




Excuse me but I have to go now. 不好意思我现在得走了。excuse +动名词

Excuse sb for +动名词(原谅某人什么)

Excuse me for bothering you. (原谅我打扰你)

3. Me人称代词pron

4. is 联系动词


5. this指示代词pron这


6. your 形容词性物主代词possessive adjective

7. handbag名词手提包(女用)

briefcase 公文包;bag 包; wallet 男式钱包;purse 女式钱包;boot行李箱

8. pard on

a)感叹词interjection 原谅,请再说一遍




I beg your pard on.


山东省春季高考 济南中职联考英语试题2017.1

—济南市中职学校文化课联合考试201701 英语试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1. —What's the matter with you ? —I caught _______bad cold and had to stay in _________bed. A. a; / B .a; the C. a; a D. the; the 2. —What shall we do to celebrate Teacher′s Day? —We can make a card ________buy a card for Miss Wang. A. but B. and C. or D. then 3. —I′m going to Dalian to spend the holiday tomorrow. — _________. A. Congratulations B. That′s true C. Have a good time D. That′s nothing 4. —_________drive so fast, Jack! It′s very dangerous. — Sorry, I won′t. A .Not B. Don′t C. No D. Doesn′t 5. —How was your weekend? — Great! We ______a picnic by the lake. A. have B. are having C. had D. will have 6. —I′m sorry I lost your pen, Jack. — ________ A. Great. Anything else? B. That′s right. C. It doesn′t matter. D.I don′t know. 7. John, read the text for us, ______? A. does he B. will he C. do you D. will you 8. It will _______your about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong. A. spend B. take C. use D. pay 9. —Is there anything wrong with my son, doctor? — _______. A . Do it ,please B. I don′t mind C. I don′t feel very well D .Nothing serious 10. —I′m sorry, I ______my exercise book at home. — Don′t′ forget _______it to school tomorrow, please. A. forgot; to take B. left; to bring C .forgot; to bring D. left; to take 11. — Would you like some more drinks, boys? —Yes ,______,please. A. some oranges B .two bottles of chocolates C. some cakes D. two bottles of orange 12. I′m glad I _______with my best friend in the same school next year. A .study B. will study C. have studied D. studied 13.I_____the word in several dictionaries yesterday, but I couldn′t ____how to use the word correctly. A. looked in; find out B. looked up; find out C. looked up ;finds D. looked for; find 14. He will show his new CD player to you as soon as he _______his letter. A .will finish writing B. finishes writing C .finishes to write D. will finish to write 15. — ________do you like the food? —It′s delicious. A. What B. How C. Where D. Which 16. —Is your deskmate good at sports? —Yes, he runs _______. He is _________ runner in my school A .quick, the fastest B. fast, the faster C. fast, the fastest D. quick, the faster 17. China is a _______country. So we must study hard to make our country______. A. developing, developing B .developing, developed C .developed, developed D. developed, developing 18. — _________? — He is helpful. A. What is Xiao Zhang wearing? B. How old is Xiao Zhang? C. How do you like Xiao Zhang? D. What does Xiao Zhang look like? 19. There is a ________cup on the desk. A .break B .broke C. broken D. breaking 20. The basketball match is very _________. A. excites B. excited C .exciting D .excitement 21. He spent 200yuan______the coat. A. to buy B. buy C. bought D. buying 22. You′d better ________more water in summer. A. drinking B. to drink C. drunk D. drink 23. He seldom watches TV, __________? A. does he B. doesn′t he C. did he D. has he 24. The little girl enjoys ________his sister to walk along the country road in the evening. A. to take B. taking C. take D. took 25. ________! Let′s go out for a walk. A. What fine weather B .How fine weather C. What a fine weather D. How a fine weather



