure; he had conquered it in his own life, risen above it, despised it in


他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。3). Happy family also had their own troubles.


4). Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 强国有强国的策略,小国有小国的路线。

5). Each country has its own customs.


6). Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized.


7). Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free.



1). We want such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure.


2). Everybody appreciates polite words and manners.


3). They are loyal to the motherland and the people.



1). There had been too much publicit y about his love affairs.


2). The boasts were flat.


3). The kid is always in rags as if he were an orphan.



英汉翻译技巧大全 定语从句: 定语从句是由一些关系代词或者关系副词引导的从句组成,用来修饰名词中心词。 Person has pieced togethter the workd of hundereds of researcher around theworld to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest date when we can expect hundreds of key breakthrough and discoveries to take place. 皮而森汇集了...生产出独特的千年历,这种千年历(它)能够... 定语的翻译要特别注意位子上的变化,即:如果是单词修饰名词就放在中心词的前面,这和汉语的词序是一样的;如果定语太长,定语就要放在中心词的后面,这时就要注意断句,重复先行词,例如: 1.I have the same problem as you concerning the learning of English 在学英语的问题上,我和你有同样的问题。 2.She has a perfect figure. 她身材不错。 3.This is indeed a most pressing problem. 这的确是一个非常棘手的问题。 4.The only other people who knew the secret were his father and mother. 别的知道这个秘密的人就是他的父母。 5.The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。


《英汉翻译技巧》教学大纲 一、课程的性质、目的、任务和基本要求 1、性质:本课程为专业必修课程,是英语专业一门重要的专业技能课,授课对象为英语专业本科三年级学生。 2、目的:通过本课程学习,使学生掌握必要翻译知识与翻译技巧,培养学生翻译实践能力,并提升其英语 语言运用意识,为后续课程及实践教学环节打下必要基础。 3、任务:(1)使学生深入理解翻译并了解国内外翻译研究动态。 (2)使学生掌握基本翻译技巧并能在翻译过程中加以运用。 (3)培养学生翻译实践能力。 (4)培养学生英语语言运用意识,强调书本知识与实践的结合。 此外,在教学过程中还必须有意识地培养自学能力,分析问题和解决问题能力。 4、基本要求:翻译方法和技巧训练阶段的基本要求: (1)词汇: 掌握10000-12000个词汇以及这些单词构成的常用词组;正确而熟练地使用其中5000-6000个词汇及最常用的搭配,能够运用到汉英互译中。 (2)语法: 熟练地使用各种衔接手段,连贯地表达思想,侧重语法结构在翻译过程中的理解和应用。 (3)阅读能力: 能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论和书评,理解文章大意,分辨事实与细节;能读懂有一定难度的历史传记及文学作品,理解其真实含义;能分析上述题材文章的思想观点,语篇结构,语言特点和修辞手法。(4)翻译能力: 能借词典将文字资料译成理解正确、表达准确、译文连贯通顺具一定修辞手段的规范语句,写译的速度达到每小时250-300词。 二、教学安排 《英汉翻译技巧》课程涉及到双语的各项能力,因此技能测试是检查教学效果和检查学生语言水平和应用能力的重要手段,在各个教学阶段结束时安排测验和考试。测验着眼于考核学生的应用和技能的发挥。平时安排阶段测验,期末安排考试。课程学时安排:每周4学时。 学期总学时17 x 2= 34;周学时 2 x 2 = 4。 成绩评定标准:平时成绩占30%(包括出勤、练习、小组作业、讨论发言,翻译实践);期末考试占70% 。 教学内容讲授学时 第一章翻译标准 1 第二章英汉语言对比 2 第三章直译与意译 1 第四章英汉翻译中词义的选择 2 第五章汉翻译中词类的转换 2 第六章英汉翻译中增补、省略与重复技巧 4 第七章拆译与缩译 2


