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• A friend is person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. We have best friends, close friends, good friends, and just friends.
To help you understand:
• Topic = Cars • Principle of Classification = body type • Categories = 1) sports car;
Unit 8 Classification
What is classification?
• To classify is to sort things into categories according to their characteristics.
Developing a division or classification essay
• Eg. Tourists in Hawaii can enjoy three water sports:
snorkeling(浮潜), surfing, andwenku.baidu.comsailing.
• Students in our school fall into three groups according to their different intentions of taking part in sports.
• Then you want to write out your categories into logical order or least important to most important. Start with one category and explain it. Like "The second category is the funny teacher. This type of teacher brings a different environment to the classroom. They want their students to enjoy learning. They are smart and bring humor to their classrooms. "
• After you have that you can write your topic sentence. Remember a topic sentence is stating everything you are going to be talking about. Like "As a student our lives revolve around our teachers. From kindergarten to college, we come across five types of teachers."
• Shoppers
Shoppers can be classified into three groups according to their purposes: for goods, for information, and for fun.
• Marriages
Marriages can be classified into three kinds according to people’s purpose: for love, for money, and for convenience.
2) mini-van(旅行车) 3) sedan (小轿车)
Practice for you • Neighbors
There are three types of neighbors according to their personalities: those who are always ready to help others, those who are indifferent to others, and those who are potential trouble— makers for others.
• Make sure all the categories follow a single organizing principle. The organizing principle is how you sort the groups. Do not allow a different principle to pop up unexpectedly.
How to write classification paragraph
Thesis Statement
• The thesis statement usually includes the topic and how it is classified. Sometimes the categories are named. (topic)...(how classified)...(category) (category) (category)
• Families
Families can be mainly categorized into three kinds in terms of authority: husband-dominated, wife-dominated, and child-dominated.
Eg. Sports: • track and field event • swimming, • ball games • gymnastics Sports: • Jumping, ball games, running, floor exercise(自
由体操) and backstroke • Essential to a good classification is parallelism.
• First, you want to find a topic you know a lot about. Like Types of teachers.
• Then you want to write a list of the different types of teachers and good examples and definitions. Like friendly, mean, funny (etc..) You don't have to have a lot cause than your paragraph will be as long as an essay.