—、课程性质与任务 (1) (一)课程性质 (1) (二)课程任务 (1) 二、学科核心素养与课程目标 (1) (一)学科核心素养 (1) (二)课程目标 (2) 三、课程结构 (3) (一)课程模块 (3) (二)学时安排 (4) 四\课程内容 (5) (一)基础模块 (5) (二)职业模块 (15) (三)拓展模块 (17) 五、学业质量 (18) (一)学业质量内涵 (18) (二)学业质量水平 (18) 六、课程实施 (20) (一)教学要求 (20) (二)学业水平评价 (21) (三)教材编写要求 (23) (四)课程资源开发与利用 (24)

(五)对地方与学校实施本课程的要求 25 附录 附录1 语音项目表 (27) 附录2语法项目表 (28) 附录3 交际功能表 (31) 附录4 学业质量水平描述 (32) 附录5 词汇表 (34)

一、课程性质与任务 (一)课程性质 英语是当今世界使用最为广泛的通用语言,是国际交流与合作的重要工具,是思想与文化的载体,对人的全面发展有积极的促进作用。中等职业学校英语课程是各专业学生必修的公共基础课程,兼有工具性与人文性。 (二)课程任务 中等职业学校英语课程的任务是在义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习语言基础知识,提高听、说、读、写等语言技能,发展中等职业学校英语学科核心素养;引导学生在真实情境中开展语言实践活动,认识文化的多样性,形成开放包容的态度,发展健康的审美情趣;理解思维差异,增强国际理解,坚定文化自信;帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,成为德智体美劳全面发展的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。 二、学科核心素养与课程目标 (一)学科核心素养 学科核心素养是学科育人价值的集中体现,是学生通过学科学习与实践而逐步形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力。英语学科核心素养由职场语言沟通、思维差异感知、跨文化理解和自主学习四个方面构成,它们既相对独立,又相互交融,构成有机的整体。 1.职场语言洶通 职场语言沟通是指学生通过英语语言知识的学习与实践,掌握语言特点及其运用


中职英语第一册教案(全) 目录 UNIT 1 Greetings and Instructions (2) UNIT 2 School and Daily life (5) UNIT 3 TIME (8) UNIT4 Weather (12) Unit 5 Asking the way (15) Unit 6 Food and service (18) Unit8 Invitation (24) Unit9 Past Events (27) Unit10 Festivals and Holidays (30)

UNIT 1 Greetings and Instructions 一、词汇(课本14页) 1. address postal address postal adj. 邮政的 2. boss This is my boss. worker 3.call 【教材原文】Please call me Jianjun.请叫我建军好了。 ①.命名,把…叫作call sb.sth May I have your name? call me Tom.叫我汤姆吧。 ②call on sb.拜访某人 call at sp.拜访某地 (3)打电话 call sb.(up)给某人打电话 I’ll call you this evening.今晚我将给你打电话。 (4)m.电话give sb. a call 2给某人打电话 make a phone call打电话 This is my friend Mary (call) 4. computer 5. customer 6. e-mail 7. greet 打招呼,问好greeting n.问候(通常用复数) 【教材原文】Can you greet people in English? 你会用英语打招呼吗? greet each other彼此问候、彼此打招呼 We greet each other with smile. 我们微笑着彼此打招呼。 Greeting is very important in our daily life 问候在我们的日常生活中很重要。 【应用】please send my Christmas greetings Greets to your parents (greet). 8. handsome 形容人的特征的形容词 女士:beautiful (美丽的)pretty (靓丽的)charming (迷人的) 男人:handsome (英俊的)-特别常用 孩子: cute (小巧可爱的)lovely(亲爱的,可爱的) 品质特征的:outgoing, shy , friendly ,kind ,kindhearted, hardworking 9. interested adj.感兴趣的(用来修饰人)