翻译技巧 第一节否定句式的翻译 She is not a dancer. 她不是一个舞蹈家。 She is no dancer. 她算不上个舞蹈家。It is not an easy task.这不是一件容易的事情(客观评价) It is no easy task. 这可不是一件容易的事情。(主观评价) 一、完全否定 e.g. 1. There are no denying facts. 2. None of the answers are right. 二、部分否定 e. g. 1. All that glitters is not gold.(=Not all

that glitters is gold.) 闪光的不都是金子。 None that glitters is gold. 闪光的都不是金子。 Glitter/ twinkle/ sparkle/ flash/ shine/ brighten/ light/ lit/ blink/ glisten/ gleam/ flame/ illuminate / glow / glorify 2. I do not want everything. I do not want anything. 三、形式否定 1、cannot ….too…. 意思是不可能是过分的,一般翻译为无论怎样…都不过分 1)We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much. 2) We cannot be too careful in doing

experiments. 2. It is adj. + N. + that + 否定从句1). It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. 再聪明的人也会犯错误。2)It is a good horse that never stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles. 3. too…..to….. 太。。。而不能。。。。1)Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar. 2) She was too eager to know the result of her experiment. 4. not ….other than ….原意是除了。。。就不。。。。 1) We do not like him other than he is now. 我们就喜欢他现在的样子。2) I can not read the long letter other than cursorily.


汉英翻译技巧汇总 Title: 汉英翻译技巧:合并(Combination) Key words: combination, simple sentence, compound sentence, C-E translation Abstract: It discusses the technique of combination of simple and compound sentences. Compiler: 丁树德等 C-E (A) in terms of simple sentences (1)天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It was so cold that the river froze. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (2)理论必须密切联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (3)他在战斗中表现突出,受到连长的表扬。He was commended by the company commander for his distinguished performance in the battle. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (4)年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (5)当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors.(王大伟,"现代汉英翻译技巧",世界图书出版公司,1999)(本科四年级以上) (B) in terms of compound sentences (6)她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She is justifiably proud of her achievements. ("现代汉英翻译技巧" 王大伟世界图书出版公司1999) (7)这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展很快,使人感到惊讶不已。This small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with

实用英汉翻译技巧与实践(Chapter 1&2)

An Applied Course in English-Chinese Translation Skills and Practice 实用英汉翻译技巧与实践 (Definition of Translation) 1.2 翻译的原则(Principles of Translation) 忠实(Faithfulness) 通顺(Smoothness) 1.3 翻译的基本步骤(Basic Steps in Translation) a. 原文理解(Comprehension of Source Texts) ?词义确定(Determination of Word Meaning) It is quite another story now. The officials concerned refused to confirm the story in the Post. The white-haired girl's story is one of the saddest. A young man came to police station with a story. ?语法分析(Grammatical Analysis) W hile I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. ?逻辑判断(Logical Judgement) H e bought a picture of the house which many people thought to be replica. ?文体把握(Understanding of Style) 旅游景点警示语:路滑, 小心跌倒! 译1:The road is slippery, fall down carefully! 译2:The path is so slippery that you should be careful not to fall down. 译3:Slippery // Wet path! b.译文表达(Expression of Target Texts) c. 译文校核(Proofreading of Target Texts) 1.4 翻译的主要方法(Major Translation Approaches) a. 直译法(Literal Translation) p aper tiger l ose face r unning dog G ood to begin well, better to end well. b. 意译法(Free Translation) Q ueen’s English s mall talk r eceive glove money E very life has its roses and thorns. c. 归化法(Domestication) b lack sheep a s timid as a hare d.异化法(Foreignization) 1.5 翻译的常用技巧(Practical Translation Skills)


英汉翻译技巧练习I Part I An Overall Introduction of Translation Skills I 英汉两种语言对比 1.所属语系与发展历史 英语-印欧语系汉语-汉藏语系 2.语音 3.语言的本质 英语-综合性语言汉语-分析性语言 4.句法现象 II 英汉两种文化差异 1.同一民族中亦存在文化差异: 蛤蟆naughty 叩手点心 2.英汉文化间的差异 a.思想观念、心理特征 龙—dragon 鹤—crane b.表达方式、审美情趣 “愤怒出诗人”—“止怒莫若诗” “十里蛙声不断,九溪曲流潺潺”—“You can hear frog’s continuous crying in ten miles and can enjoy the babbling of the winding streams.”3.对文化词语和表达的处理 文化词语,指的是充满汉语文化个性和特殊内涵的语言。 a.直译法 丢脸—to lose face/ to be disgraced 纸老虎—paper tiger/ scarecrow 骑虎难下—to ride a tiger/ in chancery 猫哭老鼠—cats crying for the death of rats/ to shed crocodile tears b.直译加补充信息法 下海铁饭碗跳槽父母官待业青年酒囊饭袋清明节 c.释义法 望子成龙和番金三角 两手抓,两手都要硬 d.同(近)义表达借用法 得寸进尺—Give him an inch, and he’ll take an ell. 好聚好散—Merry meet, merry part. 贪多嚼不烂—to bite off more than one can chew 皇天不负有心人—Heaven helps those who help themselves.


