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题目: 基于SWOT分析的文化旅游发展战略院系名称:专业班级:




随着经济的发展和科技的进步,旅游业的发展也进入了新的阶段,文化旅游已成为21世纪旅游业发展的新潮流。省拥有十分丰富的文化旅游资源,在文化旅游开发中具有得天独厚的优势, 近年来,随着中部崛起的号角的吹响,在全国旅游业飞速发展的同时,旅游业也得到了快速发展,但同时我们也看到旅游业面临着各种挑战,并存在着很多发展困境。本论文在研究文化旅游开发理论的基础上,对省文化旅游资源进行分类和评价,结合省文化旅游开发的实际情况,具体研究了省文化旅游产品的开发与设计、文化旅游市场的开发以及文化旅游形象的塑造,提出了省文化旅游的开发战略,为其文化旅游的开发提供借鉴。本论文共分为六个部分:第一部分:介绍了文章的选题背景及研究意义,分析总结了国外关于文化旅游开发的相关研究,并提出本文的研究目的和重点。第二部分:介绍了文化旅游的概念、特征、分类、地位,论述了文化旅游开发的相关理论依据,并指出了开发文化旅游对省旅游业发展的重大意义。第三部分:分析了省文化旅游资源形成的自然和人文环境背景,其次系统地对省文化旅游资源进行全面概述,并对该地区的文化旅游资源进行了定性的评价。第四部分是本文的重点,利用SWOT模型对旅游业面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,并以此为依据对省旅游业的发展战略进行探讨。


Title SWOT Analysis-based Cultural Tourism Development Strategy In Henan Province


Along with the economic development and technical progress of tourism, the development enters into a new stage. The cultural tourism has become a new trend in 21st century tourism development. Henan Province is rich cultural tourism resources, which is an advantageous superiority for develop a cultural tourism. In recent years, with the rise of the middle of the horn sounded, the rapid development of tourism in the country at the same time, the tourism industry in Henan Province has been the rapid development, but at the same time we also see the tourism industry in Henan Province is faced with many challenges, and there are many development difficulties. In this paper, the development of cultural tourism in the study based on the theory of cultural tourism resources in Henan Province, classification and evaluation, combined with the development of cultural tourism in Henan province's actual conditions, a specific study of the Henan cultural tourism product development and design, cultural tourism market development and cultural tourism image, Henan Province, proposed the development of cultural tourism strategy for the

development of cultural tourism draw. This paper is divided into six parts: Part I: The article describes the background and research topics of significance, analysis summed up the development of cultural tourism at home and abroad on research, and research purposes of this article and key. Part II: Culture and Tourism, introduced the concept, characteristics, classification, status, discusses the development of cultural tourism related to the theoretical basis, and pointed out that the development of cultural tourism development of the tourism industry of Henan Province significance. Part III: First, we analyze the formation of cultural tourism resources in Henan Province in the context of the natural and human environment, followed by the system of Henan Province, the type of cultural tourism resources, sort out, and the area of cultural tourism resources for the qualitative and quantitative terms and the development of evaluation. The fourth part is the focus of this paper, the use of SWOT model facing the tourism industry in Henan strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis

And the basis for development of the tourism industry of Henan Province to discuss strategy.

Keywords Henan Province cultural tourism SWOT Analysis the development of cultural tourism