修订版外研版中职英语基础模块第一册 公告: 教学进度表 周次日期课时教学内容 2 9月2~6日0 None 3 9月9~13日 4 Welcome Unit Unit 1 School becomes interesting 4 9月16~20日 4 Unit 1 School becomes interesting Unit 2 It’s easy to make friends. 5 9月23~27日 4 Unit 2 It’s easy to make friends. 6 9月30~10月4日 4 National Day Holiday 7 10月7~11日 4 Unit 3 I like playing badminton 8 10月14~18日 4 Unit 3 I like playing badminton Unit 4 How can I get to the museum? 9 10月21~25日 4 Unit 4 How can I get to the museum? 10 10月28~11月1日 4 Unit 5 Let’s have fun! 11 11月4~8日 4 Unit 5 Let’s have fun! Unit 6 I want to buy a T-shirt. 12 11月11~15日 4 Unit 6 I want to buy a T-shirt. 13 11月18~22日 4 Unit 7 Can I take your order? 14 11月25~29日 4 Unit 7 Can I take your order? Unit 8 We’d like to check in. 15 12月2~6日 4 Unit 8 We’d like to check in. 16 12月9~13日 4 Unit 9 Let goes electronic. 17 12月16~20日 4 Unit 10 Happy New Year! 18 12月23~27日 4 Unit 10 Happy New Year! Final Revision 19 12月30~1月3日 4 New Year Holiday 20 1月6~10日 4 Final Revision 课程名称英语授课专业及班级 教材名称英语(基础模块)修订版出版社外语教学与研究出版社 本学期 教学目标、内容、要求园林绿化专业的英语教学既是让学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养和职业道德素养的过程。因此,园林绿化专业的英语教学总目标为以岗位需要为导向,从专业特色出发,在掌握语言知识和语言技能的基础上,培养学生的语言实际运用能力,使学生掌握基础的行业用语并具备再学习的能力。另外,学生在学习语言知识、提高应用能力外,还应了解西方国家人文风情及社会现状、为更好的了解相关技术打下基础。同时在课程中渗透职业素养及职业道德教育,使学生树立正确的职业观,做好就业准备。 教学任务: 主要完成教材中8个单元的学习任务,着重强化学生口语能力的训练,同时也逐渐训练学生的听力能力。 教学目的:

山东省中职规划教材 英语试题

中等职业教育2012------2013学年下学期期末考试 2012春季班《英语》试题 一、单项选择(本题共20题,每题1分,共20分) 1. ______do you think of your English teacher? A. What B.How C. Which D. Why 2. Can you _____me 2 pound ? A. borrow B. lend C.lend to D .borrow to 3. ---You’ve got a bad cold. ---Don’t worry. I will be ____soon. A. better B. good C. well D. best 4. She said that she_____an exciting holiday. A. would have B. has C. have D. is 5. Mum ask me not to _______my new skirt. A. dirt B. dirty C. dirtily D. dirtiness 6. Have you got _____e-mail address? A. a B. the C. an D. / 7. Excuse me , can you tell me where __________? A. is the bank B. the bank is C. the bank D. the bank are 8.How long has the weather been like this? A.Until last night B.Ever since last night C. Two days ago D. Two days after 9. ______there is a will, there is a way. A. Where B. Why C.What D.When 10.When their mother died, a great ____ filled their lives. A. happiness B.richness C.friendliness D. sadness 11. I’m not quite myself now. I don’t feel like____. A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. eatting 12. To keep healthy, y ou’d better _____. A. not smoke B. not smoking C. not to smoke D. not to smoking 13.The car park is ___ the left, from the post office. A. on, cross B. in, next C. on across D. in, across 14. I want to go____________ the bridge. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. straight 15. Doctor, can you give me _______? A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. any advices 16.How many_______are there on the table? A. milk B. milks C. bottle of milks D. bottles of milk 17.I’m always worried ________my weight.A. for B. on C. to D. about 18. Would you love _____to the movie with us? A. comes B. to come C. came D. is coming 19.What ____do you want to eat ? A. else B. anything else C. other D. more 20.Let’s go to a movie,_______? A. will you B. don’t we C. do you D. shall we 二、阅读理解:(每题2分,共30分) 第一篇 Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business or family occasion. The evening meal is usually longer and it is a time for families to gather together. Running quickly through daytime meals is part of the fast pace(步伐) in American. Another reason for running quickly through daytime meals is that many people eat in restaurants that are usually crowded with people waiting for a place so that they, too, can be served and return to work at the proper time. So each one hurries to make room for the next person. Because with busy people everywhere, there is real difference between meals that are eaten in a hurry and those that can be enjoyed slowly with friends. ( )51. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The time Americans eat supper. B. The places Americans eat in. C. The reason Americans eat in a hurry. D. Which meal Americans eat slowly. ( )52. Americans hurry at meals because_____________. A. they want to eat dinner slowly. B. they don’t like eating in restaurants. C. they are very busy. D. they don’t like to eat. ( )53. According to the passage, the least busy time to eat at restaurants would probably be__________. A. during busy time B. at lunch C. at supper D. at either breakfast or lunch ( )54. The passage suggests(暗示) that Americans___________________. . A. like eating with friends B. do not take a sleep after lunch.


