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On a bright, cool afternoon in July, Jacob Maymudes sat on the deck of the small guesthouse he rents in the Los Feliz neighborhood here, reflecting on the strange journey of his first book, “Another Side of Bob Dylan,”which will be published on Sept. 9 and has already excited interest.

晴朗凉爽的七月下午,洛斯菲利兹附近一家小客栈,雅可布·梅穆迪斯(Jacob Maymudes)坐在露台上,回忆着自己第一本书的奇异旅程。这本9月9日才出版的《鲍勃·迪伦的另一面》(Another Side of Bob Dylan),已经开始引起了人们的兴趣。

“It was never my intention to write a book about Bob,”he said, summoning up the difficult period in his life when he resisted completing the memoir left unfinished by his father, Victor Maymudes (pronounced may-MOOD-es), a longtime member of Mr. Dylan’s inner circle who had bitterly fallen out with him in 1997 and died four years later, leaving behind 24 hours of taped reminiscences.

“我从来没想过写一本关于鲍勃的书,”他的父亲维克多·梅穆迪斯(Victor Maymudes)是迪伦小圈子里的长期成员,1997年和迪伦大吵一架,四年后与世长辞,留下了24个小时的口述往事录音带,雅可布回忆,在自己人生中艰难的时刻,他拒绝写完父亲未完成的回


Now 34, Jake grew up long after the Dylan legend had been formed, but he comes honestly to his casual “Bob.”He was 7 when he first met Mr. Dylan, at the back lot of Universal Studios. Jake was with his father, who was continually on the road with Mr. Dylan, carrying out an assortment of essential backstage assignments: as tour manager, chauffeur and body man, not to mention chess-playing companion.


They were roles he had been playing, off and on, since the early 1960s, when he was known as Mr. Dylan’s protective sidekick: together with him in London for Mr. Dylan’s first overseas concert; in a Manhattan hotel suite for a marijuana-infused summit with the Beatles; in Malibu, where Mr. Dylan’s first wife, Sara, is said to have poured out her marital troubles to Jake’s mother, Linda Wylie, while the unreleased “Blood on the Tracks”played on the stereo and Mr. Dylan suddenly walked in.

从20世纪60年代初,他的父亲就断断续续担任这些角色,被视为保护着迪伦的死党,迪伦去伦敦,第一次在海外举行演唱会时带他同行;迪伦在曼哈顿酒店套房里和“披头士”(Beatles)共享大麻时他也在场,据说迪伦的第一任妻子莎拉(Sara)在马里布向杰克的母亲琳达·怀利(Linda Wylie)倾吐婚姻中的烦恼,两人边说边用音响放着尚未公开发行的《音轨上的血迹》(Blood on the Tracks),这时迪伦突然走了进来。

(“He said the songs were so painful, he didn’t know how anybody listened to them,”Ms. Wylie said in a phone interview last week.)


Not quite six years older than Mr. Dylan, Victor, an imposing, dark-haired six-footer, was an established figure on the folk scene —a promoter, manager and club owner in Los Angeles —when he came to New York and met the singer in 1961 or 1962.


The two instantly connected, and as Mr. Dylan’s career took off, Victor moved in and out of his orbit —drifting away to pursue projects of his own, but always circling back to Mr. Dylan.


“He was perceived as the keeper of the secrets,”said David Hajdu, a music historian whose book “Positively 4th Street”describes the early ’60s folk scene. “His reputation was for being enigmatic, closemouthed, trustworthy, impenetrable.”

“他被视为秘密的保管者,”音乐历史学家,《肯定是四号街》(Positively 4th Street)的作者大卫·哈尔杜(David Hajdu)说,“他以神秘莫测、善于保密、值得信赖和滴水不进著