翻译技巧概述 翻译题旨在考察考生的综合英语能力。它包括英译汉和汉译英两个部分。其中,英译汉要求考生将一篇约350字左右的短文中的5个画线部分译成汉语。要求译文准确、完整、通顺。需要翻译的句子往往句型结构较复杂,通常含有定语从句、状语从句、独立结构或者分词结构等,句子意思不容易把握。即便当句子不是很长的时候,其中又往往含有较难理解的词、词组或短语,或者是其他一些较复杂的语言现象。而汉译英则是要求将5个独立的句子译成英语,同样要求译文准确通顺。要做好这类题目,既需要具备一定的英语基本功,同时也需要掌握一定的翻译技巧。从历年的考试情况来看,这一部分试题明显是考生的薄弱环节。由于对一般的翻译常识和基本的翻译技巧知之甚少,面对这类考题考生总是一筹莫展,无从下手。所以有必要对翻译的一些基本常识和技巧进行介绍,使考生能够在考前复习和考试过程中胸有成竹。 翻译活动通常包括三个步骤:理解、表达和审核。这其中的每—步都包含有一定的技巧。 一、理解阶段 理解是表达的前提。如果不能正确地理解原文,就不可能有准确的表达。就三级考试翻译题而言,尤其是英译汉时,理解既包括对全文的理解,也包括对目标句子的理解,在进行这—步工作时,应该首先通读全文。通读全文的目的是为了从整体上把握文章的内容,理解画线部分与文章其他部分之间的语法关系和逻辑关系,尤其要根据上下文弄清楚画线部分中的各个代词的所指,以便在翻译时能将其准确地表达出来。 通读全文之后,就开始了对画线部分的理解。如上所言,画线部分的句型结构通常都比较复杂,如果不将句子复杂的语法结构搞清楚,就很难正确完整地理解原文。所以句子理解的第一步是要分析画线部分的句子结构。在进行这项工作时,建议首先将句子的主语、谓语和宾语找出来,以明了句子的主干结构,然后再分析句子是否有省略成分以及句子中主、从句之间的关系。接下来就是对画线部分的句意的理解了。此时,考生应在弄清句子中所有虚词、实词意义的基础上理解全句的整体意义。需要注意的是,全句的意思并不等于所有词语意思的相加,译者需要考虑中英文表达方式的差异,以及句子所处的具体的语言环境,对句子进行全面的理解。 具体而言,在理解句子时要注意以下两点:(1)根据上下文明确句中代词或含有指代意义的词所指的具体内容;(2)根据上下文确定句中那些一词多义的词或词组在文中的意思及用法。一词多义是英语中常见的语言现象,要正确地理解一句话首先就必须弄清该句中各词的具体意思。只有在这两点的基础上再结合画线部分所在的具体语境,才有可能形成对句子的正确理解。 至于汉译英,因为句子一般都相对较短,又是母语,所以理解起来比较容易,只需在做题时把握每句话的考点,考虑如何将句子意思用英语准确地表达出来即可。 二、表达阶段 表达就是译者将自己对原文理解的内容用目标语表达出来。表达的好坏除了取决于译者对目标语的熟练程度外,在很大程度上还取决于译者对原文的理解程度,尤其是在英译汉时。可以说,表达是理解的目的和结果,而理解则是表达的基础。但是正确的理解不一定意味着有正确的表达,表达还涉及到很多的方法和技巧。 三、校核阶段 校核阶段是理解与表达的进一步深化,是对原文内容进一步核实以及对译文语言进一步推敲的阶段,因此,校核是翻译过程中一个很重要的阶段,并不是可有可无的。通过校核,我们可以发现译文中可能存在的一些问题并予以修改,以确保自己理解和表达的内容准确、完美。在校核阶段,一般应注意与下列问题:(1)人名、地名、日期、方位和数字等;(2)汉语译文的词与句有无错漏;(3)修改译文中译错或表达不够准确的句子、词组或词汇;(4)有