附件1 中职财经商贸类职业英语技能的服务类专业组等 二个赛项技能竞赛规程、评分标准及选手须知 一、竞赛内容 中职职业英语技能竞赛分服务类专业组和其他类专业组,竞赛内容包括情境交流和职场应用两部分。情境交流部分竞赛内容为参赛选手对与日常生活或将来工作紧密相关的图片进行描述,并与评委就图片主题及描述内容进行互动问答。职场应用部分竞赛内容为每支参赛队的2名选手分工合作完成一个通用职业场景中的工作任务,包括公务接待、求职面试、商务旅行、公司介绍、产品介绍等。 竞赛样题见附1。 二、竞赛方式 本赛项为2人小组赛,分服务类专业组(服务类专业目录见附2)和其他类专业组(其他类专业目录见附3),两组竞赛分别进行,参赛选手不得跨专业类参加比赛。 三、竞赛时量 竞赛时量:68分钟 第一部分:情境交流 33分钟。 第二部分:职场应用35分钟。 具体时间安排如下表:

四、名次确定办法 服务类专业组和其他类专业组分别设奖,按照竞赛成绩从高到低排序确定名次,若总分相同,以职场应用得分高者居前。若得分仍相同,则以职场应用方案陈述得分高者居前。 五、评分标准与评分细则 (一)评分标准与分值 本赛项最终得分按100分制计分,情境交流部分40分,职场应用部分60分。 每场比赛中,评委均当场独立给分。参赛选手各部分得分计算方法:去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,取其他分数的平均分,计算至小数点后2位数(四舍五入)。 每场比赛的前3支参赛队比赛完,评委集中商议后统一公布选手成绩。其余参赛队比赛完,评委当场判分并亮分,由计分人员统计分数,并通报前一位选手的成绩。全部比赛结束后,宣布竞赛总成绩。 (二)评分细则



2 签发人:签发时间:年月日

3 签发人:签发时间:年月日

4 签发人:签发时间:年月日

集体备课电子教案 5 签发人:签发时间:年月日

讲授新课: Speaking: have a nice trip! Step one: words. Ask students to talk about the expressions in the box, make sure they know them. Which of the following preparation will you make before you start traveling? Tick your answer omitted Step two: listening. 1. Ask students to read the information given, make sure they understand them. Teacher may give some help where necessary if the students have any difficulties. train ticket booking office火车票售票处travel agency旅行社 2. Ask students to listen to the dialogue, write down some key words. Make sure they understand the dialogue and then circle the best answer. Check the answer: a 3. Ask students to read the questions, make sure they understand them and know how to do and what to do. Listen again and tick the right answer. 6 签发人:签发时间:年月日


【课题】How Fuel Injection Systems Work 【教材版本】 高等教育出版社,2005版中职教材《汽车专业英语》. 黄立新主编. 【教学目标】 1.了解汽车燃油系统的相关知识,掌握有关词汇词组。 2.掌握汽油喷射系统的习惯表达方法。 3.能查阅与汽车知识有关的英文资料。 4.能借助字典翻译汽车燃料系方面的文章。 【教学重点、难点】 教学重点:汽车的相关知识,掌握有关词汇词组。 教学难点:英语词组记忆能力的突破 【教学媒体及教学方法】 A. 语言功能意念训练 B. 围绕课文展开的讨论 C. 各抒己见:就课文引出的话题交流意见,表述个人观点。 D. 使用教材第1章第1课,播放收集的多媒体演示素材(以下素材样例是可播放的动画,可帮助学生对教学内容的理解,提高学习效率)。

