影视美联英语 山姆史密斯成本届格莱美最大赢家

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LOS ANGELES —The 57th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday were a mixture of old songs, new faces and upsets, as Sam Smith, a 22-year-old British singer barely known to American audiences a year ago, won three of the top four prizes, and Beck became the dark-horse victor of album of the year.

洛杉矶——周日举行的第57届年度格莱美奖上混合了老歌、新面孔与搅局者,年仅22岁的英国歌手山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)赢得了四项最重要大奖中的三项,仅仅在一年前,他在美国还罕有人知,而贝克(Beck)成为黑马,获得了年度专辑大奖。

Mr. Smith took best new artist as well as both record and song of the year for “Stay With Me,”a moody, lovelorn ballad that became a smash on pop radio stations.

史密斯获得了年度最佳艺人,他的《留在我身边》(Stay With Me)获得年度最佳制作与最佳歌曲,这是一首忧郁的失恋歌曲,在流行音乐电台大受欢迎。

“I want to thank the man who this record is about,”Mr. Smith said when accepting the prize for record of the year. “Thank you so much for breaking my heart, ’cause you got me four Grammys.”


Besides those awards, Mr. Smith also won best vocal album, for “In the Lonely Hour,”one of last year’s biggest hits. The record of the year prize is for the recording of a single song, while song of the year is for songwriters.

除了上述奖项,史密斯还因《在孤独的时刻》(In the Lonely Hour)获得最佳演唱专辑,这首歌是去年最流行的金曲之一。年度制作奖是奖给歌曲的,年度歌曲奖则是奖给词曲创作者的。

Beck’s win, for “Morning Phase,”was a classic Grammy surprise, as the awards’voters chose a modest-selling but critically admired album in a rock context over bigger pop hits. Among its competitors were Mr. Smith’s “In the Lonely Hour”; Beyoncé’s self-titled, multimedia album; and Ed Sheeran’s “x,”

a hit around the world on streaming services like Spotify. Held at the Staples Center here, the show was broadcast by CBS.

贝克的专辑《上午时段》(Morning Phase)获奖则是格莱美的经典意外,这个奖的投票者选择了这张销量一般,但受到评论界好评的摇滚背景专辑,没有选择大卖的流行专辑。角逐这个奖项的其他专辑还包括史密斯的《在孤独的时刻》、碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的同名多媒体专辑,以及艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)的《x》,这首歌通过Spotify等流媒体服务,在全球成为热门金曲。颁奖礼在斯台普斯球馆举行,由CBS台转播。

Speaking to reporters backstage, the country star Dwight Yoakam, who had performed on the show, defended Beck as a worthy recipient. “Beck is genuinely one of the great purveyors of the pure love of music,”Mr. Yoakam said.

乡村歌星德怀特·尤卡姆(Dwight Yoakam)在颁奖礼上献唱,他在后台接受采访时认为贝克理应获奖,“贝克真是音乐真爱的伟大提供者之一,”他说。

In addition to album of the year, “Morning Phase”took best rock album, beating releases by U2, Ryan Adams, Tom Petty and the Black Keys.

除去年度最佳专辑,《上午时段》还击败U2、瑞安·亚当斯(Ryan Adams)、汤姆·佩蒂(Tom Petty)与“黑键”(Black Keys)的专辑,获得年度最佳摇滚专辑奖。

Among the night’s other big winners, Pharrell Williams took home three prizes: “Happy”won best music video and, in a live version, best pop solo performance, while his “G I R L”won best urban contemporary album.

在当晚的诸多赢家之中,法雷尔·威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)获得三项大奖:《快乐》(Happy)获得最佳音乐录像奖、其现场版获得最佳流行个人表演奖,他的《G I R L》获得最佳当代城市专辑奖。

Beyoncé, who like Mr. Smith had been up for a total of six awards, also won three: best R&B performance and R&B song, for “Drunk in Love,”and best surround sound album, for “Beyoncé.”

碧昂斯和史密斯一样获得六项提名,最终赢得其中三项:最佳R&B表演奖,以及凭《醉在爱里》(Drunk in Love)获得的最佳R&B歌曲将,以及凭《碧昂斯》获得的最佳环绕声专辑奖。

Accepting the award for best R&B performance, Beyoncéthanked God and her husband, Jay Z, who appears on the track. But she made sure to thank her fans as well, with whom she keeps in constant contact through social media.

在接受最佳R&B表演奖时,碧昂斯感谢了上帝和她的丈夫Jay Z,他也在歌曲中