做英译中需要有良好的中文作为基础,翻译好的中文需要反复斟酌,上下推敲,才能出精炼的译文。所以要把翻译做到精益求精,其实不是一件容易的事情,以下我们可以看几个例句。 1. We sat there in dumb silence. 一般:我们沉默不语地坐在那里。 精炼:我们坐在那里,默然无语。 2. She managed to force a smile. 一般:她勉强做了个笑脸。 精炼:她勉强一笑。 3. He gave her a long searching look. 一般:他用锐利的目光长时间地看着她。 精炼:他用锐利的目光盯着她瞧。 4. Sidney is one of the world’s must-see cities. 一般:悉尼是世界上一定要去参观的城市之一。 精炼:悉尼是全球必游城市之一。 5. They practiced the dance until it was perfect. 一般:他们把舞蹈练得直到尽善尽美为止。 精炼:他们反复练舞,直到尽善尽美为止。 6. Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. 一般:请确保手机在演出时处于关机状态。 精炼:演出时请确保关上所有手机。 7. She felt she had run the (whole) gamut of human emotions from joy to despair. 一般:她感到自己经历了欢乐到绝望的人类的一切情感。 精炼:她感到自己尝遍从喜到悲的七情六欲。 从上面的例句可以看出,翻译的时候,不光要理解整个句子,更要做到简洁和凝练。好的译文是需要不断反复地推敲的,当然这是建立在良好的中文基础之上的。平时要多读优秀的中文作品,不断吸取优秀作家的养分,唯有这样才能在翻译之路上走出自己的特色。 所谓翻译的异国情调,即翻译要有外国情调,是“指另一民族的心理特点、异地风光、特殊事物等等”。鲁迅先生在《且介亭杂文二集》中说:“只求易懂,不如创作,或者改作,将事改为中国事,人也化为中国人。如果还是翻译,那么,首先的目的,就在博览外国的作品,不但移情,也要益智,至少是知道何时何地,有这等事,和旅行外国,是很相像的:它必须有异国情调,就是所谓的洋气”。例如: 1. It takes two to tango. 译文1:一个巴掌拍不响。 译文2:两个人才能跳探戈。 2. He is a Napoleon of finance. 译文1:他是金融界的巨头。 译文2:他是金融界的拿破仑。 3. The pen is mightier than the sword. 译文1:文字的力量大于武力。


翻译技巧 由于汉英两种语言在词法、句法上的差异,翻译并不是简单的一对一复制,而是根据具体情况,灵活地运用翻译技巧坐车必要的调整和改变,使译文最大程度地再现原文的意义,又使它符合译语的表达习惯。 翻译技巧大体分为八类。它们是:加注(annotation)、释义(paraphrase)、增词(amplification)、减词(omission)、转换(shift of perspective)、归化(adaptation)、切分(division)和合并(combination)。 1.加注 由于汉英文化的不同,英语中某些词义在汉语中根本不存在,形成词义上的空缺。在这种情况下,常常采用加注法来弥补空缺。加注可分为音译加注和直译加注两种。 音译加注指音译后附加解释性注释。注释可长可短,可以在文中注释,也可采用脚注。 Cartoon 卡通片 Hamburger 汉堡包 Benz 奔驰车 Hippie 嬉皮士(20世纪60年代出现在美国的青

年颓废派一员,喜群居,蓄长发,穿奇装 异服) El Nino 厄尔尼诺(现象)(指严重影响全球气候的 太平洋热带海域的大风及海水的大规模移 动) Saint Valentine’s Day 圣瓦伦丁节情人节,2月14日)1.Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regiment; and how much more this poor old nervous victim? 按照这样的养生之道,别说这可怜的老太太了,就连健康女神哈奇亚本人也会生病。 2.You look like Al-Capone in that suit. 你穿上那套衣服,看上去就像个流氓阿尔·卡彭。 3.He saw himself, in a smart suit, bowed into the opulent suites of Ritzes. 他发现自己身着漂亮的礼服,被恭恭敬敬地引进了像里兹饭店一般的豪华旅馆的客房里下榻。 4.It’s true that the enemy won the battle, but theirs is but a Pyrrhic victory,” said the general. 将军说:“敌人确实赢得了战斗,但他们的胜利只是皮洛士的胜利,得不偿失。” 5.Nancy Reagan, and not George Gallup, may well have the final say. 拥有最后发言权的,并非乔治·盖洛普民意测验,而是南希·里根。 直译加注指直译原文,并附加解释性注释。