【课时安排】 2课时(90分钟) 【教学建议】 导入、示例、多媒体 增加阅读和学习的趣味性,尽量做到通俗易懂。 教学中应交替使用教材、实物和动画。

【教学过程】 一、导入(5分钟) 二、新授(75分钟) 译前词语准备 fuel 燃料 inject 喷射electronically 电子地control 控制, supply 供给, pump 泵 energize 开始工作时squirt 喷出 nozzle 管口, 喷嘴design 设计atomize 将...喷成雾状

mist 薄雾 pulse 脉搏, 脉冲 width 宽度 mount 安装 intake 入口, 进气 manifold 歧管 spray 喷射, 喷溅 sensor 传感器 译文及评析 A fuel injector is nothing but an electronically controlled valve. It is supplied with pressurized fuel by the fuel pump in your car, and it is capable of opening and closing many times per second. 燃油喷射器不是别的而是一个电子控制阀。它由车内的燃油泵提供高压油,而且,该喷射器一秒钟内能数次开合。 评析:燃油喷射器不是别的正是一个电子控制阀。 “be nothing but”“不是别的正是” When the injector is energized, an electromagnet moves a plunger that opens the valve, allowing the pressurized fuel to squirt out through a tiny nozzle. The nozzle is designed to atomize the fuel -- to make as fine a mist as possible so that it can burn easily. 喷射器工作时,由电磁铁移动柱塞打开阀门,经细小喷嘴射出高压油。这种专门设计的喷嘴能射出雾化汽油——使燃油尽可能雾化成细小颗粒,故便于燃烧。


中职英语第二册英语试题 满分:100分时间:60分钟 一、单项选择(下列共有15 小题,每小题中只有一个答案是正确的,请将正确答案涂在答题卡上。每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1. – You see, it’s my dream to buy ____ iphone 6. – Oh, you can ask your parents to buy ___ for you. A. a; it B. an; it C. a; one D. an; one 2. – Shall we go shopping now? -- Sorry, it’s not the right _____. I’ m too busy. A. way B. weather C. place D. moment 3. – We Chinese like drinking wine made _______ rice? –Really? It’s quite different from us. A. of B. from C. in D. for 4. –Please ________ the lights when you leave the classroom. – OK, I _______. A. turn on; will B. turn off; will C. turn on; do D. turn off; am 5. – Sorry, the price of the trousers is too _____. – OK. Would you like to have a look at a cheaper ____? A. expensive; one B. expensive; pair C. high; one D. high; pair 6. – I don’t know ________ for the party. – You look so good now. I think the pink T-shirt ______ the grey jeans very well. A. what to wear; matches B. how to wear it; matches C. what to wear; match D. when to go; match 7. – I am going to Shanghai on holiday this weekend. – Good luck _____ your trip. A. on B. to C. with D. in 8. – I’m getting fatter and fatter. – I think you need to _____ and take more _____. A. have healthy diet; exercises B. on diet; exercising C. have a healthy diet; exercise D. having a healthy diet; exercises 9. – Mum, I’m hungry. Can I eat something? -- Hungry?! You have eaten _____ and ______. A. three bowls of noodle; two hamburger B. three bowls of noodles; two hamburgers C. three bowl of noodles; two pieces of hamburger D. three noodles; two pieces of hamburger 10. – Tom, go and _____ for the shoes. – Why me? They are your shoes! A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay 11. – Where is Alex? Mr. Lee ___ him. – Maybe he ___ in the library. You can go to have a look. A. looks at; reads books B. is looking at; is reading books C. looks for; is reading books D. is looking for; is reading books 12. -- _____ do you go to the net bar(网吧)? -- Never. I don’t think a student should go there. A. How often B. How soon C. When D. How many times 13. – Angela, we are___________. Would you like some? -- __________. I have to leave now. A. doing homework; Yes, go ahead B. playing cards; Yes, please C. making some dumplings; No, thanks D. flying kites; I’m afraid not. 14. -- ________ do you wear, madam? -- Size 8. A. How much B. What size C. How big D. How much size 15. – Look! Here ____ the bus. Let’s _______. – Oh, no. It’s No. 2 Bus. We should take No. 11. A. comes; get on it B. comes; get it on C. is coming; get on it D. come; get it on 二. 完形填空(15分)(下列共有15 小题,每小题中只有一个答案是正确的,请将正确答案涂在答题 卡上。每小题 1 分,共 15 分) Man has five senses(感官): sight, hearing, ____16___, taste and touch. They __17___ information for the brain(大脑). For example, the eyes collect information __18___ pictures and the ears collect information on ___19___. Sight ___20___ of a human's two eyes has an eyelid(眼皮) and an eyebrow(眉毛). They protect the eyes. The eyes can only see with light. Light ___21___ the picture of something into the eyes so the human can see it. Hearing Sounds travel ____22___ the air like waves (波). They are called sound waves. Human ears ___23____ cups.

