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Three essential points: 3个要点 1. 主题句必须是一个完整的句子,包括一个主语,一 个谓语动词,常常还带有其它修饰语。下面的例子中 虽然有的包括主题思想,但并不是完整的句子。
Fragments: • Driving on freeways. • How to register for college classes. • The benefits of television to children.
1)They voiced dissatisfaction with the campus lighting. 2) They expressed their disgust with the cafeteria food. 3) They protested the grading politics of the instructors.
Topic and controlling idea
• The topic sentence gives a paragraph direction and purpose. It tells what the paragraph is about (the topic), and how the writer will develop that topic (the controlling idea).
•Driving on freeways. •How to register for college classes. •The benefits of television to children.
Revised sentences:
• Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness机敏. • Registering for college classes can be a frustrating experience for new students. • Television benefits young children in three major ways.

例1 The Women’s Movement has had several effects on the English language. 在这个主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是several effects,它规定了谈论的主题和内容。为了论证这个 主题思想,作者应提供具体细节或实例来回答这样的问 题:“What reasons did I have for saying several effects?” 有可能列出以下原因: 1)It has created Ms., a title for women comparable to Mr. for men. 2)The Movement has changed the ending of several compound words from –man to –person. 3) The Movement is responsible for some new terms.
English Paragraph Writing
1 Paragraph Structure 段落的构成 2 Paragraph Unity 段落的整体性 3 Paragraph Coherence 段落的连贯性
1. Paragraph Structure 段落的构成
One English paragraph usually includes the following three parts:
How to Write a Good Topic Sentence
Three essential points:
2.主题句由主题词和主题思想的表述两部分构成 主题词表明讨论的对象。主题思想的表述部分 限制或控制这个主题在一个段落中能够被论述 的具体方面。它应该是能够展述主题思想的一 个词或一个短语,即关键词。
English Paragraph Writing 英语段落写作
段落是文章内容中具有一个完整意义的外部表现形 态,是文章结构的基本单位。段落通常由若干个对 一个主要观点展开论述的相互关联的句子组成。但 段落并非是句子的随意堆砌,句子内容之间应该具 有连贯和逻辑性。段落表达的内容应该是单一的, 一个段落只能表达一个意思,而不能把意思上互不 相关的句子堆砌在一起,造成段落内容的庞杂错乱 ;段落表达的内容应该是完整的,一个意思应当尽 量集中在一个段落里陈述,最好不要分割成两段或 几段,而使段落内容支离破碎。
例2 Students on this campus recently voiced several complaints. 问题:该主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是什么? 答案: several complaints 所以在主题句后,应辅以细节来论证主题思想several complaints。有可能列出下列事实:
例: 主题句Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.该句中gold 是主题词,two important characteristics 是表 达主题思想的关键词。
How to Write a Good Topic Sentence
(1) Topic Sentence主题句
(2)Supporting / Developing Sentence
辅助句 / 支撑句 / 发展句 (3) Concluding Sentence 结尾句
Topic sentence 主ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ句
在段落中用于概括段落主旨大意的句子,叫做主 题句。一个好的主题句能够准确地表达作者的观 点或态度。关于主题的这个观点或态度成为主题 思想(controlling idea)。主题句限定了在一个 单独的段落中所允许讨论的内容。