… 英语翻译-英译汉的技巧 真正掌握英译汉的技巧并非易事。这是因为英译汉时会遇到各种各样的困难;首先是英文理解难,这是学习、使用英文的人的共同感觉,由于两国历史、文化、风俗习惯的不同,所以一句英文在英美人看来顺理成章,而在中国人看来却是颠颠倒倒、断断续续,极为别扭。二是中文表达难,英译汉有时为了要找到一个合适的对等词汇,往往被弄得头昏眼花,好象在脑子里摸一个急于要开箱子的钥匙,却没有。另外,英译汉时对掌握各种文化知识的要求很高,因为我们所翻译的文章,其内容可能涉及到极为广博的知识领域,而这些知识领域多半是我们不大熟悉的外国的事情,如果不具备相应的文化知识难免不出现一些翻译中的差错或笑话。正是因为英译汉时会遇到这么多的困难,所以,我们必须通过翻译实践,对英汉两种不同语言的特点加以对比、概况和总结,以找出一般的表达规律来,避免出现一些不该出现的翻译错误,而这些表达的规律就是我们所说的翻译技巧。 一、词义的选择和引伸技巧 英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手: 1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词) He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词) ? Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词) 2、根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义。 He is the last man to come .他是最后来的。 He is the last person for such a job .他最不配干这个工作。 He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不该怪他。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you .我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。 词义引伸是我们英译汉时常用的技巧之一。翻译时,有时会遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义,如果任意硬套或逐词死译,就会使译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表达原意,甚至会造成误解。这时就应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发,进一步加以引伸,引伸时,往往可以从三个方面来加以考虑。 1、词义转译。当我们遇到一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或词组时,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引伸转译。 》 The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat .太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。 2、词义具体化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引伸为词义较具体的词。 The last stage went higher and took the Apollo into orbit round the earth.最后一级火箭升得更高,把“阿波罗号”送进围绕地球运行的轨道。 3、词义抽象化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较具体的词引伸为词义较抽象的词,或把词义较形象的词引伸为词义较一般的词。 Every life has its roses and thorns .每个人的生活都有甜有苦。 二、词类转译技巧 在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能逐词对译,只能将词类进行转译之后,方可使译文显得通顺、自然;对词类转译技巧的运用须从四个方面加以注意。 1、转译成动词。英语中的某些名词、介词、副词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的动词。 , The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way . 植物没有专门的排泄系统,可用同样的方式加以说明。(名词转译)


大学英语段落翻译技巧(1) 2013年7月,全国大学英语四六级考试委员会对大学英语四六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型做了局部调整,调整后的四六级翻译项目从原来的单句翻译变成了现在的段落翻译2013年12月,这一新的题型首次应用在四六级考试中。评分方式也由原来的语法点给分变成现在的总体评分(Global Scoring),也就是阅卷员根据翻译的总体印象,即文章的总体表达给出分数档。具体标准见下表: 表一四六级评分标准-考委会版(用于总体评分) 由于是第一次考查这样的题型,阅卷组也进行了细致的分析,深入的讨论和谨慎的评判。因此,在确定分数档之后,阅卷员需要通过对考生翻译中的语法、用词以及拼写错误进行量化,然后扣分,最终决定考生的翻译分数。而语法的量化考核也有一定的标准,具体见下表:

表二四六级翻译评分标准-阅卷版(用于量化语法错误) 这两步之后,一份翻译的整体分数就确定了。总的来说,改革后的大学英语四六级翻译项目采取总体评分为主,量化考核为辅的评分方式:阅卷员首先通读整篇译文,根据"总体评分"的原则,确定其所属档位;其次详细阅读译文,寻找译文中的扣分点,在统计扣分点之后,根据"量化考核"的原则,确定译文最终的分数。以下将以2013年12月四级考试翻译中的"中餐篇"为例,给出各个分数档的参考译文以及阅卷员评语。 翻译原文 许多人喜欢中餐。在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地的差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既美味又健康。 14分参考译文 Many people enjoy Chinese food. In China, cooking is not only viewed as a skill but also regarded as a form of art. A carefully-prepared Chinese dinner can be both tasty and