山东省中职英语第一册 1-4单元 2016期中考试 英语

2016-2017年第一学期期中考试英语 16xx1(50份) 16xx2(42份) 16kj1(50份) 16jx1(55份)16xx3(70) 一. 选择(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。) 1.——Can you introduce _____ ? ——Yes, I can. I’m Tom White. A myself B yourself C herself D yourselves 2.—— How do you do ? A Fine, thank you. B How do you do. C Hello. D How are you. 3.The children are _____ in that _____ movie. A interesting interesting B interested interested C interested interesting D interesting interested 4.——He is my boss and he _____ from Hong Kong. A is B are C was D come 5.He is a _____ man. A handsome B beautiful C pretty D old 6.——Why not tell Jane to use _____ own dictionary? ——She said _____ was lost. A her hers B hers she C her she D hers she 7.Mary, please show _____ your picture. A my B mine C I D me 8.——What _____ peter look like? ——He is handsome. A do B did C does D done 9.It is ____ to listen to the same story. A bored B boring C interesting D interested 10.He likes playing _____ football while I like playing _____ piano. A the the B the / C / the D / / 11.She works hard and is good _____ English. A at B on C in D from 12.Does Mike _____ the Internet at school? A surfs B is surfing C surf D will surf 13. He_____music in his spare time. A.learn B.learning C.learns D.is learned 14. You should______carefully during class. A.surf the Net B.listen to pop music C.take notes D.do your homework 15.I had a long chat _____ her about her job. A with B at C in D on 16. My daughter always does her homework by____. A.her B.she C herself D.hers 17.Close the windows and doors before you _____ the class. A open B leave C get to D arrive 18.Would you like to _____ our English club? A join B joining C take part in D took part in 19.I do my homework and _____ the net sometimes. A surfing B to surf C surfs D surf 20.When you arrive _____the supermarket,you can probably hear soft music. A.at B.in C.to D.for 21.Would you like _____ some fruit. A have B had C having D to have 22.I was born _____ May 30,1910. A in B at C for D on 23.Around the national day. We often have one week _____. A off B on C out D up 24. She wanted me ______to the party.. A.to go B.go C.going D.went 25. Neither I nor he _____ playing basketball. A like B likes C liking D liked 26.——What about _____ a drink? ——Good idea. A have B having C to have D has 27.It _____ now. You’d better take an umbrella. A rains B rained C has rained D is raining 28._____ good news! A how B what C what a D what 29. ----- _________ ----It's raining. A What day is it today? B What time is it? C How is the weather today? D What’s Jack doing? 30.Listen! The birds _____ songs in the tree. A is singing B are singing C singing D sing 二. 阅读理解(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。) A A very new, young officer was at a station. He was on his way to visit his mother in another (另一个) town, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train , so that she could meet him at the station in her car.He looks in all his pockets, but round that he did not have the right money for the telephone,