英汉翻译的基本方法和技巧 翻译是信息交流过程中极其复杂的社会心理现象。语言知识是翻译的基础。此外,翻译还涉及到推理、判断、分析和综合等复杂的心理认识过程。翻译的方法和技巧是翻译工作者在长期的实践中根据两种语言的特点总结归纳出来的一般规律。这些规律可以指导我们的翻译实践,使我们能更自觉、更灵活地处理翻译过程中所遇到的各种语言现象。下面就英译汉中的一些方法和技巧结合翻译实例作一概述。 1.词义的选择 一词多义和一词多类是英汉两种语言都有的一种语言现象。因此,在平日的翻译练习和测试中,我们在弄清原文句子结构后,务必注意选择和确定句中关键词的词类和词义,以保证译文的质量。通常可从以下三个方面来考虑词义选择: 1)根据词在句中的词类来选择词义 例如:Cen sorship is for the good of society as a whole. Like the law, it con tributes to the com mon good. [译文]:审查是为了整个社会的利益。它像法律一样维护公众利益。 [注释]:本句中like作介词,意为”像……一样”。但like作动词用,则意为”喜欢;想要”。例如:He likes films with happy endings.(他喜欢结局好的电影。)又如:Would you like to leave a message?(你要不要留个话儿?)此外,like 还可以作形容词用,意为 "相同的",如:Like charges repel; uni ike charges attract, 电荷同性相斥,异性相吸。)2)根据上下文和词在句中的搭配关系选择词义 例 1 Accord ing to the new school of scie ntists, tech no logy is an overlooked force in expa nding the horiz ons of scie ntific kno wledge. [译文]:新学派的科学家们认为,技术在扩大科学知识范围过程中是一种被忽视的力量。 [注释]:school 一词常被误译为”学校”,其实,school还有一个词义"学派”。可见,正确选择词义对译文质量有重要影响,而文章的上下文和逻辑联系是翻译中选择词义的重要


(英语)高一英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brakes. 1.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) 2.我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as…as) 3.只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep) 4.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。(memory) 5.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember) 6.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,试试救援。(despite) 【答案】 1.Tennis is getting more and more popular in Shanghai. 2.I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs. 3.Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night. 4.A film will be made/ shot in memory of those brave fire fighters. 5.It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the language lab. 6.Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue. 【解析】 【分析】 翻译题要力争做到译文的正确、准确、地道三个要求。正确就是译文没有明显的语言错误,准确是指考生能运用合适的词汇和句式完整的表述原意,地道是指译文不但无语言错误,而且用此选句符合英语习惯,意义表达生动灵活。所以,做翻译题时要综合运用词句知识,注意词汇的习惯搭配和句子时态、语态、人称和句式的选择。 1.表示“越来越……”,英语的表达方式为“比较级+and+比较级用于进行时里中。 2.表示“与……一样……”应该用“as+ a dj./adv原级+as…”结构。 3.本句要注意两点:1. 动名词用作主语的用法;2. keep + sb./sth. + adj (做宾补)使……保持某种状态。 4.“为了纪念……”应选用“in the memory of”固定短语来表达。 5.解答本题要注意两点:1. 强调句型的运用;2. remember doing sth.记住做过某事。6.本句较为复杂,除了掌握despite作为介词可以接名词构成介词短语作状语外,还要注意句中谓语动词的准确选择和时态的确定,最后还要注意“实施援救”这一目的状语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy)


Principles of Translation 翻译的标准 1.翻译的定义和性质 什么是翻译? 翻译是世界上使用不同语言的民族之间进行沟通的桥梁。它是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容准确而完整地重新予以表达的语言活动。翻译活动应具备三个要素首先,翻译是一种语言活动,它涉及到两种语言,即原语(source language)和译入语(target language);其次,翻译所进行的活动是这两种语言之间的一种转换,即把信息从原语的形式转换成译入语的形式;第三,在转换过程中应当做到忠实(faithful),即“准确完整”地再现原文的思想内容。 翻译是一种非常复杂的语言活动。对于翻译的性质,翻译界历来有“科学论”和“艺术论”之争。翻译的载体是语言,语言是受一定规律约束的,翻译中也就有规律可循,所以翻译具有科学性。翻译必须遵循语言的规律,因此只有较好地掌握了语言才能做好翻译。翻译是译者在准确理解原文的基础上用另一种语言进行再创作的过程,因此翻译也具有艺术性。同样一篇文章由十个不同的人翻译,可能会有十种不同的译文,这是由于每个人在表达时都会有自己独特的风格和方式。翻译同时也是一种技能。翻译牵涉到两种语言,它们之间肯定会存在着差异。在实现从一种语言到另一种语言的转换过程中,势必要弥补这些差异。通过掌握一定的翻译技巧和进行一定量的翻译训练,可以帮助我们弥补两种语言的差异,

更好地完成语言之间的转换。因此要搞好翻译仅仅掌握两门语言还不够,一定要通过大量的翻译实践,掌握一定的翻译技巧和理论,才能译出好的译文。 2.翻译的标准 什么样的译文可谓是好的或合格的译文呢?对于翻译的标准,古今中外的翻译工作者提出了许多不同的看法。对我国翻译界影响最大的当推清末翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”三字标准。这里的“信”指忠实于原文,“达”指译文表达流畅通顺,“雅”则指译文的古雅。后人对严复的“雅”字提出了很多争议,认为不看原文的风格而一味追求译文的典雅是不恰当的,因此现在一般把“雅”字的含义引申为译文同原文要保持风格上的一致。国外也有很多翻译家提出了种种标准和理论。尽管表述各异,但是在本质上均一致。目前翻译界普遍接受“忠实”和“通顺”的翻译标准。这里的“忠实”一方面指忠实于原文的内容,在翻译的过程中把原文的内容准确全面地表达出来,不能进行任何更改;另一方面指的是忠实于原文的风格,包括语体风格,文体风格等。译文要尽量保持原作的本来面目,如果原文是口语体,则不能译为书面体,是法律文件,则不能译成诗歌散文。所谓“通顺”则是指译文必须通顺易懂,符合译入语的习惯,而不是“死译”,或带有严重的“翻译腔”。例如 例1The policeman worked hand in glove with the thief. 译文1那个警察戴着手套和小偷合作。


翻译技巧(上) 一、增译法 增词(译)法就是指在翻译时按照修辞句法上的需要在译文中增加一些原文中虽无但有其意的词。增译的目的是为了更加忠实通顺地表达原文的内容,而决不是无中生有地随意增加。 (一)英译汉常用的增益法 I.增加原文中省略的部分 1.Since the first test of the atomic bomb the world has learnt that the atom can be split and its power used. (power后省略了can be) 自从第一颗原子弹试验以来,全世界都已知道,原子可以分裂,原子能可以利用。 2. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.(money后省略 了are soon parted) 愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手里的钱。 3.Both human and cow milk are naturally spiced with a small amount of morphine. (human后省略了milk) 人乳与牛乳均含有少量吗啡。 4.So-called convenience and frozen foods are now as popular in Europe as they are in America. 如今,所谓的方便食品和速冻食品风靡欧洲,就像在美国一样大众化。 II.增加意义上或修辞上的需要的部分 1.He left without a word. 他一句话也不说就走了。 2.What a leader he was! 他真是一个出类拔萃的领袖啊。 3.Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved ones. 亲人的相继离世是他的一生充满了个人悲剧。 4.Disappearances occurred with apparently increasing frequency. 失踪事件接二连三地发生,显然越来越频繁。 5.She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea. 她热情地将客人们迎进来,然后给他们各端了一杯茶。 6.Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. 哈丽特阿姨时常慷慨地款待客人。 7.They wanted to ease the tension in the Middle East. 他们试图缓解中东的紧张局势。 8.There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子,都是他从来没有见过的。 9.Day after day he came to his work --- sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活------扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。 10.The thesis summed up the new achievements made in computers, artificial satellites and rockets. 该论文总结了计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面的最新成就。
